
The Moon God of The Kaaba Stone



The argument that Allah (God in Islam) originated as a moon god first arose in 1901 in the scholarship of archaeologist Hugo Winckler. He identified Allah with a pre-Islamic Arabian deity known as Lah or Hubal, which he called a lunar deity. Modern scholarship has dismissed this notion as unfounded.


A similar notion was propagated in the United States in the 1990s by Christian apologists using a 1994 pamphlet The Moon-god Allah: In Archeology of the Middle East by the Christian pastor Robert Morey. This was followed by the 2001 book by Morey called The Islamic Invasion: Confronting the World's Fastest-Growing Religion. Morey argued that "Allah" was a moon god in pre-Islamic Arabic mythology, and pointed to Islam's use of a lunar calendar and the use of moon imagery in Islam as support.


Modern scholars have dismissed the original theory and its popularized form as unevidenced. The whole notion is considered speculative and without basis in the archaeological record of the development of religion on the Arabian peninsula. It has also been labelled an insult both to Muslims and to Arab Christians, as the latter also refer to God as "Allah"


Before Muhammad appeared, the Kaaba was surrounded by 360 idols

Before Muhammad appeared, the Kaaba was surrounded by 360 idols, and every Arab house had its god. Arabs also believed in jinn (subtle beings), and some vague divinity with many offspring. Among the major deities of the pre-Islamic era were al-Lat ("The Goddess"), worshipped in the shape of a square stone; al-Uzzah ("The Mighty"), a goddess identified with the morning star and worshipped as a thigh-bone- shaped slab of granite between al-Taid and Mecca; Manat, the goddess of destiny, worshipped as a black stone on the road between Mecca and Medina; and the moon god, Hubal, whose worship was connected with the Black Stone of Kaaba.

Read More Jinn Demigods and Demons 10 Types of Jinn click

Read More Al-Uzza, Al-Lat and Menat The Triple Goddess of Arabia click


The Kaaba

Three of the Arabian deities were particularly dear to the Arabs of the Hijaz: al-Lat (whose name simple meant "The Goddess") and al-Uzza (the Mighty One), who had shrines at Taif and Nakhlah respectively, to the southeast of Mecca, and Manat, the Fateful One, who had her shrine at Qudayd on the Red Sea coast. These deities were not fully personalized like Juno or Pallas Athene. They were often called the banat al-Lah, the Daughters of God, but this does not necessarily imply a fully developed pantheon.


The Arabs used such kinship terms to denote an abstract relationship: thus banat al-dahr (literally, "daughters of fate") simply meant misfortunes or vicissitudes. The term banat al-Lah may simply have signified "divine beings.” These deities were not represented by realistic statutes in their shrines but by large standing stones, similar to those in use among the ancient Canaanites, which the Arabs worshipped not in any crudely simplistic ways but as a focus of divinity.


“The life of the pre-Islamic Arabs, especially in the Hijaz depended on trade and they made a trade of their religion as well. About four hundred years before the birth of Muhammad one Amr bin Lahyo bin Harath bin Amr ul-Qais bin Thalaba bin Azd bin Khalan bin Babalyun bin Saba, a descendant of Qahtan and king of Hijaz, had put an idol called Hubal on the roof of the Kaba.


This was one of the chief deities of the Quraish before Islam. It is said that there were altogether three hundred and sixty idols in and about the Kaba and that each tribes had its own deity...The shapes and figures of the idols were also made according to the fancy of the worshippers.


Thus Wadd was shaped like a man, Naila like a woman, so was Suwa. Yaghuth was made in the shape of lion, Yauq like a horse and Nasr like a vulture.. Besides Hubal, there was another idol called Shams placed on the roof of the Kaba...The blood of the sacrificial animals brought by the pilgrims was offered to the deities in the Kaba and sometimes even human beings were sacrificed and offered to the god... Besides idol-worship, they also worshipped the stars, the sun and the moon."

(Muhammad The Holy Prophet, Hafiz Ghulam Sarwar (Pakistan), p 18-19, Muslim)


The stones were said to have fallen from the sun, moon, stars, and planets and to represent cosmic forces. The so-called Black Stone (actually the color of burnt amber) that Muslims revere today is the same one that their forebears had worshipped well before Muhammad and that they believed had come from the moon.


