Bushido Samurai

The Way of The Warrior


Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bushido 


Bushidō (武士道, "the way of the warrior") is a Samurai moral code concerning samurai attitudes, behavior and lifestyle. Its origins date back to the Kamakura period, but it was formalized in the Edo period (1603–1868). There are multiple types of bushido which evolved significantly through history.


Contemporary forms of bushido are still used in the social and economic organization of Japan. Bushido is also used as an overarching term for all the codes, practices, philosophies and principles of samurai culture. It is loosely analogous to the European concept of chivalry, but with some major differences.


The concept of a samurai code or codes was developed and refined centuries before the Edo period in the Kamakura period. Such ideas formalized earlier moral values and ethics, most commonly stressing a combination of sincerity, frugality, loyalty, martial arts mastery, honour until death, "bravery", and "loyalty to the samurai's lord." Bushido proper developed between the 16th and 20th centuries, but this was debated by pundits who believed they were building on a legacy dating back to the 10th century.


The term bushido itself is "rarely attested in pre-modern literature", but a code of honor did exist among the writing elite and historians who were generally disgusted enough at the dishonorable activity of some fighters such as shinobi as to rarely mention them. Ideas of honor that led to bushido developed in response to the longstanding dishonorable behavior of samurai, emerging stealth and espionage techniques, and Zen Buddhist soldier tenets.


Bushidō, the code of conduct of the samurai, or bushi (warrior), class of premodern Japan. In the mid-19th century, however, the precepts of Bushidō were made the basis of ethical training for the whole society, with the emperor replacing the feudal lord, or daimyo, as the focus of loyalty and sacrifice.


As such it contributed to the rise of Japanese nationalism following the Meiji Restoration (1868) and to the strengthening of civilian morale during the Sino-Japanese War (1937–45) and World War II. Instruction in the code was officially abandoned with Japan’s defeat in 1945. Elements of the code remain, however, in the practice of Japanese martial arts and in the sport of sumo wrestling.


The name Bushidō was not used until the 16th century, but the idea of the code developed during the Kamakura period (1192–1333), as did the practice of seppuku (ritual disembowelment). At that time the Minamoto family established Japan’s first military government (bakufu), headed by a hereditary leader called the shogun.


The precise content of the Bushidō code varied historically as the samurai class came under the influence of Zen Buddhist and Confucian thought, but its one unchanging ideal was martial spirit, including athletic and military skills as well as fearlessness toward the enemy in battle.

Read More Zen Buddhist


Frugal living, kindness, honesty, and personal honour were also highly regarded, as was filial piety. However, the supreme obligation of the samurai was to his lord, even if this might cause suffering to his parents.


During the Edo (Tokugawa) period (1603–1867) Bushidō thought was infused with Confucian ethics and made into a comprehensive system that stressed obligation or duty. The samurai was equated with the Confucian “perfect gentleman” and was taught that his essential function was to exemplify virtue to the lower classes.


Obedience to authority was stressed, but duty came first even if it entailed violation of statute law. The extent to which duty superseded all else is perhaps best exemplified in the story of the 47 rōnin from the early 18th century. The samurai, who had become masterless (rōnin) after their lord had been treacherously murdered, avenged their lord’s death and afterward were all ordered to commit seppuku.


Bushido is often described as a specific moral code that all members of the samurai class were obligated to follow. However, historically, the samurai adhered to multiple warrior codes and the interpretations varied per samurai clan, individuals and eras. These codes and philosophies changed dramatically during the different eras.


The earliest proto-bushido type existed since the Kamakura period (1185). The degrees of devotion and interpretations varied between individuals. Since at least the Sengoku period, samurai didn't have compunction to use certain weapons. Retreating from battles did occur if it was unwinnable while others chose to fight till the end. Samurai did not actively seek an honorable death. However, it was honorable to die in the service of a daimyo only while furthering the daimyo's cause.

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Cryonic Temple - The Midas Touch (Samurai) - The Quest, Pt. 3


Welcome to the brave new world with apex civilisation

Reality has no world order make-believe has the truth

Silent shadows corrupts life destined for deliverance

Is this the world you want live in fear led by hate

They don't care who you are or why you die (X2)

Samurai samurai

Warriors of the sun

Samurai samurai

Where are you now

Samurai samurai

Warriors of the sun

Samurai samurai

Help us now

Listen carefully to the words, warnings from history

Blinded by unholy light, marching reign in blood

Dressed in white, black and red mesmerized by 88

Is this the world you want live in fear led by hate

They don't care who you are or why you die (X2)

Samurai samurai

Warriors of the sun

Samurai samurai

Where are you now

Samurai samurai

Warriors of the sun

Samurai samurai

Help us now


Followers of corrupt legends deprived of the truth

The greed of salvation still lives today

Promises of wicked prophets, the fallen one laughs

Remember King Midas greed leads to death

Bushido Samurai The Way of The Warrior

Ring of Fire - Samurai


Moon in the eastern sky

The warrior's lullaby

The rising sun

Soon will come

A glorious time to die

Armour, lance and sword

Murder, aim and gore

On and on

Generals fight destiny

Soon they're gone

To the world of dreams

Song of the Samurai

Living and dying for honor and glory

Their whole life forsaking

For all time awaking

Legends forever

On gilded horses ride

As arrows start to fly

And blood will spill

Up until

Everything wrong's made right

Armour, lance and sword

Murder, aim and gore

On and on

Generals fight destiny

Soon they're gone

To the world of dreams

Bushido Samurai The Way of The Warrior
Bushido Samurai The Way of The Warrior


Pictures Videos Music and Additional Reading

Bushido Samurai The Way of The Warrior

Spirit of the Bushido Warrior 2 By Yontartov

Source: https://pixels.com/featured/spirit-of-the-bushido-warrior-2-yontartov.html 

Miyamoto Musashi: Embracing Loneliness - Samurai Meditation and Relaxation Music

Music Inspired by the philosophy and life of Miyamoto Musashi, one of history's most legendary samurais.

