
The Lesser Yahweh Archangel

3rd Book of Enoch





Metatron (Biblical Hebrew: מֶטָטְרוֹן‎, romanized: Meṭāṭrōn), or Mattatron (מַטַּטְרוֹן‎, Maṭṭaṭrōn), is an angel in Judaism mentioned three times in the Talmud, in a few brief passages in the Aggadah, and in mystical Kabbalistic texts within Rabbinic literature. The figure forms one of the traces for the presence of dualist proclivities in the otherwise monotheistic visions of both the Tanakh and later Christian doctrine.


In the Jewish kabbalistic tradition, he is sometimes portrayed as serving as the celestial scribe. The name Metatron is not mentioned in the Torah or the Bible and how the name originated is a matter of debate. In Islamic tradition, he is also known as Mīṭaṭrūn (Arabic: ميططرون), the angel of the veil.


In Jewish apocrypha and early Kabbalah, 'Metatron' is the name that Enoch received after his transformation into an angel.



Numerous etymologies have been proposed to account for the name Metatron, but there is no consensus, and its precise origin is unknown. Some scholars, such as Philip Alexander, believe that if the name Metatron originated in Hekhalot-Merkabah texts (such as 3 Enoch), then it may have been a magic word like Adiriron and Dapdapiron.


Hugo Odeberg, Adolf Jellinek and Marcus Jastrow suggest the name may have originated from either mattara (מטרא, lit. 'keeper of the watch') or the verb memater (ממטר, 'to guard' or 'to protect'). An early derivation of this can be seen in Shimmusha Rabbah, where Enoch is clothed in light and is the guardian of the souls ascending to heaven. Odeberg also suggested that the name Metatron might have been adopted from the Old Persian name Mithra. Citing Wiesner, he drew up a number of parallels that appeared to link Mithra and Metatron based on their positions in heaven and duties.


Another hypothesis would derive Metatron from a combination of two Greek words, μετά (meta, meaning 'after') and θρóνος (thronos, meaning 'throne'), which, taken together, would suggest the idea of 'one who serves behind the throne' or 'one who occupies the throne next to the throne of glory'. The primary arguments against this etymology are that Metatron's function as a servant of the celestial throne emerges only later in the traditions regarding him, and θρóνος itself is not attested as a word in Talmudic literature.



From Hellenistic times, mention of a second divine figure, either beside YHWH or beneath him, occur in a number of Jewish texts, mostly apocryphal. These Jewish traditions implying a divine dualism were most frequently associated with Enoch. In the rabbinic period they center on 'Metatron', often in the context of debates over the heretical doctrine of 'two powers in heaven' (shtei rashuyot ba-shamayim).


Ultimately these ideas appear to go back to differing interpretations of the heavenly enthronement passages at Exodus 24:10f., Daniel 7:9f. and perhaps even Ezekiel 1:26f. These different interpretations later came to distinguish what was orthodox from what was heretical in Judaism.


The identification of Metatron with the gnostic 3 Enoch, where the name first appears, is not explicitly made in the Talmud although it does refer to a Prince of the World who was young but now is old. However, some of the earliest kabbalists assumed the connection. There also seems to be two Metatrons, one spelled with six letters (מטטרון), and one spelled with seven (מיטטרון).


The former may be the transformed Enoch, Prince of the Countenance within the divine palace; the latter, the Primordial Metatron, an emanation of the "Cause of Causes", specifically the tenth and last emanation, identified with the earthly Divine Presence. Furthermore, the Merkabah text Re'uyot Yehezkel identifies the Ancient of Days from the Book of Daniel as Metatron.


Merkabah, Zohar and other mystical writings

Metatron also appears in the Pseudepigrapha including Shi'ur Qomah, and most prominently in the Hebrew Merkabah Book of Enoch, also called 3 Enoch or Sefer Hekhalot (Book of [the Heavenly] Palaces). The book describes the link between Enoch, son of Jared (great-grandfather of Noah) and his transformation into the angel Metatron. His grand title "the lesser YHVH" resurfaces here. The word Metatron is numerically equivalent to Shaddai (a name of God) in Hebrew gematria; therefore, he is said to have a "Name like his Master".


