
The Blind Idiot God Lovecraftian Lore

“If I am mad, it is mercy! May the gods pity the man who in his callousness can remain sane to the hideous end!” H.P. Lovecraft, The Temple




This article is about a deity in fiction. Not to be confused with Anathoth, Astaroth, Ashtoreth, Ataroth, or Azeroth.

Azathoth is a deity in the Cthulhu Mythos and Dream Cycle stories of writer H. P. Lovecraft and other authors. He is the supreme deity of the Cthulhu Mythos and the ruler of the Outer Gods, and may also be seen as a symbol for primordial chaos, therefore being the most powerful entity in the entirety of the Cthulhu Mythos.


Azathoth is referred to as the "daemon-sultan" and "Lord of All Things", whose throne is at the center of "Ultimate Chaos". In his genealogy chart from 1933 of his mythos, Lovecraft places Azathoth as the single being at the very top from which everything else descends.


The name "Azathoth" was first mentioned in a note from 1919 by Lovecraft, and Azathoth was first formally introduced in the novella The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, which was finished in 1927, but not published until 1943, though the name was the title of an unfinished novel in 1922 by Lovecraft, which was not published until 1938.


Necronomicon -- shedding some light on Lovecraft's sources

Joseph H. Peterson, © 1995, 2003.

Synopsis: If we examine H. P. Lovecraft's use of the name "Azathoth", I believe we can shed some light on his probable source of information on the Necronomicon, namely John Dee's partial English translation.


American author Howard P. Lovecraft was known for featuring sinister ancient texts in his horror fiction. His biographers have documented some of his texts as genuine, such as Borelli's De Motu Animalium and Johann Trithemius' Polygraphia, (Oppenheim, 1518). Lovecraft apparently was familiar with some of the texts only through secondary sources. Such is thought to be the case with Raufft's De Masticatione mortuorum in tumulis which Lovecraft almost certainly learned about through Calmet's Dissertation upon the Apparitions of Angels, Daemons, and Ghosts, ... (London, 1759).


Still other texts mentioned in his stories are generally regarded as Lovecraft's own inventions. Many of his stories draw on a common 'mythos' which he associated with the prototypical evil book, the Necronomicon. However, it is not entirely clear whether he was drawing on original source material, secondary sources, or his own imagination for this mythos.


I believe one key to understanding Lovecraft's Necronomicon mythos can be found in his 'History of the Necronomicon,' where he states that "a translation made by Dr. Dee was never printed.


John Dee (1527-1608), perhaps best known as Queen Elizabeth I's scientific advisor, left an enormous literary output, much of which was never meant to be published.3 Dee assembled one of the most impressive libraries of his time, many of his volumes being rescued from then-recently-defunct Catholic monasteries. Even in his own time Dee had a reputation for being involved with sinister magical practices.


Indeed much of his library was kept secret and separate from his public library because it was dangerous to possess such texts. Fortunately, many of the original volumes from Dee's bibliotheca externa, as well as his secret occult library, have been identified through the meticulous research of Julian Roberts and Andrew Watson. This was largely possible because Dee usually left copious notes in the margins of his books, including some very characteristic symbols.


Dee apparently regarded the Necronomicon, or Ars Necronomica ('The art of controlling [spirits of] the dead') as an extension of Ars Pyronomica ('the art of controlling the fire'). The latter is an obscure alchemical process; in the terminology of spiritual alchemy it refers to controlling one's astral body. Josten explains the latter in his introduction to Dee's Monas Hieroglyphica


"In another dark passage, which alludes to the philosophers' mercury and its replacement by the Sun, i.e., gold, Dee asserts that this operation (which is the final stage in the transmutation of metals) can no longer be performed in the present age, as it was in the past performed by some great experts, unless indeed one let the work be governed by a certain soul which has been severed from its body by the art of controlling the fire (ars pyronomica), a work very difficult and fraught with dangers because of the fiery and sulphurous fumes which it occasions [Ibid., f. 14v; below, p. 165.]."


The passage Josten refers to is from Dee's Theorem XIII:


"In our present age we cannot perform this, unless we let this golden work be governed by a certain soul that has been separated from [its] body by the art of controlling the fire [ars pyronomica]. This work is difficult, and also very dangerous because of the fiery and sulphurous fumes which it occasions; but surely that soul will be able to work wonders, tying, no doubt, with bonds that cannot be loosed, Venus and indeed Mars to the disk of the Moon (or at least to that of Mercury), and producing -- in the third place (as they will have it) (to complete our septenary number -- the Sun of the philosophers."


