The 72 Shem Hamphorasch Angels

72 Names of God


Shem HaMephorash



Shem HaMephorash (Hebrew: שֵׁם הַמְּפֹרָשׁ Šēm hamMəfōrāš, also Shem ha-Mephorash), meaning "the explicit name," is originally a Tannaitic term describing the Tetragrammaton. In Kabbalah, it may refer to a name of God composed of either 4, 12, 22, 42, or 72 letters (or triads of letters), the latter version being the most common.


12-, 22-, and 42-letter names

Early sources, from the Mishnah to Maimonides, only use "Shem ha-Mephorash" to refer to the four letter Tetragrammaton.

b. Qiddushin 72a describes a 12-letter name (apparently a mundane euphemism, YHWH-EHYH-ADNY or YHWH-YHWH-YHWH and a 42-letter name (holy but unknown; Hayy Gaon says it is the acronym of the medieval piyyut Ana b'Koach).


A 22-letter name appears in Sefer Raziel HaMalakh, without interpretation, as אנקתם פסתם פספסים דיונסים (Anaktam Pastam Paspasim Dionsim). Its origins are unknown, with no connection to Hebrew or Aramaic being found, and no agreement on any particular Greek or Zoroastrian origin.


The 72-fold name

In Judaic Kabbalah

The 72-fold name is highly important to Sefer Raziel HaMalakh. It is derived from Exodus 14:19–21, read boustrophedonically to produce 72 names of three letters.

(Boustrophedon is a style of writing in which alternate lines of writing are reversed, with letters also written in reverse, mirror-style. This is in contrast to modern European languages, where lines always begin on the same side, usually the left)


This method was explained by Rashi, (b. Sukkah 45a), as well as in Sefer HaBahir (c. 1150~1200). Kabbalist legends state that the 72-fold name was used by Moses to cross the Red Sea, and that it could grant later holy men the power to cast out demons, heal the sick, prevent natural disasters, and even kill enemies.


According to G. Lloyd Jones:

“To overcome the problems posed by the doctrine of God's transcendence, the early Jewish mystics developed an emanation theory in which the alphabet played an important part. They taught that the universe was divided into ten angelic spheres each one governed by an intermediary or emanation of the divine.”

“There were seventy-two inferior angels through whom the intermediaries could be approached. Contact with this celestial world was achieved by manipulating the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. This invocatory technique may be traced through the works of Joseph Gikatilla to the famous thirteenth-century Kabbalist Abraham Abulafia.”

Liber Semamphoras (aka Semamphoras, Semyforas) is the title of a Latin translation of an occult or magical text of Jewish provenance attributed to Solomon. It was attested in 1260 by Roger Bacon, who complained about the linguistic corruption that had occurred in translating Liber Semamphoras into Latin from Hebrew.


It is heavily indebted to Sefer HaRazim through its Latin versions, Liber Sepher Razielis idest Liber Secretorum seu Liber Salomonis, and seemingly replaced the more explicitly magical text Liber magice in the Razielis.


In Christian Kabbalah

Johann Reuchlin (1455–1522) considered these 72 names, made pronounceable by the addition of suffixes such as 'El' or 'Yah', to be the names of angels, individuated products of God's will. Reuchlin refers to and lists the 72 Angels of the Shem Hamephorash in his 1517 book De Arte Cabbalistica. According to Bernd Roling:

After deriving a Shem ha-mephorasch of the 72 angelic names from the biblical verses of Exodus 14,19ff., Reuchlin makes a statement concerning the metaphysical significance of the names. [...] The names of the angels are products of the will of God.

They are substantially based on the tetragrammaton, and through this connection they illumine and enhance man's spiritual return to God. [...] With the insertion of divine names such as 'El' or 'Yah', angelic names become pronouncable, and God himself (being nature) is the basis of angelic individuation.

Reuchlin's cosmology in turn influenced Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa (1486–1535) and Athanasius Kircher (1602–1680). In 1686, Andreas Luppius published Semiphoras und Schemhamphoras, a German translation of the earlier Latin text, Liber Semiphoras, which Luppius augmented heavily with passages from Agrippa’s De Occulta Philosophia and other sources.


In Hermetic Qabalah and Goetia

Blaise de Vigenère (1523–1596), following Reuchlin, featured the 72 angels in his writings. De Vigenère's material on the Shemhamphorash was later copied and expanded by Thomas Rudd (1583?–1656), who proposed that it was a key (but often missing) component to the magical practices in the Lesser Key of Solomon, as a balancing force against the evil spirits of the Ars Goetia or in isolation. Skinner and Rankine explain that de Vigenère and Rudd adopted these triliteral words with '-el' or '-yah' (both Hebrew for "god") added to them as the names of the 72 angels that are able to bind the 72 evil spirits also described in The Lesser Key of Solomon (c. mid-17th century).


