
The Demiurge Gnostics

Origins of The Material World

The Nag Hammadi Library


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yaldabaoth 


Yaldabaoth, otherwise known as Jaldabaoth or Ialdabaoth; Coptic: ⲒⲀⲖⲦⲀⲂⲀⲰⲐ, Latin: Ialdabaoth), is a malevolent God and creator of the material world in various Gnostic sects and movements, sometimes represented as a theriomorphic, lion-headed serpent. He is identified as the Demiurge and false god who keeps the souls trapped in physical bodies, imprisoned in the material universe.


The etymology of the name Yaldabaoth has been subject to many speculative theories. Until 1974, etymologies deriving from the unattested Aramaic: בהותא, romanized: bāhūthā, supposedly meaning "chaos", represented the majority view. Following an analysis by the Jewish historian of religion Gershom Scholem published in 1974, this etymology no longer enjoyed any notable support.


His analysis showed the unattested Aramaic term to have been fabulated and attested only in a single corrupted text from 1859, with its claimed translation having been transposed from the reading of an earlier etymology, whose explanation seemingly equated "darkness" and "chaos" when translating an unattested supposed plural form of Hebrew: בוהו, romanized: bōhu.


The first etymology was advanced in 1575 by Feuardentius, supposedly translating it from Hebrew to mean Latin: a patribus genitus, lit. 'the child of fathers'. A theory proposed by Matter [fr] in 1828 claimed to have identified the name as descending from Hebrew: ילדא, romanized: yāldā, lit. 'child' and from Hebrew: בהות, romanized: bahot, a supposed plural form of Hebrew: בוהו, romanized: bōhu, lit. 'emptiness, darkness'. Matter however interpreted it to mean 'chaos', thus translating Yaldaboath as "child of darkness [...] an element of chaos".


Role in Gnosticism

Gnosticism originated in the late 1st century CE in non-rabbinical Jewish and early Christian sects. In the formation of Christianity, various sectarian groups, labeled "gnostics" by their opponents, emphasized spiritual knowledge (gnosis) of the divine spark within, over faith (pistis) in the teachings and traditions of the various communities of Christians.


Gnosticism presents a distinction between the highest, unknowable God, and the Demiurge, "creator" of the material universe. Gnostics considered the most essential part of the process of salvation to be this personal knowledge, in contrast to faith as an outlook in their worldview along with faith in the ecclesiastical authority.


In Gnosticism, the biblical serpent in the Garden of Eden was praised and thanked for bringing knowledge (gnosis) to Adam and Eve and thereby freeing them from the malevolent Demiurge's control. Gnostic Christian doctrines rely on a dualistic cosmology that implies the eternal conflict between good and evil, and a conception of the serpent as the liberating savior and bestower of knowledge to humankind opposed to the Demiurge or creator god, identified with the Yaweh from the Hebrew Bible.


Gnostic Christians considered the Hebrew God of the Old Testament as the evil, false god and creator of the material universe, and the Unknown God of the Gospel, the father of Jesus Christ and creator of the spiritual world, as the true, good God. In the Archontic, Sethian, and Ophite systems, Yaldabaoth (Yahweh) is regarded as the malevolent Demiurge and false god of the Old Testament who generated the material universe and keeps the souls trapped in physical bodies, imprisoned in the world full of pain and suffering that he created.


However, not all Gnostic movements regarded the creator of the material universe as inherently evil or malevolent. For instance, Valentinians believed that the Demiurge is merely an ignorant and incompetent creator, trying to fashion the world as well as he can, but lacking the proper power to maintain its goodness. They were regarded as heretics by the proto-orthodox Early Church Fathers.


Yaldabaoth is primarily mentioned in the Archontic, Sethian, and Ophite writings of Gnostic literature, most of which have been discovered in the Nag Hammadi library. In the Apocryphon of John, "Yaldabaoth" is the first of three names of the domineering archon, along with Saklas and Samael. In Pistis Sophia he has lost his claim to rulership and, in the depths of Chaos, together with 49 demons, tortures sacrilegious souls in a scorching hot torrent of pitch. Here he is a lion-faced archon, half flame, half darkness.


Yaldabaoth appears as a rebellious angel both in the apocryphal Gospel of Judas and the Gnostic work Hypostasis of the Archons. In some of these Gnostic texts, Yaldabaoth is further identified with the Ancient Roman god Saturnus Saturn.

Read More Samael Poison of God Fallen Angel click

Read More Mahakala The Black Sun Saturn click


Cosmogony and Creation Myths

Yaldabaoth is the son of Sophia, the personification of wisdom in Gnosticism, with whom he contends. By creatively turning to matter in goodness and simplicity, Sophia created the imperfect Yaldabaoth, who has no knowledge of the other aeons. From his mother he received the powers of light, but he used them for evil. Sophia rules over the Ogdoas, the Demiurge over the Hebdomas. Yaldabaoth created six more archons and other fellows. The angels he created rebelled against Yaldabaoth. To keep the angels in subjection, Yaldabaoth generated the material universe.

Read More The Archons Family Rulers of The Physical Realm click


In the act of creation, however, Yaldabaoth emptied himself of his supreme power. When Yaldabaoth breathed the soul into the first man, Adam, Sophia instilled in him the divine spark of the spirit. After matter, Yaldabaoth produced the serpent spirit (Ophiomorphos), which is the origin of all evil. The light being Sophia caused the fall of man through the serpent. By eating the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve became enlightened and turned away from Yaldabaoth. Eventually, Yaldabaoth expelled them from the ethereal region, the Paradise, as punishment.


Yaldabaoth continuously attempted to deprive human beings of the gift of the spark of light which he had unwittingly lost to them, or to keep them in bondage. As punishments, he tried to make humanity acknowledge him as God Because of their lack of worship, he caused the Flood upon the human race, from which a feminine power such as Sophia or Pronoia (Providence) rescued Noah. Yaldabaoth made a covenant with Abraham, in which he was obligated to serve him along with his descendants.


The Biblical prophets were to proclaim Yaldabaoth's glory, but at the same time, through Sophia's influence, they reminded people of their higher origin and prepared for the coming of Christ. At Sophia's instigation, Yaldabaoth arranged for the generation of Jesus through the Virgin Mary. For his proclamation, he used John the Baptist.