"The Kaaba is a large masonry structure roughly the shape of a cube. (The name "Kaaba"comes from the Arabic word meaning cube). It is made of granite from the hills near Mecca. The most current dimensions for the structure are: 15 m high (49') with sides measuring 10.5 m (34') by 12 m (39'). [Petersen, Andrew. Dictionary of Islamic Architecture. London: Routledge, 1996. p.142.] It is covered by a black silk cloth decorated with gold-embroidered calligraphy. This cloth is known as the kiswah; it is replaced yearly.


The eastern cornerstone of the Kaaba contains the Black Stone or al-Hajaru l-Aswad, which is generally thought to be a meteorite remnant. Entrance to the inside of the Kaaba is gained through a door set 2.13 meters above the ground on the north-eastern wall of the Kaaba.


Inside the Kaaba, there is a marble floor. The interior walls are clad with marble half-way to the roof; tablets with Qur'nic inscriptions are inset in the marble. The top part of the walls is covered with a green cloth decorated with gold embroidered Qur'nic verses. Lamps hang from a cross beam; there is also a small table for incense burners. The building is otherwise empty. Caretakers perfume the marble cladding with scented oil, the same oil used to anoint the Black Stone outside.


According to Islamic tradition, God ordained a place of worship on Earth to reflect the house in heaven called al-Baytu l-Ma'mur. Muslims believe that Adam was the first to build such a place of worship. According to the Qur'n, the Kaaba was built by the prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and his son Ismail (Ishmael).


At the time of Muhammad, his tribe, the Quraysh, was in charge of the Kaaba, which was at that time a shrine to numerous Arabian tribal gods. Desert tribesmen, the Bedouin, and inhabitants of other cities would join the annual pilgrimage, to worship and to trade. Caravan-raiding, common during the rest of the year, was suspended during the pilgrimage; this was a good time, then, for travel and trade.


The Qur'n describes Mecca as a barren wadi where life is tough and resources scarce. Indeed, there is no evidence that Mecca was anything but a center of local trade and worship (see Meccan Trade and the Rise of Islam, Patricia Crone, Blackwell, 1987).


The prophet Muhammad, preaching the doctrine of monotheism and the promise of the Day of Judgment, faced mounting opposition in the city of Mecca. The Quraysh persecuted and harassed him continuously, and he and his followers eventually migrated to Medina in 622 CE. After this pivotal migration, or Hijra, the Muslim community became a political and military force. In 630 CE, Muhammad and his followers returned to Mecca as conquerors and the Kaaba was re-dedicated as an Islamic house of worship. Henceforth, the annual pilgrimage was to be a Muslim rite, the Hajj.”

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Aeternam - Moongod


Progenies of the holy tribe

Governors of the horizon

Prophecies has now revealed

The coming of the almighty savior

Invading the lands of the infidels

Spreading the word of their lord

Assimilating all their heritage

Destroying all their holy idols

Disciples of the lunar kingdom

Warriors of thy liberty

Their devotion is greater than their beliefs

Fear is not a part of their daily battle

The Lord is guiding their fate

Defying the hordes of the sun

Lighting the fire on the world

Launching their terror, butchering the nations

Their only god Allah remains

Crawling on the lands

This falling kingdom of God is becoming the sands

Of this barren desert that witnessed the birth

Of your own loss

Extoler of Arabian deities

Behold the demise of your lineage

Deliver your kind from this enchaining grave

And rise from the ruins of history

Illusion of God is no more

The era of slavery has come to end

The essence of man is the only path to reach

The ultimate illumination

مقدسة أكاذيب

الذي الجرح أثر تركت

الخيال سيطرة تحت شعوبا أقام


Al Uzza


Show yourselves for those

Who believe in this prophecy

And complete their apostasy

Hubal is the Moongod

Hubal is Allah

Pictures Videos Music and Additional Reading

Hubal  The Moon God of The Kaba Stone

Dark Arabic Mystic Music

God Baal/Hubal/Hobal- Canaan/Phoenician




In Arabian mythology, Hubal (Arabic: هُبَل) was a god worshipped in pre-Islamic Arabia, notably by the Quraysh at the Kaaba in Mecca. The god's icon was a human figure believed to control acts of divination, which was performed by tossing arrows before the statue. The direction in which the arrows pointed answered questions asked to Hubal. The specific powers and identity attributed to Hubal are equally unclear.


