
The White Wolf

Opener of The Ways


Lecture: God Wepwawet the ancient jackal god the "opener of the ways"

Source: https://egyptianocculthistory.blogspot.com/2017/11/lecture-god-wepwawet-ancient-wolf-god.html


Wepwawet (Upuaut, Wep-wawet, and Ophois) was an ancient wolf god whose worship originated in Upper Egypt. He was one of the earliest of the gods to be worshipped at Abydos, possibly predating (and absorbing) Khentyamentiu (another god of the Abydos necropolis).


By the Old Kingdom he was popular throughout Egypt, but as Osiris grew in popularity (absorbing both Khentyamentiu and Wepwawet) Anubis took on his funerary role. However, he did not entirely disappear. His standard was associated with Upper Egypt and was given the honor of going before the king during many ritual processions. During the New Kingdom his standard even preceded that of Osiris and the "procession of Wepwawet" initiated the mysteries of Osiris as a god of the dead.


His name means "the opener of the ways (roads)". This is thought to refer to the paths through the underworld, but may also refer to the choices or paths taken life as he also seems to have been linked to the power of the living pharaoh. In the "Book of the Dead" and the book of "That Which Is in the Underworld" (Amduat) he leads the deceased through the underworld and guards over them on their perilous journey, but he was also thought to act as a scout for the army, "opening a path" to allow them to proceed.


According to some traditions, it was Wepwawet and not Anubis or Ptah who devised the "opening of the mouth" ceremony which ensured that the person would have the use of all his faculties in the afterlife. However, he also accompanied the king when he was hunting and was given the epithet, "the one with the sharp arrow who is more powerful than the gods."

Read More Anubis The Jackal God of The Dead click


More recently, his name (Upuaut) was given highly appropriately to the tiny robot used to investigate the "air shafts" in the Great Pyramid.


Wepwawet may also have symbolized the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt. In royal processions his standard was paired with the Apis Bull (representing Lower Egypt). Yet in one inscription the location of his birth is claimed to be the temple of the goddess Wadjet in Buto (in the Delta). It seems that this was a political move as all other evidence suggests that he had Upper Egyptian origins.


He was generally depicted as a wolf or a man with the head of a wolf. Yet there is some debate as to whether he is in fact a wolf. Unlike Anubis, he is often depicted with a grey or white head, and the Greeks named Thirteenth nome of Upper Egypt Lycopolis (Wolf town) in his honour.


Some scholars argue that he was a jackal and others that he was originally a wolf but was merged with Anubis, and so became seen as a jackal-headed god. He was often depicted alongside the uraeus (royal cobra) and a "shedshed" standard. A good example of this can be seen on the Pre-Dynastic Narmer Macehead.


His relationships with the other gods were confused by the merging and shifting of roles throughout Egyptian history. He was closely associated with Anubis who was originally part of the Ogdoad of Hermopolis, and came to be seen as his son.


However, he was also linked to the god Shu of the Ennead of Heliopolis by the epithet "he who has separated the sky from the earth". When the two theologies merged and Anubis made way for Osiris the idea developed that Osiris was the father of Anubis (although his mother was generally not described as Osiris' wife Isis but rather her sister Nephythys).


To complicate matters further, Wepwawet was sometimes called the "son of Isis" and identified as Horus (and therefore the pharaoh) although she was also seen as the grand-daughter of Shu and the step-mother of Anubis according to the Heliopolitan tradition.

Read More Anubis The Jackal God of The Dead click



By Sander Nasi

Youtube Channel Dark Soul Gnosticism :



Face Book Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1357499444860193/?multi_permalinks=1435525063724297&ref=share


I'd like to bring forward a spirit which I've recently connected with which may be unknown for most people and this shouldn't come as a surprise since this God is very old and more ancient than the well known ancient Gods of Humanity .


This is no other than Wepwawet the white wolf of Egypt. He was worshiped in Asyut and Lycopolis where the dialect of Koptik was spoken. He instructed me to read the forgotten language of the ancient time of his time.


Things got scary as I managed to read it in its original form while looking at pictures of stones and walls where it was originally carved at the time without knowing how I can read it.


At 4 in the morning a flat Dark Mass entered my space from the right side and landed on the floor. These clues simply indicate that it's a spirit of the crossroads and necromancy as they tend to venerate the right side although they're dark unlike Demons of the Tartarian Adobe that venerate the Left side.


The spirit then rose and the mass took shape. A white cyanide appears which was closely associated with a Jackal instead of a wolf as it had no fur with a black cloak and Hoody on his head red eyes and holding a black log as if it was snapped from a tree.


A staff of any sort held by Necromantic spirits is a sign of dominion over the dead in my upcoming work there will be a ritual and words of power to obtain one also . Any Necromantic spirit can give you one.


The spirit showed it's teeth indicating that he's there in his war aspect. I just like everyone else who meets him made the mistake to think that he was Anpu commonly known as Anubis. This angers the spirit and it's a mistake you should be warned not to make.


Egyptian mythology has it that Anubis and Wepwawet are brothers but since there is no physical birth in the spirit world and all is created by the one creator God of All Gods they are to be seen as aspects of the same but equally separate.

Read More Anubis The Jackal God of The Dead click


Wepwawet is a God of Gateway's, Abundance, Royalty and kingship, Hunting and war as well as a guide and judge of the dead souls to the afterlife. He can open huge getaways to new chapters in life, he gives excellent and detailed past life regression teaches by the numbers as he claims (Numerology) is a tremendous and loyal protector to the disciple,


Empowers curses to the next level, connects to powerful ancestors and bestows the cloak aura of necromancy, initiations and passages through the desserts of the underworld and the realms of the dead.


