
Lord of Dispersion

Dweller of The Abyss

Demon of The Ego

Choronzon The Lord of Dispersion

By Anders Sandberg



As I come through the ordeal which is bliss,

Careful I tread to avoid the Abyss

And escape the clutches of Choronzon!

I raise up the cup and adore Babalon!”

— In Nomine Babalon: 156 Adorations to the Scarlet Goddess



Choronzon, also known as 333, Lord of Hallucinations, is one of the most feared umbrood in existence. Many mages have fallen prey to its cunning plans, and its power can’t be ignored. It is a preceptor, which some claim is one of the Wyrm’s most dangerous servants. Other mages whisper that it is a part of Wyrm (Germanic Myth Dragon) capable of independent action. Some mages claim Choronzon is the Wyrm. The truth is not known. Choronzon appears to sometimes be a group of entities, and sometimes a single entity (My name is Legion).


Choronzon is a spirit of dissolution, physical, mental and spiritual. Everything around it will begin to decay. It will do its best to hasten the dissolution of everything it can reach. Matter will slowly dissolve. Living beings will age and sicken. It derails the trains of thought, and turns people insane. In the vicinity of it, nothing remains untainted.


It is said that every mage must some day confront and overcome it in order to ascend. Choronzon will do its best to hinder anybody from reaching Ascension or any other goal. Its greatest triumph is when a mage loses Arete (Concept in Greek philosophy meaning "excellence of any kind" or "moral virtue", ultimately bound up, in its earliest appearance in Greek, with the notion of the fulfillment of purpose or function).


On December 6, 1909 Aleister Crowley foolishly let himself be possessed by the demon (Se Liber XXX Aerum, The Vision and the Voice, for more detailed descriptions). The end result was close to a disaster, and according to many mages Crowley lost the path towards Ascension.


Choronzon is confused and often quite stupid. But it is also extremely cunning and dangerous. It can manipulate people subtly while appearing to make crude attacks. The demon will almost always retreat from any attack, not even defending itself. But it will never give up, and will reappear later, in a more insidious form. The only thing it cannot abide is order and discipline. Any form of highly ordered thought, speech or behavior is abhorrent to it, and it will flee if possible (unless it could topple the order in a subtle way).


The demon seldom appears threatening to a mage. Instead it appears to be a quite confused and irritating little being, unable to do much harm. In fact, it often behaves entertainingly, incoherently discussing things that seem important to the mage. While the mage listens to the confusing demon, it will slowly plant the seeds of dissolution in the soul of the mage.


Choronzon will strengthen the flaws and illusions in the victim, making the victim believe in his own self image. As the demon works on, the mage will be derailed from the path towards Ascension and turned towards dissolution and insanity. A mind infected by Choronzon will slowly decay, and the victim will be a simple matter to possess for the demon, regardless how strong-minded the victim believes he is.


It is thought that Choronzon dwells somewhere near The Horizon, in an area known as the Abyss (Which could be another name for the Deep Umbra). According to some rumors, he must be defeated by anyone venturing out into the Deep Umbra searching for a place among the Oracles.



By Michael Topper



That “Mighty Devil” in the Enochian system of magick (which latter was “channeled” by Edward Kelly at the Elizabethan Court through supervision of Elizabeth’s astrologer/spy/mathematician the renowned Dr. John Dee). Guardian spirit and scourge of the “Abyss”, that apparently unbridgeable separation between states of the created worlds and real Gnosis of the spiritual worlds.


Choronzon personifies the total breakdown of “translation” between one mode of being and the Other. He is most direct/fearsome embodiment of the real chasm in quality, orientation, understanding and existence confronting any aspirant to spiritual attainment of that threshold degree, or intensity, where true transformation is required, where development must peremptorily produce a real Revolution of the being or else erosion and oblivious backslide inevitably ensue.


In all of spiritual/metaphysical/or magickal literature there are no (authentic) accounts of any direct commerce with that “Devil” Choronzon, all “crossings” being made in the framework of traditions ,not demanding every element (physical, psychic and spiritual) be submitted to such Change of the intensity demanded in the spirit of Choronzon—except one.


Aleister Crowley (qv) records in his Magickal Diary his hallmark episode of crossing the abyss while literally crossing the desert of Bou Saada with his magickal student assistant Victor Neuburg. Putting aside the arguable question as to whether the Master Therion ever completely succeeded in so monumental a milestone to Magickal accomplishment, it must be noted that only within the framework of the Magickal tradition (with its perennial emphasis on bridging the corporeal and spiritual, of bringing spirit down into practical embodiment through the physical dimension of things) had such an endeavor ever actually been made.


