Knights Templar
The Temple of Solomon Baphomet
Knights Templar
The Knights Templar were established c. 1119 and given papal recognition in 1129. It was a Catholic medieval military order whose members combined martial prowess with a monastic life to defend Christian holy sites and pilgrims in the Middle East and elsewhere. The Templars, with headquarters at Jerusalem and then Acre, were an important and elite element of Crusader armies.
Eventually, the Knights Templar became a very powerful body and they came to control both castles and lands in the Levant and across Europe. Accused of heresy, corruption, and performing forbidden practices, the order was attacked by the French king Philip IV (r. 1285-1314) on Friday 13 October 1307 and then officially disbanded by Pope Clement V (r. 1305-1314) in 1312.
Foundation & Early History
The order was formed c. 1119 when seven knights, led by a French knight and nobleman from Champagne, Hugh of Payns, swore to defend Christian pilgrims in Jerusalem and the Holy Land and so created a brotherhood who took monastic vows, which included vows of poverty, and lived together in a closed community with an established code of conduct.
In 1120 Baldwin II, the king of the Kingdom of Jerusalem (r. 1118-1131), gave the knights his palace, the former Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount of Jerusalem, for use as their headquarters. The building was commonly referred to as 'The Temple of Solomon' and so the brotherhood quickly became known as 'the Order of the Knights of the Temple of Solomon' or simply the 'Templars'.
Officially recognised as an order by Pope Honorius II (r. 1124-1130) at the Council of Troyes in January 1129 (the first such military order to be created), the Templars were initially considered a branch of the Cistercians. In 1145, knights of the order were granted permission to wear the white hooded-mantle Cistercian monks had made their own. The knights soon adopted their distinctive white cloak and they began to use the insignia of a red cross on a white background.
There was no impediment to fighting as regards to religious doctrine, provided that the cause was a just one - the Crusades and defence of the Holy Land being just such a cause - and so the order received the official support of the Church. The first major battle involving Templar knights was in 1147 against the Muslims during the Second Crusade (1147-1149).
The order grew thanks to donations from supporters who recognized their important role in the protection of the small Christian states in the Levant. Others, from the humblest to the rich, gave what they could to simply help ensure both a better afterlife and, because donors could be mentioned in prayer services, perhaps a better life in the here and now. Donations came in all forms, but money, land, horses, military equipment, and foodstuffs were the most common. Sometimes privileges were donated which helped the order save on its own expenses. The Templars invested their money, too, buying revenue-producing properties so that the order came to own farms, vineyards, mills, churches, townships or anything else they thought a good investment.
Money may have poured in from all corners of Europe but there were high costs to be met, too. Maintaining knights, their squires, horses (knights often had four each), and armor and equipment were all drains on the Templars' finances. There were taxes to be paid to the state, donations to the Papacy, and sometimes tithes to the church, as well as payoffs to be made to local dignitaries, while performing masses and other services had their not insignificant costs, too.
The Templars also had a charitable purpose and were supposed to help the poor. One-tenth of bread produced, for example, was distributed to the needy as alms. Finally, military disasters resulted in losses of both men and property in enormous quantities. The exact accounts of the Templars are not known, but it is more than likely that the order was never quite as rich as everyone thought they were.
From the mid-12th century, the Templars widened their influence and fought in the crusade campaigns in Iberia (the 'Reconquest') for various rulers in Spain and Portugal. Also operating in the Baltic crusades against pagans, by the 13th century the Knights Templar owned estates from England to Bohemia and had become a truly international military order with tremendous resources at its disposal (men, arms, equipment, and a sizeable naval fleet). The Templars had established a model which would be copied by other military orders such as the Knights Hospitaller and Teutonic Knights. There was one area, though, in which the Templars truly excelled: banking.
Medieval Bankers
Regarded as a safe place by locals, Templar communities or convents became repositories for cash, jewels, and important documents. The order had their own cash reserves which were, from as early as 1130, put to good use in the form of interest-gaining loans. The Templars even permitted people to deposit money in one convent and, provided they could show a suitable letter, transfer and then withdraw equivalent money from a different convent.
In another early banking service, people could hold what today would be called a current account with the Templars, paying in regular deposits and arranging for the Templars to pay out, on behalf of the account holder, fixed sums to whoever was nominated. By the 13th century, the Templars had become such proficient and trusted bankers that the kings of France and other nobles kept their treasuries with the order.
