Poison of God
Fallen Angel
Samael (Hebrew: סַמָּאֵל, Sammāʾēl, "Venom/Poison of God"; Arabic: سمسمائيل, Samsama'il or سمائل, Samail; alternatively Smal, Smil, Samil, or Samiel) is an archangel in Talmudic and post-Talmudic lore; a figure who is the accuser or adversary (Satan as mentioned in the Book of Job), seducer, and destroyer (Mashhit as mentioned in the Book of Exodus).
Although many of his functions resemble the Christian notion of Satan, to the point of being sometimes identified as a fallen angel, 257–60 he is not necessarily evil, since his functions are also regarded as resulting in good, such as destroying sinners.
He is considered in Midrashic texts to be a member of the heavenly host with often grim and destructive duties. One of Samael's greatest roles in Jewish lore is that of the main angel of death and the head of satans. Although he condones the sins of man, he remains one of God's servants. He appears frequently in the story of the Garden of Eden and engineered the fall of Adam and Eve with a snake in writings during the Second Temple period.
However, the serpent is not a form of Samael, but a beast he rode like a camel. In a single account he is also believed to be the father of Cain, as well as the partner of Lilith. In early Talmudic and Midrashic literature he is not identified with Satan yet. Only in later Midrashim he is entitled "head of satans".
Read More Lilith Mother of All Demons Queen of The Night click
As guardian angel and prince of Rome, he is the archenemy of Israel. By the beginning of Jewish culture in Europe, Samael had been established as a representative of Christianity, due to his identification with Rome.
In some Gnostic cosmologies, Samael's role as source of evil became identified with the Demiurge, the creator of the material world. Although probably both accounts originate from the same source, the Gnostic development differs from the Jewish development of Samael, in which Samael is merely an angel and servant of God.
Samael was first mentioned during the Second Temple Period and immediately after its destruction. He is apparently first mentioned in the Book of Enoch along with other rebellious angels. In Enoch 1 he is one of the Watchers who descended to Earth to copulate with human women, although he is not their leader, this being Semyaza.
In the Greek Apocalypse of Baruch, he is the dominant evil figure. Samael plants the Tree of knowledge, thereupon he is banished and cursed by God: 257–60 To take revenge, he tempts Adam and Eve into sin by taking the form of the serpent.
He appears further as the embodiment of evil in the Ascension of Isaiah, often identified as:
Melkira (Hebrew: מלך רע, melek ra, 'king of evil, 'king of the wicked');
Malkira / Malchira (מלאך רע, malakh/malach ra, 'messenger of evil' or 'angel of iniquity');
Belkira (prob. בעל קיר, baal qir, 'lord of the wall'); or
Bechira (בחיר רע, bachir ra, 'the elect of evil, chosen by evil').
The names Belial and Satan are also applied to him and he gains control of King Manasseh in order to accuse Isaiah of treason.
Talmudic-Midrashic literature
In Talmudic-Midrashic literature, Samael's role as an agent of evil is rather marginal, but from the fifth or sixth century onward, this name again becomes one of the most prominent among the demonic entities: 257–60 Samael has not been identified with the angel of death in the Talmud.
In the Exodus Rabbah, Samael is depicted as the accuser in the heavenly court and tempting to sin, while Michael defends Israel's actions. Here, Samael is identified with Satan. While Satan describes his function as an "accuser," Samael is considered to be his proper name. He also fulfills the role of the Angel of Death, when he comes to take the soul of Moses and is called the leader of satans.
Read More Michael Who is Like God Archangel click
The title of satan is also applied to him in the midrash Pirke De-Rabbi Eliezer, where he is the chief of the fallen angels: 257–60 and a twelve-winged seraph. According to the text, Samael opposed the creation of Adam and descended to Earth to tempt him into evil.
Riding the serpent, he convinces Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. His role here might be similar to the Islamic idea of Iblis, who refused to prostrate himself before Adam because he consists of fire and Adam merely from dust. The midrash also reveals Samael fathered Cain with Eve.
Read More Seraph Seraphim The Burning Ones Guardian Angels click
In the Midrash Konen, he is the ruler of the third hell. Several sources, such as Yalkut Shimoni (I, 110) describe him as the guardian angel of Esau relating him to Rome, the one who wrestled with Jacob, the angel who ordered Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, and a patron of Edom.
In Kabbalah (A. E. Waite, 255), Samael is described as the "severity of God," and is listed as fifth of the archangels of the world of Briah. Among his portions are Esau, the people who inherit the sword and bring war; the goats and se'irim (demons); and the destroyer angels.
