
God of Water

Lord of The Earth



Source: https://www.worldhistory.org/Enki/


Enki (also known as Ea, Enkig, Nudimmud, Ninsiku, Nissiku) was the Sumerian god of wisdom, fresh water, intelligence, trickery and mischief, crafts, magic, exorcism, healing, creation, virility, fertility, and art. Iconography depicts him as a bearded man wearing a horned cap and long robes as he ascends the Mountain of the Sunrise.


Originally, Enki (then known as Enkig) was a Sumerian deity of fresh water and patron of the city of Eridu, considered by the Mesopotamians the first city established at the beginning of the world where the gods established law. The god first appears in written works during the Early Dynastic Period III (2600-2334 BCE) and was established as an important god of the Akkadians by c. 2400 BCE who knew him as Ea.


Excavations at Eridu, however, have uncovered evidence of a tradition of shrines to Enki dating back to the founding of the city c. 5400 BCE. At Eridu he was known as Enki and later, at Akkad, as Ea; the two names are used interchangably for the same deity as is the Babylonian name Nudimmud. Enki was known as Ninsiku only in his aspect as patron of crafts and art, especially objects devoted to divine subjects.


Genealogy & Offspring

Enki was the son of Anu, the sky god, in Sumerian and Akkadian mythology and the son of Apsu, the primordial father, in Babylonian texts. He is also referred to as the son of the goddess Nammu, a primordial mother goddess who gave birth to the earth and heavens. Enki's wife was Ninhursag (also known, among many other names as Ninmah and, originally, as Damgalnuna, the Assyrian Damkina) and their sons were Asarluhi (god of magical knowledge), Enbilulu (god of canals and dikes), the human sage Adapa, and the king of the gods, Marduk (who would later absorb the qualities of Asarluhi).

Read More Ninhursag Lady of The Mountain Goddess of Fertility click

Read More Adapa Son of Enki Apkallu click


They also had eight children born of Ninhursag's efforts to heal Enki in the myth Enki and Ninhursag:

  • Abu (god of plants and growth)

  • Nintulla (Lord of Magan and precious metal)

  • Ninsitu (goddess of healing, wife of healing-god Ninazu)

  • Ninkasi (goddess of beer)

  • Nanshe (also Nanse, social justice, fertility, divination, and the interpretation of dreams)

  • Azimua (goddess of healing, wife of underworld deity Ningishida)

  • Emshag (Lord of Dilmun, god of fertility)

  • Ninti (goddess of the rib, giver of life)

Enki is also often depicted as the father (or uncle) of one of the most popular and enduring deities, Inanna, goddess of war, sexuality, passion, fertility, love, and prostitutes. He had a twin brother, Adad (also known as Ishkur), god of weather and storms.

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Appearance in Literature

In the Enuma Elish, the Babylonian epic of creation, Enki is the father of the champion Marduk, who defeats the forces of chaos, and is co-creator of the world with his son. Enki also appears in the works The Atrahasis, The Marriage of Ereshkigal and Nergal, Inanna and The God of Wisdom, The Descent of Inanna, Enki and the World Order, Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta, The Epic of Gilgamesh, and others.

Read More Ereshkigal Queen of The Underworld Irkalla click

Read More Nergal The Raging King of The Sun Guardian Angel Underworld click


He was one of the most important deities in the Mesopotamian Pantheon along with Anu (Lord of Heaven), Enlil (Supreme Lord of Air), and Inanna. Along with Anu and Enlil, Enki made up an early Mesopotamian triad governing the high heavens, atmosphere, and earth. He is also listed among the earliest seven Sumerian deities as one of the Seven Divine Powers: Anu, Enki, Enlil, Inanna, Nanna, Ninhursag, and Utu-Shamash.

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Read More Enlil God of Air Storm King of The Gods click


Mythological Origin from Enuma Elish

According to the Babylonian Enuma Elish (c. 1100 BCE), Enki was the oldest son of the first gods, Apsu and Tiamat. In the beginning of time, the world was undifferentiated swirling chaos from which separated Apsu, the male principle personified by fresh water and Tiamat, the female principle defined by salt water. Apsu and Tiamat gave birth to the younger gods but these deities had nothing to do and so amused themselves as best as they could. Their constant noise distracted Apsu and interrupted his sleep and so, after consulting with his vizier, he decided to kill them.