At the moment of the baptism organized by Yaldabaoth, Sophia took on the body of Jesus and through it taught people that their destiny was the Kingdom of Light (the spiritual world), not the Kingdom of Darkness (the material universe). Only after his baptism did Jesus receive divine powers and could perform miracles. But since Jesus destroyed his kingdom instead of promoting it, Yaldabaoth had him crucified. Before his martyrdom, Christ escaped from the bodily shell and returned in the spiritual world.


The Secret Book of John (The Apocryphon of John)

Translated by Stevan Davies

Source: http://gnosis.org/naghamm/apocjn-davies.html 


It has always seemed to me that the Secret Book of John evolved to be more difficult to read than it originally was. The Secret Book of John is a complex developmental mythology that has been made more complicated because, over the years, versions of it have been “improved” by several levels of scribal alteration. One set of levels is the evident addition of rather lengthy texts (a list of magical names, a dialogue on the soul, a providence hymn) to an original version that lacked them.


Another set of levels is the addition by various scribes of what they intended to be useful comments, explanations, clarifications and supplementary details. The former processes continue to be added to the text when scholars such as myself add introductory paragraphs, or indeed whole book-length texts to introduce or comment on the Secret Book of John. The latter processes continue when scholars interrupt the flow of the text by adding subheadings (such as the section headings added here in Italics) and notes intended to assist the reader’s understanding.


The Teaching of the Savior
The Revelation of the Mysteries Hidden in Silence. Those Things that He Taught to John, His Disciple


The Inexpressible One

The One rules all. Nothing has authority over it.
            It is the God.
            It is Father of everything,
                        Holy One
                        The invisible one over everything.
It is uncontaminated
            Pure light no eye can bear to look within.

The One is the Invisible Spirit.
            It is not right to think of it as a God or as like God.
            It is more than just God.

Nothing is above it.
Nothing rules it.
            Since everything exists within it
                        It does not exist within anything.
            Since it is not dependent on anything
                        It is eternal.

It is absolutely complete and so needs nothing.
It is utterly perfect

The One is without boundaries
            Nothing exists outside of it to border it
The One cannot be investigated
            Nothing exists apart from it to investigate it
The One cannot be measured
            Nothing exists external to it to measure it

The One cannot be seen
            For no one can envision it
The One is eternal
            For it exists forever
The One is inconceivable
            For no one can comprehend it
The One is indescribable
            For no one can put any words to it.

The One is infinite light

The One is incomprehensible
            Perfectly free from corruption.
Not “perfect”
Not “blessed”
Not “divine”
But superior to such concepts.
            Neither physical nor unphysical
            Neither immense nor infinitesimal
            It is impossible to specify in quantity or quality
                        For it is beyond knowledge.

The One is not a being among other beings 
            It is vastly superior
                        But it is not “superior.”

It is outside of realms of being and time
            For whatever is within realms of being was created
            And whatever is within time had time allotted to it
The One receives nothing from anything.
            It simply apprehends itself in its own perfect light

The One is majestic.
            The One is measureless majesty

Chief of all Realms
            Producing all realms

            Producing light

            Producing life

            Producing blessedness

            Producing knowledge

            Producing goodness

            Producing mercy

            Producing generosity

            [It does not “possess” these things.]

It gives forth light beyond measure, beyond comprehension.

[What can I say?]

His realm is eternal, peaceful, silent, resting, before everything.
He is the head of every realm sustaining each of them through goodness.


The Origin of Reality

[We would know nothing of the ineffable
And nothing of the immeasurable
Without the help of the one who comes forth
from the One who is the Father.
He alone has informed us.]

The Father is surrounded by light.
He apprehends himself in that light
            [which is the pure spring of the water of life
            that sustains all realms].

He is conscious of his image everywhere around him,
            Perceiving his image in this spring of Spirit
                        Pouring forth from himself.
He is enamored of the image he sees in the light-water,
            The spring of pure light-water enveloping him.

His self-aware thought (ennoia) came into being.
Appearing to him in the effulgence of his light.
She stood before him.

This, then, is the first of the powers, prior to everything.
Arising out of the mind of the Father
The Providence (pronoia) of everything.
Her light reflects His light.

She is from His image in His light
Perfect in power
Image of the invisible perfect Virgin Spirit.

She is the initial power
glory of Barbelo
glorious among the realms
glory of revelation

She gave glory to the Virgin Spirit
She praised Him
            For she arose from Him.

 [This, the first Thought, is the Spirit’s image]

She is the universal womb
She is before everything
She is:
            First Man
            Holy Spirit

            Thrice Male
            Thrice Powerful
            Thrice Named

Androgynous eternal realm
First to arise among the invisible realms.

She, Barbelo, asked the virgin Spirit for foreknowledge (prognosis).
            The Spirit agreed.
            Foreknowledge came forth and stood by Providence
            [This one came through the Invisible Virgin Spirit’s Thought.]
            Foreknowledge gave glory to the Spirit
                        And to Barbelo, the Spirit’s perfect power,
                        For She was the reason that it had come into being.


Primary Structures of the Divine Mind

She, Barbelo, asked the virgin Spirit for Incorruptibility
            The Spirit agreed.
            Incorruptibility came forth and stood by Thought and Foreknowledge.

Incorruptibility gave glory to the Invisible Virgin Spirit
                        And to Barbelo,
            For She was the reason that it had come into being.

She asked for everlasting Life.
            The Spirit agreed
            Everlasting life came forth and they all stood together.
            They gave glory to the invisible Spirit

And to Barbelo,
                        For She was the reason that it had come into being.

She asked for Truth.
            The Spirit agreed
            Truth came forth and they all stood together.
            They gave glory to the invisible Spirit

And to Barbelo,
                        For She was the reason that it had come into being.

This is the fivefold realm of the Father:

The First Man who is
The Image of the Invisible Spirit who is
Providence who is
Barbelo who is
            Foreknowledge -  Incorruptibility - Life Everlasting - Truth

[These are an androgynous fivefold realm - therefore it is a realm of ten - of the Father.]


A Crisis that Became the World

It happened that the realm (aeon) Wisdom (Sophia)
            Of conceptual thought (Epinoia),
            Began to think for herself,
                        She used the thinking (enthymesis)
                        And the foreknowledge (prognosis)
                        Of the Invisible Spirit.