Blaise de Vigenère's manuscripts were also used by Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers (1854–1918) in his works for the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Mathers describes the descent of power from Tetragrammaton through 24 thrones of the Elders of the Apocalypse, each with a crown of three rays:

Four is the number of the letters of the Tetragrammaton. Four is also the number of the letters of the name ADNI which is its representative and key. The latter name is bound with the former and united thereto, thus IAHDVNHY forming a name of 8 letters. 8 X 3, the number of the Supernal Triad, yields the 24 thrones of the Elders of the Apocalypse, each of whom wears on his head a golden crown of three rays, each ray of which is a name, each name an Absolute Idea and Ruling Power of the great name YHVH Tetragrammaton.

(Read More Tetragrammaton click)

The number 24 of the thrones multiplied by the 3 rays of the crown which equals 72, the name of God of 72 letters, which is thus mystically shown in the name YHVH, as under: (Or as the book of Revelation says: “When the living creatures (the four Kerubim the Letters of the Name) give glory to Him, etc. the four and twenty elders fall down before Him and cast their crowns before the Throne, etc.” (that is the Crowns, which each bear 3 of the 72 Names, and these 72 names are written on the leaves of the Tree of Life which were for the healing of the nations.)

These are also the 72 names of the ladder of Jacob on which the Angels of God ascended and descended. It will presently be shown how the 72 Angelic names are formed from the 72 Names of the Deity, and also how their signification is to be found. The 72 Names of the Deity are thus obtained. The 19th, 20th, and 21st verses of the XIV Chapter of the Book of Exodus each consist of 72 letters...

Contemporary books on Hermetic Qabalah which discuss the subject include Lon Milo DuQuette's The Chicken Qabalah of Rabbi Ben Clifford.

Meditation Kabbalah Names - 72 Names of God Pronounced

(Comment Section: The 72 names of the Shemhamphorasch Angels G-d sent to rule over the demons that are their counterparts. No-one calls for them anymore, because they don't know or understand them. They only call for the Archangels. These 72 are powerful angels that rule under the Archangels, but Angels can't interfere unless they are asked. They are strong and powerful and will come to you if asked. Jewish religion kept them to themselves. No one owns an Angel, they do G-ds work, but if you don't ask you will not receive. They have names, and you have to ask the angel by name.)


The deities and spirits of the Sri Yantra


Devis Names Location In Sri Chakra

The outermost 3 lines known as Bhupura form the first Avarana of the Sri Yantra. This is known as the Trilokya Mohana Chakra and the worshiper knowing its inner secrets can mesmerise the 3 worlds. It is ruled by a Yogini Devi called Prakata Yogini. The Deity of this is Tripura. The beeja of this Avarana is Am Aam Sauh. The gem is topaz. The time is 24 minutes (360 breaths).The mudra to be shown is Kshobha Mudra.


The 1st line: The Outer line (of the 3 lines) has 10 Devis known as Siddhi Devis. Their luster is like that of molten gold, they hold the goad in their right hands and the noose in their left hands. They are very auspicious and bestow heaps of gems and jewels to the worshiper. They are placed as shown in the above picture. They are:

O1-Anima Sidhyamba
O2-Laghima Sidhyamba
O3-Mahima Sidhyamba
O4-Ishvita Sidhyamba
O5-Vasitva Sidhyamba
O6-Prakamya Sidhyamba
O7-Bhukti Sidhyamba
O8-Ichha Sidhyamba
O9Prapti Sidhyamba
10-Sarvakama Sidhyamba


The 2nd line: The 2nd or Middle line has eight Matruka Devis. They are bedecked in all ornaments. They hold in their hands Vidya (book), Trident, Shakti, Chakra (Discus), Club, Thunderbolt, Baton & Lotus. They bestow to the worshiper everything desired.

M1-Shree Brahmi Matruka
M2-Shree Maheswari Matruka
M3-Shree Koumari Matruka
M4-Shree Vishnavi Matruka
M5-Shree Varahi Matruka
M6-Shree Mahendri Matruka
M7-Shree Chamunda Matruka
M8-Shree Mahalakshmi Matruka


The 3rd line: The innermost third line has 10 Mudra Shaktis. They are of red hue and rule the various mudras and bestow spiritual boons to the worshiper.

1-Sarvasankshobhini Devi
2-Sarvavidravini Devi
3-Sarvakarshini Devi
4-Sarvavashankari Devi
5-Sarvonmadini Devi
6-Sarvamahankusha Devi
7-Sarvakhechari Devi
8-Sarvabeeja Devi
9-Sarvayoni Devi
10-Sarvatrikhanda Devi


The Nava Avaranas (Nine Corridors) of the Sri Yantra

The 2nd Avarana: is the 16 petals circle known as Sarvaash Paripooraka Chakra meaning the fulfiller of all desires. 


The presiding form of Lalita in this Avarana is Tripureshi. She is ornamented with all gems, carries a book and a rosary. The Yogini residing here is called Gupta Yogini. The 16 Devis of this Avarana are called the Nitya Kalas, also Nitya Devis, also Akarshana Devis and also Gupta Yoginis. They are of red hue and each holds a noose, a goad, pot of nectar and make the sign of giving boons. They rule the 16 Sanskrit vowels from a to ah. By worshiping them one gets power over mind, ego, sound, touch, sight, taste, smell, intellect, steadiness, memory, name, growth, etheric body, rejuvenation, and physical body. 


