
Son of The Demiurge Jehovah




In some Gnostic writings, Sabaoth is one of the sons of Ialdabaoth. According to Hypostasis of the Archons and On the Origin of the World, Sabaoth dethrones his father Yaldabaoth. In both accounts, Sabaoth repents, when he hears the voice of Sophia, condemns his father and his mother (matter) and after that is enthroned by Sophia in the seventh heaven. Some Church Fathers report on the other hand, that Gnostics identified Sabaoth with Ialdaboath himself.

Read More The Archons Family Rulers of The Physical Realm Gnosticism click


The name Sabaoth appears in the Old Testament in reference to an army. In the First Book of Samuel, the name is used as a name of God. In Gnostic texts, the name should evidently rendered as "over all the forces (of chaos)".


In Gnostic sources

Jan Zandee interprets Sabaoth's role as the opposite of Ialdabaoth. The psychics can choose between both; Ialdabaoth representing evil and Sabaoth representing good. Sabaoth becomes the current ruler of the world and thus fulfills the role of the God of Israel.


Thrown into Tartarus, Ialdabaoth envies his son, whereupon his envy takes on shape and becomes death. From death, envy, wrath, weeping, roar, loud shouting, sobber and grief emerge. Many of these emotions seem to be related to lament during funerals.


As mourning was controversial among early Christians, associated with Satan, they might intentionally display disapproval about lamenting the dead and advocated control of emotions. However, this is not explicitly spelled out and some emotions, such as anger for the rulers of darkness, are approved, thus differing from Stoicism.


After Ialdabaoth brought death into the world, Sabaoth creates a host of cherubim, a notion also appearing in Jewish Merkabah mysticism.

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Non-Gnostic sources

Epiphanius of Salamis, the bishop of Salamis, Cyprus at the end of the 4th century, reports that Severian Encratites (also associated with Sethians) believed Sabaoth and Ialdabaoth to be one and the same, the God of law, and therefore evil. Celsus, a 2nd-century Greek philosopher, identified Ialdabaoth with Cronus and Sabaoth and Adonai with Zeus. Origen (c. 184 – c. 253) denies the equation. That such identifications appears within Gnostic documents themselves, has not been proven.


Jehovah Sabaoth – Lord of Hosts



Elohim (God), Adonai (Lord) and Jehovah (Lord) are the Hebrew titles or names of God most often used in the Old Testament. As believers of this present age, we know God as our Father, the most intimate and precious name by which God has revealed Himself. However, Israel knew him as Jehovah.



The first record of the use of Jehovah is as part of the compound name, Jehovah Elohim:

These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens (Genesis 2:4)

Although the patriarchs were acquainted with God's name of Jehovah, they did not seem to have a clear understanding of what it stood for. It was not until God spoke to Moses that the meaning of the name is recorded:


And God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM.’ And He said, ‘Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, “I AM has sent me to you”’ (Exodus 3:6).

This name contains each tense of the verb ‘to be’, and could be translated, ‘I was, I am, I shall always continue to be’. God revealed Himself as the self-existent, self-subsisting ever-being One. All others are merely beings that exist. God is the only One who can say, ‘I AM’.


Lord of Hosts

Absent from the books of Moses, ‘the LORD of hosts’ is found first in 1 Samuel. This is how the desolate, childless Hannah addressed God in her prayer for a son:

Then she made a vow and said, ‘O Lord of hosts, if You will indeed look on the affliction of Your maidservant and remember me, and not forget Your maidservant, but will give Your maidservant a male child, then I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life, and no razor shall come upon his head’ (1 Samuel 1:11).

It is in this name that the young David took up Goliath’s arrogant challenge:

Then David said to the Philistine, ‘You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied’ (1 Samuel 17:45).

The LORD of hosts occurs mostly in the Prophets, especially those speaking about the failure of Israel. It appears nearly 80 times in Jeremiah, 14 times in the two short chapters of Haggai, nearly 50 times in Zechariah, and 25 times in Malachi. It is found only twice in the New Testament:

And as Isaiah said before: ‘Unless the Lord of Sabaoth [armies] had left us a seed, we would have become like Sodom, and we would have been made like Gomorrah’ (Romans 9:29).

Indeed the wages of the labourers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, cry out; and the cries of the reapers have reached the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth (James 5:4).

Who are the hosts over whom the Lord has authority? 

This is the ‘military’ name of God, for ‘hosts’ comes from a Hebrew word which means ‘to wage war’. The Lord is the Commander of the hosts (Warren Wiersbe).

His hosts are the angels which surround His throne:

Then Micaiah said, ‘Therefore hear the word of the Lord: I saw the Lord sitting on His throne, and all the host of heaven standing by, on His right hand and on His left’ (1 Kings 22:19).

His hosts are the angels He sends to protect His servants:

And Elisha prayed, and said, ‘Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.’ Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha (2 Kings 6:17).