Although both Samael and Lilith are major demons in earlier Jewish traditions, they do not appear paired until the second half of the thirteenth century, when they are introduced together. Lilith is a demon created alongside Adam, originally created for the role Eve would fill, who then becomes Samael's bride. With her, Samael created a host of demon children, including a son, the "Sword of Samael" (or of Asmodai).
In the Kabbalistic work Treatise on the Left Emanation, Samael is part of the Qliphoth, prince of all demons, and spouse of Lilith. The two are said to parallel Adam and Eve, being emanated together from the Throne of Glory as a counterpart. Asmodeus is also mentioned to be subservient to Samael and married to a younger, lesser Lilith. According to the treatise, God castrated Samael in order not to fill the world with their demonic offspring, this being the reason why Lilith seeks to fornicate with men.
Read More Asmodeus The Demon of Impurity click
In the Zohar, one of Kabbalah's main works, Samael is described as a leader of the divine forces of destruction, being part of the Qliphoth. He is mentioned again as the serpent's rider, and is described as having mated with Eisheth Zenunim, Na'amah, and Agrat bat Mahlat, all being "angels" of sacred prostitution. Notably, the same work later calls him Azazel, which might be a case of mistaken identity, as Azazel may be himself in Zoharistic lore a combination of the angels Aza and Azrael.
Read More Azazel The Scapegoat Leader of The Fallen Angels Rebellion click
Other Tradition
Samael is also depicted as the angel of death and one of the seven archangels, the ruler over the Fifth Heaven and commander of two million angels such as the chief of all the destroying angels.
According to apocryphal Gedulat Moshe (The Apocalypse of Moses, "The Ascension of Moses" in The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg) Samael is also mentioned as being in 7th Heaven:
In the last heaven Moses saw two angels, each five hundred parasangs in height, forged out of chains of black fire and red fire, the angels Af, "Anger", and Hemah, "Wrath", whom God created at the beginning of the world, to execute His will. Moses was disquieted when he looked upon them, but Metatron embraced him, and said, "Moses, Moses, thou favorite of God, fear not, and be not terrified," and Moses became calm.
There was another angel in the seventh heaven, different in appearance from all the others, and of frightful mien. His height was so great, it would have taken five hundred years to cover a distance equal to it, and from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet he was studded with glaring eyes.
"This one," said Metatron, addressing Moses, "is Samael, who takes the soul away from man." "Whither goes he now?" asked Moses, and Metatron replied, "To fetch the soul of Job the pious." Thereupon Moses prayed to God in these words, "O may it be Thy will, my God and the God of my fathers, not to let me fall into the hands of this angel."
Read More Metatron The Lesser Yahweh Archangel 3rd Book of Enoch click
In the Apocryphon of John, On the Origin of the World, and Hypostasis of the Archons, found in the Nag Hammadi library, Samael is one of three names of the demiurge, whose other names are Yaldabaoth, Saklas and Yahweh.
Read More Yaldabaoth The Demiurge Gnostics Origins of The Material World click
Read More The Archons Family Rulers of The Physical Realm click
After Yaldabaoth claims sole divinity for himself, the voice of Sophia comes forth calling him Samael, due to his ignorance. In On the Origin of the World, his name is explained as "blind god" and his fellow Archons are said to be blind, too. This reflecting the characteristics of the Christian devil, making people blind, as does the devil in 2 Corinthians 4.
Also Samael is the first sinner in the Hypostasis of the Archons and the First Epistle of John calls the devil as sinner from the beginning. These characteristics combined with his boasting conflates the Jewish god with the devil. His appearance is that of a lion-faced serpent. Although the Gnostics and Jewish originally used the same source, both depictions of Samael developed independently: 266
Samael is sometimes confused in some books with Camael, who appears in the Coptic Gospel of the Egyptians also as an evil power, whose name is similar to words meaning "like God" (but Camael with a waw missing). The name might be explained, because in Jewish traditions, the snake had the form of a camel, before it was banished by God: 259
Read More Fallen Angels The Nephilim Watchers 1st Book of Enoch click
Read More Azazel The Scapegoat Leader of The Fallen Angels Rebellion click
Read More Ahriman The Evil One Persian Tradition click
Read More Qlippoth Tree of Death Hierarchy of The Arch Demons click
Read More Sebitti The Seven Gods Children of The Anunnaki The Seven Evil Spirits click
Daat - Bring Thy Poison Samael
When madness is the shade of wisdom
Fiery Day celebrates his Death
Scribe of soul and ancient symbols
Awed with thought for last purpose.