The 16 Yoginis represent the 16 vowels of Sanskrit language, and are worshipped with the 16 vowels as their beeja mantras.


The gem of this Avarana is sapphire. The dhatu is chyle (the first product of the disintegration of food by the biological fires). The time is three hours (2700 breaths). The beeja mantra is Aim Klim Sauh.


The Mudra of this Avarana is the Dravini Mudra.

The 16 Devis in sequence are:

Devi’s name

1.   Kamakarshini shakti
2.   Budhyakarshini shakti
3.   Ahankarakarshini shakti
4.   Shabdakarshini shakti
5.   Sparshakarshini shakti
6.   Rupakarshini shakti
7.   Rasakarshini shakti
8.   Gandhakarshini shakti
9.   Chittakarshini shakti
10. Dhyryakarshini shakti
11. Smrutyakarshini shakti
12. Namakarshini shakti
13. Beejakarshini shakti
14. Atmakarshini shakti
15. Amrutakarshini shakti
16. Sharirakarshini shakti

The 3rd Avarana: is the 8 petal circle known as Sarva Sankshobhana Chakra. The preciding form of Lalita in this Avarana is Tripura Sundari. The Yogini is Guptatara Yogini. She is swaying in a love intoxicated state, with her eyes full of bliss. She smiles with passion and shows the mudras dispelling fears and granting boons.


The eight Devis in each of the eight petals have the colour of Bandhuka flowers. They are holding noose, goad, blue lotus and are dispelling fear. They represent Speech, Holding, Walking, Excreting, Pleasure, Abandoning, Concentration and Detachment. They have the eight Ka class letters as their beejas.


The beeja mantra of this Avarana is Hrim Klim Sauh. The gem is cat’s eye. The dhatu is Flesh. The time is day and night (21600 breaths).

The mudra of this Avarana is Aakarshana Mudra.

The 8 Devis in sequence are:

Devi’s name

1. Ananga Kusuma shakti
2. Ananga Mekhala shakti
3. Ananga Madana shakti
4. Ananga Madanatura shakti
5. Ananga Rekha shakti
6. Ananga Vegini shakti
7. Anangankusha shakti
8. Ananga Malini shakt

The 4th Avarana: This Avarana of 14 triangles (Outer blue triangles in picture) represents the 14 worlds and the 14 main Nadis in the human body. It is called Sarva Soubhagya Dayak Chakra. The presiding form of the devi is Tripura Vasini. She is red and very beautiful. Fourteen Devis of the triangles are described as being proud, wanton, young, colour of cochineal, ornamented with gems, holding noose, goad, mirror, wine cup full of nectar. They are called Sampradaya Yoginis. 


The beeja mantra of this Avarana is Haim Hklim Hsauh. The gem is coral. The dhatu is blood. The time is weekday.

The mudra of this Avarana is Vasya Mudra.

The 14 Devis are

Devi’s Name

1.Sarvasmkshobhini devi

2.Sarvavidravini devi

3.Sarvakarshini devi

4.Sarvaahladini devi

5.Sarvasammohini devi

6.Sarvasthambhini devi

7.Sarvajrumbhini devi

8.Sarvavashankari devi

9.Sarvaranjani devi

10.Sarvonmadini devi

11.Sarvarthasadhika devi

12.Sarvasampattipurani devi

13.Sarvamantramayi devi

14.Sarvadwandwakshayankari devi


The 5th Avarana: This Avarana of 10 triangles ( red triangles in the picture) is called Sarvarth Sadhaka Chakra. It is own as Bahirdasaram. The presiding aspect of Lalita is Tripurasri. She holds noose goad, a skull and dispels fear. She is of vermilion brightness. The Yoginis are called Kulotteerna Yoginis and also Kula Yoginis. They have the lusture of Japakusuma flowers and are adorned with shining gems and jwels. They are holding noose and goads and showing the gestures of knowledge, and giving boons. They represent the dasavataras and the 10 Vital Fires. 


The beeja of this Avarana is Hsshoum, Hleesskhloum, Hssouh. The gem is pearl. The dhatu is Ova/Semen. The time is Lunar Day (tithi).
The Mudra of this Avarana is Unmada Mudra.

The 10 Devis are:

Devi’s Name

1.Sarva Siddhiprada devi
2.Sarvasampatprada devi
3.Sarvapriyankari devi
4.Sarvamangalakarini devi
5.Sarvakamaprada devi
6.Sarvadukhavimochini devi
7.Sarvamrityuprasamani devi
8.Sarvavighnanivarini devi
9.Sarvangasundari devi
10.Sarvasoubhagyadayini devi


The 6th Avarana: This inner 10 triangle chakra (shown in red in the picture) is called Sarva Rakshakara Chakra and also as Antardasardam. The presiding aspect of Lalita is Tripura Malini. She holds noose and goad, dispels fear, and holds a skull. She is of vermilion brightness. The Yoginis are called Nigarbha Yoginis. They are the colour of 1000 rising suns, adorned with pearls and gems, holding noose, chisel, and showing the gestures of knowledge, and giving boons. They are the saktis of the 10 Vital Fires. 