It is hard to imagine that Dee regarded ars necronomica any less dangerous than ars pyronomica. It is not know when or where Dee acquired a copy of the Necronomicon, but it is probably the book he refers to in his Mysteriorum Libri (or magical diaries) as "my Arabik boke." This would place it in his hands in 1583.


This coincides with the probable date of his translation, since the manuscript contains some notes in Edward Kelley's handwriting (folio 74r) which refer to Singilla, a spirit who is only mentioned once in Dee's Mysteriorum Libri, i.e. in an "action" dated Apr 18, 1583.9 The incomplete state of the translation can be explained simply by the fact that the work was interrupted by the disappearance of the book.


The Necronomicon, in a short section cataloging various demons, clearly names Az as the "blind demon":

"The blind demon Az sits on the throne of Chaos. It is he who swallows everything, and when in the end he finds the world is nought, he eats himself.

Asto-vidad is the evil flyer who seizes the life; as it says that, when his hand strokes a man it is lethargy, when he casts it on the sick one it is fever, when he looks in his eyes he drives away the life, and they call it death. The demon of the malignant eye is he who will spoil anything which men see, when they do not say 'in the name of Yog-Sothoth.'

(Read More Yog-Sothoth The All in One and One in All Lovecraftian Lore click)


With every one of them are many demons and fiends cooperating, to specify whom a second time would be tedious; demons, too, who are furies (rabei), are in great multitude it is said. The demons of ruin, pain, and decrepitude, producers of vexation and bile, revivers of grief, the progeny of gloom, and bringers of stench, decay, and vileness, who are many, very numerous, and very notorious; and a portion of all of them is mingled in the bodies of men, and their characteristics are glaring in mankind." - (Book 1, ch 28; pg 110 ff of Dee's Ms.)


Later, this demon is mentioned as a sole companion of the 'Evil One' after other evil spirits have been conquered:

"Then two fiends (diaboli) remain at large, the Evil One and Az." - (Book 1, ch 30; Dee Ms. pg 128.)


This being is wholly distinct from Aza-Thoth, who seems to be some kind of legendary king and sorcerer who has both human and demonic ancestry:

"Aza-Thoth was the son of Khrutasp, son of Zainigau, son of Virafsang, ... son of Druiaskan, son of the Evil One." - (Book 1, ch 31; not found in Dee Ms.)


He currently lies bound but will eventually break free and lay waste to the earth, as seen elsewhere in the Necronomicon:

"After the apostate shouts like this, and because of it, Aza-Thoth stands up before him, but through fear of the likeness of Fraidaun in the body of Fraidaun, he does not first remove those fetters and stake from his trunk until the Evil One removes them.

And the vigor of Aza-Thoth increases, the fetters being removed from his trunk, and his impetuosity remains; he swallows down the apostate on the spot, [here Dee's manuscript, pg. 233, breaks off] and rushing into the world to perpetrate evil, he commits innumerable grievous sins; he swallows down one-third of mankind, cattle, sheep, vegetation, and commits grievous devastation."

- (Book 4, ch 3.)


This person seems to be the same as 'Aza-Citra', because on the next page of the Latin codex we read:

"And, afterwards, when the twelfth millennium comes, through Hucedar-mah the creatures become more progressive, and he utterly destroys Aza-Citra."


This also may provide a clue as to the meaning of his name, since *Aza-Chithra can be translated 'Spawn of Az', if we assume Middle Persian loan words in Alhazred's (lost) Arabic original.


Finally, there's another interesting allusion to Aza-Thoth in a passage which Alhazred uncharacteristically wrote in the first person (the Medieval Latin seems to be a little faulty here too):


"When I issued from the sweat, and raised my eyes, I saw the world when it was dark as night; on the whole earth were snakes, scorpions, lizards (stelliones), and noxious creatures of many kinds; and so the other kinds of quadrupeds stood among the reptiles; every approach of the whole earth was as though not as much as a needle's point remained, in which there was no rush of noxious creatures.

There was the coming of a planetary star (?) into planetary conjunction, and the moon and planets in fours and fives; many dark forms with the face and curls of Aza-Thoth suffered punishment in company with certain aliens; and I was amazed at calling the wicked out. Lastly, he (the Evil One) came up to the fire, and mingled darkness and smoke with it." - (Book 2, ch 2; pg 162 of Dee's Ms.)