Metatron says, "He [the Holy One] called me, 'The lesser YHVH' in the presence of his whole household in the height, as it is written, 'my name is in him.'" (12:5, Alexander's translation.) The narrator of this book, supposedly Rabbi Ishmael, tells how Metatron guided him through Heaven and explained its wonders. 3 Enoch presents Metatron in two ways: as a primordial angel (9:2–13:2) and as the transformation of Enoch after he was assumed into Heaven


And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.

— Genesis 5:24, King James Version

This Enoch, whose flesh was turned to flame, his veins to fire, his eye-lashes to flashes of lightning, his eye-balls to flaming torches, and whom God placed on a throne next to the throne of glory, received after this heavenly transformation the name Metatron.


Metatron "the Youth", a title previously used in 3 Enoch, where it appears to mean "servant". It identifies him as the angel that led the people of Israel through the wilderness after their exodus from Egypt (again referring to Exodus 23:21), and describes him as a heavenly priest. In the later Ecstatic Kabbalah, Metatron is a messianic figure.

Read More Kabballah Tree of Life Hierarchy of The Archangels click


The Zohar describes Metatron as the "King of the angels". And associates the concept of Metatron with that of the divine name Shaddai. Zohar commentaries such as the Ohr Yakar by Moses ben Jacob Cordovero explain the Zohar as meaning that Metatron as the head of Yetzira. This corresponds closely with Maimonides' description of the Talmudic "Prince of the World", traditionally associated with Metatron, as the core "Active Intellect."


The Zohar describes several biblical figures as metaphors for Metatron. Examples are Enoch, Joseph, Eliezer, Joshua, and others. The Zohar finds the word youth used to describe Joseph and Joshua a hint that the figures are a metaphor to Metatron, and also the concept of servant by Eliezer as a reference to Metatron. The Staff of Moses is also described by the Zohar as a reference to Metatron.


The Zohar also states that the two tets in totaphot (the Biblical Hebrew term for the phylacteries) are a reference to Metatron. The Zohar draws distinction between Metatron and Michael. While Michael is described repeatedly in the Zohar as the figure represented by the High Priest, Metatron is represented by the structure of the tabernacle itself.

Read More Michael Who is Like God Archangel click


Apocalyptic texts

In the Apocalypse of Zerubbabel, Metatron is not identified as Enoch. Instead he is identified as the archangel Michael. The text also records that Metatron in gematria is the equivalent of Shaddai. While he also appears in other apocalyptic writings he is most prominent in the Apocalypse of Zerubbabel. In these writings he plays the role of heavenly interlocutor delivering knowledge about the coming messianic age.



The earliest account of Metatron within Islamic scriptures might derive directly from the Quran itself. Uzair, according to Surah 9:30–31 venerated as a Son of God by Jews, is another name for the prophet Ezra, who was also identified with Metatron in Merkabah Mysticism. Islamic heresiologists repeatedly accused Jews for venerating an angel as a lesser god (or an Incarnation of God), especially for celebrating Rosh Hashanah.


The name itself is attested early in Islam by Al-Kindi and Al-Masudi.  In a Druze text about cosmology, he is mentioned among the canonical Archangels in Islamic traditions. Al-Suyuti identifies him as the angel of the veil and only he knows about that which lies beyond.


He is also frequently mentioned in the magical works by Ahmad al-Buni, who describes Metatron as wearing a crown and a lance, probably constituting the Staff of Moses.  In other magical practises, he is invoked to ward off evil jinn, devils, sorcerers and other magical threats.