His hosts are the natural forces of thunder, rain, and hail:

You will be punished by the Lord of hosts, With thunder and earthquake and great noise, With storm and tempest and the flame of devouring fire (Isaiah 29:6).

His hosts are the armies of Israel He leads into battle, and the armies of the nations He musters against His people when they are disobedient (Isaiah 13:14).

Read More Yaldabaoth The Demiurge Gnostics Origins of The Material World click

Read More Baal Bael God of Fertility Weather Tribes of Canaan click

Read More The Archons Family Rulers of The Physical Realm Gnosticism click

Deuteronomium - Jehovah Sabaoth


[Isiah 6:3]

Holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts

Holy, holy is Jehovah Sabaoth

Holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts

Holy, holy is Jehovah Sabaoth

For behold, He Who forms the mountains

For behold, He who creates the wind.

For Behold, He Who makes dawn into darkness

the Lord of Sabaoth is His name

Holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts

Holy, holy is Jehovah Sabaoth

Holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts

Holy, holy is Jehovah Sabaoth

You are worthy, our Lord, the Holy One,

to receive glory, honor, and power,

Holy, holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,

who was, and is, and is to come.

Jehovah Sabaoth

Draconian - Moon over Sabaoth (Official Lyric Video)


Oh Fathers and kinsmen

Yield in glorious bow,

For its springtime on Saturn

See the Archons gather

Around the celestial crown

For the god of Saturn

Towards the liquid light

Like a swarm of lice

We stand tall,

For no more shall our souls

Rattle the chains of Saklas

And the moon over Sabaoth

Where you are laid to rest,

A skeleton that was blessed

We found only Death

Oh gracious Mother

You're trapped here with us

In the darkness of Saturn

Hear the Archons whisper

In the shadows of fear

For the god of Saturn

Down comes the serpent rain

Of a god insane

We stand tall,

For no more shall our souls

Rattle the chains of Saklas,

And the moon over Sabaoth

Where you are laid to rest -

A skeleton that was blessed

We found only Death

Let fires plummet

At the soundless dawn,

I am here to defend you

From the cold

(Of) the Saturnian glow

Oh brothers sisters

Be brave and rise above

The moon over Sabaoth

We stand tall,

For no more shall our souls

Rattle the chains of Saklas,

And the moon over Sabaoth

Where you are laid to rest -

A skeleton that was blessed

We found only Death.

Pictures Videos Music and Additional Reading

Sabaoth Son of The Demiurge Jehovah

Gnostic Archon



In the Gnostic scriptures,there is a creature which they call "Archon/s";and these Archons as depicted on the Gnostic Scriptures have Bestial faces and body as well which originated from Gnostic Pistis Sophia's aborted fetus or not formed creature which is the vast watery substance or swirling chaotic matters in IEW..As the Gnostic story goes,Pistis Sophia wish to rule a being over it,which brings forth the creature they call "yaldabaoth" - a chief archon..

Read More Baal Bael God of Fertility Weather Tribes of Canaan click


Therefore,from Gnostic standpoint an Archon is a Ruler that rules and is within Matter or material substances...thus,the Bestial Aliens are attributed to the Gnostic Archons...
The Bestial Aliens associated with the Gnostic archons are the Annunaki and Reptilian alien races...These Archons rules IEW


From, it defines the Gnostic Archons as "...... a species of predatory inorganic beings who may be equated with the Anunnaki of Sumerian myth, as well as with ETs (Grays and Reptilians) in the intervention scenario of modern UFO lore...."


And from Mr. Jahn Lash definiton,here i qoute:

From Greek archai, "origins, beginning things, prior in time." In the classical Mediterranean world, archon was commonly used for the governor of a province, or, more loosely, any religious or governmental authority. Hence the plural, Archons, is often translated in Gnostic texts as "the Authorities." (There is no Coptic word for Archon, so Gnostic texts use the Greek term in Coptic transliteration.)

Read More The Archons Family Rulers of The Physical Realm Gnosticism

Demiurge, Yaldabaoth, the false God. Creator of the physical universe. Limiter of knowledge, Lion headed serpent. The Dragon. The Child of Chaos. Figure from Gnosticism. By @A_imaginarium

Works and Letters of St. Ambrose - St. Ambrose



Isaiah was sent by the Spirit, and accordingly the same Spirit was seen by him. What is meant by the revolving wheels, and the divers wings, and how since the Spirit is proclaimed Lord of Sabaoth by the Seraphim, certainly none but impious men can deny Him this title.


160. It is, then, the Spirit Who sent Isaiah. If the Spirit sent him, it is certainly the Spirit Whom, after Uzziah's death, Isaiah saw, when he said:

"I saw the Lord of Sabaoth sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and the house was full of His majesty. And the Seraphim stood round about Him, each one had six wings, and with two they were covering His face, and with two they were covering His feet, and with two they were flying; and they cried out one to the other, and said, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Sabaoth, the whole earth is full of His majesty."


