The Wrathful Protector Gods
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dharmapala
A dharmapāla (Sanskrit: धर्मपाल, Tibetan: ཆོས་སྐྱོང་, Wylie: chos skyong, Chinese: 達磨波羅, 護法神, 護法鬼神, 諸天鬼神, 護法龍天, 諸天善神, Japanese: 達磨波羅, 護法善神, 護法神, 諸天善神, 諸天鬼神, 諸天善神諸大眷屬, Vietnamese: Hộ Pháp) is a type of wrathful god in Buddhism. The name means "dharma protector" in Sanskrit, and the dharmapālas are also known as the Defenders of the Justice (Dharma), or the Guardians of the Law. There are two kinds of dharmapala, Worldly Guardians (lokapala) and Wisdom Protectors (jnanapala). Only Wisdom Protectors are enlightened beings.
A protector of Buddhist dharma is called a dharmapala. They are typically wrathful deities, depicted with terrifying iconography in the Mahayana and tantric traditions of Buddhism. The wrathfulness is intended to depict their willingness to defend and guard Buddhist followers from dangers and enemies. The Aṣṭagatyaḥ (the eight kinds of nonhuman beings) is one category of dharmapālas, which includes the Garuda, Deva, Naga, Yaksha, Gandharva, Asura, Kinnara and Mahoraga.
Read More Devas The Shiny Ones Guardian Angels click
Read More Nagas Serpent Beings Guardian Angels click
Read More Asura Demigods and Demons click
In Vajrayana iconography and thangka depictions, dharmapala are fearsome beings, often with many heads, many hands, or many feet. Dharmapala often have blue, black or red skin, and a fierce expression with protruding fangs. Although dharmapala have a terrifying appearance, they only act in a wrathful way for the benefit of sentient beings.
The devotional worship of dharmapālas in the Tibetan tradition is traceable to early 8th-century.
Tibetan Buddhism
There are many different dharmapalas in Tibetan Buddhism. Each school has its own principle dharmapalas and most monasteries have a dedicated dharmapāla. The many forms of Mahakala are emanations of Avalokiteshvara. Kalarupa and Yamantaka are considered by practitioners to be emanations of Manjushri the Bodhisattva of Wisdom.
Principal wisdom protector dharmapalas include:
Prana Atma
Mahakala (Read More Mahakala The Great Black One Black Sun Saturn click)
Shri Devi
Yamaraja/Dharmaraja/Kalarupa (Read More Yama God of Death Hell click)
Other dharmapalas include:
The main functions of a dharmapāla are said to be to avert the inner and outer obstacles that prevent spiritual practitioners from attaining spiritual realizations, as well as to foster the necessary conditions for their practice.
Chinese Buddhism
In Chinese Buddhism, the Twenty-Four Protective Deities or the Twenty-Four Devas (Chinese: 二十四諸天; pinyin: Èrshísì Zhūtiān) are a group of gods who are venerated as dharmapālas. In addition, Wisdom Kings such as Acala Fudo Myoo, Ucchusma, Mahamayuri and Hayagriva are venerated as dharmapālas as well.
Read More Devas The Shiny Ones Guardian Angels click
Read More Acala Fudo Myoo The Immovable One More click
Shingon Buddhism
In Japanese Shingon Buddhism, a descendant of Tangmi, or Chinese Esoteric Buddhism, dharmapālas such as Acala Fudo Myoo, and Yamantaka are classified as Wisdom Kings. Other dharmapālas, notably Mahakala, belong to the Deva realm, the fourth and lowest class in the hierarchy of honorable beings
Eight Dharmapalas: The Protectors of Buddhism
Source: https://www.learnreligions.com/eight-dharmapalas-450165
Dharmapalas grimace from Vajrayana Buddhist art and their sculpted, threatening forms surround many Buddhist temples. From their looks, you might think they are evil. But dharmapalas are wrathful bodhisattvas who protect Buddhists and the Dharma. Their terrifying appearance is meant to frighten forces of evil. The eight dharmapalas listed below are considered the "principal" dharmapalas, sometimes called “Eight Terrible Ones." Most were adapted from Hindu art and literature. Some also originated in Bon, the indigenous pre-Buddhist religion of Tibet, and also from folktales.
