The Halls of Amenti

Emerald Tablet

Tablet 2

Wisdom of Thoth


What Are the Halls of Amenti in the Emerald Tablets?




The Halls of Amenti are between the highest and lowest dimensions, distorting the only Truth that exists in the Universe.


The second Emerald Tablet is about the Halls of Amenti. But what does Thoth mean when referring to the Halls of Amenti?


There are many speculations what the Halls of Amenti could be—from mystical realms to star gates to a hidden cavity found under the Sphinx. Misconceptions are easily born by taking words literally, and transposing words literally from the mystical domain to the material domain is often a mistake.


The Halls of Amenti act as a distortion filter between our physical being and the Soul. It is the realm between the Omega Point and our three-dimensional world. Reincarnation happens from within the Halls of Amenti back into a new physical body. This will continue to go on until you finally "get it," meaning you come to understand that the physical world is an illusion.


The term "Omega Point" (later referred to as "Noosphere") was first coined by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, and stands for the highest level of consciousness (e.g., God consciousness). The Omega Point is the destination one reaches after passing through the Halls of Amenti. The Halls of Amenti, which is the ultimate hall of mirrors, is the realm of the great illusion. This is only passable by combining knowledge, wisdom, and a complete lack of Karma.


“He who by progress has grown from the darkness, lifted himself from the night into light, free is he made of the Halls of Amenti, free of the Flower of Light and of Life." - Thoth


Projection of a Higher Reality

The world we live in is a projection of Souls. The Soul is able to materialize itself through Fourier transforms (FT). Matter is a pure mental phenomenon, and not vice versa like science assumes.


The material world is a projection of the highest Truth down to the lowest projection, where it becomes a tangible hologram which we call matter. It has similarities with Plato's treatise on the allegory of the cave where cavemen were looking to their shadows on the wall, rather than to the source (the light) that was behind them.


Essentially, matter is the result of minds. Everything seems to be in its place and tangible, so how could it possibly be an illusion? This is a concept that can be very hard to understand.


The Senses Are Probing an Illusion

We've learned from our birth to rely on our senses, and we are conditioned to think in terms of matter over mind. We've been taught the idea that our physical brains, which are made from dead atoms, produce all our thoughts. We have to overcome this superficial idea. Or better, we have to dump this idea completely. It is a false paradigm.


When you have fallen for materialistic scientific ideas, you will likely get lost in the Halls of Amenti. Until you finally reach—and are able to pass through—the first gate guarded by an Archon, you will be thrown back into a new body.


In our current society, we are trained to rely on our senses as organs of truth. In daily life we learn to probe the world through our senses. Because we are incessantly conditioned in that way, we are unable to unlock the Universal Secrets. We need to know these Secrets in order to incorporate and live them during our Earthly life. Knowing alone is not enough.


Gods as Gatekeepers

When we solely rely on our senses, we are unable to understand the invisible, undetectable truth that underlies all matter. What our senses perceive is converted into signals, which is interpreted by our brain to be real.


But there is no way to verify the thing we perceive is actually the "truth," other than a material representation. We lack organs of truth. The ultimate truth is only mentally conceivable, especially by grasping the mathematical reality intuitively.


Our universe is 100% mathematical, and that is why the unreasonable "god" of the Old Testament is no true god. It is only a gatekeeper, the bouncer at the door, which some religions have turned into a god. Pure reason is a divine quality, that is why so many people feel attracted to mathematical patterns.


The essence of the human Soul is divine, made in God's image, but tragically most people have no idea what they really are.


The Pleroma

According to String theory, also called the M-theory, the three-dimensional physical world has at least seven dimensions above it. This totals 10 dimensions in all. The Halls of Amenti are situated in the higher dimensions and are ruled by pure energetic entities that several religions have called Lord the Almighty, Yahweh, and Allah. Again, this entity is the bouncer at the gates. Plato has called it the Demiurge. The Demiurge has many shapes and forms, and guards with the Archons the gateways to the Pleroma.