161. If the Seraphim were standing, how were they flying? If they were flying, how were they standing? If we cannot understand this, how is it that we want to understand God, Whom we have not seen?


162. But as the prophet saw a wheel running within a wheel (which certainly does not refer to any appearance to the bodily sight, but to the grace of each Testament; for the life of the saints is polished, and so consistent with itself that later portions agree with the former).


The wheel, then, within a wheel is life under the Law, life under grace; inasmuch as Jews are within the Church, the Law is included in grace. For he is within the Church who is a Jew secretly; and circumcision of the heart is a sacrament within the Church. But that Jewry is within the Church of which it is written: "In Jewry is God known;" therefore as wheel runs within wheel, so in like manner the wings were still, and the wings were flying.


163. In like manner, too, the Seraphim were veiling His face with two wings, and with two were veiling His feet, and with two were flying. For here also is a mystery of spiritual wisdom. Seasons stand, seasons fly; the past stand, the future are flying, and like the wings of the Seraphim, so they veil the face or the feet of God; inasmuch as in God, Who has neither beginning nor end, the whole course of times and seasons, from this knowledge of its beginning and its end, is at rest.


So, then, times past and future stand, the present fly. Ask not after the secrets of His beginning or His end, for there is neither. You have the present, but you must praise Him, not question.


164. The Seraphim with unwearied voices praise, and do you question? And certainly when they do this they show us that we must not sometimes question about God, but always praise Him. Therefore the Holy Spirit is also the Lord of Sabaoth. Unless perchance the Teacher Whom Christ chose pleases not the impious, or they can deny that the Holy Spirit is the Lord of powers, Who gives whatever powers He Himself wills.

Read More Seraph Seraphim The Burning Ones Guardian Angels click




Yahweh was the national god of ancient Israel and Judah. His origins reach at least to the early Iron Age, and likely to the Late Bronze Age.


In the oldest biblical literature, he is a storm-and-warrior deity who leads the heavenly army against Israel's enemies; at that time the Israelites worshipped him alongside a variety of Canaanite gods and goddesses, including El, Asherah and Baal; in later centuries, El and Yahweh became conflated and El-linked epithets such as El Shaddai came to be applied to Yahweh alone, and other gods and goddesses such as Baal and Asherah were absorbed into the Yahwist religion.

Read More Baal Bael God of Fertility Weather Tribes of Canaan click


Towards the end of the Babylonian captivity, the very existence of foreign gods was denied, and Yahweh was proclaimed as the creator of the cosmos and the one true God of all the world.


During the Second Temple period, speaking the name of Yahweh in public became regarded as taboo; Jews began to substitute the divine name with the word adonai (אֲדֹנָי‬‎), meaning "My Lords" but used as a singular like "Elohim", and after the Temple was destroyed in 70 CE the original pronunciation was forgotten. Outside of early Judaism, Yahweh was frequently invoked in Greco-Roman magical texts from the 2nd century BCE to the 5th century CE under the names Iao, Adonai, Sabaoth, and Eloai.

Forsaken - Sabaoth (The Law Giver)


All knowing, omnipotent

King of Glory, King of hosts

All embracing, omnipresent

Jehovah, Sabaoth

Holy and reverent is his name

Rebuking the slanderer's lies

Breathing life to the sunless seas

Jehovah, Abonai

Crushing the seeds of abomination

Father of Mercy, Father of Light

Ending the days of our desolation

He is the dawn born from the night (repeat)

Divine Warrior, Divine Rock

Hallowed be Thee Sabaoth

Unchanging and absolute

You are the cleansing wind

Holy of holies, Restorer of Souls

Possessor of heaven an' Earth

The only Master that we serve

Jehovah, Elohim

Crushing the seeds of abomination

Father of Mercy, Father of Light

Ending the days of our desolation

He is the dawn born from the night (repeat)

Creator, Saviour, Judge, Sustainer

Under Your banner, we raise our sword

Archon, Victor, healer, Peacemaker

Majestic Power, Pantokrator

You rise beyond the bitter seas of Marah

Exorcising the demoniacs of Cadara

Crushing the seeds of abomination

Father of Mercy, Father of Light

Ending the days of our desolation

He is the dawn born from the night (repeat)

Sabaoth, he is the Law Giver

Sabaoth Son of The Demiurge Jehovah

You killed innocent humans! That makes you a murderer, no, a heartless monster! I don't care if we're archons, these people aren't your toys, you can't do what you want with them!”

Sabaoth to Yaldabaoth.

Sabaoth is one of the sons of the son of chaos, Yaldabaoth, and is one of his Archons.