She intended to reveal an image from herself
            To do so without the consent of the Spirit,
                        Who did not approve,
            Without the thoughtful assistance of her masculine counterpart,
                        Who did not approve.

Without the Invisible Spirit’s consent
            Without the knowledge of her partner
                        She brought it into being.

Because she had unconquerable Power
Her thought was not unproductive.
            Something imperfect came out of her
            Different in appearance from her.

            Because she had created it without her masculine counterpart
                        She gave rise to a misshapen being unlike herself.

Sophia saw what her desire produced.
            It changed into the form of a dragon with a lion’s head
            And eyes flashing lightning bolts.
She cast him far from her,
            Outside of the realm of the immortal beings
            So that they could not see him.

[She had created him in ignorance.]

Sophia surrounded him with a brilliant cloud,
            Put a throne in the center part of the cloud
            So that no one would see it.
            [Except for the Holy Spirit called the Mother of the Living]
She named him Yaldabaoth.

Yaldabaoth is the chief ruler.
            He took great Power (dynamis) from his mother,
                        Left her, and moved away from his birthplace.
            He assumed command,
                        Created realms for himself
            With a brilliant flame that continues to exist even now.


The Fashioning of This World

Yadabaoth united with the thoughtlessness (aponoia) within him.
He begot ruling authorities (exousia)
            Modeling them on the incorruptible realms above.

The first is Athoth
The second is Harmas [called the eye of flame]
The third is Kalilaumbri
The fourth is Yabel
The fifth is Adonaiu [called 
Sabaoth] click
The sixth is Cain [called the sun]
The seventh is Abel 

The eighth is Abrisene
The ninth is Yobel
The tenth is Armupiel
The eleventh is Melcheir-adonein
The twelfth is Belias
            Who rules over the very depth of Hades.

He made the first seven rulers to reign in the seven spheres of heaven.
He made the next five rulers to reign in the five depths of the abyss.

He shared a portion of his fire with them,
            But shared none of the power of Light he had received from his mother.

[He is ignorant darkness.
When the Light mingled into the darkness
            the darkness shone.
When darkness mixed with the Light,
            the Light diminished,
            No longer Light nor darkness but dim.] 

This dim ruler has three names:
            Yaldabaoth is the first.
            Saklas is the second.
            Samael is the third.
He is blasphemous through his thoughtlessness.
He said “I am God, and there is no God but me!”
            Since he didn’t know where his own Power originated. 

His rulers created seven Authorities for themselves.
            Each of these Authorities created six demons apiece,
            There came to be 365 demons altogether.

Here are the seven Authorities’ names and physical forms:
            First, Athoth with a sheep’s face
            Second, Eloaios with a donkey’s face
            Third, Astaphaios with a hyena’s face
            Fourth, Yao with the face of a seven headed snake
            Fifth, Sabaoth who has the face of a dragon
            Sixth, Adonin whose face is that of a monkey
            Seventh, Sabbataios with a face of flame and fire.
These are the seven of the week.
These Authorities rule the world.

Yaldabaoth has many faces.
            More than all that have been listed
            So he can convey any face he wants to the seraphim around him.

Read More Seraph Seraphim The Burning Ones Guardian Angels click

Yaldabaoth shared his fire with his seraphim
            But gave them none of his pure Light
            Although he ruled them by virtue of the power and glory
                        Of the Light had received from his Mother.

            [Therefore he called himself “God” and defied his place of origin.]

He united his thought’s sevenfold Powers with the Authorities who accompanied him.
            He spoke and it happened.

He named those sevenfold Powers starting with the highest one:
            Goodness paired with the first: Athoth
            Providence paired with the second: Eloaios
            Divinity paired with the third: Astaphaios
            Lordship paired with the fourth: Yao
            Kingdom paired with the fifth: Sabaoth
            Zeal paired with the sixth: Adonin
            Understanding paired with the seventh: Sabbataios 

Each has its own realm modeled on one of the higher realms.
            And each new name refers to a glory in the heavens
            So that Yaldabaoth’s demons might be destroyed.

The demons’ own names, given by Yaldabaoth, are mighty names
            But the Powers’ names reflecting the glory above
                        Will bring about the demons’ destruction and remove their Power.
                                    That is why each has two names.

Yaldabaoth modeled his creation
            On the pattern of the original realms above him
            So that it might be just like the indestructible realms.

            [Not that he had ever seen the indestructible ones.
            Rather, the power in him, deriving from his mother,
            made him aware of the pattern of the cosmos above.] 

When he gazed upon his creation surrounding him
            He said to his host of demons
            The ones who had come forth out of him:
 “I am a jealous God and there is no God but me!”

            [But by doing this he admitted to his demons that there is indeed another God.
            For, if there were no other God, whom would he possibly be jealous of?] 

His mother began to move back and forth
            Because she had become aware that she now lacked Light
            For her brightness had dimmed. 

            [Since her consort had not approved of her actions, she grew darker] 

[I said “Master, what does it mean ‘she moved back and forth’?”
He laughed, saying, “It’s not as Moses said ‘upon the waters.’ Not at all.”] 

When she saw the evil that had taken place and
            The theft of light that her son had committed
She repented. 

In the darkness of ignorance
            She began to forget.
            She began to be ashamed.
                        But she could not yet return above
                        Yet she began to move.
And so she moved back and forth. 

 [The arrogant one removed Power from his mother
            For he was ignorant
            He thought no one existed except for his mother.
He saw the host of demons he had created
            And he elevated himself above them.
But when the mother realized that that miscarriage
            Was so imperfect
            She came to realize that her consort had not approved.
She repented and wept furiously.] 

All of the divine realms (pleroma) heard her repentant prayer
They sought blessing for her from the Invisible Virgin Spirit.
            The Spirit consented.
            He poured the Holy Spirit over her
                        Brought forth from the whole full realm. 

[Her consort did not come down to her on his own,
but he came through the whole full realm
to restore her to her original condition.] 

She was elevated above her son,
          But she was not restored to her own original realm.
She would remain in the ninth sphere until she was fully restored.


Humanity Begins

Then came a voice from the highest realms saying:
            “The Man exists! And the Son of Man!”

Yaldabaoth, chief ruler, heard it
            He thought it came from his mother
            He did not know the true source of the voice:
                        The Holy Mother-Father
                        Perfect Providence
                        Image of the Invisible
                                    Father of Everything
                                    In whom everything has come to be.