Read More The Staff of Moses Nehushtan click


Ibn Hazm mentions that Jews, although regarding Metatron as an angel, would celebrate Metatron as a lesser god 10 days each year, perhaps a reference to Rosh Hashanah in connection with Merkabah mysticism that Metatron took part on the creation of the world.


Metatron’s Cube and the Platonic Solids



Its very name evokes a sense of mystique and reverence, and for good reason. This two-dimensional geometric masterpiece comprises 13 circles of the same size, each connected by lines extending from their center to the center of the other 12 circles. It’s like nothing you’ve ever seen before, a stunning geometric variant of the Fruit of Life symbol, which itself is derived from the all-powerful Sacred Geometry symbol known as the Flower of Life.


The Flower of Life is said to contain within it all the patterns of creation, and Metatron’s Cube is a key element of this sacred symbol. It’s a deeply intricate and meaningful representation of the divine, an awe-inspiring testament to the beauty and complexity of the universe. Every line, every circle, every angle tells a story, evokes a feeling, and beckons us to explore the mysteries of creation further.


Its very name evokes a sense of mystique and reverence, and for good reason. This two-dimensional geometric masterpiece comprises 13 circles of the same size, each connected by lines extending from their center to the center of the other 12 circles. It’s like nothing you’ve ever seen before, a stunning geometric variant of the Fruit of Life symbol, which itself is derived from the all-powerful Sacred Geometry symbol known as the Flower of Life.


The Flower of Life is said to contain within it all the patterns of creation, and Metatron’s Cube is a key element of this sacred symbol. It’s a deeply intricate and meaningful representation of the divine, an awe-inspiring testament to the beauty and complexity of the universe. Every line, every circle, every angle tells a story, evokes a feeling, and beckons us to explore the mysteries of creation further.


Plato and Pythagoras shared a mystical approach to the soul and its place in the material world. They sought to uncover the secret patterns and laws that govern the universe, and it’s believed that the Metatron’s Cube is the key to unlocking these mysteries. It’s the prima materia – the primitive formless base of all matter, the very essence of the universe.


Can you feel the wonder and magic of it all? The Platonic Solids and Metatron’s Cube are more than just geometric shapes. They hold within them the very secrets of creation, a sacred knowledge that has inspired countless generations to seek out the mysteries of the universe.


Plato and Pythagoras shared a mystical approach to the soul and its place in the material world. They sought to uncover the secret patterns and laws that govern the universe, and it’s believed that the Metatron’s Cube is the key to unlocking these mysteries. It’s the prima materia – the primitive formless base of all matter, the very essence of the universe.

Melechesh - Metatron And Man



Starseed come forth

Intruders have annexed thee

While dajjals germinate

Penta-wings shun all lies

The mirror image unjustified

From Keter to Malkut

The mirror image unjustified

The crown and kingship road

Binaural creation keys

We thrive, (while) shadows are on their knees

Hexahedron the garden of knowledge

Thirteen spheres, it is done

Metatron you aren't dead

The angel skin you must shed

Annunaki supreme

The fallen ones are calling you

Metatron you aren't dead

The angel skin you must shed

The fallen ones are calling you


Omhaom breathing light

Merkabah majestic astral flight

Star scions chaos whispers

Victory, the fallen never fell

Metatron, Omhaom.

Jaldaboath - Bring me the Head of Metatron


Riding Hell's barren wastes,

on my steed,

this host of monsters

are my creed,

and in battle,

we shall bleed.

Bring me the head of Metatron!

We tally for the cup of Christ,

The Holy Grail,

in my battle armour,

and chain mail.

When the wind blows,

we shall set sail

Bring me the head of Metatron!

Where does he dwell?

No one can tell,

but it's north of the citadel of Londinium.

Grand master of lies,

dispatching his spies,

south to the Castle of Rhydian

North we shall ride,

steel at my side,

an order from

the Knights of Malta.

Too long he has sat,

on his throne of mockery.

When we meet,

there shall be slaughter!