1. Mahakala (Read More Mahakala The Great Black One Black Sun Saturn click)
Mahakala is the wrathful form of the gentle and compassionate Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva. In Tibetan iconography, he is usually black, although he appears in other colors as well. He has two to six arms, three bulging eyes with flames for eyebrows, and a beard of hooks. He wears a crown of six skulls.
Mahakala is the protector of the tents of nomadic Tibetans, and of monasteries, and of all Tibetan Buddhism. He is charged with the tasks of pacifying hindrances; enriching life, virtue, and wisdom; attracting people to Buddhism; and destroying confusion and ignorance.
2. Yama (Read More Yama God of Hell Underworld Realm click)
Yama is lord of the Hell Underworld Realm. He represents death. In legend, he was a holy man meditating in a cave when robbers entered the cave with a stolen bull and cut off the bull's head. When they realized the holy man had seen them, the robbers cut off his head also. The holy man put on the bull's head and assumed the terrible form of Yama. He killed the robbers, drank their blood, and threatened all of Tibet. Then Manjushri, Bodhisattva of Wisdom, manifested as Yamantaka and defeated Yama. Yama became a protector of Buddhism.
In art, Yama is most familiar as the being holding the Bhava Chakra in his claws.
3. Yamantaka
Yamantaka is the wrathful form of Manjushri, Bodhisattva of Wisdom. It was as Yamantaka that Manjushri conquered the rampaging Yama and made him a protector of the Dharma.
In some versions of the legend, when Manjushri became Yamantaka he mirrored Yama's appearance but with multiple heads, legs and arms. When Yama looked at Yamantaka he saw himself multiplied to infinity. Since Yama represents death, Yamantaka represents that which is stronger than death. In art, Yamantaka usually is shown standing or riding a bull that is trampling Yama.
4. Hayagriva
Hayagriva is another wrathful form of Avalokiteshvara (as is Mahakala, above). He has the power to cure diseases (skin diseases in particular) and is a protector of horses. He wears a horse's head in his headdress and frightens demons by neighing like a horse.
5. Vaisravana
Vaisravana is an adaptation of Kubera, the Hindu God of Wealth. In Vajrayana Buddhism, Vaisravana is thought to bestow prosperity, which gives people the freedom to pursue spiritual goals. In art, he is usually corpulent and covered in jewels. His symbols are a lemon and a mongoose, and he also is a guardian of the north.
6. Palden Lhamo
Palden Lhamo, the only female dharmapala, is the protector of Buddhist governments, including the Tibetan government in exile in Lhasa, India. She is also a consort of Mahakala. Her Sanskrit name is Shri Devi.
Palden Lhamo was married to an evil king of Lanka. She tried to reform her husband but failed. Further, their son was being raised to be the destroyer of Buddhism. One day while the king was away, she killed her son, drank his blood and ate his flesh. She rode away on a horse saddled with her son's flayed skin.
The king shot a poisoned arrow after Palden Lhamo. The arrow struck her horse. Palden Lhamo healed the horse, and the wound became an eye.
7. Tshangspa Dkarpo
Tshangspa is the Tibetan name for the Hindu creator god Brahma. The Tibetan Tshangspa is not a creator god, however, but more of a warrior god. He usually is pictured mounted on a white horse and waving a sword.
In one version of his legend, Tshangspa traveled the earth on a murderous rampage. One day he attempted to assault a sleeping goddess, who awoke and struck him in the thigh, crippling him. The goddess's blow transformed him into a protector of the dharma.
8. Begtse
Begtse is a war god who emerged in the 16th century, making him the most recent dharmapala. His legend is woven together with Tibetan history:
Sonam Gyatso, the Third Dalai Lama, was called from Tibet to Mongolia to convert the warlord Altan Khan to Buddhism. Begtse confronted the Dalai Lama to stop him. But the Dalai Lama transformed himself into the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara. Witnessing this miracle, Begtse became a Buddhist and a protector of the Dharma.
In Tibetan art, Begtse wears armor and Mongolian boots. Often he has a sword in one hand and an enemy's heart in the other.