This is significant for the one reason that such ultimate integration and whole being resolution between the two seemingly disparate Magnitudes is inevitably mandated for the corporeal dimension as a whole, and all the class of chronically 3rd density consciousness associated with it.


Such epochal “crossing” as Crowley assayed to accomplish presages the Don Juan material of Carlos Castaneda, similarly acting as instructive forerunner for a humanity which—even in its ostensible vanguard—seems reluctant to concede out of its conventional yogic “withdrawals” and functional “separation of the planes” that such a whole being physicalized translation can be made to metaphysical Peaks.


Yet this is precisely the confrontation of Crossing presently faced by the planet as a whole, as chronic 3rd density (host of physically focused consciousness) transmutes through implacable processes of Cosmic Timing to the unmasked meta physical fourth. Such Crossing, being imposed upon the plane and all its corporealized inhabitants does not, then, depend upon the personal desideration of “approach” but visits all its disrupting implications directly upon and through the consciousness of everyone no matter how dismally unprepared.


This accounts for all the political, social, economic, national, technological, energetic and spiritual disruption characterizing the calendar of “current events” on the planet In particular it manifests as a direct communication from the heart of the Abyss, that channeled confabulation of cacophonous “counsel” issuing from the dead zone or no-man's-land of self proclaimed/invisible Brothers and higher dimensional beings from beyond.


The opportunity of every plane, dimension, planetary or dark star entity, social/memory/complex and galactic guild to pour its influence, advice and allure into the widening breach of the crumbling 3rd density “screen” can only manifest, collectively, as a chaos; it can only sift out in the end as a gibberish, an ultimately unintelligible babble of oranges demanding to be compared and collated with apples, and an all too gullible Earth intelligence soaking in the psycho active downpour (wreaking witless though nonetheless extensive damage on the mind/body complex) while trying so earnestly to comply with the Alice in Wonder land instructions.


Thus the Spirit of Choronzon is alive-and-well, presently known to one and all but by another name. With so many, competing and obviously contradictory “Christs” and “Jesuses” coming by active interdiction on channeled airwaves owing to guaranteed kneejerk adulation and uncritical obsequy toward the bare whisper of the name, the longstanding archetypal image holding sway over the planet by a priestly and off-planet confidence-game is now manifestly decaying, expiring like an isotope as it sheds its last radiative venom over the planet.


The identity of “that Devil Choronzon” is given away in the insane susurration and slow crumble of the greasepaint countenance given its last ugly embodiment through insipid “Sanandas” and specious (incorrect) sons-of-god sponsored courtesy of “Ashtar Command”, P.O. Box 333 Betelgeuse in the Constellation Orion.


(Note: UFO has the value 666 by Qabala, since vav is equivalent to “U”, “F” and “O” in English.) It has been noted by many who know of such magick things, that “Choronzon” is almost identical in spelling and pronunciation, save for an extra vocalized “n”, to the Spanish corazon, meaning “spirit, love and heart”. Assuming no such thing as coincidence, may we imply a deliberate “formula” thereby? Can it be that, were Choronzon simply to learn to “spell his name” correctly, he might undergo a real change of heart? (Amazing what horrors a lack of primary-school education can breed.)



The Dark Side Demoness of 333

from NewCovenantChurchOfGod Website


Choronzon is the female half (333) of the Beast (616, 666) described in the Book of Revelation and goes, like so many demons and demonesses, by many different names. Because she is an associate aspect of the Beast, she is often described in male terms. She is known as the "Lord of Hallucinations" and is viewed by occultists as the chaos latent or manifest in the ego. Because she is a part of a group of demonesses she can either manifest as a single demon or group of demons.


Her characteristics directly parallel those of the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) only Her diametric opposite. Thus she is known as the "demon child of wisdom and understanding", paralleling the Ruach’s (Spirit’) own title and function as Hochma (Wisdom). Choronzon is the supreme demon of Thelema (will), the occultic order founded by the late arch-satanist Aleister Crowley.


In all the female demon counterfeits of love, love is a servant of the will or ego, the diametric opposite of the Christian paradigm. Many metaphors may be used to describe the characteristics of Choronzon but perhaps the best would be a "stagnant pool" filled to the brim with psychic sewage.