I believe this is strong evidence that HPL did not have access to the fuller text as preserved in the Latin edition, and most likely had only seen Dee's manuscript.


Titles: Nuclear Chaos, Daemon Sultan, Blind Idiot God, Lord of All Things, Lord of Nighted Chaos.

Children: Nyarlathotep (son), Nameless Mist (offspring), Darkness (offspring).

Read More Nyarlathotep The Black Pharaoh Lovecraftian Lore click

Read More Yog-Sothoth The All in One and One in All Lovecraftian Lore click

Azathoth The Blind Idiot God Lovecraftian Lore

Alkaloid - Azagthoth


To the sweet bone-shattering music

Of physics unraveling

Black holes convolve

A messenger is traveling

It will start on the astral plane

Tongues of spiders whisper

Songs of outer frost

Tongues of madness twist the

Fabric of the brain

Tongues of turmoil rip the

Fabric of the world


Exploding vacuum

Teeth of the maelstrom

Absolute and final

Aversion of the cosmos

The discontinuum unfurls

The gorge of Azagthoth

Forever ravenous


Nuclei rumble


From void emerge


Paradigms tumble


And parallels merge

What words can convey

The absurdity of living inside

The blade abyss we call our universe

Who are we in the light of such dimensions

Who am I to even begin to tell the tale

We are taught to rise and conquer what we see

The biosphere devours itself to stay alive

When the worms are done with what is left of us

And the atoms have regained their memory at last

The great beast that contains all matter awakens

Just to find itself engulfed

Wrapped up in a singularity

Choking in the vastness of Azagthoth

Rolling through chasms of unspeakability

Maws the size of galaxies revolve

Scourge the antisphere of space-time

Returning all to Azagthoth

Exploding vacuum

Teeth of the maelstrom

Absolute and final

Aversion of the cosmos

The discontinuum unfurls

The gorge of Azagthoth

Forever ravenous

[Solo: Christian]

A boil of seething, writhing flesh

Inseminates the sky

Inflates grotesquely

Fills the firmament

Tears through the horizon


The noosphere burst

Rasps a final breath


Fucks the universe to death


Exploding vacuum

Teeth of the maelstrom

Absolute and final

Aversion of the cosmos


Azathoth The Blind Idiot God Lovecraftian Lore

Pictures Videos Music and Additional Reading

Azathoth The Blind Idiot God Lovecraftian Lore

Dark Ambient. A tribute to lovecraft, Azathoth is a dark ambient collaboration by Cryo Chamber

Azathoth The Blind Idiot God Lovecraftian Lore

Artist's depiction of Azathoth


Titles: Nuclear Chaos, Daemon Sultan, Blind Idiot God, Lord of All Things, Lord of Nighted Chaos.

Children: Nyarlathotep (son), Nameless Mist (offspring), Darkness (offspring).

Read More Nyarlathotep The Black Pharaoh Lovecraftian Lore click

Relatives: Yog-Sothoth (grandson), Shub-Niggurath (granddaughter), Nug (great-grandchild), Yeb (great-grandchild), Wilbur Whateley (great-grandson), Cthulhu (great-great-grandson), Tsathoggua (great-great-grandson).

Read More Yog-Sothoth The All in One and One in All Lovecraftian Lore click

Ultar - Azathoth

Lyrics (Language is Russian Translated to English)

In the triumph of blind madness,

To the dull beat of drums and the quiet sobs of damned flutes,

The absolute gods are dancing.

But somewhere beyond the oceans that you didn't even know about,

Unprecedented dolphins and nymphs are swimming.

I'll be there.

So often you wonder: “Why am I here and for what purpose?”

Sitting on a throne, among your own walls,

I create and destroy myriads of planets.

Greedily gnawing into the bottomless chaos, in the hope of feeling at least a drop of light,

But blind and mad, like another god, I was raised here and will be destroyed here.

And we will dance our dance to the sounds of Azathoth’s flutes, gloomy, eyeless, voiceless and insane, as befits universal chaos.

as befits universal chaos

Azathoth The Blind Idiot God Lovecraftian Lore

“Outside the ordered universe [is] that amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the center of all infinity—the boundless daemon sultan Azathoth, whose name no lips dare speak aloud, and who gnaws hungrily in inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond time and space amidst the muffled, maddening beating of vile drums and the thin monotonous whine of accursed flutes.”