Access to the temple of the icon was controlled by the Quraysh tribe. Hubal's devotees fought against followers of the Islamic prophet Muhammad during the Battle of Badr in 624 CE, and Battle of Uhud in 625 CE. After Muhammad entered Mecca in 630, he destroyed the statue of Hubal from the Kaaba along with the icons of all the other polytheistic gods.


The name Hubal may be ultimately derivative of the name Baal from the Canaanite pantheon. In particular, the name could derive from the Aramaic hu bel, meaning "he is Baal". The relationship between Hubal and Baal is supported by some additional evidence, including that both were depicted with a missing or broken right hand.

Read More Baal Bael God of Fertility Weather Tribes of Canaan click


Hisham Ibn Al-Kalbi's Book of Idols describes the image as shaped like a human, with the right hand broken off and replaced with a golden hand. According to Ibn Al-Kalbi, the image was made of red agate, whereas Al-Azraqi, an early Islamic commentator, described it as of "cornelian pearl".


Al-Azraqi also relates that it "had a vault for the sacrifice" and that the offering consisted of a hundred camels. Both authors speak of seven arrows, placed before the image, which were cast for divination, in cases of death, virginity, and marriage.


Among the gods worshiped by the Quraysh, the greatest was Hubal, this on the expert testimony of Ibn al-Kalbi:

"The Quraysh had several idols in and around the Ka'ba. The greatest of these was Hubal. It was made, as I was told, of red agate, in the form of a man with the right hand broken off It came into the possession of the Quraysh in this condition, and they therefore made for it a hand of gold.... It stood inside the Ka'ba, and in front of it were seven divinatory arrows. On one of these was written the word "Pure," and on another "associated alien."


Whenever the lineage of a new-born was doubted, they would offer a sacrifice to Hubal and then shuffle the arrows and throw them. If the arrows showed the word "Pure," the child would be declared legitimate and the tribe would accept him.


If, however, the arrows showed "associated alien," the child would be declared illegitimate and would reject him. The third arrow had to do with divination concerning the dead, while the fourth was for divination about marriage. The purpose of the three remaining arrows has not been explained. Whenever they disagreed concerning something, or proposed to embark upon a journey, or undertake some other project, they would proceed to Hubal and shuffle the divinatory arrows before it. Whatever result they obtained they would follow and do accordingly.

(Ibn al-Kalbi, Book of Idols 28-29 = Ibn al-Kalbi 1952: 23-24) (The Hajj, F. E. Peters, p 3-41, 1994)

Hubal The Moon God of The Kaba Stone

Aeternam - Hubal, Profaner of Light


Chaos is devastating all the nations

This is the aeon of loss

The impostor prophet is now believed

Forsaken idols, overwhelmed

Sons of Ismaël

Heaven has chosen for thy

The moon you will worship now

The only god of Arabic tribes

Allah! Sinister deity

I will defy every verse

And defy every word you spoke

Sabean Moongod's legacy

Enslaving spirituality

This old Arabian poetry

Is archaic obsolete fantasy

People of Arabia, those who crossed the sands

Your fate has been torn from history of man

The blast of Israfil, the fear of your existence

Is now reduced to nil

Now expend!

Demise of an ideology

Unveiling the clarity of the lie

The infectious poison expelled from our bodies and our minds

The fallen idol of the moon is scattered before their eyes

Liberating hordes of chaos from their slumber

Hubal! Profaner of Light

Hubal! Devourer of Sunlight

The end of an era is coming

The spheres of the sky ignited by

Communion with spirits of ancient civilizations

O sons of Jahilia ascending from the stellar race

Destroy the pillars of the Moongod's empire

He is the chosen one

Brighter than the sun

Fallen before the dawn of oblivion

Hubal The Moon God of The Kaba Stone