The numerology of Choronzon is of special interest to us in this ministry. The Hebrew of Choronzon is ChVRVNVN which is 333. In Greek numerology 333 corresponds to a kaleidoscope of negative words such as:

  • akolasia (dispersion, incontenance, debauchery, wantonness)

  • akrasia (self-indulgence, lack of self-control)

  • epikranthen (make bitter, become bitter, be harsh or embittered)

  • orgilon (quick-tempered, prone to anger, passionate)

  • ediati (the why)

  • ekataba (the fall)

  • eparthenoi (the conceit of apparent purity)

  • demosia (the public acclaim that causes public figures to begin inflating their egos)

  • paidiske (maiden, female slave - seductive aspect)

  • eaeidelos (unseen, dark)

The fallen, carnal nature of all mankind has a correspondence with Choronzon, one of whose functions is to catalyze the inherent chaos within us. As a demoness, she is quick-tempered (typical of most demons, in fact) and passionate without self-control, and is thus known in some circles as the Obscene Gardener of Bitterness.


When the soul refuses to forgive wrongdoing and the carnal aspects of hate and bitterness take over, Choronzon is there, invited in by transgression of the Law of Forgiveness which Christ taught. If there is bitterness or hatred in a soul, then it’s a good bet that somewhere, and to some degree, Choronzon is involved.

Choronzon  Lord of Dispersion  Dweller of The Abyss



Music Ambient.

Black Funeral - Choronzon Blood Rite


Invoke beyond

Opening the gates of night

Blood spilt

Entering the shadows

Primal nightmares stir

Memories return

Devil of the Aethyr

We are as one

Crawling in the abyss

Ascending upward

Blood is life, gateway


Dragon-burning black fire of wisdom

Daath illuminated in darkest night

Passing through the veil of death

Entrance, offered the waters of abyss

Entrance of the mind

Joined as one

Son of the Night

Fallen majesty of predatory splendor

I become Master of Forms

As I create my desires

Born into shadow-flesh

I am the Malice of Choronzon

Choronzon Blood Rite

Dragon of the Abyss

Bringer of Consciousness

Initiator of Gods!

Pictures, Videos, Music and Additional Reading

Choronzon  Lord of Dispersion  Dweller of The Abyss

Choronzon the Lord of Dispersion, also known as 333, Lord of Hallucinations, is one of the most feared umbrood in existence. Art by: Michael Whalen

Ambient Music. In the beginning there was nothing ,only darkness.From this darkness and chaos the elements of creations were borned.

The only one creation can remain, the creation without limits,who strives to be back to his primordial cradle ,to the womb where first spark of black light were borned.



Choronzon /ˌkoʊˌroʊnˈzoʊn/ is a demon that originated in writing with the 16th-century occultists Edward Kelley and John Dee within the latter's occult system of Enochian magic. In the 20th century he became an important element within the mystical system of Thelema, founded by Aleister Crowley, where he is the "dweller in the abyss", believed to be the last great obstacle between the adept and enlightenment. Thelemites believe that if he is met with proper preparation, then his function is to destroy the ego (causing ego death), which allows the adept to move beyond the abyss of occult cosmology.

Read More Agathos Daemon Daemonic Astrology click


Choronzon according to Crowley

Otherwise known as "the demon of dispersion", Choronzon is described by Crowley as a temporary personification of the raving and inconsistent forces that occupy the abyss.[1][6] In this system, Choronzon is given form in evocation only so it may be mastered.


Crowley states that he and Victor Benjamin Neuburg evoked Choronzon in Bou Saâda, Algeria in December 1909. In Crowley's account, it is unclear whether Choronzon was evoked into an empty Solomonic triangle while Crowley sat elsewhere, or whether Crowley himself was the medium into which the demon was invoked. Nearly all writers except Lawrence Sutin take him to mean the latter. In the account, Choronzon is described as changing shape, which is read variably as an account of an actual metamorphosis, a subjective impression of Neuburg's, or fabrication on Crowley's part.


The account describes the demon throwing sand over the triangle to breach it, following which it attacked Neuburg 'in the form of a naked savage', forcing him to drive it back at the point of a dagger. Crowley's account has been criticized as unreliable, as the relevant original pages are torn from the notebook in which the account was written. This, along with other inconsistencies in the manuscript, has led to speculation that Crowley embroidered the event to support his own belief system.


Crowley himself claimed, in a footnote to the account in Liber 418, that "(t)he greatest precautions were taken at the time, and have since been yet further fortified, to keep silence concerning the rite of evocation." Arthur Calder-Marshall, meanwhile, asserts in The Magic of my Youth that Neuburg gave a quite different account of the event, claiming that he and Crowley evoked the spirit of "a foreman builder from Ur of the Chaldees", who chose to call himself "P.472".