The First Man
            [This is the one who appeared to them.
            He appeared in the form of a human being.] 

All of the realm of the chief ruler quaked!
            The foundations of the abyss moved! 

He illuminated the waters above the world of matter,
            His image shown in those waters. 

All the demons and the first ruler together gazed up
            Toward the underside of the newly shining waters.
Through that light they saw the Image in the waters.

Yaldabaoth said to his subordinate demons:
            “Let’s create a man according to the image of God
                        And our own likeness
             So that his image will illuminate us.” 

Each one through another’s Power created aspects of the man;
            Each added a characteristic corresponding to the psychic factors
They had seen in the Image above them.
They made a creature of substance
In the likeness of that perfect First Man
And they said, “Let us call him Adam, so that his name will give us the power of light.”


Construction of the Human Body

The seven Powers began to work:
.           Goodness made a psyche of bone
            Providence made a psyche of sinew
            Divinity made a psyche of flesh
            Lordship made a psyche of marrow
            Kingdom made a psyche of blood
            Zeal made a psyche of skin
            Understanding made a psyche of hair 

The host of demons took these substances from the Powers to create the limbs and the body itself. They put the parts together and coordinated them. 


The first ones began by making the head: Abron created his head; Meniggesstroeth created the brain; Asterechme the right eye; Thaspomocha, the left eye; Ieronumos, the right ear; Bissoum, the left ear; Akioreim, the nose; Banenrphroum, the lips; Amen, the front teeth; Ibikan, the molars; Basiliademe, the tonsils; Achcha, the uvula; Adaban, the neck; Chaaman, the neckbones; Dearcho, the throat; Tebar, the shoulder; Mniarcon, the elbow; Abitrion, the right arm; Evanthen, the left arm; Krys, the right hand; Beluai, the left hand; Treneu, the fingers of the right hand; Balbel, the fingers of the left hand; Kriman, fingernails; Astrops, the right breast; Barroph, the left breast; Baoum, the right shoulder joint; Ararim, the left shoulder joint; Areche, the belly; Phthave, the navel; Senaphim, the abdomen; Arachethopi, the right ribs; Zabedo, the left ribs; Barias, the right hip; Phnouth the left hip; Abenlenarchei, the marrow; Chnoumeninorin, the skeleton; Gesole, the stomach; Agromauna, the heart; Bano, the lungs; Sostrapal, the liver; Anesimalar, the spleen; Thopithro, the intestines; Biblo, the kidneys; Roeror, the sinews; Taphreo, the spine; Ipouspoboba, the veins; Bineborin, the arteries; Atoimenpsephei, respiration; Entholleia, the flesh; Bedouk, the right buttock; Arabeei, the penis; Eilo, the testicles; Sorma, the genitals; Gormakaiochlabar, the right thigh; Nebrith, the left thigh; Pserem, the kidneys of the right leg; Asaklas, the left kidney; Ormaoth, the right leg; Emenun, the left leg; Knyx, the right shin; Tupelon, the left shin; Achiel, the right knee; Phnene, the left knee; Phiouthrom, the right foot; Boabel, its toes; Trachoun, the left foot; Phikna, its toes; Miamai, the toenails.


And those who were appointed over all of these are:
(Read More Sabaoth Son of The Demiurge Jehovah click)


The energizing powers in the limbs were divided among:
the head made by Diolimodraza; the neck by Yammeax; the right shoulder Yakouib; the left shoulder Verton; the right hand Oudidi; the left Arbao; the fingers of the right hand Lampno; the fingers of the left hand Leekaphar; the right breast Barbar; the left breast Imae; the chest Pisandriaptes; the right shoulder joint Koade; the left shoulder joint Odeor; the right ribs Asphixix; the left ribs Synogchouta; the abdomen Arouph; the womb Sabalo; the right thigh Charcharb; the left thigh Chthaon; the genitals Bathinoth; the right leg Choux; the left leg Charcha; the right shin Aroer; the left shin Toechtha; the right knee Aol; the left knee Charaner; the right foot Bastan; its toes Archentechtha; the left foot Marephnounth; its toes Abrana.


Seven govern the whole body:

The one who governs perceptions: Archendekta
The one who governs reception:     Deitharbathas
The one who governs imagination: Oummaa
The one who governs integration:   Aachiaram
The one who governs impulse:        Riaramnacho.

There is a fourfold source of the bodily demons:
            Hot, Cold, Dry, Wet.

            [Matter is the mother of them all.]

           Ruler of hot:                Phloxopha
           Ruler of cold:              Oroorrothos
           Ruler of dry:                Erimacho
           Ruler of wet:               Athuro.

Their mother stands among them: Onorthochrasaei
            She is unlimited
            She mixes with all of them.
            She is matter
                        And they are nourished by her.

The four chief demons are:
            Ephememphi, associated with pleasure,
            Yoko, associated with desire,
            Nenentophni, associated with distress,
            Blaomen, associated with fear.
                       Their mother is Esthesis-Zouch-Epi-Ptoe.  

Out from these four demons come passions:
            From distress arises
                        Envy, jealousy, grief, vexation,
                        Discord, cruelty, worry, mourning.

            From pleasure comes much evil
                        And unmerited pride,
                        And so forth.

            From desire comes
                        Anger, fury, bitterness, outrage, dissatisfaction
                        And so forth.

            From fear emerges
                        Horror, flattery, suffering, and shame.

[Their thought and truth is Anayo, the ruler of the material soul.
It belongs with the seven senses, Esthesis-Zouch-Epi-Ptoe.]

This is the total number of the demons: 365
They worked together to complete, part by part, the psychical and the material body.

There are even more of them in charge of other passions
            That I didn’t tell you about.
            If you want to know about them
            You will find the information in the Book of Zoroaster.

All of Yaldabaoth’s servants and his demons
            Worked to finish the psychic body.
            For a very long time it lay inanimate
            It did not move. 

Yaldabaoth’s mother wanted to take back the Power
            She had turned over to the Chief Ruler.
            She earnestly asked the most merciful,
            The Mother-Father of everything,
                        For help.