Read More Devas The Shiny Ones Guardian Angels click
Grave Miasma - Ancestral Waters
Call of the deceased
In the horizon's thunder
Hear distant murmurs that draw nearer
In the abeyance of the master
Soul above worlds and body under
Departing the mundane
Towards sacred and profane, the realm
The devouring might of the grand arcane
The womb that commands
And yearns
For reversion
An intoxicated trance of the dark mother
These are the ways of the call
Rapturous ascent to death's dimension
Through the fields of blood emanations,
Reverberations of memory
Leading our souls, reaping our souls
Language of the dead
Revealed to me: a harvest is gathered
through veils of obscurity
Ablaze by deepest suns
"Mortality! Abandon!"
Adrift in primordial oceans
The one who no longer invokes fear
I am the grateful servant
Although I shall no longer be
Carried on waves to vibrations of timeless thunder,
Soul above and body under
The shapeless sun and rolling Tundra
Cry of the deceased
To the decayed and unborn
In ancestral waters
Spirit visitations
In ancestral waters
The sleepless dead
The graves spread across the lands
Venerated and purified remains
Are opened
In cosmic union of transmutation
To the decayed and unborn
In ancestral waters
Spirit visitations
In ancestral waters
Palden Lhamo Thangka Introduction To The Thangka : Palden Lhamo, the 'Glorious Goddess,' also known as Shridevi, is a protecting Dharmapala. She is the wrathful deity considered to be the principal protectress of Tibet. Palden Lhamo is one of the main Dharma Protectors in Tibetan Buddhism. Also known as Shri Devi in Sanskrit, she is a direct emanation of the Goddess Saraswati.
Source: https://evamratna.com/products/palden-lhamo-thangka-4?variant=43416196907262
Pictures Videos Music and Additional Reading
Dharma達摩樂隊 - 藥師灌頂真言 Bhaisajyaguru
May the merit of my practice
Adorn Buddhas’ Pure Lands,
Requite the fourfold kindness from above,
And relieve the suffering of the three life-paths below.
Universally wishing sentient beings,
Friends, foes, and karmic creditors,
All to activate the bodhi mind,
And all to be reborn in the Land of Ultimate Bliss.
Dark Buddha Meditation - Dark Mysterious Ambient
Dark Buddha Rising - Sunyaga
Mahakala is a deity common to Hinduism and Tantric Buddhism. In Buddhism, Mahakala is regarded as the sacred Dharmapala ("Protector of the Dharma"), while in Hinduism, Mahakala is a fierce manifestation of the Hindu god Shiva and the consort of the goddess Mahākālī
Buddhist and Hindu tradition describe Yama as the Lord of Death. In Tantric and Tibetan Buddhism, Yama judges the dead, wielding the Karma mirror in his left hand, and in his right, the sword of Wisdom. In Japanese Buddhism, he is still the Lord of Death.
Yamantaka is the "destroyer of death" deity of Vajrayana Buddhism. Sometimes he is conceptualized as "conqueror of the lord of death". Of the several deities in the Buddhist pantheon named 'Yamantaka', the most well known, also called as 'Vajrabhairava' belongs to the Anuttarayoga Tantra class of deities popular within the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism.
Grave Miasma - Guardians of Death
Murals preside over the walls that stand
Countless eyes protrude man
Consorts aligned and at hand
Await the loss of decay and form
To the elder vessel now unborn
Six deities man the gates of creation
The liminal spaces where phowa resides
Sailing through the fiery rivers
Fortresses of the Dharmapala
Promulgation of psychic continuity
Through the liminal spaces I traverse
Narrow gateway to vast portals
Vortices of the unknown
Yamantaka destroys the cycle
In many forms, the conqueror
Multiplied in nature, stronger than death
Eight in number, they ward
Protectors of the sacred law
Guardians of death
Conquerors of the internal nature
Guardians of death
Die with Phowa
Starvation - The Eight Dharmapalas
The song is about the wrathful deities of Tibetan Buddhism traveling the cosmos while watching over mankind’s discordant ways and intervening whenever necessary to protect the faithful and their faith.
Arising from
Time and space
Planar voids
Blistering speeds
warped tableau
Journey towards
Rift in fabric
Entering reality
Ex machina
Upon mankind
Scalding breath
Gory kapala
Fanged grimace
Piercing gaze
Crimson flesh
Devotion for
Paths to
Dissipation of bodily form
Amorpous swirling mass
Riding winds of time
Interdimensional voyage - realms
Reemergence of spirit form
Return to virtuous throne
Watchful vigilance
Over worldly discord