The conversation begins when two British students ask Neuburg about a version of the story in which Crowley turned him into a zebra and sold him to a zoo. Neuburg's response in this book contradicts both the words attributed to him in Liber 418 and the statement of Crowley biographer Lawrence Sutin.


Choronzon is deemed to be held in check by the power of the goddess Babalon (who Crowley later in life associates with the Holy Guardian Angel), inhabitant of Binah, the third sephirah of the Tree of Life. Both Choronzon and the abyss are discussed in Crowley's Confessions (ch. 66):

"The name of the Dweller in the Abyss is Choronzon, but he is not really an individual. The Abyss is empty of being; it is filled with all possible forms, each equally inane, each therefore evil in the only true sense of the word—that is, meaningless but malignant, in so far as it craves to become real. These forms swirl senselessly into haphazard heaps like dust devils, and each such chance aggregation asserts itself to be an individual and shrieks, "I am I!" though aware all the time that its elements have no true bond; so that the slightest disturbance dissipates the delusion just as a horseman, meeting a dust devil, brings it in showers of sand to the earth."

C.F. Russell, one of Crowley's disciples, went on to found the Choronzon Club, later renamed the GBG.


Choronzon in chaos magic

In much the same way that Satan has been championed by some of those who object to the Abrahamic God, Choronzon has been turned into a positive figure by some iconoclastic occultists, in particular chaos magicians who object to what they see as the stultifying and restrictive dogma of Thelema. Peter Carroll's "Mass of Choronzon" is a ritual with the purpose of casting the energy of one's ego into the universe to effectuate an unknown desire. This, in part, has served as an inspiration for modernized ritual effectuation based on the "333 current".


In popular culture

An invocation of Choronzon forms the basis for a 1980 episode of Hammer House of Horror entitled "Guardian of the Abyss", in which a cult called The Choronzon Society uses John Dee's scrying mirror to conjure Choronzon.

Choronzon  Lord of Dispersion  Dweller of The Abyss

Choronzon as the Serpent on the Tree of Life

Choronzon  Lord of Dispersion  Dweller of The Abyss

Choronzon by Sol Devia

Nox - Choronzon The Eternal


Hail, Choronzon, hail

Come, Choronzon, come

I salute and conjure thee

O Choronzon

By the chaos that moves me

By the madness that imprisons me

By the power of undying darkness

I conjure thee again

By the word that opens Zax

Zarzax calls upon thee

By three and by three and by three

Come unto me

Hail unto thee

Who art thrice one

Whose name is the second death

Thou, who outnumbers the legions of light

Thou, whose voice is the insane babble

Of a multitude of demons

Thou, who screams 'I am I'

Come forth from the nothingness

Thou art the master of form

And from thee all forms proceed

Thou, who hasth no face

For thou hasth all faces

Thy ways are the methods to the madness

Share my insane hatred

Against the supposed creator

And slay the sons of man

Zodacare Od Zodameranu

Zodacare Od Zodameranu

Zodacare Od Zodameranu

Zodacare Od Zodameranu

Unsanctify this place of peace

That ll righteousness departs from it

Befaul this planet with the stench

Of thhy excrements

O Choronzon

Thou, who art seated higher than the heavens

I pray that thou bestoweth unto me

The knowledge of the world between being and not

Feel free to manifest

Feed upon the names of god

For thou art master of the triangle

Come unto me

Come to life

Corruptor of al coherence

Set ablaze this earth of matter

Rise, Choronzon, rise

Lexarph, Comanon, Tabitom

Come Choronzon

I welcome thee

I am servitor to thy dominion

Zodacare Od Zodameranu

Infinity - Choronzon


333 - chaos divine

Choronzon! The dweller of the abyss!

Bless me with your touch of divine madness

A curse for those who fear it

A key to unlock the doors to infinity

The arcane wisdom of shadows...

“Somewhere along the way from one side to the other, Crowley says, the magician must also confront and temporarily become the ‘Demon of the Abyss’, whose nature is Dispersion. Crowley named this demon Choronzon, a name for Satan from the works of Dr. John Dee; but the characteristics he assigns to the demon owe more to the ‘Dweller on the Threshold’ from Bulwer-Lytton’s Zanoni novels. It is unclear how this confrontation relates to the destruction of the magician’s human self.”

— Benjamin Rowe, The Illusion of the Abyss



Comfort me Mother, enfold me in bliss,

Destroy me and keep me from that black Abyss

And from the deceiving tongue of Choronzon

I raise up the cup and adore Babalon!”

— In Nomine Babalon: 156 Adorations to the Scarlet Goddess