Bring me the the head of Metatron


Metatron The Lesser Yahweh Archangel 3rd Book of Enoch
Metatron The Lesser Yahweh Archangel 3rd Book of Enoch
Metatron The Lesser Yahweh Archangel 3rd Book of Enoch

Light Bearer - The Metatron & Prelapsus


O Day Star, son of Dawn!

laid the nations low!

You said in your heart,

“I will ascend to heaven;

I will raise my throne

above the stars of God;

I will ascend

to the tops of the clouds,

I will make myself

like the Most High.”


I seek reformation! I plead leniency!

This kingdom of heaven and his majesty.

These words now tremble in spite of our trust,

these courses are changing and with them our cause.

Join my desecration Mammon Belial!

Our broken accord our chosen denial

Raise aloft our voices, our graven dissent,

I beg you my father retreat and repent!

Supernal veils of heaven swell;

caustic is this craven goal,

what have we forged,

what have we wrought,

to replace this love with his wrath.

My brothers in arms, I forge this creed!

my blasphemy, our eulogy!

We are the sons of fire!

We are the daughters of light!

Metatron's Song with sacred geometry designs, including Metatron's Cube, Seal of Metatron, and a few of my Lightbody Activation designs as well.

Synaxis of the Archangel Michael (Собор Архистратига Михаила). An Eastern Orthodox Church icon of the "Seven Archangels." From left to right: Jegudiel, Gabriel (גַּבְרִיאֵל), Selaphiel, Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Barachiel. Beneath the mandorla of Christ Emmanuel are representations of Cherubim (in blue) and Seraphim (in red).

Read More Michael Who is Like God Archangel click

Read More Gabriel God is My Strength Archangel click

Read More Uriel God is My Flame Archangel click

Read More Raphael God Has Healed Archangel click

Read More Azrael God Has Helped Archangel click

Read More Cherub Cherubim One Who Blesses Guardians of The Covenant click

Read More The Seven Archangels The Annunaki Read More Click:

In parts of Ortiental Orthodox Christianity and Eastern Orthodox Christianity, Eight Archangels may be honoured, including Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, as well as Salathiel, Jegudiel, Barachiel and Jeremiel (in the Coptic tradition the latter four are named as Surael, Sakakael, Sarathael and Ananael). The Eight Archangels are commemorated on the Feast of the Archangels.

Sarathael (Read More Sathariel Angel of Deception Fallen Angel Lunar Mysteries click)

Surael (Read More Sariel God is My Ruler Fallen Angel click)

Read More Kabballah Tree of Life Hierarchy of The Archangels click


Pictures Videos Music and Additional Reading

Metatron   The Lesser Yahweh Archangel 3rd Book of Enoch
Metatron The Lesser Yahweh Archangel 3rd Book of Enoch

Islamic portrayal of the angel Metatron (Arabic: ميططرون) depicted in the Daqa'iq al-Haqa'iq (دقائق الحقایق, 'Degrees of Truths') by Nasir ad-Din Rammal in the 14th century CE.

Music with a frequency of 999hz from Archangel Metatron, the most powerful angel for the activation of abundance.

The Mysterious Origins of the Angel Metatron from the 3rd Book of Enoch 



Metatron is probably the most powerful and mysterious Angel in Jewish lore. But what are the origins of this being known as the “Lesser Yahweh (יהוה הקתן)”? In the 5/6th century ce Sefer Hekhalot (Book of Palaces or 3 Enoch), we go on a heavenly journey to the Throne (merkavah) of God with Rabbi Ishmael to learn that the angel Metatron was once Enoch, transformed into a being of fire, witness a host of angelic systems, a tour of the Paradise and She’ol, the Underworld, a glimpse of the Right Hand of the Divine and even a glimpse of all of cosmic history as embroidered on the veil (pargod) covering the very face of God.


While the first Book of Enoch is more famous, the Third Book of Enoch is a true tour de force of apocalyptic visions and the ancient occult mysticism of those that allegedly descended to the Chariot-Throne of the Divine.