(I shortened the Article, to read the complete article go to the source provided up above)

Labor Intvs - Yaldabaoth


Manifesting my mind into matter

In painful throes of labor

Of the infinite birthing of my world

Rise! Primal adder

Father of dying matter

Rise! Erupt sulfur

Spread your seeds of poison

Born from infinite wisdom

Shrouded in clouds of delusion

Perverse solipsism

Unheard-of your narcissism

Profane act of creation

Inverse ejaculation

Tantric semen retention

Illusion of self-illumination

You have created nothing

But that capable of suffering

All that was pre-existing

Now you have given a name

All bound in you flesh

Tormented without rest

Rotten seed spills over

Your blood defiles the soil

As serpents pierce the ovum

The seventh seal is broken.

Pictures Videos Music and Additional Reading

Drawing of the lion-headed figure found at the Mithraeum of C. Valerius Heracles and sons, dedicated 190 CE at Ostia Antica, Italy (CIMRM 312).

Music Dark Ambient

The Nag Hammadi Library On the Origin of the World

Translated by Hans-Gebhard Bethge and Bentley Layton

Source: http://gnosis.org/naghamm/origin.html 


Seeing that everybody, gods of the world and mankind, says that nothing existed prior to chaos, I, in distinction to them, shall demonstrate that they are all mistaken, because they are not acquainted with the origin of chaos, nor with its root. Here is the demonstration.


How well it suits all men, on the subject of chaos, to say that it is a kind of darkness! But in fact it comes from a shadow, which has been called by the name 'darkness'. And the shadow comes from a product that has existed since the beginning. It is, moreover, clear that it existed before chaos came into being, and that the latter is posterior to the first product. Let us therefore concern ourselves with the facts of the matter; and furthermore, with the first product, from which chaos was projected. And in this way the truth will be clearly demonstrated.


After the natural structure of the immortal beings had completely developed out of the infinite, a likeness then emanated from Pistis (Faith); it is called Sophia (Wisdom). It exercised volition and became a product resembling the primeval light. And immediately her will manifested itself as a likeness of heaven, having an unimaginable magnitude; it was between the immortal beings and those things that came into being after them, like [...]: she (Sophia) functioned as a veil dividing mankind from the things above.


Now the eternal realm (aeon) of truth has no shadow outside it, for the limitless light is everywhere within it. But its exterior is shadow, which has been called by the name 'darkness'. From it, there appeared a force, presiding over the darkness. And the forces that came into being subsequent to them called the shadow 'the limitless chaos'. From it, every kind of divinity sprouted up [...] together with the entire place, so that also, shadow is posterior to the first product. It was <in> the abyss that it (shadow) appeared, deriving from the aforementioned Pistis.


Then shadow perceived there was something mightier than it, and felt envy; and when it had become pregnant of its own accord, suddenly it engendered jealousy. Since that day, the principle of jealousy amongst all the eternal realms and their worlds has been apparent. Now as for that jealousy, it was found to be an abortion without any spirit in it. Like a shadow, it came into existence in a vast watery substance.


Then the bile that had come into being out of the shadow was thrown into a part of chaos. Since that day, a watery substance has been apparent. And what sank within it flowed away, being visible in chaos: as with a woman giving birth to a child - all her superfluities flow out; just so, matter came into being out of shadow, and was projected apart. And it did not depart from chaos; rather, matter was in chaos, being in a part of it.


And when these things had come to pass, then Pistis came and appeared over the matter of chaos, which had been expelled like an aborted fetus - since there was no spirit in it. For all of it (chaos) was limitless darkness and bottomless water. Now when Pistis saw what had resulted from her defect, she became disturbed. And the disturbance appeared, as a fearful product; it rushed to her in the chaos. She turned to it and blew into its face in the abyss, which is below all the heavens.


And when Pistis Sophia desired to cause the thing that had no spirit to be formed into a likeness and to rule over matter and over all her forces, there appeared for the first time a ruler, out of the waters, lion-like in appearance, androgynous, having great authority within him, and ignorant of whence he had come into being. Now when Pistis Sophia saw him moving about in the depth of the waters, she said to him, "Child, pass through to here," whose equivalent is 'yalda baoth'.


Since that day, there appeared the principle of verbal expression, which reached the gods and the angels and mankind. And what came into being as a result of verbal expression, the gods and the angels and mankind finished. Now as for the ruler Yaltabaoth, he is ignorant of the force of Pistis: he did not see her face, rather he saw in the water the likeness that spoke with him. And because of that voice, he called himself 'Yaldabaoth'. But 'Ariael' is what the perfect call him, for he was like a lion. Now when he had come to have authority over matter, Pistis Sophia withdrew up to her light.


When the ruler saw his magnitude - and it was only himself that he saw: he saw nothing else, except for water and darkness - then he supposed that it was he alone who existed. His [...] was completed by verbal expression: it appeared as a spirit moving to and fro upon the waters. And when that spirit appeared, the ruler set apart the watery substance. And what was dry was divided into another place. And from matter, he made for himself an abode, and he called it 'heaven'. And from matter, the ruler made a footstool, and he called it 'earth'.


Next, the ruler had a thought - consistent with his nature - and by means of verbal expression he created an androgyne. He opened his mouth and cooed to him. When his eyes had been opened, he looked at his father, and he said to him, "Eee!" Then his father called him Eee-a-o ('Yao'). Next he created the second son. He cooed to him. And he opened his eyes and said to his father, "Eh!" His father called him 'Eloai'. Next, he created the third son. He cooed to him. And he opened his eyes and said to his father, "Asss!" His father called him 'Astaphaios'. These are the three sons of their father.


Seven appeared in chaos, androgynous. They have their masculine names and their feminine names:


1. The feminine name is Pronoia (Forethought) Sambathas, which is 'week'.
2. And his son is called Yao: his feminine name is Lordship.
3. Sabaoth
(Read More Sabaoth Son of The Demiurge Jehovah click): his feminine name is Deity.
4. Adonaios: his feminine name is Kingship.
5. Elaios: his feminine name is Jealousy.
6. Oraios: his feminine name is Wealth.
7. And Astaphaios: his feminine name is Sophia (Wisdom).

These are the seven forces of the seven heavens of chaos. And they were born androgynous, consistent with the immortal pattern that existed before them, according to the wish of Pistis: so that the likeness of what had existed since the beginning might reign to the end. You will find the effect of these names and the force of the male entities in the Archangelic (Book) of the Prophet Moses, and the names of the female entities in the first Book of Noraia.