Read More The Archons Family Rulers of The Physical Realm click

Read More Dharmapalas The 8 Wrathful Protector Gods click


These energies distort the pure vibrations that are emitted by the highest level, the Pleroma. It is everyone's duty to overcome this, that's what humanity's real task here on Earth is.


To Be or Not to Be

There is nothing wrong with having a job and working hard. From the perspective of the Emerald Tablets, however, identifying yourself solely with this earthly material life ("I am this or that") often leads to a low capacity for self-awareness, which in turn will cause a Soul, after death, to be stopped at one of the gates.


How you identify has nothing to do with your physical being—it is a mental state that you take with you after death. Souls who arrive at the gates without the capacity to move beyond a material conceptualization of themselves will be stripped of their memories and cast back down to the Earth to do it all over again. They will reincarnate in a certain form depending on their Karma.


The Demiurge, the lower god, has installed eight levels of guardians. The ancient gnostics named these guardians "Archons," or dark angels. As long as there are vibrations within you that vibrate with one of the Archons, you will be recognized as one of them, and your Soul will be cast back to where it came from. It sounds easy to get rid of unwanted vibrations, but it is wildly difficult. Getting rid of these Archonic vibrations is your real task while you are here on Earth.

Read More Dharmapalas The 8 Wrathful Protector Gods click

Read More Sabaoth Son of The Demiurge Jehovah click

Abraxas Great Archon of The 365 Spheres click


Living a tranquil, self-exploratory life helps along this path. But leaving your comfort zone on a regular basis in combination with thorough self-examination on a daily basis is a must.


The Archons prevent immature Souls from entering Paradise, which precedes the Middle Kingdom and finally the Pleroma. The road to become one with God, the Pleroma, is heavily guarded. Only fully detached, rationalized Souls are able to enter the Pleroma.


It is said by Thoth that, on rare occasion, some impure Souls pass all gates and enter Paradise by cheating and bypassing the rules. These Souls will be cast into the abyss. It's game over for these Souls as long as this universe lasts—until the next Big Bang.


Expression of a Higher Dimension

The Emerald Tablets are written in a language from a higher dimension, but are expressed on our lower dimension. This is similar to the idea of projecting a three-dimensional shape onto a two-dimensional plane. In the case of the Tablets, this occurs not in shape but in text.


Let's assume that a square from the second dimension could speak. It would explain what a cube from the third dimension would look like, but its description would sound funny in both dimensions. If the cube tried to explain what his world looks like, the square would be only confused. It would take great wisdom from the cube to explain his world to the square.


In fact, it's impossible to express in our language the full meaning of a higher dimension. It's only possible by developing a feeling (intuitive mathematics) from the inside, through our Soul. To equally combine feelings with reason is utterly crucial to grasping the Ultimate Truth. Meditation is the key to that.


Everything that's written in the Emerald Tablets has to be lifted to the highest dimension and not be taken literally on our third dimension.


On Earth, man is in bondage, bound by space and time to the Earth plane." - Thoth


The Demiurge and the Ego

The Entity (God) mentioned in the Old Testament is disobedient from its place of origin—the Pleroma or Pure Love. According to Thoth and other (gnostic) sources, the Demiurge is not the highest Entity, though it represents itself as the highest Entity.


Without exception, many organized religions are misleading by not explaining how the world of illusion is constructed. The God of the Old Testament is the bouncer at the door, but represents himself as the Big Boss. This Entity (or deity) disturbs the Universal Truth like a colour filter in front of camera, and makes it even harder to find the truth.

Read More Yaldabaoth The Demiurge Gnostics Origins of The Material World click


Gaining self knowledge is the most important step in gaining wisdom. Start to practice by radiating love and compassion around you. Why is that so hard? Because in most cases the little "me," the damaged ego, full of self-pity, stands in your way to unlimited freedom and enlightenment.