~ HPL , The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath

Azathoth The Blind Idiot God Lovecraftian Lore

Edward Kelley's scribblings in Dee's manuscript.

It is this incomplete and fragmentary nature of Dee's manuscript which gives us a clue to Lovecraft's sources. While HPL consistently uses "Azathoth" to refer to a demon of chaos, a comparison of the fuller Latin text of the Necronomicon with Dee's manuscript shows that there are actually two separate beings with similar-sounding names ("Az" and "Aza-Thoth"). This is not at all apparent from the Dee manuscript alone.

Azathoth The Blind Idiot God Lovecraftian Lore

Latin manuscript of Necronomicon, ca. late 14th or early 15th century.

THE BLIND IDIOT GOD | Lovecraftian Prog Metal | Seth Angerer


Keep going

In all directions

They have established

so many truths for me

In their disruptions

gleam their bright transmitters

At every hour, they are sending out

my existence

Overwhelming, dormant mess

He whose name no one should call

Vast, incarnate consciousness

The amorphous lord of all

Sound of flutes, adust and flawed

In the absence of all light

Songs to tranquilize the god

Keeping me awake at night

I keep looking down on the letters

They have forced me to scrawl for hours

Trapped and paralyzed in their fetters

I am helpless against their powers

Paradoxical lines of madness

Adumbrating a realignment

All abruptly will turn to blankness

In the moment the winds turn silent

Look into my eyes and call me mental

Say it to my face that I'm insane

Soon, we’ll bury the lie

When the blind one awakes

There is nothing at stake

May the chaos unseal its eye

Seelenloser Erdenwurm

Einst konnt ich mich wehren, doch mein

längst versiegter Sinnendurst

zwingt mich, ihrem Wortdunst stets zu lauschen

Nachtumflossne Melodei,

Grauenhaftes Tongefunkel

Jahrelang verdrängt, doch das

Irrgeschwätz ist nicht mehr auszuhalten

(Daganawi Haganyra)

Bejammernswert, der Niedergang

Alles, was nicht zählt, wird schwinden

Wenn der blinde Gott erwacht,

schließt das Dasein seine müden Augen

Die Gespenster fliegen frei

In meinem Gedankenkerker

hallen ihre Schreie, die

mich durch Schmerz zu ihrem Sklaven machten

(Daganawi Haganyra)

Seelenloser Erdenwurm

Einst konnt ich mich wehren, doch mein

längst versiegter Sinnendurst

zwingt mich, ihrem Wortdunst stets zu lauschen

Nachtumflossne Melodei,

grauenhaftes Tongefunkel

Jahrelang verdrängt, doch das

Irrgeschwätz ist nicht mehr auszuhalten

Behold the might of the blinded god

We're merely figments of his dream

Oh could this be the moment that

time itself has been waiting for?

Rūga ku ta - Ki anui epo tēnaka kamaitēia

Inu kone - Kegara rūnitane ko onageio

Apatea - Konagaeno penogale ki lia

Qenogele amaī kunorei

(Daganawi Haganyra)

Soon, we’ll bury the lie

When the blind one awakes

There is nothing at stake

May the chaos unseal its eye

Sulphur Aeon - "Into the Courts of Azathoth"


Victorious through blood and battle
A terminal quest, kadath is in sight
City of gods, abandoned and bleak

To the demonic sound of the brass, everhaunting presences proceed
In the absence of earth's gods - chaos and terror breeds
In dreadful walls and forgotten temples

Disclosed be the name of Nyarlathotep
Revealed be the gift madness
The darkness that dwells in his eyes
Speaking in tongues, deceiver of man

Space and time merging as one
Accompanied by membrane wings
Voraciously slicing the atmosphere
The Howls of the unknown resound

Boundless levitation
In the weightlessness of cosmos
Timelessly struggling towards
The chambers of chaos

In the dazzling hall of lunacy
Into the courts of azathoth

Breeding lies, weaving discord
Dreaming death, a two-sided sword

No refuge from the hideous truth
All answers lie hidden beyond the stars
To dream what is death in the end
All light is gone and dreams have to end

In absolute chaos he's creating the loom
Azathoth weaves the cords of our doom

Azathoth The Blind Idiot God Lovecraftian Lore