Now the prime parent Yaldabaoth, since he possessed great authorities, created heavens for each of his offspring through verbal expression - created them beautiful, as dwelling places - and in each heaven he created great glories, seven times excellent. Thrones and mansions and temples, and also chariots and virgin spirits up to an invisible one and their glories, each one has these in his heaven; mighty armies of gods and lords and angels and archangels - countless myriads - so that they might serve. The account of these matters you will find in a precise manner in the first Account of Oraia.


And they were completed from this heaven to as far up as the sixth heaven, namely that of Sophia. The heaven and his earth were destroyed by the troublemaker that was below them all. And the six heavens shook violently; for the forces of chaos knew who it was that had destroyed the heaven that was below them. And when Pistis knew about the breakage resulting from the disturbance, she sent forth her breath and bound him and cast him down into Tartaros. Since that day, the heaven, along with its earth, has consolidated itself through Sophia the daughter of Yaldabaoth, she who is below them all.


Now when the heavens had consolidated themselves along with their forces and all their administration, the prime parent became insolent. And he was honored by all the army of angels. And all the gods and their angels gave blessing and honor to him. And for his part, he was delighted and continually boasted, saying to them, "I have no need of anyone." He said, "It is I who am God, and there is no other one that exists apart from me." And when he said this, he sinned against all the immortal beings who give answer. And they laid it to his charge.


Then when Pistis saw the impiety of the chief ruler, she was filled with anger. She was invisible. She said, "You are mistaken, Samael," (that is, "blind god"). "There is an immortal man of light who has been in existence before you, and who will appear among your modelled forms; he will trample you to scorn, just as potter's clay is pounded.


And you will descend to your mother, the abyss, along with those that belong to you. For at the consummation of your (pl.) works, the entire defect that has become visible out of the truth will be abolished, and it will cease to be, and will be like what has never been." Saying this, Pistis revealed her likeness of her greatness in the waters. And so doing, she withdrew up to her light.


Now when Sabaoth, the son of Yaldabaoth, heard the voice of Pistis, he sang praises to her, and he condemned the father [...] at the word of Pistis; and he praised her because she had instructed them about the immortal man and his light. Then Pistis Sophia stretched out her finger and poured upon him some light from her light, to be a condemnation of his father. Then when Sabaoth was illumined, he received great authority against all the forces of chaos. Since that day he has been called "Lord of the Forces".


He hated his father, the darkness, and his mother, the abyss, and loathed his sister, the thought of the prime parent, which moved to and fro upon the waters. And because of his light, all the authorities of chaos were jealous of him. And when they had become disturbed, they made a great war in the seven heavens. Then when Pistis Sophia had seen the war, she dispatched seven archangels to Sabaoth from her light. They snatched him up to the seventh heaven. They stood before him as attendants. Furthermore, she sent him three more archangels, and established the kingdom for him over everyone, so that he might dwell above the twelve gods of chaos.

Read More Sabaoth Son of The Demiurge Jehovah click


Now when Sabaoth had taken up the place of repose in return for his repentance, Pistis also gave him her daughter Zoe (Life), together with great authority, so that she might instruct him about all things that exist in the eighth heaven. And as he had authority, he made himself first of all a mansion. It is huge, magnificent, seven times as great as all those that exist in the seven heavens.


And before his mansion he created a throne, which was huge and was upon a four-faced chariot called "Cherubin". Now the Cherubin has eight shapes per each of the four corners, lion forms and calf forms and human forms and eagle forms, so that all the forms amount to sixty-four forms - and seven archangels that stand before it; he is the eighth, and has authority. All the forms amount to seventy-two. Furthermore, from this chariot the seventy-two gods took shape; they took shape so that they might rule over the seventy-two languages of the peoples. And by that throne he created other, serpent-like angels, called "Seraphin", which praise him at all times.

Read More Seraph Seraphim The Burning Ones Guardian Angels click


Thereafter he created a congregation of angels, thousands and myriads, numberless, which resembled the congregation in the eighth heaven; and a firstborn called Israel - which is, "the man that sees God"; and another being, called Jesus Christ, who resembles the savior above in the eighth heaven, and who sits at his right upon a revered throne. And at his left, there sits the virgin of the holy spirit, upon a throne and glorifying him.


And the seven virgins stand before her, [...] possessing thirty harps, and psalteries and trumpets, glorifying him. And all the armies of the angels glorify him, and they bless him. Now where he sits is upon a throne of light <within a> great cloud that covers him. And there was no one with him in the cloud except Sophia <the daughter of> Pistis, instructing him about all the things that exist in the eighth heaven, so that the likenesses of those things might be created, in order that his reign might endure until the consummation of the heavens of chaos and their forces.


Now Pistis Sophia set him apart from the darkness and summoned him to her right, and the prime parent she put at her left. Since that day, right has been called justice, and left called wickedness. Now because of this, they all received a realm in the congregation of justice and wickedness, [...] stand [...] upon a creature [...] all.


Thus, when the prime parent of chaos saw his son Sabaoth and the glory that he was in, and perceived that he was greatest of all the authorities of chaos, he envied him. And having become wrathful, he engendered Death out of his death: and he (viz., Death) was established over the sixth heaven, <for> Sabaoth had been snatched up from there. And thus the number of the six authorities of chaos was achieved.


Then Death, being androgynous, mingled with his (own) nature and begot seven androgynous offspring. These are the names of the male ones: Jealousy, Wrath, Tears, Sighing, Suffering, Lamentation, Bitter Weeping. And these are the names of the female ones: Wrath, Pain, Lust, Sighing, Curse, Bitterness, Quarrelsomeness. They had intercourse with one another, and each one begot seven, so that they amount to forty-nine androgynous demons. Their names and their effects you will find in the Book of Solomon.


And in the presence of these, Zoe, who was with Sabaoth, created seven good androgynous forces. These are the names of the male ones: the Unenvious, the Blessed, the Joyful, the True, the Unbegrudging, the Beloved, the Trustworthy. Also, as regards the female ones, these are their names: Peace, Gladness, Rejoicing, Blessedness, Truth, Love, Faith (Pistis). And from these are many good and innocent spirits. Their influences and their effects you will find in the Configurations of the Fate of Heaven That Is Beneath the Twelve.