The Demiurge stated, "I am God and there is no other God beside me." It was saying in other words: "there are other Gods, not only besides me, but even above me." Your ego is your Demiurge. Your Ego is your bouncer at the door. It will present itself as the boss and throw everyone out that dares to oppose that idea. The collective ego of communities is their Demiurge. And so on.


Reason and Wisdom

Reason and Wisdom provide the way out of the rabbit hole. These are the Divine qualities needed to pass through the Halls of Amenti. The material projection of your Soul will be recycled again and again through the Halls of Amenti as long as Reason and Wisdom are not your highest values. But that is not enough.


Feelings and emotions are the lowest qualities of humans (think of the three lower chakras), since they develop first. Pure Reason (including intuition) are the highest qualities (think the three highest chakras). The essence of divinity—that is to say escaping the Halls of Amenti—is to balance these two qualities equally in the heart centre at all times, and not to prefer one over the other.


The Universe is mathematical. It is nothing else. Emotions and faith won't help to find the keys. Nor will intellectualism alone help you find the keys. Balance between them all is necessary.


Reading will bring knowledge, but sharing your thoughts and reflections with people who stand on your level (or even higher) is the most important thing to do in life. Inner reflection, introspection, and understanding what drives your feelings and emotions are all a must in order to gain consciousness. Much of this is done through meditation. Socrates already said it: "The unexamined life is not worth living." Remember that for the rest of your lifetime.


This is the only real task humans have on Earth.


The Halls of Amenti Tablet II



Deep in Earth's heart lie the Halls of Amenti,

far 'neath the islands of sunken Atlantis,

Halls of the Dead and halls of the living,

bathed in the fire of the infinite ALL.


Far in a past time, lost in the space time,

the Children of Light looked down on the world.

Seeing the children of men in their bondage,

bound by the force that came from beyond.

Knew they that only by freedom from bondage

could man ever rise from the Earth to the Sun.


Down they descended and created bodies,

taking the semblance of men as their own.

The Masters of everything said after their forming:


"We are they who were formed from the space-dust,

partaking of life from the infinite ALL;

living in the world as children of men,

like and yet unlike the children of men."


Then for a dwelling place, far 'neath the earth crust,

blasted great spaces they by their power,

spaces apart from the children of men.

Surrounded them by forces and power,

shielded from harm they the Halls of the Dead.


Read More Fallen Angels The Nephilim The Watchers 1st Book of Enoch click click


Side by side then, placed they other spaces,

filled them with Life and with Light from above.

Builded they then the Halls of Amenti,

that they might dwell eternally there,

living with life to eternity's end.


Thirty and two were there of the children,

sons of Lights who had come among men,

seeking to free from the bondage of darkness

those who were bound by the force from beyond.


Deep in the Halls of Life grew a flower, flaming,

expanding, driving backward the night.


Placed in the center, a ray of great potence, Life

giving, Light giving, filling with power all who came near it.

Placed they around it thrones, two and thirty,

places for each of the Children of Light,

placed so that they were bathed in the radiance,

filled with the Life from the eternal Light.


There time after time placed they their first created bodies

so that they might by filled with the Spirit of Life.

One hundred years out of each thousand must the

Life-giving Light flame forth on their bodies.

Quickening, awakening the Spirit of Life.


There in the circle from aeon to aeon,

sit the Great Masters,

living a life not known among men.

There in the Halls of Life they lie sleeping;

free flows their Soul through the bodies of men.


Read More Apkallu Saptarishis The Seven Sages Angels click


Time after time, while their bodies lie sleeping,

incarnate they in the bodies of men.

Teaching and guiding onward and upward,

out of the darkness into the light.


There in the Hall of Life, filled with their wisdom,

known not to the races of man, living forever 'neath the cold

fire of life, sit the Children of Light.

Times there are when they awaken,

come from the depths to be lights among men,

infinite they among finite men.