He brings one forth before Seth and Naberius and can grant familiars of the white Werewolf race which is a very rare race of spirits, I personally never met anyone who knows of them the black and gray ones are more common.


He also commands white hellhounds which are equally rare but strangely enough also white cat spirits can be given through him although he doesn't rule upon them directly.


Below (Or right side) you'll find a sigil which initiates into the path of the 3 Desserts. On the right you have Wepawet on the Left Seth and finally the Black pyramid of Anpu is to reach where the real knowledge awaits those who survive the tests. A black shiny sphere of knowledge being the price amended.


A statue is necessary for working with this God as well as the symbols upon the sigil, he shall demand an altar of his own so don't mix him with other God's or entities / familiars ( Same goes for Anpu).


His sacred number is 11 and numbers will explode while working with his severe frozen energy which you'll feel upon your body for a while constantly.

Other numbers include








Words of power for the sigil :

Apketi Murak Dun Umnishael

Amunep Tanek Achtarka x11

Hope this helps your development as this God can change your entire life and the level of your practice .

Rise and Conquer 🤙🏻

Reveles Tenebras Tua


Read More Anubis The Jackal God of The Dead click

Read More Thoth The Record Keeper God of Wisdom Knowledge Writing click

Read More Ammit Devourer of The Dead The 42 Ideals of Ma’at Weighing of The Heart click

Pictures, Videos, Music and Additional Reading

Wepwawet The White Wolf Opener of The Ways

WEPWAWET - OPENER OF THE WAYS is a theme inspired in the ancient egypt empire wars, an epic musical journey through the ancient lifestyle, culture and myths from this mysterious civilization.


Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wepwawet?fbclid=IwAR2H4-AxIBJTaO_K7i5n2Tyd2KxQKHvCRd6wD5fisRbqzJZqIscOgW_4mj0

In Egyptian mythology, Wepwawet (hieroglyphic wp-w3w.t; also rendered Upuaut, Wep-wawet, Wepawet, Apuat, and Ophois) was originally a deity of funerary rites, war, and royalty association, whose cult centre was Asyut in Upper Egypt (Lycopolis in the Greco-Roman period).


His name means opener of the ways and he is often depicted as a wolf standing at the prow of a solar-boat. Some interpret that Wepwawet was seen as a scout, going out to clear routes for the army to proceed forward. One inscription from the Sinai states that Wepwawet "opens the way" to king Sekhemkhet's victory.


Wepwawet originally was seen as wolf deity, with his cult center being at the Lycopolis, (meaning city of wolves in Greek). He is one of the earliest Egyptian Gods on record. Wepwawet was heavily seen in association with royalty and the Pharaoh (My face is that of Upwawet, Pyramid Texts), symbolizing and protecting their rise to power, accompanying them on hunts (in which capacity he was titled [one with] sharp arrows more powerful than the gods alone) or in the pharaoh's ascent to the Duat, or afterlife.


Over time, the connection to war and thus to death led to Wepwawet also being seen as one who opened the ways to, and through, Duat, for the spirits of the dead. Through this, and the similarity of the jackal to the wolf, Wepwawet became associated with Anubis, a deity that was worshiped in Asyut, eventually being considered his brother.

Read More Anubis The Jackal God of The Dead click


He was seen as both having the head of a wolf and sometimes a jackal, like Anubis. He also was said to be Set's son. Consequently, Wepwawet is often confused with Anubis. This deity appears in the Temple of Seti I at Abydos.

Wepwawet The White Wolf Opener of The Ways

Standard with an image of the god Wepwawet, between 722 and 332 BC, Late Period of ancient Egypt. Museo Egizio, Turin.

Wepwawet The White Wolf Opener of The Ways

Video Explanation. Wepwawet the white wolf of Egypt and God of the Gateways in the afterlife.

Dark Soul Gnosticism


Source: https://occult-world.com/wepwawet/


Wepwawet – Opener of the Ways

Wepwawet is a road opener:

• He clears the path to success and good fortune.

• He opens the way to victory in battle (literal and metaphoric).

• He opens the road for souls to travel to the afterlife.

• He opens the way for new souls on their way to the womb.

Wepwawet, a particularly ancient spirit, originally comes from Upper Egypt. He has dominion over birth, death, success, and opportunities. He removes obstacles, but he can close paths, too, so that roads to success, victory, and conception are blocked.


If Wepwawet is uncooperative, dead souls roam as aimless ghosts rather than finding the right path. Because of his associations with death and the afterlife, he developed associations with Osiris and is sometimes considered his son, which makes Anubis Wepwawet’s half-brother.


Wepwawet is a desert wolf spirit. Say his name fast and listen to the wolf howl. Call his name—a war cry—when you seek his blessings. He is fearless. Wepwawet leads pharaohs’ armies to war. He opens the way to the Underworld and is envisioned standing at the prow of Ra’s barque when it makes its nocturnal journey through the Underworld provinces.


(During the day, Thoth holds this position.) One might think that two canine spirits affiliated with death might growl and bicker, but Anubis and Wepwawet are friends and travelling companions.

Read More Thoth The Record Keeper God of Wisdom Knowledge Writing click

Wepwawet - Lykopolis

Quite harsh electronics, influenced by Egytpian mythology. Entire project grew out of single track - Lykopolis.

This album is definitely netherworlds bantling - dark, mystical and ritual. Some tracks may dread you and make hide under bed, if you make effort to imagine darkness.

Wepwawet The White Wolf Opener of The Ways

Artwork by Blackshaw

Wepwawet The White Wolf Opener of The Ways

Artwork by Blackshaw

Source: https://ascendance.dev/p/wepwawet/