And having seen the likeness of Pistis in the waters, the prime parent grieved very much, especially when he heard her voice, like the first voice that had called to him out of the waters. And when he knew that it was she who had given a name to him, he sighed. He was ashamed on account of his transgression.


And when he had come to know in truth that an immortal man of light had been existing before him, he was greatly disturbed; for he had previously said to all the gods and their angels, "It is I who am god. No other one exists apart from me." For he had been afraid they might know that another had been in existence before him, and might condemn him. But he, being devoid of understanding, scoffed at the condemnation and acted recklessly. He said, "If anything has existed before me, let it appear, so that we may see its light."


And immediately, behold! Light came out of the eighth heaven above and passed through all of the heavens of the earth. When the prime parent saw that the light was beautiful as it radiated, he was amazed. And he was greatly ashamed. As that light appeared, a human likeness appeared within it, very wonderful. And no one saw it except for the prime parent and Pronoia, who was with him. Yet its light appeared to all the forces of the heavens. Because of this they were all troubled by it.


Then when Pronoia saw that emissary, she became enamored of him. But he hated her because she was on the darkness. But she desired to embrace him, and she was not able to. When she was unable to assuage her love, she poured out her light upon the earth. Since that day, that emissary has been called "Adam of Light," whose rendering is "the luminous man of blood," and the earth spread over him, holy Adaman, whose rendering is "the Holy Land of Adamantine."


Since that day, all the authorities have honored the blood of the virgin. And the earth was purified on account of the blood of the virgin. But most of all, the water was purified through the likeness of Pistis Sophia, who had appeared to the prime parent in the waters. Justly, then, it has been said: "through the waters." The holy water, since it vivifies the all, purifies it.


Out of that first blood Eros appeared, being androgynous. His masculinity is Himireris, being fire from the light. His femininity that is with him - a soul of blood - is from the stuff of Pronoia. He is very lovely in his beauty, having a charm beyond all the creatures of chaos. Then all the gods and their angels, when they beheld Eros, became enamored of him. And appearing in all of them, he set them afire: just as from a single lamp many lamps are lit, and one and the same light is there, but the lamp is not diminished.


And in this way, Eros became dispersed in all the created beings of chaos, and was not diminished. Just as from the midpoint of light and darkness Eros appeared and at the midpoint of the angels and mankind the sexual union of Eros was consummated, so out of the earth the primal pleasure blossomed. The woman followed earth. And marriage followed woman. Birth followed marriage. Dissolution followed birth.


After that Eros, the grapevine sprouted up out of that blood, which had been shed over the earth. Because of this, those who drink of it conceive the desire of sexual union. After the grapevine, a fig tree and a pomegranate tree sprouted up from the earth, together with the rest of the trees, all species, having with them their seed from the seed of the authorities and their angels.


Then Justice created Paradise, being beautiful and being outside the orbit of the moon and the orbit of the sun in the Land of Wantonness, in the East in the midst of the stones. And desire is in the midst of the beautiful, appetizing trees. And the tree of eternal life is as it appeared by God's will, to the north of Paradise, so that it might make eternal the souls of the pure, who shall come forth from the modelled forms of poverty at the consummation of the age.


Now the color of the tree of life is like the sun. And its branches are beautiful. Its leaves are like those of the cypress. Its fruit is like a bunch of grapes when it is white. Its height goes as far as heaven. And next to it (is) the tree of knowledge (gnosis), having the strength of God. Its glory is like the moon when fully radiant. And its branches are beautiful. Its leaves are like fig leaves. Its fruit is like a good appetizing date.


And this tree is to the north of Paradise, so that it might arouse the souls from the torpor of the demons, in order that they might approach the tree of life and eat of its fruit, and so condemn the authorities and their angels. The effect of this tree is described in the Sacred Book, to wit: "It is you who are the tree of knowledge, which is in Paradise, from which the first man ate and which opened his mind; and he loved his female counterpart and condemned the other, alien likenesses and loathed them."


Now after it, the olive tree sprouted up, which was to purify the kings and the high priests of righteousness, who were to appear in the last days, since the olive tree appeared out of the light of the first Adam for the sake of the unguent that they were to receive.


And the first soul (psyche) loved Eros, who was with her, and poured her blood upon him and upon the earth. And out of that blood the rose first sprouted up, out of the earth, out of the thorn bush, to be a source of joy for the light that was to appear in the bush. Moreover, after this the beautiful, good-smelling flowers sprouted up from the earth, different kinds, from every single virgin of the daughters of Pronoia.


And they, when they had become enamored of Eros, poured out their blood upon him and upon the earth. After these, every plant sprouted up from the earth, different kinds, containing the seed of the authorities and their angels. After these, the authorities created out of the waters all species of beast, and the reptiles and birds - different kinds - containing the seed of the authorities and their angels.


But before all these, when he had appeared on the first the first day, he remained upon the earth, something like two days, and left the lower Pronoia in heaven, and ascended towards his light. And immediately darkness covered all the universe. Now when she wished, the Sophia who was in the lower heaven received authority from Pistis, and fashioned great luminous bodies and all the stars. And she put them in the sky to shine upon the earth and to render temporal signs and seasons and years and months and days and nights and moments and so forth. And in this way the entire region upon the sky was adorned.


Now when Adam of Light conceived the wish to enter his light - i.e., the eighth heaven - he was unable to do so because of the poverty that had mingled with his light. Then he created for himself a vast eternal realm. And within that eternal realm he created six eternal realms and their adornments, six in number, that were seven times better than the heavens of chaos and their adornments. Now all these eternal realms and their adornments exist within the infinity that is between the eighth heaven and the chaos below it, being counted with the universe that belongs to poverty. If you want to know the arrangement of these, you will find it written in the Seventh Universe of the Prophet Hieralias.


And before Adam of Light had withdrawn in the chaos, the authorities saw him and laughed at the prime parent because he had lied when he said, "It is I who am God. No one exists before me." When they came to him, they said, "Is this not the god who ruined our work?" He answered and said, "Yes. If you do not want him to be able to ruin our work, come let us create a man out of earth, according to the image of our body and according to the likeness of this being, to serve us; so that when he sees his likeness, he might become enamored of it.


No longer will he ruin our work; rather,we shall make those who are born out of the light our servants for all the duration of this eternal realm." Now all of this came to pass according to the forethought of Pistis, in order that man should appear after his likeness, and should condemn them because of their modelled form. And their modelled form became an enclosure of the light.