Jewish legends clustered about the idea that the angels had been made on the second day of creation rather than on the first. Implicit in these legends is a polemic against Jewish Gnostic heretics, who wished to attribute the creation to the angels rather than to God, thus insinuating a flaw at the origins. What seems clear is that there can be no definitive or exemplary account of the angels. Shadowy in the biblical text, they emerge most starkly in post-biblical days and haunt the time of, troubles that was the matrix of Christianity.


The apocalyptic literature of roughly 200 B.C.E. to 200 C.E. is the true domain of the angels, and is associated with Enoch. Enoch, a mysterious patriarch of whom we are told only that he “walked with God, and then was not, because God took him,” is the single most crucial figure in the long history of the angels, even though he began existence as a man.


After God took him, Enoch became an extraordinary angel, perhaps more a god than an angel, because frequently he was called “the lesser Yahweh.” This god-angel, Metatron, sets the pattern for ascents to Heaven by Jacob (first as Uriel, then as Israel), and by Elijah, who became the angel Sandalphon. Saint Francis, according to some of his followers, enjoyed a similar transformation.


What we now refer to as 1 Enoch is preserved completely only in the ancient Ethiopic language, but fragments discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls demonstrate that the book’s original language was Aramaic, which was spoken by the Jews as by neighboring Syriac peoples for several centuries before and after the start of the Common Era. Aramaic, by some traditions, is the language of the angels, which makes it appropriate that 1 Enoch should have been composed in that tongue (though other traditions insist that angels speak only Hebrew).

Read More Fallen Angels The Nephilim Watchers 1st Book of Enoch click

Metatron The Lesser Yahweh Archangel 3rd Book of Enoch



Metatron In Jewish lore, one of the four great Archangels and the greatest of angels, second only to God and a “Lesser Yahweh” in stature and power. In various accounts about Metatron, scarcely an angelic duty or function is not related to him. Primarily, he sustains the physical world and carries Jewish prayers through 900 HEAVENS to God. He is an important angelic figure in the MERKABAH and KABBALAH literature and the Talmud.

Read More Kabballah Tree of Life Hierarchy of The Archangels click


Metatron apparently absorbed characteristics originally ascribed to the angel Jahoel. He is huge in size, a pillar of fire with 36 pairs of wings and myriad eyes. His face is more dazzling than the sun. As PRINCE OF THE DIVINE PRESENCE, he is the only angel who has the high privilege of serving in God’s immediate presence inside the curtain (pargod) that surrounds God on his throne of Glory.


Metatron stands at the top of the TREE OF LIFE as the ANGEL OF YAHWEH. He also is identified with the “tree of knowledge of good and bad,” which means he embodies both human and angelic perfection. This enables him to be an excellent interface between the two realms, but his success depends on the righteousness of humans. The good deeds of people generate a spiritual energy that literally vitalizes Metatron, and, without it, he grows weak and less effective.


Metatron also is said to have given the wisdom of the Kabbalah to humanity..Metatron is sometimes called THE PRINCE OF THE COUNTENANCE, meaning he is the chief angel of those angels who are privileged to look upon the face of God. He serves as God’s ANGEL OF DEATH, instructing Gabriel and Samael which human souls to take at any given moment.

Read More Samael Poison of God Fallen Angel click

Read More Gabriel God is My Strength Archangel click


The flames that issue from him create legions of angels. He is minister to the Throne of Glory, on which God sits; High Priest of the heavenly Temple (a role also ascribed to the archangel Michael); minister of wisdom, who holds the secrets to all divine affairs; and minister of the GUARDIAN ANGELS of the “70 peoples of the world.” In addition, he teaches prematurely dead children who arrive in Paradise.


The etymology of the name Metatron is unclear. The name appears in two forms, Mttrwn and Myttrwn. Possibly, the name itself was intended to be a secret, and may have been produced through a glossolalia type of altered state of consciousness. Glossolalia is speaking in tongues, and it is perhaps best known for its part in charismatic religions.