The beeja of this Avarana is Hrim Klim Blem. The gem is emerald. The dhatu is Marrow. The time is Lunar Fortnight.

The Mudra of the Avarana is Mahankusha Mudra.

The 10 Devis are:

Devi’s Name

1.Sarvagya devi

2.Sarvashakti devi

3.Sarvaswaryapradayini devi

4.Sarvagyanamayi devi

5.Sarvavyadhinivarini devi

6.Sarvadharaswarupa devi

7.Sarvapapahara devi

8.Sarvanandamayi devi

9.Sarvarakshaswarupini devi

10.Sarvepsitaphalaprada devi


The 7th Avarana: This inner 8 triangle chakra (shown in Green in the picture) is called Sarva Rogahara Chakra. The preciding Devi is Tripura Siddhamba. She is described as the Destroyer of Poison. The Yogini is called Ati Rahasya Yogini. The Yoginis are the colour of pomegranate flowers, wearing red clothes, smeared with red scent, each carrying five arrows and a bow. These Devis are the rulers of Cold, Heat, Happiness, Sorrow, Desire, and the three gunas Sattvas, Rajas, Tamas. They are also called the eight Vasinis and rule the eight Sanskrit letter groups. They also represent the Astha Vasus.


The beeja is Hreem, Shreem, Souh. The gem is diamond. The time is month. 

The Mudra is Khecari Mudra.

The 8 Devis are:

Devi’s Name

1.Vasini Vagdevi
2.Kameswari Vagdevi
3.Modini Vagdevi
4.Kamala Vagdevi
5.Aruna Vagdevi
6.Jayini Vagdevi
7.Sarveswari Vagdevi
8.Koushini Vagdevi


The 8th Avarana: This inner 8 triangle chakra (shown in green in the picture) is called Sarva Siddhiprada Chakra. The presiding Devi is Tripuramba. The Yogini here is Ati-Rahasya Yogini.  Her Beejamantra is Hsraim Hsrklim Hsrsauh. 


She is also known as Sampatprada Bhairavi. She has coppery effulgent, like a 1000 suns, with three eyes, a face like the moon, adorned with white gems, with a beautiful figure, rising swelling breasts, intoxicated, wanton, young, proud, holding book, dispelling fear, holding a rosary and granting boons. 


The 3 Devis here are:





Kameshvari is the Rudra Shakti – Parvati. She is white in colour, besmeared with camphor, adorned with pearls and crystal, and various other gems, holding book, rosary, bestowing boons and dispelling fear. 


Vajreshi is the Vishnu Shakti – Lakshmi. She is bright as red kumkuma, adorned with flowers and gems, like the dawn sun. Her eyelids are smeared with sapphire dust, she holds sugarcane how, flowery arrows, bestows boons, dispels fear.

Bhagamalini is the Brahma Shakti – Saraswati. She is effulgent as molten gold, adorned with priceless gems, holds noose, goad, and shows the gestures of knowledge and bestowing boons. 


The beeja is Hsraim Hsrklim Hsrsauh. The gem of the mandala is Gomaya. The dhatu is Fat. The time is season (two months). The Mudra is the Bija Mudra. 


The 9th Avarana: This Avarana is the Bindu – the Cosmic Union of Shiva & Shakti as Kameswari & Kameswara. It is called Sarvanandamaya Chakra. The Yogini is the Queen of Queens, Rajarajeshvari, Her Transcendent Majesty Lalita Maheshvari Mahatripurasundari. 