Bring Thy Poison...
And I have seen by Time's fell hand defaced
The rich proud cost of outworn buried age;
All that has been born and yet linked with all the laws
Just commenced a path yet bound to die with woe.
Upon Gan Eden - Atziluth, born causes field
Where in eternity, devotion achieved unanimity.
In a glare and blazing diadems alight
Freedom of will expression
The first drop of poison has become.
More separating from his begetter
In fierce defiance Samael's essence has been come.
He saw through existence and primal
And profound loathing increased.
He adopted perceived fear and pain
That make the fruit bitter
So sweet nectar of triumphs.
And as simile semper parit simile
Close to being archived on his ancestor in most details.
Once being a part now bearing its own sense
Then like same poles of a magnet repel.
Bring thy knowledge Samael, ungodly, insane and outstanding.
And on ruins of illusions we will light the fire of truth
There was voracious man
In yearns to know of Divina pati
How long it goes, how strong was thirst.
Feel waspish love, engrossing hate
Took closed him to knowledge Gate
Like next to you, like Asmodey, vigilantly ever secrets saves.
The Deep that hidden once
With First mystery illuminated in one
Then man who knows with the second poison drop
Broke down shackles his to see and to come!
Ave Samael, Princeps Tenebrarum!
Es Diabolus Magnus senior dei lucis,
Bring thy poison Samael, wise Seth, ancient Typhon!
Third drop will an antidote to life begotten of god.
Samael: Chief of Satans/Angel of Death Commission By Travis Nguyen
Holy Seal of Archangel Samael Sigil
Krystos Sammael
In cryptic lines of ages
I had searched the pattern's cast
Found enigmatic traces
Showing hope was to its last
And in the swarm of hell I fought
Foreboding destinies
I murdered light to fill the dark
The void resides in me
Shards of memories have pierced my mind
And what I'll leave behind
Sovereignty is bought by will
When those before me die
I'll stab them at the heart
I've sworn to tear them down
Where my hammer falls lies judgement
And the end of all
A million lies to take the course
Where all creation spreads
To take the source, deny remorse
I'm crowned in wickedness
All that was good is so far behind
All hail to the great Destroyer of Light
As we have come to the face of time
Our will shall break as our hope is lost
Face him now
At the weave that's falling down
In dying eyes
See the realm where Sammael reigns
Terror strikes
Shards of memories have pierced my mind
And what I'll leave behind
Sovereignty is bought by will
But what would be the price?
In cryptic lines of ages
I had searched the pattern's cast
Found enigmatic traces
Showing hope was to its last
And in the swarm of hell I fought
Foreboding destinies
I murdered light to fill the dark
The void resides in me
All that was good is so far behind
All hail to the great Destroyer of Light
As we have come to the face of time
Our will shall break as our hope is lost.
Pictures Videos Music and Additional Reading
Chapter III - The Desolation of God journey into the Qlipha Samael (Adramelek)
Samael (Sammael) is in Hebrew lore, the prince of Demons known as “the venom of God” and the executioner of death sentences decreed by God. Samael is linked to Adramelech, another Demon of death. In rabbinical lore, Samael is a Demon of a desert wind called Samiel or Simoon. He flies through the air like a bird, and the dark spots on the Moon are his excrement.
Samael was the Serpent who tempted Eve in the Garden of Paradise. He was an uncircumcised sexual partner and husband of Lilith and created with her a host of Demon children, including a son, Sariel. Fearful that Samael and Lilith would flood the world with their offspring, God castrated Samael.
Read More Sariel God is My Ruler Fallen Angel click
When God ordered the patriarch Abraham to kill his son, Isaac, Samael tried to persuade Abraham not to do it, in order to disobey God. When Abraham refused, Samael went to Abraham’s wife, Sarah, and told her Isaac was sacrificed to God, the news of which killed her instantly.
In kabbalistic lore, a Spanish kabbalist of the 15th century tried unsuccessfully to capture and control Samael. The kabbalist summoned him in the name of God and bound him by placing a crown upon his head that said “Thy Master’s Name Is Upon Thee.”
But Samael tricked the kabbalist by convincing him to burn incense—an act of idolatry—in order to seal his victory. When the incense was burned, Samael was instantly freed. Samael is the chief of the 10 evil Demons of the sephirot of the Tree of Life.
The Second Temple period or post-exilic period in Jewish history denotes the approximately 600 years (516 BCE – 70 CE) during which the Second Temple stood in the city of Jerusalem. It began with the return to Zion and subsequent reconstruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, and ended with the First Jewish–Roman War and the Roman siege of Jerusalem.
