Goddess of Magic Witchcraft and The Night
Who was Hecate - the Greek goddess of magic, witches and the occult
Source: https://www.dailyhistory.org/Who_was_Hecate_-_the_Greek_goddess_of_magic,_witches_and_the_occult
The Greek and Romans myths have influenced the modern world. One of the more curious ways they have influenced us is how we conceive witches, magic, and the supernatural. Hecate was an ancient goddess associated with the underworld, and she evolved to become the deity of magic and witchcraft. She was a significant figure in Greek mythology and ancient religion.
Magic was ubiquitous in the Classical era, and Hecate was. As a result, she is a famous Goddess but also feared. Understanding the myths of Hecate can provide insights into the role of magic and witchcraft in the ancient world and how they influenced the development of ideas about the occult in later ages.
The story of Hecate
The origin of Hecate is much disputed. Her cult possibly originated in Thessaly in Greece or, more likely in Caria, now in modern Turkey. Hecate may have been a chthonic goddess associated with the underworld, and she may have pre-dated the Mycenean period. In his didactic poem Works and Days, Hesiod calls her a great goddess honored by Greece. In some myths, she was the daughter of two Titans. She remained neutral in the war between the Olympian Gods and the Titans and was looked on favorably by Zeus.
There were several significant shrines to the Goddess in the Greek World. In Archaic Greece, she was seen as a benign figure. She gradually came to be seen as a sinister Goddess and dark things, but this process took centuries. According to the Greek Diodorus Siculus, who wrote in Hellenistic, she was like her father lawless and that she would often kill or poison humans.
The evolution of Hecate
The Goddess was associated with boundaries and crossroads from an early date. As a result, artists often portrayed her in triplicate to express her essential ambiguity. Her representation in triple form was probably based on the hanging of three masks at crossroads and boundaries. Hecate was expected to guard the entrances of home and travelers at crossroads, and as a result, there were many shrines to the Goddess.
Documentary evidence and literature show Hecate as a Goddess of the Underworld. This was possible because of her association with boundaries in-between spaces, and Hecate was often depicted as operating between the realms of life and death. In some texts, she is shown holding the keys to Tartaros, which can be approximated to the Christian hell.
Over time, she became along with Hermes, seen as the guide for the dead on their journey to the afterlife. Because of her associations with the dead and in-between places, which were considered potentially dangerous, she became associated with ghosts. There are many representations of the Goddess leading a retinue of Ghosts down roads or in the underworld.
By the 5th century BC, we can see that there was two interpretation of the Goddess. One was that she was a powerful household deity who protected people. On the other hand, she was seen as a sinister and even hateful figure because of her association with the dead. Hecate is portrayed in the Greek tragedians as both a benign and a malign figure.
It appears that by the First Century AD that Hecate had become definitively associated with black magic, sorcery, and necromancy, in the public mind, and her more benign aspects have been forgotten. She also became associated with witches and especially the infamous Thessalian witches. In one famous passage in Lucian, she is described as a living corpse hateful to the Gods.
Hecate came to be associated with the Keres in some accounts. These were female death-spirits who preyed on those who met an untimely or violent death. This is not to say that she was seen as something evil but was capable of both good and bad. Several animals such as dogs and some plants were sacred to her, such as garlic to the Goddess.
In some texts, she was also the Goddess of the moon and is shown carrying two torches in the nighttime. Hecate became associated with the night, and all that was supernatural. Hecate appeared in several myths. She helped the Goddess Demeter search for her daughter Persephone who was kidnapped by Hades. In many myths, Hecate is often portrayed as leading the ghosts of the dead across the world while holding torches.
Hecate and Magic
Hecate was a liminal figure and outside the natural order of things. She was often shown as having unique or secret knowledge, allowing her to cast spells and practice magic. Over time, especially during the Greco-Roman era, magic became much more popular. It was at this time that Hecate became associated with witches. Many women and men used spells and special potions to force people to do something or do harm or achieve some goal. Witches, in particular, would often invoke the Goddess. An excellent example of how witches were helped by the Goddess is in Medea. She was perhaps the most famous witch in all of Medea.
In plays and poems, she shows as making sacrifices to Hecate in shrines and using her name to curse people. In one work, she is a priestess of Hecate. However, those who worshiped Hecate may not have regarded themselves as witches and believed they were only worshipping the Goddess and receiving her help. Hades was one of the powers in the realm of death. It was widely accepted by practitioners of magic that she could help with the art of necromancy. That is, Hecate's invocations could help summon ghosts and oblige the dead to help the living often for some malicious purpose .
Some practitioners of the dreadful arts used necromancy to obtain oracles from the dead, who were widely believed to have second sight. Hecate was also believed to have a great deal of knowledge about poisons and potions, which were, of course, the stock and trade of witches. Plants associated with Hecate were thought to be very helpful when it came to magic potions.
Hecate and Theosophy
The distinction between magic and science was very blurred in the ancient world, which was the case until the Early Modern period in Europe. Indeed, many philosophers became interested in magic during the Later years of the Roman Empire, and they were known as theurgists. Many Neoplatonist philosophers, in particular, became interested in secret knowledge. Anthropologists refer to this as higher magic, which was often regarded as helping practitioners to get closer to the divine.