Mephorash - Shem Ha Mephorash


Tshaesre spirits of Samael

Kings of the eternally defiled, rule the second death

Tshaesre, spirits of thaumiel

Kings those who eternally behead the living god

Esrim vetish’a demons of belgonal

Princes of the alilbelialeh

Seduce the damned to godlessness

Esrim veshisha demons of setheriel

Lords of the saurimhal

Lead the divine goats of everlasting confusion

Esrim vatesha spirits of zullanim

Rule the azariel corpulent devourers

Esrim vatesha, burning corpses of buergephoth

Exarchs of the dsisiel

Living bricks of the great falling tower

Shivim vechamesh quarrelers of thagirioth

Rule the zemehel of the great lechery

Esrim veshisha raven chiefs of aarav tzerep

Pecking at seeds in the shit of god

Esrim ve’arba’a wailing kings of the shevaroth

Bemoaning the holocausts

Esrim veshisha, fugitive princes of the peraqolel

Fleeing the elect into unclean beastliness

Esrim veshihsa, generals of the eastern and western armies

Of the esrim veshihsa-fold anointed archangel

Esrim veshihsa, devourers at the negative and positive poles

Of the esrim veshihsafold locust archangel of abaddon

The esrim veshihsa-fold archangel of protection with

Esrim veshihsa shields in his left and right hands

The cryptic esrim veshihsafold golden archangel dispensing

Esrim veshihsa treasures from his left and right hands

Agnus dei

Esrim veshihsa, generals of the eastern and western armies

Of the esrim veshihsa-fold anointed archangel

Esrim veshihsa, devourers at the negative and positive poles

Of the esrim veshihsafold locust archangel of abaddon

The esrim veshihsa-fold archangel of protection with

Esrim veshihsa shields in his left and right hands

The cryptic esrim veshihsa-fold golden archangel dispensing

Esrim veshihsa treasures from his left and right hands

Chamishim veshisha, angels of the apocalypse

Pouring out wrath on the day of anger

Chamishim ve’arba’a, generals under the archangel of battle

Esrim veshisha, chastisers punishing the wicked by laying bare their failure

Esrim ushmona, angels of misfortune, doling calamity

Upon those whose feet slip upon the path

Esrim veshihsa, persecutors tormenting the innocent

The esrim veshlosha-fold archangel of punishment

with Esrim veshlosha plagues in his left and right hands

Esrim ve’arba’a, storm demons eclipse the earth in tempest

Shmona Asar, chiefs of the righthand path,

Impose cosmic law by the edge of the sword

Esrim veshiha, glyphs of the explicit name of Lucifer

Open the gateways of Hermes-Thoth

The secret name of Leviathan is assembled from

Esrim vetisha, devils of the deep

Shloshim ve’arba’a, living poisons

Alchemically transmute into the secret name of Samael

Esrim veshiva, lunar demons dispense Shakti as the Yeroch Ruachot

And shivim ushnaim demonangels intercede between them

Making a hell of heaven and a heaven of hell

Shem Ha Mephorash

Pictures Videos Music and Additional Reading

A Tetractys of the letters of the Tetragrammaton adds up to 72 by Gematria.

Read More Tetractys Pythagorean Tradition click




Kabbalistic tradition holds that the correct pronunciation is known to a select few people in each generation, it is not generally known what this pronunciation is. There are two main schools of Kabbalah arising in 13th century Spain. These are called Theosophic Kabbalah represented by Rabbi Moshe De Leon and the Zohar, and the Kabbalah of Names or Prophetic Kabbalah whose main representative is Rabbi Abraham Abulafia of Saragossa.


Rabbi Abulafia wrote many wisdom books and prophetic books where the name is used for meditation purposes from 1271 onwards. Abulafia put a lot of attention on Exodus 15 and the Songs of Moses. In this song it says

"Yehovah is a Man of War, Yehovah is his name".

For Abulafia the goal of prophecy was for a man to come to the level of prophecy and be called "Yehovah a man of war". Abulafia also used the tetragrammaton in a spiritual war against his spiritual enemies. For example, he prophesied in his book "The Sign", "Therefore, thus said YHWH, the God of Israel: Have no fear of the enemy" (See Hylton, A The Prophetic Jew Abraham Abulafia, 2015).


Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, says that the tree of the Tetragrammaton "unfolds" in accordance with the intrinsic nature of its letters, "in the same order in which they appear in the Name, in the mystery of ten and the mystery of four." Namely, the upper cusp of the Yod is Arich Anpin and the main body of Yod is and Abba; the first Hei is Imma; the Vav is Ze`ir Anpin and the second Hei is Nukvah. It unfolds in this aforementioned order and "in the mystery of the four expansions" that are constituted by the following various spellings of the letters:

ע"ב/`AV : יו"ד ה"י וי"ו ה"י, so called "`AV" according to its gematria value ע"ב=70+2=72.

ס"ג/SaG: יו"ד ה"י וא"ו ה"י, gematria 63.

מ"ה/MaH: יו"ד ה"א וא"ו ה"א, gematria 45.

ב"ן/BaN: יו"ד ה"ה ו"ו ה"ה, gematria 52.

Luzzatto summarises, "In sum, all that exists is founded on the mystery of this Name and upon the mystery of these letters of which it consists. This means that all the different orders and laws are all drawn after and come under the order of these four letters. This is not one particular pathway but rather the general path, which includes everything that exists in the Sefirot in all their details and which brings everything under its order.”


The Book of the 72 Pentacles of the Shemhamphorasch Angels



These pentacles have been sourced from “Clefs majeures et clavicules de Salomon” an French Grimoire. 1826, attributed to Eliphas Lévi . This is an interesting Grimoire as It appears that the angels listed in this Grimoire list the talismans aligned to the 72 names of God (Shem HaMephorash).


The 72 Angels of God. In the Zohar (155 BC), the Hebrew Book of Splendour, it is said that God sent Archangel Raziel (aka Ratziel) with a book for Adam. This book was about the holy mysteries of the highest nature, the Holy wisdom of the 72 kinds of knowledge, virtue and power. In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, these virtues were structured in nine groups of eight angels, which are ruled over by its own archangel.


It is aid that this information concerning the rituals of the 72 Angels which originally came to light from a 12th Century manuscript, discovered in Spain. Which indicated that there are 72 Angels which guide humanity. But to date I have not been able to identify this particular manuscript by name.


According to this manuscript the Angels sacred task is to imbue us with specific qualities of the Divine to be expressed through our unique human individuation. At the time of your birth three angels are allocated to each of us. Each angel has a sacred Hebrew name expressed in the context of sound syllables which accord and emanate specific angelic energies.