Kings and nobles who embarked on crusades to the Holy Land, in order to pay their armies on the spot and meet supply needs, often forwarded large cash sums to the Templars which could be withdrawn later in the Levant. The Templars even lent money to rulers and thus became an important element in the increasingly sophisticated financial structure of late medieval Europe.
Organisation & Recruitment
Recruits came from all over western Europe, although France was the largest single source. They were motivated by a sense of religious duty to defend Christians everywhere but especially the Holy Land and its sacred sites, as a penance for sins committed, as a means to guarantee entry into heaven, or more earthly reasons such as a search for adventure, personal gain, social promotion or simply a regular income and decent meals.
Recruits had to be free men of legitimate birth, and if they wished to become medieval knights they had, from the 13th century, to be of knightly descent. Although rare, a married man could join provided his spouse agreed. Many recruits were expected to make a significant donation on entering the order, and as debts were a no-no, the financial status of a recruit was certainly a consideration.
As the Templars expanded their banking empire, and as they came to control many other staple industries throughout Europe, they quickly became the continent’s most dominant economic influence. Never before has a single institution used money alone to amass so much worldly power. This power threatened not only the monarchs of Europe (most of whom were now financially indebted to the Templars), but even Pope Clement V, who was no longer was able to hold the Templars under the thrall of his signet ring.
Soon the Templars would become a force that no one could stop, and they seemed to hold allegiance to no one else either - no earthly power, at least. Their enemies hypothesized that for the Templars to have become so wealthy and powerful in such a short span of time, they would have had to have made a pact with the Devil. With a little investigation, it was discovered that in fact they had.
When the Templars were arrested en masse on Friday, October 13, 1307, on charges of idol worship and heresy, there were found throughout their preceptories various human skulls, and representations of human skulls or severed heads, which appeared to have been afforded certain ceremonial importance.
The symbol of the skull and crossbones, apparently invented by the Knights Templar, was used everywhere throughout their possessions. Carvings depicting a grotesque goat-headed creature, with a semi-human body at once both male and female, were also found in the Templars’ ritual chambers. In confessions painfully extracted, many knights admitted that the skulls, the heads and the hybrid creature all represented their secret god, “Baphomet”, whom they worshipped because it “caused the land to germinate”, and also “made them rich.”
Modern occultists, for whom Baphomet is now a potent symbol, see in this idol a representative of the “Universal Principle”, the “Azoth” or “Fifth Element” which to alchemists is the key to turning lead into gold. This is probably what it meant to the Templars too. But to their interrogators, the tortured knights were confessing Devil worship, and they were punished accordingly. The Order was disbanded, the Grand Master burnt at the stake, and the offending knights sent to do penance at various monasteries. The power of the Templars was crushed.
Let us return now to the concept of the “Baphomet”, the idol which the Templars said, “caused the land to germinate”, and “made them rich.” These claims, coupled with the fact that the idol was often depicted as a goat with male and female sexual organs, might cause one to think that the Templars had somehow stumbled upon and absorbed the tenets of the cult of the she-goat Amalthea.
This is the creature who purportedly nursed Zeus while he was a babe in exile on the island of Crete, hiding from his father Kronos, who wished to kill him. Having little thanks for the favors of Amalthea, Zeus had her slaughtered as soon as he was fully grown, and fashioned from her skin an impenetrable shield called the “Aegis.” The word “aegis” or “aigis” literally means “goat-skin.”
Out of one of her horns, he created the “cornucopia” or “horn of plenty”:
a magical object that contained an inexhaustible supply of fruits and flowers.
So Amalthea was venerated by some cults in much the same way that the vegetation deity known as the “Green Man” was in Celtic culture:
as a representative of nature, of fecundity, plenteousness, and thus, by extension, wealth.
Similarly, Baphomet was so literally associated with money by the Templars that they kept small statuettes of him in their money coffers. But the Baphomet is reported to have done more for the Templars besides just make them rich. He is also said to have made them “wise.” In fact, it has been shown that Baphomet’s name literally means “wisdom” in Aramaic, if run through the ancient Atbash cipher that was often used by the Templars.