According to the Zohar, the name of Metatron is the equivalent of Shaddai, one of the NAMES of God. This association is derived from the mystical numerology called GEMATRIA, which assigns a numerical value to each letter in the Hebrew alphabet. Names and words that have the same numerical value have a mystical connection. Both Shaddai and Metatron equal 314. As another aspect of God, Metatron is sometimes called the “shining light of the SHEKINAH” and he “whose name is like that of his Master.”


Eleazar of Worms speculated that “Metatron” comes from the Latin term metator, which means a guide, measurer, or one who prepares the way, an apt description of this important angel. Other possible etymologies are the Greek term metaturannos, which means “the one next to the ruler,” and the Greek term (ho) meta thronon, which means “(the throne) next to the (divine) throne” or “the second throne.”


3 Enoch gives a detailed description of the transformation of Enoch into Metatron. God sends the angel Anapiel to bring Enoch to heaven on the wings of the Shekinah. But as soon as he reaches the heavenly heights the holy angels who attend the throne of God—the OPHANIM, SERAPHIM, CHERUBIM, THRONES, and the ministers of consuming fire—smell his human odor 365,000 myriads of PARASANGS away.

Read More Seraph Seraphim The Burning Ones Guardian Angels click

Read More Cherub Cherubim One Who Blesses Guardians of The Covenant click


They ask God why a human being has been brought up to heaven. God says that due to the corruption of mankind he has removed his Shekinah from their midst but Enoch is righteous and worth all the rest of the people.


In heaven Enoch is transformed into fire. Metatron describes the transformation:

at once my flesh turned to flame, my sinews to blazing fire, my bones to juniper coals, my eyelashes to lightning flashes, my eyeballs to fiery torches, the hairs of my head to hot flames, all my limbs to wings of burning fire, and the substance of my body to blazing fire. On my right— those who cleave flames of fire—on my left—burning brands—round about me swept wind, tempest, and storm; and the roar of earthquake upon earthquake was before and behind me. (15:1–2)

God places his hand on Enoch and gives him 1,365,000 blessings. Enoch becomes enlarged and increases in size until he reaches the world in length and breadth. He grows 72 wings, 36 on each side, and each single wing covers the entire world. Metatron is given 365,000 eyes, and each eye is like the Great Light. He is given a brilliant robe and a crown of 49 stones each like the orb of the sun and that shine into the four quarters of heaven.


There is no splendor, brilliance, brightness or beauty that God does not bestow upon Metatron: wisdom, power, all the virtues, and 300,000 gates each of understanding, prudence, life, grace and favour, love, Torah, humility, sustenance, mercy, and reverence. He is given to know all the mysteries, including the thoughts of people before they have them.

Read More Shamash Shamsiel Sun of God 3 Books of Enoch click

Metatron The Lesser Yahweh Archangel 3rd Book of Enoch
Metatron The Lesser Yahweh Archangel 3rd Book of Enoch
Metatron The Lesser Yahweh Archangel 3rd Book of Enoch
Metatron The Lesser Yahweh Archangel 3rd Book of Enoch

Forsaken - Metatron And The Mibor Mythos


Reborn each dawn

Across the morning river dews

And myriad, ever-spring hues of Mibor

Riding the eye of the storm

The bringer of light (stealing the night)

Adversary to the avenging captor

Armored by the crowning faith

Into the womb of the damned, the iniquitous land

Sworn to shield the blood of the Saviour

A gladius of virtue clasped with pride

Lucifer dethroned, Satan writhes and cries

Ending the scourge of the serpent tempter

Rise Metatron Rise!

Receiver of souls

Your tears weighed by the transgressions of man

Awake blessed angel

Child of the fire mist

Forever in hell the legions of legematon shall burn

Reaching for the Sun

The seasons of renewal set sail

Over impervious, cruel winter seas

Bestowing hope to the sinners' pleas.