He who by progress has grown from the darkness,

lifted himself from the night into light,

free is he made of the Halls of Amenti,

free of the Flower of Light and of Life.

Guided he then, by wisdom and knowledge,

passes from men, to the Master of Life.


There he may dwell as one with the Masters,

free from the bonds of the darkness of night.

Seated within the flower of radiance sit seven

Lords from the Space-Times above us,

helping and guiding through infinite Wisdom,

the pathway through time of the children of men.


Read More Apkallu Saptarishis The Seven Sages Angels click


Mighty and strange, they,

veiled with their power,

silent, all-knowing,

drawing the Life force,

different yet one with the

children of men.

Aye, different, and yet One

with the Children of Light.


Custodians and watchers of the force of man's bondage,

ready to loose when the light has been reached.

First and most mighty,

sits the Veiled Presence, Lord of Lords,

the infinite Nine,

over the other from each

the Lords of the Cycles;


Three, Four, Five, and Six, Seven, Eight,

each with his mission, each with his powers,

guiding, directing the destiny of man.

There sit they, mighty and potent,

free of all time and space.


Read More Apkallu Saptarishis The Seven Sages Angels click


Not of this world they,

yet akin to it,

Elder Brothers they,

of the children of men.

Judging and weighing,

they with their wisdom,

watching the progress

of Light among men.


There before them was I led by the Dweller,

watched him blend with ONE from above.


Then from HE came forth a voice saying:

"Great art thou, Thoth, among children of men.

Free henceforth of the Halls of Amenti,

Master of Life among children of men.

Taste not of death except as thou will it,

drink thou of Life to Eternity's end,

Henceforth forever is Life,

thine for the taking.

Henceforth is Death at the call of thy hand.


Dwell here or leave here when thou desireth,

free is Amenti to the son of man.

Take thou up Life in what form thou desireth,

Child of the Light that has grown among men.

Choose thou thy work, for all should must labor,

never be free from the pathway of Light.


One step thou has gained on the long pathway upward,

infinite now is the mountain of Light.

Each step thou taketh but heightens the mountain;

all of thy progress but lengthens the goal.


Read More Samsara The Karmic Cycle click


Approach ye ever the infinite Wisdom,

ever before thee recedes the goal.

Free are ye made now of the Halls of Amenti

to walk hand in hand with the Lords of the world,

one in one purpose, working together,

bring of Light to the children of men."


Then from his throne came one of the Masters,

taking my hand and leading me onward,

through all the Halls of the deep hidden land.

Led he me through the Halls of Amenti,

showing the mysteries that are known not to man.


Through the dark passage, downward he led me,

into the Hall where site the dark Death.

Vast as space lay the great Hall before me,

walled by darkness but yet filled with Light.


Read More Fallen Angel Abaddon Angel of The Abyss click

Read More Anpu Anubis The Jackal God of The Dead click


Before me arose a great throne of darkness,

veiled on it sat a figure of night.

Darker than darkness sat the great figure,

dark with a darkness not of the night.

Before it then paused the Master, speaking

Read More Yama God of Death Naraka Underworld Dharmapala click


The Word that brings about Life, saying;

"Oh, master of darkness,

guide of the way from Life unto Life,

before thee I bring a Sun of the morning.

Touch him not ever with the power of night.

Call not his flame to the darkness of night.

Know him, and see him,

one of our brothers,

lifted from darkness into the Light.

Release thou his flame from its bondage,

free let it flame through the darkness of night."


Read More Nergal The Raging King of The Sun Guardian Angel Underworld click


Raised then the hand of the figure,

forth came a flame that grew clear and bright.

Rolled back swiftly the curtain of darkness,

unveiled the Hall from the darkness of night.


Then grew in the great space before me,

flame after flame, from the veil of the night.

Uncounted millions leaped they before me,

some flaming forth as flowers of fire.