Bushido Samurai The Way of The Warrior

A samurai in his armour in the 1860s. Hand-colored photograph by Felice Beato

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samurai


Samurai (侍) were members of the warrior class who served as retainers to lords in Japan prior to the Meiji era. Samurai existed from the late 12th century until their abolition in the late 1870s during the Meiji era. They were originally provincial warriors who served the Kuge and imperial court in the late 12th century.


In the Heian period, powerful regional clans were relied on to put down rebellions. After power struggles, the Taira clan defeated the Minamoto clan in 1160. After the Minamoto defeated the Taira in 1185, Minamoto no Yoritomo established the Kamakura shogunate, a parallel government that did not supplant the imperial court.

Read More,,


On the other hand, from the mid-Edo period, chōnin (townsman) and farmers could be promoted to the samurai class by being adopted into gokenin families or by serving in daikan offices, and low-ranking samurai could be transferred to lower social classes, such as chōnin, by changing jobs.


In 1853, Japan was opened to the West by U.S. Commodore Matthew C. Perry, beginning the Bakumatsu ("end of the bakufu") era. Samurai from the rebellious Chōshū and Satsuma Domains played a major role in the sonnō jōi movement against the Tokugawa shogunate, and later in the Meiji Restoration and Boshin War of 1868, which restored power to the emperor.


As modern militaries emerged in the late 19th century, the samurai were considered obsolete and expensive to maintain compared to the average conscript soldier. Their class was abolished in the 1870s by the policies of the new Meiji government. Most former samurai became members of the shizoku class, ranking above the commoner class and allowing them to move into professional and entrepreneurial roles; the shizoku class was later abolished in 1947.

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Bushido Samurai The Way of The Warrior

Brothers Till We Die - 武士道 [Bushidō]


In a world of stones and snakes

There are fears to forsake.

I left behind the ropes

That made me weak

I set my spirit free

From all I've known before

My innocence is gone

Who will take care of me?

I'm not afraid to carry the weight of this life

I won't get on my knees anymore,

I will come back and rise from the dark,

'Cause after all there is

No hope for the weak.

'Cause I was born to fight

I am the dog that bites

This war is mine.

Body, mind and soul

I swear I'll never loose control

Honour, courage, respect.

HAMMERFALL - Bushido (Lyrics)


Screaming and twisting

He's pounding his sword to the ground

A soul made of fire

A heart made of solid steel, fear the sound

Guided by courage

The fear of eternal disgrace

The spirits of daring

The trail of his life brought fail to embrace

Trapped in the corner, hell or paradise

Forever failure or self-sacrifice

I'm a warrior, I am

In the rising sun I stand

My true colours shining bright

Inside aeonian flames

Winding and turning

He's seeking a path to survive

The hunter's the hunted

The spectre within will soon come alive

The spirit of bearing by seven diverges unite

Never surrender, be ready to kill

When killing is right

Shame and dishonor, the wrath of the sword

Beyond all bearings, the honor restored

I'm a warrior, I am

In the rising sun I stand

My true colours shining bright

Inside aeonian flames

I'm a warrior, I am

I'm a soldier under command

In the setting sun I'll carry on

The code of the warrior soul

Honour, courage and rectitude

Tempered by ancient wisdom

One law, one life in solitude

Live by the code, die by the sword

I'm a warrior, I am

In the rising sun I stand

My true colours shining bright

Inside aeonian flames

I'm a warrior, I am

In the rising sun I stand

My true colours shining bright

Inside aeonian flames

I'm a warrior, I am

I'm a soldier under command

In the setting sun I'll carry on

The code of the warrior soul

This is the way!

Bushido - The Way of The Warrior (Samurai Quotes)

RISE OF THE NORTHSTAR - Samurai Spirit (Official Music Video)


It's time to be this, it's time to be that

Let me just become the sword between you and I

Inflexible and sharp, I will impose you my pace

Don't talk, don't talk weak, and stay at your place

It has something to do with suffering

And fear / The enemy

Oppose the weight of your resentment to these words

And you will see

Guess What? Samurai Spirit


Against your own fear / Samurai Spirit

Against your mind torments / Samurai Spirit

Against life attacks / Samurai Spirit

Against brain harassment / Samurai Spirit

The heart of the trouble, cement of the mind

This is my best weapon between you and I

Legacy of hate, reign of snakes

I must ward off this mad dance, making no mistakes

Find the target, forget the goal

(I've) got go search my inner self / Break the wall

Within reach of my sword they are already dead

My hardships allows me to chop off their heads

Guess What? Samurai Spirit


Takezo's path

The orphan's Revenge, nature protect me

Mind is my friend and my body a tree

They try to avenge, one school against me

Life is a weapon for who wants to "be"