Read More Abzu Apsu The Primordial Water click


Tiamat overheard their discussion and was horrified by the plan and so whispered it to her son. Enki considered various actions and their consequences and then proceeded with the one he thought best: he put his father into a deep sleep and then killed him. Tiamat never considered such a possibility and disowned her children. She then raised an army of demons and monsters, led by her consort and champion Quingu (sometimes Kingu). This army of the older gods defeated Enki and the younger gods in battle each time they met until the younger group was driven back and began to lose hope.


At this point Enki's son Marduk stepped forth with an offer: if the gods would make him their king, he would lead them to victory. Prior to this, there had been no general overseeing the operations but each god took a turn at command. Once Marduk was elected king, he met Quingu in single combat and defeated him and then shot Tiamat with an arrow so great it split her in two.


From her eyes ran the tears which would become the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and her body was used by Marduk to fashion the earth. Quingu, and other gods who had encouraged Tiamat's war, were executed and Quingu's body used to create human beings. Marduk consulted with Enki on all these choices and so Enki is often credited as co-creator of the world and life.


Enki in The Atrahasis

The Akkadian/Babylonian story of The Atrahasis (c. 17th century BCE) gives another version of the creation but, still, Enki plays a pivotal role. In this story, the elder gods live a life of leisure and pleasure while making the younger gods do all the work in maintaining creation. The younger gods have no time to rest because there is always so much to do and so Enki proposes that they create lesser beings who will be co-workers with them.


They have no idea what to make these new creatures out of until one of the gods, We-llu (also llawela), volunteers himself as a sacrifice and is killed. His flesh, blood, and intelligence are kneaded into clay by the mother goddess Ninhursag from which she creates seven male and seven female human beings. These fourteen new creatures are exceptionally fertile and soon there are hundreds, and then thousands, of people on the earth all doing the work which once occupied the younger gods.


At first, these people are exactly what the gods had hoped for but, as they grow in number, they become louder and more and more of a problem. Their constant noise and difficulties disturb the sleep of Enlil, king of the gods, and distract him from both his daily tasks and his leisure so he decides to cut down the population through a series of plagues.

Read More Enlil God of Air Storm King of The Gods click


He sends a drought, then pestilence, then famine and, each time, the people appeal to their father-god Enki, the one who first conceived of them, and he helps them by telling them what they should do to return the earth to balance and productivity and their communities to full health.


Enlil is frustrated as now there seem to be even more people than when he first tried to get rid of them. He convinces the other gods to allow him to unleash a great flood which will destroy humanity and he is powerful enough to get them all to agree. Enki recognizes the cruelty and injustice of this plan but cannot deter Enlil so he goes to earth and finds an honest man, Atrahasis, one who has always been both wise and kind and has devoted himself to Enki piously. Enki whispers to him to build an ark and enter it with two of every kind of animal.


Atrahasis completes his mission just as the flood begins. The people cry out for help from the gods but no help is offered. Ninhursag weeps for the people and is inconsolable and the other gods also mourn but no one can stop the flood. Enlil recognizes that this flood may not have been the best idea but it is too late now; everyone on earth is dead. The flood waters subside, the ark comes to rest, and Enki whispers to Atrahasis that the time has come for him to open the ship and make sacrifices to the gods.

Read More Enlil God of Air Storm King of The Gods click


Enki explains himself, however, and shows how good and kind a man Atrahasis is and directs them all to the sweet sacrifice. The gods are pleased and descend to earth to eat the sacrifice and then Enki proposes a new plan: the gods will create beings who are less fertile: infants will be carried away by demons, women will suffer miscarriages or be infertile, other women will be consecrated to the gods and remain perpetual virgins.


Further, humans will not be given very long life spans and, in the time they do live, there will be opportunities daily for their death from many different causes. The gods agree to this proposal; Atrahasis, the last of his kind, is spirited away to the lands of the blessed and Ninhursag creates the new creatures.