Each of the 72 angelic energies has their own name, quality and function as well as being governed by particular days and times, giving personal relevance to each person that works with them.


Where do the names come from? The 72 Angelic names are derived from Exodus 14.19-21, as previously mentioned. These three verses narrate the escape of the Children of Israel from Pharaohs armies by Hashems parting of the Red Sea. As great judgment is executed upon Pharaoh and his armies, these names are attributed to Gevurah and are therefore called Gevurot.


Kabbalistic teaching informs us that there are 72 angels who are inhabitants of ten sephiroth, with twenty-two paths interconnecting them; this is the Tree of Life. These angels are what is often refer to as the Guardian Angels, or Teaching Angels, who we can invoke, pray or appeal to, and who will carry our messages and pleas to God. Once you have contacted these angels they will awaken your consciousness to the presence of the divine that already exists within each of us


The world’s major religions all believe in angels - Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam all have their Angels. So as we will be dealing with the angels of the Kabbalah which are primarily from the Jewish tradition. The 72 Angels of God were primarily evolved from the Shemhamphorasch, Shem HaMephorash (the explicit Name of God), an early Kabbalah, term which was used to designate a 72 letter name for God.


1. Vehuaiah

Subtle spirit. Endowed with great wisdom, enthusiastic for science and the arts, capable of undertaking and accomplishing the most difficult things.


2. Jeliel

To quell popular uprisings. To obtain victory over those who attack unjustly. Sprightly spirit, agreeable and courteous manners, passionate for sex.


3. Sitael

Against adversities. Protects against weapons and wild beasts. Loves truth, will keep his word, will oblige those in need of his services.


4. Elemiah

Against mental troubles and for the identification of traitors. Governs voyages, sea travels. Industrious, successful, keen for travel.


5. Mahasiah

To live in peace with everyone. Governs high science, occult philosophy, theology, the liberal arts. Learns easily, keen for honest pleasures.


6. Lelahel

To acquire knowledge and cure disease. Governs love, renown, science, arts and fortune. Features (include) ambition, fame.


7. Achaiah

Governs patience, secrets of nature. Loves learning, proud to accomplish the most difficult tasks.


8. Cahetel

To obtain the benediction of God and to drive away evil spirits. Governs agricultural production. Inspires man to rise towards God.


9. Aziel

Mercy of God, friendship and favor of the great, execution of a promise made (sic). Governs good faith and reconciliation. Sincere in promises, will easily extend pardon.


10. Aladiah

Good for those guilty of hidden crimes and fearing discovery. Governs rage and pestilence, cure of disease. Good health, successful in his undertakings.


11. Lauviah

Against lightning and for the obtainment (sic) of victory. Governs renown. Great personage, learned, celebrated for personal talents.


12. Hahaiah

Against adversity. Governs dreams. Mysteries hidden from mortals. Gentle, witty,discreet manners..


13. Iezalel

Governs friendship, reconciliation, conjugal fidelity. Learns easily. Adroit.


14. Mebahel

Against those who seek to usurp the fortunes of others. Governs justice, truth, liberty. Delivers the oppressed and protects prisoners. Loves jurisprudence, affinity for law courts.


15. Hariel

Against the impious. Governs sciences and arts. Religious sentiments, morally pure.


16. Hakamiah

Against traitors and for deliverance from those who seek to oppress us . Governs crowned heads, great captains. Gives victory. Frank, loyal, brave character, sensitive to points of honor, an affinity for Venus.


17. Lauviah

To be invoked while fasting. Against mental anguish, sadness. Governs high sciences, marvelous discoveries. Gives revelations in dreams. Loves music, poetry, literature and philosophy.


18. Caliel

To obtain prompt aid. Makes truth known in law suits, causes innocence to triumph. Just, honest, loves truth, judiciary.


19 Leuviah

To be invoked while facing South. To obtain the grace of God. Governs memory, human intelligence. Amiable, lively, modest, bearing of adversity with resignation.


20. Pahaliah

Against enemies of religion, for the conversion of nations to Christianity (?). Governs religion, theology, morality, chastity, purity. Ecclesiastical vocation.


21. Nelebael

Against calumniators and spells and for the destruction of evil spirits. Governs astronomy, mathematics, geography and all abstract sciences. Loves poetry, literature, avid for study.


22. Ieiael

Governs fortune, renown, diplomacy, commerce, influence on voyages, discoveries, protection against storms and shipwreck. Loves business, industriousness, liberal and philanthropic ideas.


23. Mel ah el

Against weapons and for safety in travel. Governs water, produce of the earth, and especially plants necessary for the cure of disease. Courageous, accomplishes honorable actions.


24. Hahuiah

To obtain the grace and mercy of God. Governs exiles, fugitives, defaulters. Protects against harmful animals. Preserves from thieves and assassins. Loves truth, the exact sciences, sincere in word and deed.


25. Nith-Haiah

For the acquisition of wisdom and the discovery of the truth of hidden mysteries. Governs occult sciences. Gives revelations in dreams, particularly to those born on the day over which he presides. . Influences those who practice the magic of the sages.


