Angel of Deception
Fallen Angel
Lunar Mysteries
Satariel, alternately Satarêl (Aramaic: שהריאל, Greek: Σαθιήλ) is mentioned in the list of Watchers from the Book of Enoch. Etymology is thought to be of Babylonian origin, a compound of shetar and El (god) with the name meaning "side of god". Scholars have proposed the appellations "Moon of god" and "Dawn of god" based on Ethiopian versions of the Book of Enoch. Contemporary Left-Hand Path disciplines assert the demon Lucifuge governs the Qlipha Sathariel.
In Thomas Karlsson's visionary work "Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic" he notes Satariel as the first Qlipha after the Abyss, the entry of which offers a dark, acute wisdom. Karlsson refers to the intellectual Sephirah Binah as inherent darkness via the Sefirotic Tree's left-side root system. The black nature here places Satariel in the context of Sitra Achra.
Karlsson states Lilith's original abode to be Satariel which offers logic in relation to Samael's primacy and regional governances, yet I cannot concede latter placement of Lilith in a lower astral plane regardless of her corporeal activities. The theory does not appear aligned with Lilith's ethic and an abstraction of her commiserating is bold or likely nouveau.
Read More Lilith Mother of All Demons Queen of the Night click
Read More Samael Poison of God Fallen Angel click
A lower astral designation for the demon seems transferred from banishment mythos, allegories which vilify her and perpetuate never-ending reproach. Satariel in the Karlsson schema is residence of Ereshkigal, Lucifer and Satan. The guide of this underworld is Lucifuge, not to be confused with Lucifer. The darkness in which adepts traverse here leads to a black vision or as Karlsson puts it "the eye of Lucifer".
Read More Ereshkigal Queen of The Underworld Irkalla click
Sathariel in Hebrew is defined as "concealment of god". This notion is supported by Binah as a revelation-archetype or one who permits absolute structure (natural order). These explanations of Binah are suspects of christian invention. Apologetic definitions also claim Sathariel to be an inversion thereof i.e., concealing the perfection of nature.
Modern literati claim the cortex or outer form of the Sathariel is called the order of Sheireil (Hebrew: לשּׂעירםאל) "The Hairy Ones (goats) of God". Scholarly patronage of this definition rejuvenates pejoratives related to satyrs (Hebrew: se'irim). Whether or not these beings are he-goats, wild goats or devils, usage denotes the dualism & deism of today's most respected voices, mouthpieces crippled in the scope of esoteric thought and occult philosophy.
"In Ḳid. 72a the Ishmaelites are compared to the se'irim of unclean places, i.e., the spirits ("shedim") which inhabit retreats. Of other monstrous, half-human and half-animal beings referred to in the Talmud may be mentioned here the "adne [or "abne"] sadeh" (Kil. viii. 5, and Maimonides ad loc.), and the "yiddoa'" (Sanh. 65b), explained as a being with human shape and attached to the earth by its umbilical cord (comp. Bertinoro on Sanh. vii. 7)."
- Joseph Jacobs and I.M. Casanowicz
Sathariel (Hebrew: סתריאל) in the Qliphoth corresponds to the Sephirot Binah on the Kabbalah's Etz haChayim. The title assertion "concealment of god", acts in shrouding either the face or Pillar of Mercy (associated with the Hebrew letter Shin, fire element and male aspect).
Conversely there is a tendency in Qabalah to genderize Chesed (Mercy) as masculine. The presence of the dæmon attached to this Qliphah are of horned heads cloaked in black, with veiled macabre eyes, attended by corrupt liminal beings. A great deal of these occidental associations and their influence can be attributed to The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
"Unto Binah are referred the Satorial or Harasiel, the Concealers and Destroyers whose forms and appearances are as gigantic black veiled Heads with Horns, and hideous eyes seen through the veil, and they are followed by evil centaurs. These are also called Seriel, from Esau, because of their hairiness."
- The Qlippoth, Golden Dawn manual by S.L. MacGregor Mathers
The Qliphoth are the primordial chaos of the Sephirot, the cosmic truth and preexistent spark commanding the Sephirah's imbalance. Binah is a matriarchal Sephirah, both conduit and canal of the cosmos, a supernal abyss. When this gap experiences astasia, matter becomes mutable, without concentrate; phenomena beyond the scope of crudification.
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Binah manifests as Sathariel, the veneer of eidolon. The Orders of Qliphoth in Aleister Crowley's Liber 777 show Satariel (םאתאריאל) is associated with the Sphere of Saturn, he identifies the corresponding heaven of Assiah as Shabbathai (שבתאי).