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Melechesh - Enki - Divine Nature Awoken


Blessed watcher, orthodox father, Suzerain king of fates, maker of man

Prime of archetype, Living matter and form, Sage of the gods, Ea, Enki

Divine Nature Awoken

Through the void, cyclone, fire and cosmic stones

May Utnapishtim sail

For your servant cosmonaut

Master of chromosome vessels - it must be done

Bring the waters of life, essence strains

Dweller of the liquid universe

Mankind he made, mankind he dictates

Sonic creation, power of the word

Blind upon it the will of the gods

Mix the heart of clay that is over the Abyss

Set the seeds your disciples are born

Enki - exalted ruler of House of the cosmic waters - Eridu

"The Sage of the Gods"

Khepra - Enki (Diaries of a Forgotten God)


Unforeseen outcome of your actions,

A part of an enigmatic co-existence

We've reached a new perspective in the scheme of things,

Blinded eyes are opened

Divine perfection in cosmic knowledge,

Neglected consciousness leads to deprivation

This burden getting too much I can’t carry

Reflections of your mind lead my insanity

Thoughts gone astray where brilliance engulfed me

Such advanced knowledge of your art was my prize

When I lifted my eyes there were two divine

Could not stare they knew me yet they wear the faces of man

Their fragments were sparkling like burnished brass

They mesmerize, pitch black darkness surround me

Thoughts gone astray where brilliance engulfed me

Such advanced knowledge of your art was my prize

Chaos, Cosmos, Siderus, Divinus

Enki God of Water Lord of The Earth
Source: https://stock.adobe.com/search?k=enki

Burzum- Ea, Lord of the Depths


[November '91]

The Head is a Head of a Serpent

From its Nostrils Mucus Trickles...

The Ears Are those of a Basilisk

The Body is a Sun Fish, Full of Stars


His Horns Are Twisted into three Curls

The Base of His Feet Are Claws

His Name Is Sassu Wunnu

A Sea Monster. A Form of Ea


Enki God of Water Lord of The Earth

Pictures Videos Music and Additional Reading

Enki God of Water Lord of The Earth
Source: https://openart.ai/discovery/md-fd662e4c-feb8-419c-9401-9ee4d17ccbe9

Music Meditation.

Ea, (Akkadian), Sumerian Enki, Mesopotamian god of water and a member of the triad of deities completed by Anu (Sumerian: An) and Enlil. From a local deity worshiped in the city of Eridu, Ea evolved into a major god, Lord of Apsu (also spelled Abzu), the fresh waters beneath the earth (although Enki means literally “lord of the earth”). In the Sumerian myth “Enki and the World Order,” Enki is said to have fixed national boundaries and assigned gods their roles. According to another Sumerian myth Enki is the creator, having devised men as slaves to the gods. In his original form, as Enki, he was associated with semen and amniotic fluid, and therefore with fertility. He was commonly represented as a half-goat, half-fish creature, from which the modern astrological figure for Capricorn is derived.

Ea, the Akkadian counterpart of Enki, was the god of ritual purification: ritual cleansing waters were called “Ea’s water.” Ea governed the arts of sorcery and incantation. In some stories he was also the form-giving god, and thus the patron of craftsmen and artists; he was known as the bearer of culture. In his role as adviser to the king, Ea was a wise god although not a forceful one. In Akkadian myth, as Ea’s character evolves, he appears frequently as a clever mediator who could be devious and cunning. He is also significant in Akkadian mythology as the father of Marduk, the national god of Babylonia.

Enki God of Water Lord of The Earth

Detail of Enki from the Adda Seal, an ancient Akkadian cylinder seal dating to circa 2,300 BC.

In this image, flowing streams run from his shoulders, emphasizing his association with life-giving water, while trees representing the male and female principle stand in the background. The streams are interpreted as the Tigris and Euphrates rivers which, according to one myth, were formed from Enki's semen. His name means "Lord of the Earth" and his symbols are the fish and the goat, both representations of fertility, while his epithets Nudimmud, Ninsiku, and Nissiku are thought to mean "prince."


Enki (Sumerian: 𒀭𒂗𒆠 DEN-KI) is the Sumerian god of water, knowledge (gestú), crafts (gašam), and creation (nudimmud), and one of the Anunnaki. He was later known as Ea (Akkadian: 𒀭𒂍𒀀) or Ae[5] in Akkadian (Assyrian-Babylonian) religion, and is identified by some scholars with Ia in Canaanite religion. The name was rendered Aos in Greek sources (e.g. Damascius).