In the Roman era- many philosophers had the characteristics of magicians, such as Apollodorus of Tyna. Hecate was often an important figure in the high magic of many circles. Hecate is one of the prominent figures in the Chaldean Oracles (2nd–3rd century CE). These were a collection of oracular, religious, and philosophical texts. They were used by many Neoplatonists who sought to use them to understand the divine. In this work, Hecate plays an essential role in the metaphysical structure of the Universe, and she is the mother of the World-Soul.
By Late Antiquity, at least for some, the old Chthonic deity had once again been transformed. Hecate was also mentioned in the Hermes Trismegistus, a Greek work on magic that is the basis of Hermeticism. This esoteric and philosophical tradition was very influential in occult circles and is still read to this day.
Hecate and evolution of occult
When the Roman Empire was Christianized, the worship of Hecate was eventually prohibited. Her temples and sanctuaries were abandoned and often destroyed by Christians. Hecate was largely forgotten after the Fall of the Roman Empire (476 AD). However, she was rediscovered in the Middle Ages as learning revived. Medieval scholars came to regard her as the Queen of witches. Clerics and others began to study the works of the ancient authors, and these had many references to the Goddess.
In 1486, she was described as the Hammer of Witches (1486) worshiped by witches in Europe. This work was instrumental in initiating the 'Witch Craze' that led to the deaths of thousands accused of being witches. The idea of the witch in Medieval and Renaissance Europe was based on Hecate.
Shakespeare mentioned Hecate in Macbeth in association with black magic and sorcery, and other dramas. The modern notion of the witch would be unthinkable without the influence of the myths of Hecate. Today many people interested in the occult worship Hecate and regard her as a benign figure. Many neopagans have also incorporated the Goddess into their religion, and she is one of the principal deities in Wicca. Interestingly, they regard her as a protector, rather like her first iterations in the Archaic period.
The meaning of Hecate
Hecate was important in how the Graeco-Roman World. For many, she was the embodiment of ambiguity and uncertainty. This is seen in her associations with crossroads. She was seen as a protector during times of uncertainty, and this was why she was often seen as a benign figure, at least in the Archaic period, but also later.
Hecate was one of the protectors of the Oikos or household in Greece. Hecate is a good example of how myths evolve. She began as a chthonic goddess and became a protector and later the Goddess of magic, sorcery, and necromancy. This Goddess, at least in her later incarnations, became the embodiment of occult and supernatural forces. She was the personification of forces that a pre-scientific society could not understand.
Cults were dedicated to her to help worshippers to secure her support. While Hecate may have been seen as a somewhat sinister figure by the elite, she was popular among the poor. This was because she offered them an opportunity to control or influence their fate in a society where they were oppressed and marginalized.
Graeco-Roman society was one where slavery was common and women oppressed. The figure of Hecate was popular with them as she offered them the opportunity to win supernatural support, to defend their interests, or to secure some goal or dream.
She was summoned by women for love magic, slaves who wanted revenge on their masters, and gamblers who wanted their horses to win in the amphitheater. Hecate is frequently mentioned on curse tablets. These tablets were inscribed with a curse, and they were used to compel or persuade the gods, spirits, or the dead to carry out some action. Magic was influential in the Ancient World, as its practice allowed many to vent their frustrations, which helped to defuse potentially destructive social tensions.
Yet magic was viewed with distrust by many. The elite who believed in magic wanted to suppress it, and those who practiced it were technically criminals. Indeed, those who cast spells against the Roman Emperor were considered to have committed an act of treason, and this was a capital crime. This is why Hecate became a feared yet also controversial figure in the Ancient World.
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Tyrant - Thy Night Queen Hecate
[a. Evil eye]
Hecatomb, the sacrifice for thy Queen
Hark! The sound of the march of the damned
Creeping footstep of Hecate
The evil eye gaze thy mirrors
Breaking the amulets!
Breaking the night!
Black shuck running in thy grave
The evil eye shining green and red
Barking dogs are the sign of thine death
The Queen will give thee the black death
Breaking the amulets!
Breaking the night!
[b. The amulets]
[c. Names of power]
YHWH (Yod, he, Vau, He)
[d. Thou who love the darkness]
Thou art the friend of night and love the dark
Thou rejoice to see the blood floating in the dog
Thou wander in the grave with the ghost
Thou have a thirst for the blood of the damned
God: "This calls wisdom. If anyone has insight,
Let him calculate the number of the beast,
For it is a man's number. His number is"
Hecate: "A large force of Satan will come.
Devastation angel's attack. Neigh
of the horse without head
Crucified are the sacrifice."
Our Queen of death will come
With the black shuck, with the death…
Our serpent of death will come
With the servants, with the dragon…
Hecate, our Queen!
Hecate, the Queen of the damned
Hecate, the goddess of magic
Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft
Pictures Videos Music and Additional Reading
Hecate the Moon, fresco by Francesco de' Rossi, c. 1543–1545
Dark Ambient. The Halls of Hecate was carved deep within a forgotten cavern, its stone walls illuminated only by the cold, flickering light of enchanted torches. Here stood the figure of Hecate, the goddess of magic and necromancy, wielding her twin flames that revealed paths between the realms of life and death.