"Satarel occurs in Berakot 57b as the name of a person. As the name of an angel it signifies "angel of hidden things", i.e., the secrets of nature. It may, however, be remarked that עסתר, "Venus", appears in Jewish texts as an angel (comp. Montgomery, Aramaic Incantation Texts, index, s.v.). Accordingly Satarel may stand for עסתראל."
- The Legends of the Jews, Volume 5 by Louis Ginzberg
Ginzberg's rendering of Venus here points to the Semitic goddess Astarte and Babylonian Ishtar. Note he proposes the alternate meaning with Aleph/Lamedh ending to be "Venus of god", linguistically implying the older Sumerian cosmology was an invention of the latter Canaanites.
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If he is surrendering to El being the Semitic cognate of Canaanites his timeline regarding Venus is still erroneous. Nonetheless, this does provide a comparative between the titles Venus of god & Goats of god. Pagan Gods were acclimated by the church during times of christianization, yet Abrahamic absorption in the case of Venus and goats pre-dates the common era.
In summary Satarel is hidden knowledge, ineffable secrets, god's side or potential reference of Ayn Sof to the left-side and Da'at as knowledge. Sartael [sic] is a custodian of ulterior matters. Satarel by colloquial standard is an angel of esoteric intelligence and elusive guardian of secrets. Evocation is rational as the angel is thought to unfold ancient mysteries.
Read More Fallen Angels The Nephilim Watchers 1st Book of Enoch click
Read More Qlippoth Tree of Death Hierarchy of The Arch Demons click
Black Funeral - Light of Satanel
Spirit of Venus
the Morning Star
Fallen and free... we rise from the abyss
crossing and the radiance of Satanael
the gates are forever open
Nephilim joining with us
may Xaphan burn Heaven to flames
werewolf spirits... beasts of nature
gather among mankind, teach them to be as Gods
the slaves shall serve
Lilith walks among us
sorcery and witchcraft through the Lunar cycle
the Goddess takes flesh on earth
Thelema shall be the Law of the Strong
the Beast walks in many forms
our black book is written
fallen and free, we rise from the abyss
adorning the light of Satanael
Unholy Archangel - Archgoat Incantation
Hail great pan son of Herme and Dryope
Great lord of satyr and nymphs
Protector of nature lord of the forest
You who wonder between the woods
Played wonderfully your pipe
Hail great pan horned goat god
Who lived in caves and secret nets
Beloved to men and gods, oh great
Goat foot, majestic, divine pan
We call you now, your enslaved sons
To release us from the chains of misery
Pictures Videos Music and Additional Reading
Sathariel (Hebrew: סתריאל, Ancient Greek: Σαθιήλ, romanized: Sathiḗl) is described in the Book of Enoch as the 17th Watcher of the 20 leaders of the 200 fallen angels. Michael Knibb believes the name to mean "Moon of God" or "Dawn of God" based on the Ge'ez copies of the Book of Enoch.
Read More Fallen Angels The Nephilim Watchers 1st Book of Enoch click
Sathariel is said to be the qliphah mirroring Binah, and described as concealers, by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and Aleister Crowley. In some modern organizations, Sathariel is said to be ruled by the archdemon Lucifuge Rofocale. Aleister Crowley instead associates Satan and Moloch with Sathariel.
Read More Lucifuge Rofocale The Prime Minister of Hell click
Satariel have been described as the first qliphah after the passage over the Abyss, and conceptually portrayed as a black labyrinth of chaotic riddles.
MLLR "From Binah to Sathariel" (Ha Satan שָּׂטָן / شيطان Gnosis Mantra III).
In Bogomilism, a Gnostic dualistic sect that flourished in Europe in the 10th through 15th centuries, Satanael is the older of two sons of God; the other is Christ. Satanael existed before Christ and was created good along with all the other Angels. He was held in the highest esteem and sat at the right hand of God as his steward. Soon, however, he grew dissatisfied with his station and rebelled.
He persuaded other angels to join him, promising them freedom from boring liturgical duties. God reacted by casting them all out of heaven. Satanael wandered in the void and then decided to make a new world for himself—a second heaven over which he could become like a second God. The universe became this second heaven.
Satanael created the physical world, with all of its misery and suffering. He inspired the Old Testament. He created Adam out of earth and water. But Adam was defective, and he had life trickling out of his right foot and forefinger in the shape of a Serpent. Satanael breathed spirit into Adam, but it trickled out and became the serpent. Satanael appealed to God for help, promising that God would be able to help govern humankind. God agreed because he wanted to replenish the ranks of angels depleted by the Fall.