Now the production of the instructor came about as follows. When Sophia let fall a droplet of light, it flowed onto the water, and immediately a human being appeared, being androgynous. That droplet she molded first as a female body. Afterwards, using the body she molded it in the likeness of the mother, which had appeared. And he finished it in twelve months. An androgynous human being was produced, whom the Greeks call Hermaphrodites; and whose mother the Hebrews call Eve of Life (Zoe), namely, the female instructor of life. Her offspring is the creature that is lord. Afterwards, the authorities called it "Beast", so that it might lead astray their modelled creatures. The interpretation of "the beast" is "the instructor". For it was found to be the wisest of all beings.


Now, Eve is the first virgin, the one who without a husband bore her first offspring. It is she who served as her own midwife. For this reason she is held to have said:

It is I who am the part of my mother; and it is I who am the mother.

It is I who am the wife; it is I who am the virgin.

It is I who am pregnant; it is I who am the midwife.

It is I who am the one that comforts pains of travail.

It is my husband who bore me; and it is I who am his mother.

And it is he who is my father and my lord.

It is he who is my force; What he desires, he says with reason.

I am in the process of becoming; yet I have borne a man as lord.

Now these through the will <...> The souls that were going to enter the modelled forms of the authorities were manifested to Sabaoth and his Christ. And regarding these, the holy voice said, "Multiply and improve! Be lord over all creatures." And it is they who were taken captive, according to their destinies, by the prime parent. And thus they were shut into the prisons of the modelled forms until the consummation of the age.

Read More Sabaoth Son of The Demiurge Jehovah click

And at that time, the prime parent then rendered an opinion concerning man to those who were with him. Then each of them cast his sperm into the midst of the navel of the earth. Since that day, the seven rulers have fashioned man with his body resembling their body, but his likeness resembling the man that had appeared to them. His modelling took place by parts, one at a time. And their leader fashioned the brain and the nervous system. Afterwards, he appeared as prior to him. He became a soul-endowed man. And he was called Adam, that is, "father", according to the name of the one that existed before him.


Now the first Adam, (Adam) of Light, is spirit-endowed and appeared on the first day. The second Adam is soul-endowed and appeared on the sixth day, which is called Aphrodite. The third Adam is a creature of the earth, that is, the man of the law, and he appeared on the eighth day [...] the tranquility of poverty, which is called "The Day of the Sun" (Sunday). And the progeny of the earthly Adam became numerous and was completed, and produced within itself every kind of scientific information of the soul-endowed Adam.

(I shortened the article, to read the complete version go to the source provided above)

Yaldabaoth The Demiurge Gnostics

Demiurge, Yaldabaoth, the false God. Creator of the physical universe. Limiter of knowledge, Lion headed serpent. The Dragon. The Child of Chaos. Figure from Gnosticism. By @A_imaginarium

Yaldabaoth The Demiurge Gnostics

Demiurge, Yaldabaoth, the false God. Creator of the physical universe. Limiter of knowledge, Lion headed serpent. The Dragon. The Child of Chaos. Figure from Gnosticism. By @A_imaginarium

Yaldabaoth The Demiurge Gnostics
Yaldabaoth The Demiurge Gnostics

A Demiurge (Art by CristianAC)

Source: https://gods-and-demons.fandom.com/wiki/Demiurge 
Yaldabaoth The Demiurge Gnostics
Yaldabaoth The Demiurge Gnostics
Yaldabaoth The Demiurge Gnostics

Gnosticism is a pretty big territory in terms of esoteric material. While it may be cool to do a more involved Gnostic piece in the future, I wanted to focus on a certain part.
The serpent/lion creature in the center is the demiurge, Chnoubis, from Egyptian Gnosticism. He was characteristically depicted in correlation with the sun and the surrounding heavens. The sphere of light around him eminates outward into seven rays or regions that show the symbols of the planets.
That weird writing is Coptic, a language with Phoenician and Greek roots that was spoken prominently throughout Egypt from the 2nd century towards the 17th century. The translation method I used is a bastardized version as I converted it straight from the roman alphabet into Coptic rather than going the route of English literal -- Coptic phonetic -- Coptic literal.

Source: https://www.behance.net/gallery/18838415/Demiurge

Infant Annihilator - The Battle of Yaldabaoth


The battle had barely begun before bodies like mountains piled up towards the sun.

Blood flows, like a flood crimson mud washes over the land where civilization once stood.

All the while the war wages on, the weak fall quickly to the mighty and strong.

And they wail as they fail to withstand the cataclysmic defeat that has been brought upon.

Fantasised genocide, imperial subdivide, humanoid pesticide, indiscriminate, fratricide.

A war of filth and harrowed souls, with none left living once the battle unfolds.

The trees only allow a peek of light, a glimmer of hope.

Rip them limb, from limb, from limb. Burn their bodies and char the skin.

Crush their bones into dust and feed the wind. Eat their hearts with a threatening grin.

All the while the war wages on.

Many have fled and now all hope has gone.

The wounded cry and try to escape the never ending slaughter that has just begun.

As the warriors erase the fiends unclean, the King sits in his dwindling throne.

His mind is filled with only loathing and woe, and with open eyes hes paralysed.

His gaze fixed upon the legions of heretics; demoralized.

Rivers of atrocities, miles of monstrosities, a grim stream of desolation and misery.

May the hopeless sing through their journey to the damned.

And deep underneath the flourishing life lies death.

The roots entwined in the rotting; the warriors of primal supremacy.

Prostitutes of war decaying in the dirt for all eternity.

Feeding the pines, the valley of swine slaughtered for their faith.

The horns sound once more in the deep, drums in the deep.

Hell upon hell, death beyond reach. All howling voids and torment beneath, swallow me please and let me sleep. Though I know the dark is swarming with teeth.

“Yaldabaoth has only one single purpose: feeding. Blind but driven solely by instinct alone. His followers see him as a destroyer and incidental creator, "feeding" upon gods, worlds, and stars, while "exhaling life" into the cosmos. To the Sarkites life is just a natural byproduct of the Old God's existence; unguided by intelligence and spreading through a process not entirely dissimilar from panspermia”.„~ Archangel Michael

Read More Michael Who is Like God Archangel click

Source: https://the-demonic-paradise.fandom.com/wiki/Michael