Tales whispered that within these hallowed halls, echoes of ancient rituals resonated, where lost souls sought her counsel and the brave risked everything for her favour.
Hekate meditation and ritual music Dark Shadow work.
Whatever technique or system you use to explore consciousness, all are welcome here.
You can expand the usefulness of this music by using this in conjunction with mindfulness, meditation, journalling, contemplation, spellcasting, rituals, study, sleep and visualising.
Amanati - Hecate - Official Audio
The Hecate Chiaramonti, a Roman sculpture of triple-bodied Hecate, after a Hellenistic original (Museo Chiaramonti, Vatican Museums)
Source: https://occult-world.com/hecate/
Hekate is Queen of the Night, Goddess of Witchcraft, and among the rulers of Spirit World. She is the Queen of the Crossroads: Hekate patrols the frontier between life and death. She serves as an intermediary between spirits and humans. She owns the ultimate skeleton key: the key that unlocks the gates to all realms.
Although now most associated with Greek mythology, her name, meaning “influence from afar” acknowledges Hekate’s foreign origins. She may have originated in what is now Georgia on the Black Sea, home of Medea, her most famous devotee and priestess. (Hecuba, Queen of Troy, is another well-known devotee.) At one time, Hekate was chief deity of Caria, now in western Turkey. The Greeks knew her as a Titan’s daughter and as the confidante and handmaiden of Persephone, Queen of the Dead.
Hekate is a goddess of life, death, regeneration, and magic. She rules wisdom, choices, expiation, victory, vengeance, and travel. She is the witness to every crime.
Hekate is an exceptionally powerful spirit. The Theogony of Hesiod describes Hekate as honored by Zeus above all others. According tomyth, Hekate once served as an Angelas, a messenger for the other deities. She stole Hera’s beauty salve to give to her rival, Europa. Hera, enraged, pursued Hekate, who fled first to the bed of a woman in childbirth, then to a funeral procession, and finally to Lake Acheron in Hades where she was cleansed by the Cabeiri. Hekate emerged more powerful than ever, a goddess of birth, death, and purification. She rules passages between realms of life and death and is thus invoked by necromancers.
Hekate is renowned for her expertise with plants and her knowledge of their magical and healing powers. A famed magical garden was attached to her temple in Colchis on the Black Sea, now in modern Georgia. Some scholars suggest that an ancient Greek women’s guild, under the divine matronage of Hekate, once had responsibility for gathering and storing visionary, hallucinatory, and poisonous plants. The same word in Greek indicates “pharmacist”, “poisoner”, and “witch.”
Hekate typically responds to petitions via visions and dreams. If lost at a crossroads, literal or metaphoric, invoke her name and then pay attention to signs from her. She can be a shadowy, oblique goddess: her response may be subtle. Look for her animals: snakes, dragons, cats, and especially dogs.
Stormlord - Dance Of Hecate
It's getting close to midnight
the ritual shall begin
raise all the burning torches
to the queen of the moon
whose name is howled at night
at the crossroads
where three roads meet
let her take you down to the underworld
Hear as I invoke the name
of the wise old crone
who knows curses and death
and does not fear them, no!
Mother of darkness reveal me
the secrets of your shrine tonight!
It's getting close to midnight
the ritual shall begin
raise all the burning torches
to the queen of the moon
three faces, one goddess
dancing with dead souls by the light of the stars
Dance with me beyond the Styk,
where the crossroad is placed
where Persephone is enthroned
dance with me
"Bright goddess who walks in darkness,
to you is sacred the snake which casts off its skin
to live again,
the black dog howling at the everchanging Moon
and the eternal yew,
which brings both life and death.
Hecate, shine upon us!"
Only your touch of wisdom
can light the souls on their path
while walking through
the Kingdom of the Shades
She who holds the knife that cuts
the thread from life and death I pray!
It's getting close to midnight
the ritual shall begin
raise all the burning torches
to the queen of the moon
three faces, one goddess
dancing with dead souls by the light of the stars
"Triple one,
I entreat your presence
at these sacred rites,
hear my call,
descend from your throne
and release the songs
of thy granite stones"
Hecate Summoning Rituals: Step-by-Step Invocation & Evocation
By Astennu Sever February 15, 2022
Source: https://occultist.net/hecate-summoning-rituals-step-by-step-invocation-evocation/
Abbath - Hecate (Official Music Video)
Ochre dust coats a thousand paths
Arachnid web of twisting guts
Uncoil in hub flayed to shreds
Shriveled heart torn from withered breast
Hecate awaits where crossroads split
Like entrails burst from belly slit
In nexus stark a widow's nest
Silent as stone, still as death
Deep in shadows cast by gallows
Crown a shroud of crows and arrows
Curses drip off swollen tongue
Exhaling gasp of blistered lung
Night's bride sighs a gift of scythes
Devours doubt to feed the hives
Beneath the loll of broken necks
Cracked jaws cackle last regrets
She squats in clot of putrid copse
Disease breathes a kiss which rots