Another version of the story says that Satanael could not animate Adam, and Adam lay lifeless for 300 years. Satanael wandered about the world, eating unclean animals. He returned to Adam’s body and vomited his food into his mouth. Thus, the soul is imprisoned in a defiled and corrupt physical house.
After Adam was created, Satanael created Eve with God’s help. He assumed the form of a serpent and had sexual intercourse with Eve with his tail, begetting the twins Cain and his sister Calomena (Abel was conceived by Adam and Eve). God punished Satanael for defiling Eve by making him dark and ugly and taking away his power to create and his divine form.
God left Satanael to have dominion over the world for seven ages. Satanael gave the law to Moses in order to retain his control. He keeps humankind oppressed and strives to make people worship him instead of the true God. Humanity was unable to rise to the ranks of angels as God intended.
After 5,500 years, God sent Christ to Earth to tell people about their true condition and to help them unite with him. Christ/Michael defeated Satanael and took his place at the right hand of God, sending him out of heaven for a second time. He lost the -el suffix on his name, becoming Satan.
Read More Michael Who is Like God Archangel click
The Bogomils said the world of matter must be rejected and despised. They rejected the sacraments of the church and the cross, for they maintained that Christ never died on the cross. Miracles and the acts of saints are deceits by the Devil. The only salvation is gained through asceticism. The Bogomils believed that Satan will be loose in the world at the end of time but will be defeated by Christ/Michael.
In 2 Enoch, Satanail is an archangel and the leader of the Watchers. He is cast from heaven on the second day, the day in which God creates all angels from a great fire he cuts off from the rock (foundation) of the heavens:
But one under the order of the archangels deviated, together with the division that was under his authority. He thought up the impossible idea that he might place his throne higher in the clouds which are above the earth and that he might become equal to my power. And I hurled him from out of the height, together with his angels. And he was flying around in the air, ceaselessly, above the Bottomless. (29:4–5)
Satanail is imprisoned in the fifth heaven along with the Watchers and Nephilim.
Mors Vincit Omnia
Satariel - Hogtied Angel
No candle can light this dark place happy
I look on traces of tragedy
Tears still wet and mould through these walls
When I was sober and clear in mind
I saw warmth and made it to my home
This crypt of putrefying flesh
Entombed, now in utter hell
Concealed, away from you mankind
Dismayed, by their liveliness
A pharao's tomb built by suffering
Now crippled by intoxication
I realize this is hell
Is life eternal here
O please - come and save me
I know I hold the daggers
Five hundred blades at my heart and throat
Cutting with devilish slowness
Mars has turned its moons on me
Entombed, now in utter hell
Concealed, away from you mankind
Dismayed, by their liveliness
A pharao's tomb built by suffering
Forever I shall endure
My soul's burning ache
And I must prevail
Though my heart a thousand times will break
Entombed, now in utter hell
Concealed, away from you mankind
Dismayed, by their liveliness
A pharao's tomb built by suffering
Rotting Christ - Exiled Archangels
Fallen in decay
Inflowing shades
The oppressed revolt
Removed in dark spheres
Once exiled
In abyssia
Iria, Uthopia, come here
Believe in us and be like us
Taste the lusts and feed revenge
For those who dare exile you
Release all wrath, feel it
You're in the sixth communion
Never forget what happened
As marked you arrived
Since now
I name you under our cult
Enter the tunnel
Emit no emotion
Engaged with our hierarchy
Keep the mystic way to go
All father's treasure
The upcoming mighty contract
The sight of Therion
Illumination of darkness
Angels who embraced
Attached to underworld
Proselytized in the land
They refuge
Exiled now survived
Exiled be opposed
Immigration in the Abyss
Immense to the heart.
Sariel (Hebrew and Aramaic: שָׂרִיאֵל Śārīʾēl, "God is my Ruler"; Greek: Σαριηλ Sariēl, Coptic: ⲥⲟⲩⲣⲓⲏⲗ Souriēl; is a virtue, mainly from Judaic tradition as one of seven angels who are considered primordial powers by the Ophites.
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Read More 1st Book of Enoch Fallen Angels Nephilim Watchers click
The Demon Lucifuge Rofocale is the prime minister of Lucifer. Lucifuge Rofocale is featured only in one text, the Grand Grimoire, a French magical handbook of black magic written in the 17th or 18th century (see Grimoires). The book is especially significant for its feature of a specific Pact between a magician and Lucifuge Rofocale for the purpose of securing the services of Demons. Rocofale may be an anagram of Focalor, a Demon named in the Lemegeton, a major grimoire.
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