The result is “Sophia”, which was the name used for the goddess of wisdom, who was often revered in Gnostic cults in New Testament times. It was believed in these cults that one could unite spiritually with Sophia by performing certain rites and meditations, and thus one could obtain “gnosis”, or divine knowledge.
Gnosticism was widely practiced in the Roman Empire during Christ’s time. One man widely believed to have been a Gnostic was John the Baptist, the prophet of the New Testament who announced the coming of Christ. John was, after his death, himself revered by a number of Gnostic cults. There were even, by medieval times, numerous underground “Christian” sects called “Johannites”, who believed that John was the true Messiah.
Johannite cults even exist today in the form of semi-Islamic Gnostic sects found in Iraq. It has been charged that that Templars followed this doctrine, and indeed, he was their patron saint, as he is now for Freemasonry. More importantly, perhaps, he is known to have been beheaded at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and his head, or skull, has become a central Christian icon. This brings into focus the claim of occultist Aleister Crowley that the name “Baphomet”, by itself, without running it through any ciphers, means “Baptist of Wisdom.” This could easily have been a title for the prophet John.
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Grave Digger - Knights Of The Cross
It is the end of the eleventh century
The Christians rule European countries
The Pope is the head of church
Representing God on Earth
His words are the law
His mind is set on war
In the name of God they kill
In the name of God they rape
Blood leads to glory - for God's sake
Knights, knights of the cross
Murder, murder
Fight to defend Jerusalem
From the unholy devils
Pope and priests cry out for holy war
God and Jesus they think to be fighting for
The Islam conquered Byzanz
Slaughter Christians everywhere
Knights of the Cross invade the East
Where the Islam dwells
In the name of God they kill
In the name of God they rape
Blood leads to glory - for God's sake
Knights, knights of the cross
Murder, murder
Fight to defend Jerusalem
From the unholy devils
Knights in the name of God
Stab women and men
Burning, raping, eating human flesh
Satanic bloodlust in their eyes
The First Crusade is won
The knights realize too late
Their ankles are covered with Christian blood
In the name of God they kill
In the name of God they rape
Blood leads to glory - for God's sake
Knights, knights of the cross
Murder, murder
Fight to defend Jerusalem
From the unholy devils
Knights, knights of the cross
Murder, murder
Fight to defend Jerusalem
From the unholy devils
Knights, knights of the cross
Murder, murder
Pictures Videos Music and Additional Reading
Templar Hymn for the Lost Souls
The hymn for the lost souls is a solemn and moving tribute dedicated to those who have perished and wandered beyond the earthly realm. Sung with deep reverence, its haunting melodies and poignant lyrics call for divine mercy and peace for souls trapped in purgatory or lost to the turmoil of battle. This hymn serves as both a prayer and a lament, offering solace to the living while pleading for redemption and rest for the departed. With each verse, it seeks to guide these lost souls toward the light of salvation, embodying a timeless hope for eternal peace and grace beyond the veil of death.
Knights Templar
1118 – 1312
Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon
Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Salomonici Hierosolymitanis
The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, mainly known as the Knights Templar, was a French military order of the Catholic faith, and one of the wealthiest and most popular military orders in Western Christianity. They were founded in 1118 to defend pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem, with their headquarters located there on the Temple Mount, and existed for nearly two centuries during the Middle Ages.
Officially endorsed by the Roman Catholic Church by such decrees as the papal bull Omne datum optimum of Pope Innocent II, the Templars became a favoured charity throughout Christendom and grew rapidly in membership and power. The Templar knights, in their distinctive white mantles with a red cross, were among the most skilled fighting units of the Crusades.
They were prominent in Christian finance; non-combatant members of the order, who made up as much as 90% of their members, managed a large economic infrastructure throughout Christendom. They developed innovative financial techniques that were an early form of banking, building a network of nearly 1,000 commanderies and fortifications across Europe and the Holy Land.