He was originally the patron god of the city of Eridu, but later the influence of his cult spread throughout Mesopotamia and to the Canaanites, Hittites and Hurrians. He was associated with the southern band of constellations called stars of Ea, but also with the constellation AŠ-IKU, the Field (Square of Pegasus). Beginning around the second millennium BCE, he was sometimes referred to in writing by the numeric ideogram for "40", occasionally referred to as his "sacred number". The planet Mercury, associated with Babylonian Nabu (the son of Marduk) was, in Sumerian times, identified with Enki.


Many myths about Enki have been collected from various sites, stretching from Southern Iraq to the Levantine coast. He is mentioned in the earliest extant cuneiform inscriptions throughout the region and was prominent from the third millennium down to the Hellenistic period.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enki

Aeternam - Through the Eyes of Ea Lyrics

[PART I : Bearer of Aquarius]

When you stand at the gates of Anu

For you have ascended the road to Heaven

The snake shall be revealed to yourself

In the mighty symbol of life

But is this true ?

As winter is coming

Are you still searching for answers ?

[PART II : Revelations]

A scale on your skin

Stigmata of a false conception

Burning your temptations

I feel a deep hole within

The truth I will find

With a quick glance in your eyes

A fiery conclusion

For the sake of mankind

The end on your heels

Embrace the lights of hell

The promises that were

Made of human flesh

Enslave all the weak

Make them pay for their lies

A glimpse of my power

For the sake of mankind

You !

Have sent your prophet

To die on a rotten cross

And put on his shoulders

All the sins of the human race

You !

Carry all the secrets

Of a longtime evolution

But true knowledge will come

In the end when all is done

I am the son of man

I am Asari's soul

I am the evil one

أنا عدو الله

I feel a deep sadness within me

Resistance is futile

This is the prologue of the end

He's now the judge

I am defendant

Against a jury filled with death and it's slaves

Oh please forgive me

Turn on the lights and set me free

PART III : في عيون ابليس

عندما ستقف أمام أبواب أنوبس

بعد أن ترفع الى السماء

سيظهر الثعبان في رمز الحياة

هل هذى صحيح

عندما تقترب النهاية

ألازت تبحث عن جواب

Enki God of Water Lord of The Earth

Enki, Anunnaki of Water

By Yannick Dubeau

Source: https://www.deviantart.com/yannickdubeau/art/Enki-Anunnaki-of-Water-601949096

ABSU - Abzu - A Song for Ea


I sought after gold, but I found it not

My rules are found by the Conclave of Ur

I am the coxswain, as I shall valiantly face the dangers

With my chariot, I am declared!

[Chorus x2:]

I discover its foundations require cavernous mining in the primal basis

Enlil exhumes my unearthing and makes a sudden decision after Anu arrives

[Chorus II x2:]

Shar shadi il enlil ana kakkab shu gi ikabbi

[b. A Myriad of Portals]

You are falling into the squalls

Spirit fills itself with the tint of the teaching

Messengers of Namtar drink from your toxic well

And sink in the flood of black miasma - drunkenness


You are neither male nor female

Don’t break the pledge of the zephyr

The broad corrals, high enclosures…

A myriad of portals

Evil it is: Nanna is nigh

Tear the wives from embrace of man

Snatch the child from knees of mothers

Opening the flaps of time


Seven, you are in midst of the deep


Silence is the slaughter and the seal is the crown

On sacramental grounds, feign as creatures of the Light



And the body of the night turned out in daylight to be yours

Order and kindness don’t exist like a wing without a bird

And the body of the night turned out in daylight to be yours

Order and kindness don’t exist like a tongue without a mouth…

A myriad of portals

[c. Third Tablet]

[1st verse]

At last, my slog is Home to the Tides

Tablet of Fate obtained

As once, my trek is deftly guided

Blue-hued Antu: our way

The Water Thruster

The Tester’s Sunbeam

The Giant Kishar

Tablet of Fate attained

The Hammered Bracelet

Deleted Weapons

A Lucid Pathway

To all who assemble,

My words of command are in the hands of Bane

To all who assemble,

My words of command are in the hands of Bane

[Repeat 1st verse]

[d. Warren Of Imhullu]

Now that I have your face by heart,

I look more at your features being the First

You are the perturbing tempest and the worst of all



Gathering speed as it blows

- O’ Imhullu

To the Abzu, you will follow

Scowl of Waters

Now that I have your voice by heart,

I glance more at your features being the Fourth

You are the distressing Shibbu and the worst of all



Now that I have your heart by heart…

[e. The Waters – The Denizens]