Samael sits enrobed with scythe in hand on top the world, Gustave Doré illustration
Dark Meditation
Samael, whose name means Lightbringer, Adversary of Yahweh The Archangel of Both Dark and Light.
Sacred Chant: Ahbelemos, Eh, Tore, Euos, Samael.
Samael is also my highest-self.
enjoy and use with caution ⚠️ because this is stupidly insane!
The Angel of Death Samael
The evil side of Samael is depicted in Jewish lore with a crown in his head. He is the angel of death, and collector of Moses’ soul. In the Haggadah he is the guardian of Jacob’s brother Esau. This presents him as a wicked angel. It is because Esau is wicked only thinking of worldly things and drawn to worship in places of idolatry.
In the Zohar he is associated with Amalek, the god of the physical world. The text describes Samael as Amalek’s occult name. The Zohar describes his name meaning «poison of God.»
E. Waite in his work The Holy Kabbalah defines Samael name as the «severity of God». And also equates him with Satan and the Serpent, Lilith being his bride.
In Moncure Daniel Conway’s Demonology and Devil-Lore, he is the left hand of God. He is the consort of both the voluptuous maiden Naamah and the arch-she-devil Lilith.
Read More Lilith Mother of All Demons Queen of The Night click
In the Gnostic text Apocryphon of John discovered amidst the Hag Hammadi manuscripts, Samael is another name for the demiurge. He created the material world associating him with the Zohar text. It links him to the physical world. Later in the grimoiric tradition the name is spelled Sam-ael, for magickal purposes. In the Heptameron he is described as an angel. He reign over Monday and Tuesday.
He appears in the 1505 version of «Faustbuch» entitled Magiae Naturalis et Innatural. There he is identified with the element of fire. Henry Cornelius Agrippa associated him with Urieus, a form of Oriens, guardian of the East. Mathers makes the same association in his edition of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage.
In the Kabbalah
Samael (Hebrew SMAL, «The Liars»). In Kabbalistic tradition are the Qlippoth or demonic powers associated with Hod, the eighth Sephirah of the Tree of Life. In their traditional appearance is that of dull-coloreddogs with demon-like heads. The cortex is Theuniel, Kingdom of Shells, under the archdemon Adramelek.
Read More Qlippoth Tree of Death Hierarchy of The Arch Demons click
He is a demon and the Desolation of God or the Left Hand. He is the very opposite of Hod, the absolute will of God, in that the Qlippoth represents the complete desolation of a fallen or failed creation. The outer form Theuniel is the Filthy Wailing Ones of God. Adramelek, name means is a powerful king or demon.
Samael and lilith
In Moncure Daniel Conway’s Demonology and Devil-Lore, Samael, as the left hand of God, is consort of both the voluptuous maiden Naamah and the arch-she-devil Lilith. This gives Samael and Lilith a commonality: both are renegades of God. A. E. Waite in his work The Holy Kabbalah defines him as the «severity of God» and also equates him with Satan and the Serpent.
Satan and the Serpent are synonymous with the Devil. God cast out the Devil for his pride by not honoring man. Lilith was cast out for about the same reason. As the wife of Adam she demanded equality. But the association of Lilith and Samael is described further in Hebrew lore. In the Song of Songs (1:7) one reads that God created both the Sun and Moon and they burned equally brightly. But the Sun and Moon argued over their brightness.
So to dismiss this argument God sent the Moon away. When the Moon was separated from the Sun she did not shine as brightly.
In the Zohar
According to the Zohar the Sun rules the day and the Moon rules the night thus creating two luminaries. The luminaries descending from above are the «luminaries of light». While the luminaries from below are the «luminaries of fire.» (Zohar I 20b)
In further Zoharic myths the Moon did not voluntarily separate and diminish herself. He was commanded to do so by God which caused a k’lifah (or the husk of evil) the birth of Lilith. Thus Lilith is depicted as a beautiful woman from the naval up but as a flame of fire from the naval down. This is Lilith’s energy represented by the diminishment of the Moon causing the dark and fiery side of night.
In both Jewish and the occult lore Lilith represents sexuality. She is the seducer of men. According to Jewish lore this is evil. Lilith is the evil. But her evil in occultism becomes an asset. This is in The Rape of Eve where the filth of Lilith can be used. The Zohar associates Lilith and Samael when speaking of the quaternion marriage. The quaternion marriage involved two couples:
God and Shekina above.
Samael and Lilith below.
Following the destruction of the temple Shekina descended to be with her flock or people. While her handmaiden Lilith ascended to become the consort of God. Thus showing her importance.