Read More Shamash Shamseil Sun of God Fallen Angel 3 Books of Enoch click


Others there were that shed a dim radiance,

flowing but faintly from out of the night.


Some there were that faded swiftly;

others that grew from a small spark of light.

Each surrounded by its dim veil of darkness,

yet flaming with light that could never be quenched.

Coming and going like fireflies in springtime,

filled they with space with Light and with Life.


Then spoke a voice, mighty and solemn, saying:

"These are lights that are souls among men,

growing and fading, existing forever,

changing yet living, through death into life.

When they have bloomed into flower,

reached the zenith of growth in their life,

swiftly then send I my veil of darkness,

shrouding and changing to new forms of life.


Steadily upward throughout the ages, growing,

expanding into yet another flame,

lighting the darkness with yet greater power,

quenched yet unquenched by the veil of the night.


So grows the soul of man ever upward,

quenched yet unquenched by the darkness of night.


I, Death, come, and yet I remain not,

for life eternal exists in the ALL;

only an obstacle, I in the pathway,

quick to be conquered by the infinite light.


Awaken, O flame that burns ever inward,

flame forth and conquer the veil of the night."


Read More Samsara The Karmic Cycle click


Then in the midst of the flames

in the darkness grew there one that

drove forth the night, flaming, expanding,

ever brighter, until at last was nothing but Light.


Read More Ningishzida Lord of The Good Tree Journey To The Underworld click

Read More Namtar God of Death click


Then spoke my guide, the voice of the master:

See your own soul as it grows in the light,

free now forever from the Lord of the night.


Forward he led me through many great spaces

filled with the mysteries of the Children of Light;

mysteries that man may never yet know of until

he, too, is a Sun of the Light.


Backward then HE led me into the Light

of the hall of the Light.

Knelt I then before the great Masters,

Lords of ALL from the cycles above.


Spoke HE then with words of great power saying:

“Thou hast been made free of the Halls of Amenti.

Choose thou thy work among the children of men.”


Then spoke I:

“O, great master,

let me be a teacher of men,

leading then onward and upward until they,

too, are lights among men;

freed from the veil of the night that surrounds them,

flaming with light that shall shine among men.”


Spoke to me then the voice:

“Go, as yet will. So be it decreed.

Master are ye of your destiny,

free to take or reject at will.

Take ye the power, take ye the wisdom.

Shine as a light among the children of men.”


Upward then, led me the Dweller.

Dwelt I again among children of men,

teaching and showing some of my wisdom;

Sun of the Light, a fire among men.


Now again I tread the path downward,

seeking the light in the darkness of night.

Hold ye and keep ye, preserve my record,

guide shall it be to the children of men.

Pictures, Videos, Music, and Additional Reading


Created for Kyle Gray’s Gateway of Light Activation Oracle card deck published by Hay House UK.


Halls of Amenti Sacral · Woven Green. Ambient


The Omega Point is the only true reality, all lower dimensions are illusions.

The tetractys (Greek: τετρακτύς), or tetrad, or the tetractys of the decad is a triangular figure consisting of ten points arranged in four rows: one, two, three, and four points in each row, which is the geometrical representation of the fourth triangular number. As a mystical symbol, it was very important to the secret worship of Pythagoreanism. There were four seasons, and the number was also associated with planetary motions and music.


Read More Tetractys Pythagorean Tradition click


There are some who believe that the tetractys and its mysteries influenced the early kabbalists. A Hebrew tetractys in a similar way has the letters of the Tetragrammaton (the four lettered name of God in Hebrew scripture) inscribed on the ten positions of the tetractys, from right to left. It has been argued that the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, with its ten spheres of emanation, is in some way connected to the tetractys, but its form is not that of a triangle.