26. Haaiah

For the winning of a law suit. Protects those who search after truth. Influences politics, diplomats, secret expeditions and agents.


27. Jerathel

To confound wrong-doers and liars and for deliverance from one's enemies. Governs propagation of light, civilization. Love, peace, justice, science and arts; special affinity for literature.


28. Seeiah

Against infirmities and thunder, protects against fire, the ruin of buildings, falls and illnesses. Governs health, simplicity. Has much judgment.


29. Reiiel

Against the impious and enemies of religion; for deliverance from all enemies both visible and invisible. Virtue and zeal for the propagation of truth, will do his utmost to destroy impiety.


30. Ornael

Against sorrow, despair and for the acquisition of patience. Governs animal kingdom, watches over the generation of beings. Chemists, doctors, surgeons. Affinity for anatomy and medicine.


31. Lecabel

For the acquisition of knowledge. Governs vegetation and agriculture. Loves astronomy, mathematics and geometry.


32. Vasariah

Against those who attack us in court. Governs justice. Good memory, articulate.


33. Iehuiah

For the identification of traitors.


34. Lehahiah

Against anger. Known for his talents and acts, the confidence and fervor of his prayers.


35. Chevakiah

To regain the favor of those one has offended. Governs testaments, successions and all private financial agreements. Loves to live in peace with everyone. Loves rewarding the loyalty of those in his service.


36. Menadel

To retain one's employment and to preserve one's means of livelihood. Against calumny and for the deliverance of prisoners.


37. Aniel

To obtain victory and stop the siege of a city. Governs sciences and arts. Reveals the secrets of nature, inspires philosophers, sages. Distinguished savant.


38. Haamiah

For the acquisition of all the treasures of heaven and earth. Against fraud, weapons, wild beasts and infernal spirits. Governs all that relates to God.


39. Rehael

For the healing of the sick. Governs health and longevity. Influences paternal and filial affection.


40. Ieiazel

For the deliverance of prisoners, for consolation, for deliverance from one's enemies. Governs printing and books. Men of letters and artists.


41. Hahahel

Against the impious, slanderers. Governs Christianity. Greatness of soul, energy. Consecrated to the service of God.


42. Mikael

For safety in travel. For the discovery of conspiracies. Concerned with political affairs, diplomatic.


43. Veuahiah

For the destruction of the enemy and deliverance from bondage. Love glory and the military.


44. Ielahiah

Success of a useful undertaking. Protection against magistrates. Trials. Protects against armies, gives victory. Fond of travel and learning. All his undertakings are crowned with success; distinguished for military capabilities and courage.


45. Sealiah

To confound the wicked and the proud, to exalt the humiliated and the fallen. Governs vegetation. Loves learning, much aptitude.


46. Ariel

To procure revelations. To thank God for the good he sends us. Discovers hidden treasure, reveals the greatest secrets of nature, causes the object of one's desire to be seen in dreams. Strong subtle mind, new and sublime thoughts, discreet, circumspect.


47. Asaliah

For the praising of God and the growing towards him when he enlightens us. Governs justice, makes the truth known in legal proceedings. Agreeable character, avid for the acquisition of secret knowledge.


48. Michael

For the preservation of peace and the union of man and wife. Protects those who address themselves to him, gives premonitions and secret inspirations. Governs generation of beings. Avid for love, fond of walks and pleasures in general.


49. Vehuel

Sorrow, contrariness. For the exaltation of oneself for the benediction and glory of God. Sensitive and generous soul. Literature, jurisprudence, diplomacy.


50. Daniel

To obtain the mercy of God and consolation. Governs justice, lawyers, solicitors. Furnishes conclusions to those who hesitate. Industrious and active in business, loves literature and is distinguished for eloquence.


51. Hahasiah

For the elevation of the soul and the discovery of the mysteries of wisdom. Governs chemistry and physics. Reveals the secret of the Philosopher's Stone and universal medicine. Loves abstract science. Devoted to the discovery of the properties of animals, plants and minerals. Distinguished in medicine.


52. Imamiah

Destroys the power of enemies and humbles them. Governs voyages in general, protects prisoners who turn to him and gives them the means of obtaining their freedom. Forceful, vigorous temperament, bears adversity with patience and courage. Fond of work.


52. Nanael

Governs the high sciences. Melancholy humor, avoids rest, meditation, well-versed in the abstract sciences.


54. Nithael

To obtain the mercy of God and live long. Emperor, king, and prince. Renowned for writings and eloquence, of great reputation among the learned.


55. Mabaiah

Beneficial for obtaining consolation and compensations. Governs morality and religion. Distinguished by good deeds and piety.


56. Poiel

For the fulfillment of one's request. Governs renown, fortune and philosophy. Well esteemed by everyone for his modesty and agreeable humor.


57. Nemmamiah

For general prosperity and the deliverance of prisoners. Governs great captains. Drawn to the military; distinguished for activity and the courageous bearing of fatigue.


58. Ieialel

Protects against sorrow and care and heals the sick, especially afflictions of the eyes. Influences iron and those in commerce. Brave, frank, affinity for Venus.