Beast 1333 - Solomon's Temple (Ft. Infinite 7 Mind)
[Intro: The Arrival's Documentary]
From the shadows they have engineered every major war, revolution and recession. They control everything you read everything you hear and everything you see. They have managed to indoctrinate an entire populace to their way of thinking, and have infiltrated key positions in places of authority. And it is from the shadows they have created a new political order, a new economic order and more sinistеr a new religious order. Thеir ultimate aim is total global domination
What was buried under the Solomon's Temple
What was buried under the Solomon's Temple
Remove the rubble from the brick of the base the instrumental
MC archaeologist, look at our credentials
[Verse 1: Infinite7mind]
Yo, it's essential that we manifest potential
In the form of kinetic the architect is eclectic when we connected
Hermetic scientists that were Proto-semitic
Studied at the university's hidden in Kemet
Students of the Rosicrucians that were building in Jerusalem
Where the Knights of the Templar were hiding the illusion
When they learn the truth and they came to the conclusion
In order to keep it hidden, they sarted spreading confusion
What was buried under the temple, the body of Jesus
The Illuminati was sloppy when they copy the pieces
Telling lies to the people, trying to keep it a secret
Changing versions of the Bible so that the Jewish believe it
[?] will be blind if you ever try to read it
Containing the ancient manuals of all their elites
These devils try to deceive it, but they can never complete it
When they are leaving defeated, then I'll be reaching my seeds
[Verse 2: Beast 1333]
He shared the same bed, exchanging secretions in sheets with Sheba
Bathing in the bubbling waters of AcquaViva Sun
Glinting off the gold on his chest, inside the house of prayer
Tho massive pillars of brass, as you standing in a square
Display the Might Symbolic was the veil inside the inner house
700 women in a line, he splacked and did Espouse
Bring down the Blouse, and under the Rubble the Treasure isn't there
The symbolism so deep, the metaphors so multi-layered
Precise and placed, the Covenant concealed inside the Hidden Ark
We should all be a little bit like Solomon and leave a Mark
With folding Floors, an amulet refract the light to open doors
Archaeological evidence was sabotaged by plundering moors
Images were graven, they slaven and all for Judah
Polytheistic Images of God, no Hallelujah's
Had they stables underground, that were housing a 1000 Oxes
Women wearing suits from the flesh of a desert foxes
All the artifacts are resting in the hands of all these evil creeps
The ones who know the secrets, are helping to keep the weak asleep
So now you know (what was buried under Solomon's Temple)
And there you go (what was buried under Solomon's Temple)
And seen never more
Your conviction will be tested, among the Templars
Grave Digger - Deus Lo Vult
This is the fascinating tale of the Templars, probably the most powerful and mysterious organizations of the Middle Ages.
The Order of The Poor Knights Of Christ and the Temple Of Solomon, originate from a group of nine Aristocrats, whose sole
aim was the protection of of the Holy Land.So let us undertake a journey into the past, back to the origin, rise and fall
of the Order of the Templars. A journey, which will lead as to the legendary world of the Knights of the Cross
Angra - Winds Of Destination
[In 1123, two noble men from Europe and seven Knights Crusaders were nominated to guard the ruins of the Temple of Solomon and to protect the Christians who came to visit the holy places. They were called Templar. Down the tunnels of the temple wreck they found relics and manuscripts which contained the essence of the secret traditions of Judaism and ancient Egypt, some of which probably went back to the day of Moses. Freedom of intellectual thought and the restoration of one and universal religion was their secret object. To the eyes of God, every life manifestation is the same. There is no special path prepared for us. A human being isn't worth more than a whirlwind carrying fallen leaves. We're all being carried by the same Winds of Destination.]
Blood is flowing on the ground
Like a river branching red lines
Anguish is all around
Hope yielding to despair
Life is a circumstance
Any minute slips away
God, please look upon us all
Do you give a damn?
Dancing in the air
Spinning leaves in circles giving
pleasure to my eyes
Sadden my delight
When the joy is over laying scattered
on the ground
Oh! The sun will rise
The beginning of creation
Oh! Into the skies
On the Winds of Destination
Carry us away...
Secret ark of Solomon
Hidden in the temple wreck...
for the king
Many years and centuries
Till seven knights from the order
Down the tunnels of the past
Learning from the undisclosed...
all the way!
Holding dreams on zealous hands
All those archives
Lost and wasted
Somewhere in the battle fields
Farewell to common world
Templars are watching
and guarding the scrolls
Shields of faith the knights behold
All Manuscripts of the sacred
laws are there
Dancing in the air
Spinning leaves in circles
Giving pleasure to my eyes
Oh! The sun will rise
The beginning of creation
Oh! Into the skies
On the Winds of Destination
Carry us away
Old leaves will be falling
Old trees will remain
Whirlwind carries you away
For tomorrow be the same