Read More Lilith Mother of All Demons Queen of The Night click
Drawings of upright and inverted pentagrams representing Spirit over matter (holiness) and matter over Spirit (evil), respectively, from La Clef de la magie noire (1897) by French occultist Stanislas de Guaita. Note the names Adam, Eve, Samael, and Lilith.
A lion-faced deity found on a Gnostic gem in Bernard de Montfaucon's L'antiquité expliquée et représentée en figures may be a depiction of the Demiurge, Samael.
Oceano - Samael The Destroyer
Upon a throne of eternal flames
A monolithic beast bearing many names has been awaken.
Off in the distance cries of anguish resonate beneath the surface.
Beyond thousands of agonizing screams echoes laughter of a dominant being.
The Devourer of souls,
The accuser,
Who find satisfaction in their pain,
This monumental destroyer awaits
Aroused in anticipation
For these black gates to open and unleash, implications of horror and bloodshed
For our sins.
Trading bloodshed for our sins,
There is no salvation.
There is no salvation.
For he has risen to conquer us.
He has risen to conquer us all.
He shall destroy you,
There is no saving you.
Atropos - Wings of Samael
I am the power
I am the might
I am the truth
The trust and vengeance
I am the unwritten Law
I am the wing of Samael
I hide inside all I need
I am the war and justice
For I render death for pain
I give you love in return for warmth
I am the nature, 'cause I am not driven
By an imagined humanity
I hide all the instincts peculiar to every
Being of this cosmic shell
I have murdered my heart
Smashed by a Beast
I am the silence in which every sound sinks
And the light ebbes away
I am the thunder deafening everything
When the time comes
I am the rebel
I am the king
I am the strength
The saviour and sword
I hide inside all what I need
I am the war
Defiled archdemon
The redness of blood fades away
The manikins flee and cry
I rise from ruins
The kingdom of might has come
Lucifer’s Children The Grail Bloodline and the Descendants of Cain
By Boyd Rice
Conventional wisdom has it that the Grail bloodline is sacred because it came from Christ, a man still considered by much of the world to be the true son of God. And yet the dynasty of kings who descended from this bloodline were known as sorcerer-kings, some of whom hinted or even stated outright that they were in fact descendants of Lucifer. A number of authors claim this thesis is true, but they are predominantly hardcore Christian conspiracy theorists, and stop well short of explaining why they believe this, or of giving any tangible details to substantiate their claims.
Says one: “In typical Gnostic fashion, descendants of the Merovingians claim to have the blood of both Christ and Satan in their veins.” Given the fact that this theme (or a variation of it) recurs with some regularity, and given that it would appear to be consistent with the sort of dual vibe which permeates the saga of this bloodline, I began to wonder if there might not be some traditions from which such a notion could have arisen. At length, several were discovered.
Firstly, let’s remember that this bloodline descended from a figure who equates with the Biblical Cain. In certain rabbinic lore, we come across the very interesting notion that Cain was not the son of Adam, but of Samael. It was thought that when Samael appeared to Eve as a serpent, he seduced her.
The fruit of that union was Cain. Now Samael was a fallen angel, essentially the Judaic Lucifer. If the Merovingians knew of this version of the story (which they no doubt did), and believed it, it could be the basis of their alleged assertion that they possessed the blood of both Christ and Lucifer.
An alternate version of the Cain saga, equally Luciferian in its connotations, says that he was the son of Adam’s first wife, Lilith. She had been the consort of God before coming to Earth as a fallen angel. The full details of her story are probably too well-known to bear repeating here, but it’s interesting that of the two alternate traditions concerning Cain’s parentage, both involve the Luciferian Nephilim bloodline.
Read More Lilith Mother of All Demons Queen of The Night click
The Lilith/Samael connection is also pertinent in regard to the Grail saga insofar as the two have a son of their own who seems to play a recurring role in the whole mythos: Asmodeus. Not only is Asmodeus the dominant image (shown mirroring Christ) in Rennes-le-Chateau, he is said to have played the central role in building the Temple of Solomon, the edifice from which the Knights Templar took their name.
The recurrence of this strange figure in Grail lore has long perplexed observers, yet it would appear that both he and the descendants of Cain may in fact have shared a kindred ancestry. It is even said in some traditions that it was Asmodeus whom Moses called upon to part the Red Sea, and not God. Though portrayed as a demon or devil figure, his name reveals that he may not always have been viewed as such, for Asmodeus translates simply to the Lord God (Ashma = Lord, and Deus = God).