59. Harahel

Against the sterility of women and to make children obedient to their parents. Governs treasure and banks. Printing, books. Love of learning, successful in business, money.


60. Mizrael

For the cure of mental illness and deliverance from those who persecute us. Virtuous,longevity.


61. Umabel

To obtain the friendship of a given person. Fond of travel and honest pleasures; sensitive heart.


62. Iah-hel

For the acquisition of wisdom. Governs philosophers, illuminati. Loves tranquility and solitude, modest, virtuous.


63. Anianuel

For the conversion of nations to Christianity. Protects against accidents, heals the sick. Governs commerce, banking. Subtle and ingenious, industrious and active.


64. Mehiel

Against adversities. Protects against rabies and wild beasts. Governs savants, professors,orators and others. Distinguished in literature.


65. Damabiah

Against magic spells and for the obtainment of wisdom and the undertaking of successful ventures. Governs seas, rivers, springs, sailors. Sailor; amasses a considerable fortune.


66. Manakel

For the appeasement of the anger of God and for the healing of epilepsy. Governs vegetation, aquatic animals. Influences dreams. Gentleness of character.


67. Itaiel

To obtain consolation in adversity and for the acquisition of wisdom. Influences occult science. Makes the truth known to those who call on him in their work. Enlightened requirements of the spirit of God. Fond of solitude, distinguished in higher sciences.


68. Chabuiah

For the preservation of health and the healing of the sick. Governs agriculture and fecundity. Fond of the countryside, hunting, gardens and all that is related to agriculture.


69. Rochel

To find lost or stolen objects and discover the person responsible. Distinguished in the judiciary, morals and customs of all peoples.


70. Iabamiah

Governs the generation of beings and phenomena of nature. Protects those who wish to progress spiritually. Distinguished by genius; one of the great lights of philosophy.


71. Haiel

To confound the wicked and for deliverance from those who seek to oppress us (sic).Protects those who call upon him. Influences fire. Brave.


72. Mumiah

A divine talisman should be prepared under favorable influences with the name of the spirit on the reverse side. Protects in mysterious operations, brings success in all things. Governs chemistry, physics and medicine. Influences health and longevity.

Trepalium - (A)I was(S)


Draw what I live,d outlaw are is what I gave!

with holy madness, scythe, slowly discover the badness!

...Smile and world smiles with you!

Write that I have all the rights, Letters become of the fire

Tightrope walker on a spade steady, I’m already dead,

Shem hamephorash

Nahash Lightning the fanatism.

Your body of fervour explodes


Open gate of mind

With the fascist of faith


What you build with believe?

Burn a wax candle on my coffin bastard!

Aiwas speak in my voices

Delight you forgotten people...

And freaks take free choices!

To be and become beyond

Laws of knowledge

Worse than dogma!

Above the deadly sins

Halam, not really? My brother!

And the clown becomes

Prophet of a lost world

Became Templar of light of truth

Priest of absurd!

Many religion about tolerance

And so many reasons for hating it

With a little chance

Find reason to hoping!

Samael (Sammael) is in Hebrew lore, the prince of Demons known as “the venom of God” and the executioner of death sentences decreed by God. Samael is linked to Adramelech, another Demon of death. In rabbinical lore, Samael is a Demon of a desert wind called Samiel or Simoon. He flies through the air like a bird, and the dark spots on the Moon are his excrement.

Read More Samael Poison of God Fallen Angel click

Read More Fallen Angels The Nephilim Watchers 1st Book of Enoch click


Qlippoth, Hebrew, «shells, husks,» is a term in the Kabbalah tradition means «Lords of Unbalanced Powers» referring to demonic entities from a former universe who survived in the present one. The Qlippoth are the subject of a vast but uncertain demonological lore, which originated from Jewish sources but also was barrowed or came from other sources, and parts expounded upon by later occultist theorists. As with Kabbalah, Qlippoth has several English spellings, a common one is Kelippoth.

Read More Qlippoth Tree of Death Hierarchy of The Arch Demons click

Read More Kabballah Tree of Life Hierarchy of The Archangels click

Read More Tetragrammaton click

Mephorash - King of Kings, Lord of Lords


Woe is me!

For have I ever been an utter blindfolded seer.

For as I witnessed thine eyes of blazing fire,

Thou fury accede the lashing of sacral choirs.

My words so unworldly confined, for thy fires of faith art ever fires of truth!

I see candlelit vapours, rising from his brow in blear shapes of royal garments like multitudes of crowns! Many were they on his head and many they were rushing behind him!

They, The army of Eden, the wing clad reapers of YHVH (Yaweh).

For they are the voices in death's song, the grand roar of thousand woes.

A thousand wings

A thousand hooves

A thousand black halos alight

Come now all! Come now none!

Come now, ye 23 spawns of Helel Ben Sahar!

"Come gather together in for the great supper of god, so that you may eat the flesh of kings"

Now let them hear…


Honor his stature of blood drenched robes with lyrical art on his limbs.

For He Be The Lords Of Lords!


With a purging sword like a scepter he strives for dominion by nil.

For He Be The King Of Kings


His names are never to be spoken, by fashion of mortal tounge.