Read More Tetragrammaton 4 Letter Name of God click

Read More Kabballah Tree of Life Hierarchy of The Archangels click

Music Ambient By HeartSun HALLS OF AMENTI

Epica - Kingdom of Heaven Prt. 3 - The Antediluvian Universe -


[I. Ātman]

Oceani nos guttulae

Spiritus omnium viventium

Miscere cum universo

[II. Sri Yantra]

Rise and shine with all your light

Awake the force within you

Wade in waters filled with joy

Try to find the place that hides

The treasure in the palace

All the stars are by your side

This bright light

Does shine from within you

Inside life does thrive

And those that ridicule never know

Just as water turns to snow

What is above so is below

In time we learn to heal the cells

We can cure ourselves

Use this healing energy

Form a holy trinity

This is the knowledge that we have been searching for

The barriers will fall

Rise to heights

Those who seek will know

All shadows will flee, go with the flow of life

Those who seek will see


Balance and harmony

As above so below

Wise do search as fools emerge

Don't fear the ones that judge you

All you find they will deny

Trust your heart as it's the way

Refine the finest diamond

Look inside, you are divine

This bright light

Does shine from within you

Inside life does thrive

And those that ridicule never know

Just as water turns to snow

What is above so is below

In time we learn to heal the cells

We can cure ourselves

Use this healing energy

Form a holy trinity

This is the knowledge that we have been searching for

The barriers will fall

[III. Halls of Amenti]

Deep within the heart of Earth lie

Veiled for men, the Halls of Amenti

[IV. Duality]

We all are divided by space-time

Our duality

We all fall apart in this lifetime

Together we stand strong

Together we are one (We are one)

Wherever we will go

Energy does flow

Energy does flow

We all are united by nature

Our coherency

We all are a part of each other

Together we stand strong

Together we are one

[V. The Chikhai Bardo - Navigating the Afterlife Realms]

As we linger towards our final breath (Final breath)

Forge yourself, be ready for the moment of your death



Darkness dies in light

Embrace your final breath

Navigate beyond your death

[VI. The Flower of Life - The Cosmic Spiral]

Rise, perceive and do believe

That wisdom lies within you

All what's lost can be retrieved

This bright light

Does shine from within you

Inside life does thrive

And those that ridicule never know

Just as water turns to snow

What is above so is below

In time we learn to heal the cells

We can cure ourselves

Use this healing energy

Form a holy trinity

This is the knowledge that we have been searching for

Just as water turns to snow

What is above so is below

In time we learn to heal the cells

Use this healing energy

Form a holy trinity

This is the knowledge that we have been searching for

The barriers will fall

May thy kingdom come

Mass Deception - Craft of the Wise


The witch hunt is near.

Inquisitors breathe down my neck.

The bloodhound picked up my trail.

They smashed all my vials and burned my books.

But they can not alter my mind.

I will not drink from their snake oil.

I put my trust in the craft of the wise.

Good turned into Evil

and Wrong turned into right.

Sacred teachings are lost forever

and darkness is preferred to the light.

Law turned its back on justice.

The crown is a decadent mess.

The church is in league with the devil.

and its followers are all possessed.

They charged me with heresy and locked me up

on Friday the 13th 1307.

Give me freedom or give me death!

You can’t change my pagan heart.

I will not live by their standards.

I put my trust in the craft of the wise.

Blood Incantation - Awakening from the Dream of Existence to the Multidimensional Nature of Our Reality (Mirror of the Soul)


"Night opens wide the gates of space

To make the Earth a flying star on which we travel through the ALL

Like arrows - speeding towards unknown aim

The spheres move ceaselessly through unknown realms

Carrying us from Void to Void - through Time and Eternity

And thus we move within the spheres of our mind-created ALL

From Dream to Dream

Until the Void within us can absorb the Light that is both Origin and Aim"

Souls are the fuel of Archons, so the masses can't awaken

Activate the merkabah field and ascend celestial plains

Cast down to Amenti and adrift in the Halls of Judgement

Thoth grants the souls entry and guards the quest of passage:

Netherward descent into the afterworld and through the Abyss

Tangible helix patterns unfurl the grid of the ancients

Synthesize the lifetime of a dream

Far away in the land of dreams - Coast inside the waves of my soul

Deep within the Mind I see - Opening my heart to the ALL

Mystical pure white light


Glowing like a spore in the Cosmic Mind

Feast upon the flesh of the Gods of Time

Endless lifetimes wasted meandering

Your life ends, lost to mystery

Endless spiraling tentacles inside - Your mind a host to once-unseen

astral parasites

...Human life is merely a mosaic of endless parallel worlds and

synchronistic events perceived by Man as aimless Chaos...

Mass Deception - Red Dawn


You hail the hammer and sickle

with red bloody eyes.

Like a parasitic life form

born out of lies.

Spewed out in the millions..

Abominations of the state.

Societies of psychopaths

in an empire of hate.

History is repeating.

The masses feed the beast.

Our souls were sold..behind our backs...

to the dragon in the east.

I see the future, I see darkness, I see death!.

Red Dawn lies ahead!

I see evil! I see traitors! I see war!

Freedom lost forevermore!

Give away your privacy.

You’ve got nothing to hide.

Under constant observation

of the all-seeing-eye.

NANO technology

now runs through your veins.

The bastards have hijacked

your brains!

Mass Deception - Zin-Uru


Evil lurks in the global village. A cult of doomsday is rising.

Spreaders of fear and prophets of panic are culling the herd to infect them with rage.

Resist like the witch and the wizard. I am immune to these poisonous lies.

I’m not affected by slander. I am a bringer of light!

Remember that you are not a slave! You were born a free man!

I will be branded a heathen. I will be burned at the stake. I will be drawn and quartered.

My feet poured in concrete and thrown in a lake.

I will never ever be your slave! I was born a free man!

The brainless revolt is boiling. The death of the intellect.

The strength of mankind is infected. Hysterical contagious effect.

Resist like the witch and the wizard. I am immune to poisonous lies.

I’m not affected by slander. I am a bringer of light!

Remember that you are not a slave! You were born a free man!

I would be nailed to the cross. I would be placed at the rack. I would be put on the judas cradle.

Chased by a lynch mob and hung by the neck.

I will never ever be your slave! I was born a free man!

I’m a bringer of light, I conquer the night, I overcome the darkness!

Sacrificed by a vindictive crowd and their sickening sects where no thinking is allowed.

If I let them decide what I choose. There will be fire at my feet or my neck will end up in a noose!

Mass Deception - Halls of Amenti


The alignment is nearly complete. The conjunction is at hand.

Celestial bodies and grid almost connected.

I must descend more and more and get closer to the core.

No time to waste, I must get this gate resurrected.

I passed through the hall of mirrors. I roamed the halls of the dead.

I dwelled as one with the masters. The underground drove me mad.

I discovered the keys of magic , mysteries unfold in front of my eyes.

I found the keys of freedom of space and learned about the secrets of time.

I searched for the keys to the above and below and found the cosmic codes of 3 6 and 9.

I tracked down the key of prophecy and observed a world in decline.

You are the master of your destiny! Free to take or reject at will!

Take this power! Take this wisdom! Shine as a light amongst men!

Into the darkness! Out of the light! Give yourself over! Become the night!

Face your own demons! Get rid of your fears. A spiritual master! in control of the spheres.

Dive into the hidden! The Knowledge of old. Feel the flower of flames burn Bright and gold

Out of the darkness! Into the light! Free now forever from the lords of the night!

You are the master of your destiny! Free to take or reject at will!

Take this power!, take this wisdom! Shine as a light amongst men!

I passed through the hall of mirrors. I roamed the halls of the dead.

I dwelled as one with the masters. The underground drove me mad.

You are the master of your destiny! Free to take or reject at will!

Take this power! Take this wisdom! Shine as a light amongst men.