Metatron The Lesser Yahweh Archangel 3rd Book of Enoch

Decrepit Birth - Metatron


Born into this world

Under an early sun

A mortal man of the ancient

Walking in the dream of the vine

The lucid path of vision

I see a garden of shadows with no way out

Within the worlds of my dream

I seek the essence of my being

I transcend the realms...unknown before

Dimensions open before me

Absorbed/dissolved into the light of

Universal understanding

Cursed to live forever...burning from inside

My flesh is turned to eyes to blinding light

Awakened in my dream to the sound of my own scream


Who am I...what am I

Reaching out with my mind

Seeing the mysteries

Touch the origin

My mind transcends mortality

Displaced behind the prism of light

Falling into the eye of the paradox

I become the center of time

I am the balance...I am the eye

I am reborn...beyond the body

Beyond the pattern...beyond horizons

Beyond the light...divinity

Knowing the secret of creation

The universe within the flower of life

Five patterns of existence

Vibration of eternity

Past futures...emerge from the present

Lost forever inside my mind

I am eternal

Foundation of time and space

One becomes one inside the circle

Bearing the ancient scrolls of existence

I am destiny.

Metatron The Lesser Yahweh Archangel 3rd Book of Enoch
Metatron The Lesser Yahweh Archangel 3rd Book of Enoch

Metatron’s Name as the Tetragrammaton


Despite relentless efforts of ancient and modern interpreters to uncover the exact etymology of the name “Metatron,” there is no scholarly consensus regarding the precise meaning of this enigmatic designation. What is relevant for our study is that, according to some hypotheses, Metatron's name represents the Tetragrammaton.


The proponents of such a supposition often rely on the tradition found in b. Sanh. 38b, where Metatron is compared with the Angel of the Lord, concerning whom Exod 23:21 states: "God's name is in him.” In light of this Talmudic reference, Joseph Dan proposed that the name “Metatron” may be connected with the angel’s function as the bearer of God’s name.


Dan takes the “him” in the Exodus passage as referring to Metatron, suggesting that “he has within himself God’s ineffable name, which gives him his power. Dan further entertains the possibility that, in view of the phrase “my name is within him,” the name Metatron might be related to the four letters of the divine Name. He observes: “it appears that the reference here is to tetra, i.e., the number four in Greek, a four letter word in the middle of the name Metatron.”


Michael Miller has recently reexamined this etymology thoroughly. He concludes that “it would be logical to interpret the name [“Metatron”] as consisting of the central element TTR, plus a prefix and a suffix.” Miller further suggests that "there are two possibilities for the prefix. The prefix Mi - may be a concatenation of min, meaning ‘from’; or it may be the word mi, meaning ‘who,’ as in the name Michael.


The ending -on is often found in angels in the Hekhalot literature, e.g., Adiriron, Sandalfon, etc., and it may have diminutive connotations—either way, its use as a suffix is well established." In light of such options, Miller suggests that the name "Metatron" "could mean either ‘from Tetragrammaton’ or ‘(the one) who is lesser Tetragrammaton.

Read More Tetragrammaton 4 Letter Name of God click


In relation to these onomatological traditions, Michael Miller notes that “in 3 Enoch God writes on Metatron’s crown:

[T]he letters by which heaven and earth were created . . . seas and rivers were created . . . mountains and hills were created . . . stars and constellations, lightning and wind, thunder and thunderclaps, snow and hail, hurricane and tempest were created; the letters by which all the necessities of the world and all the orders of creation were created. (13:1).

Later, a near identical passage has these letters ‘engraved with a pen of flame upon the throne of glory’ (41:1–3). That these creative letters would be those of the Name is confirmed when ‘all the sacred names engraved with a pen of flame on the throne of glory fly off like eagles’ (39:1, on the motif of God’s crown inscribed with His Name, see Green, 1997, 42–48).