The Seven Archangels The Anunnaki

Guardian Angels

The Legends of The Garden of Eden and The Angels

By Alfred Hamori, 1995



Such stories as the creation, the garden of Eden, the flood and the angels of the Bible and other related religions, may have been derived from the earliest literature of mankind. These stories were first written down by the earliest literate civilization of man, the Sumerian civilization over 5,500 years ago. Their nation was located in southern Mesopotamia, but their influence spread from Eastern Europe to India and Egypt. Most languages today have traces of Sumerian loan words in them, even when not related to them.


Their language belonged to the "Ural-Altaian" language family of Eurasia, which is unlike the Semitic, Indo-European or Indo-Chinese in grammar and is more like Hungarian, Turkish, Finnish, and Dravidian (of India). These languages share the largest amount of vocabulary and what is much more important, a similar agglutinative grammatical structure. Because of the very special place the Sumerians have in human history, the Indo-European and Semitic scholars have tried vainly to isolate them into a special category, after they couldn't force them into their own language families. A few enlightened Western European scholars however have stated that, of all the living languages of the world, Hungarian has the most in common with this ancient dead tongue.


In Sumerian mythology the "sons" of heaven, were categorized into three main groups. The main group was capable of creating life and able to have off- spring of their own. These were called the DINGIR.

The eunuch like second group was originally the servants of the main group and was called the ANU-NAKI.

The third group was known as the EGIGI or IGIGI, which often had some specific task and outpost on the planet.

All of them may have come from beyond this planet and lived it seemed to the locals for eternity.


The Book of Enoch also talks of a group, which came as reinforcement later and were racially different from the others, and these were to perform some basic work for the "angels" among the human population. Their governor according to ENOCH, was called SATANAIL. They are the ones who broke the laws of heaven and took the daughters of men to be their wives, and from them they had children. The punishment for this was the flood, which was to allow a new start and to destroy the mistakes of these fallen angels. From the scanty literature available to us, such as the ancient Sumerian and Babylonian literature, the Bible and the Book of Enoch, some people have generalized the basic characteristics of the 7 leading, archangels and their names.

Read More Fallen Angels The Nephilim Watchers 1st Book of Enoch click


Christian O'Brian in his book "The Genius of the Few", has used this method and has hit the nail right on the head.


The reason I believe that he is correct is because I have tried a different approach, using ancient Sumerian and Hungarian as a reference, and was able to substantiate his claims. The definitions of the meaning of the titles of the archangels which I define at the beginning of each name, all derive from Christian O'Brians evaluation, based on ancient religious literature and is followed by my linguistic analysis.


In our literature concerning the seven archangels the following names are often listed:


  1. Michael -A militaristic guardian angel (NIN-URTA)

(Read More Michael Who is Like God Archangel click)

2. Gabriel -The governor of Eden (NIN-LIL)

(Read More Gabriel God is My Strength Archangel click)

3. Uriel -Ruler of all, surrounding Eden (EN-LIL)

(Read More Uriel God is My Flame Archangel click)

4. Raphael -Healing arts. (EN-KI)

(Read More Raphael God Has Healed Archangel click)

5. Raguel -Judging and monitoring

6. Sariel -Punishment of crimes (Ner-gal/Ninurta)

(Read More Sariel God is My Ruler Fallen Angel click)

7. Remiel -Responsible for spreading the word & news


As is readily apparent, all these names end with EL, which was the title of the "angels", just like the "gods" of the Hebrews, the Elohim. I have included some of the Sumerian equivalents of the names in brackets, known to us from their mythology. The most detailed account of the activities of the angels, is given by Enoch, who supposedly lived before the flood. He was recruited by the angels to perform such duties as being a go between, or messenger, between angels and men, and to be a scribe or keeper of records.


His accounts were written down and have been passed on for thousands of years. His stories are very unusual, and are the stories of a simple primitive man in the bewildering and amazing world technically incomprehensible to man until recently. At this point let us dispense with the religious view of what an angel is and simply try to understand what the earliest civilization of man handed down to us, without any preconceived bias. In the words of the Sumerians, what we call angels, were called by them ANU_NAKI meaning, "from or of the sky".


AN meant "sky, heaven, high and chief god" and NAK was the genitive & locative suffix which we write separately as "OF". Similarly in Hungarian the Sumerian AN word is found as MANY, while the NAK suffix is also the genitive/locative and means OF, or relationship. Variations of this suffix are found in most Ural-Altaic languages to which Hungarian belongs. However there is another unusual use of the Hungarian suffix NAK, reserved for the highest administrative positions, which originally served the king.


That is why prime minister (EL-NOK), spokesman (SZO-NOK), treasurer (TAR-NOK), engineer (MER-NOK).. used such titles. In ancient Sumerian city states, these most important positions were held by the second rate angels, the ANU-NAKI. The eastern neighbors of the Sumerians, the Elamites also used the NAK title for the king. Only after the ANUNNAKI finally left was the government handed over to the first human king, who was recorded to be ETANA of the city of KISH. This same ETANA is in Hungarian mythology as the father of the first empire builder, the great hunter NIMROD, rather than the Biblical Kush.


It is interesting that certain eastern Scythian traditions call the ancestor of their people Kush-Tana, a combination of the two. In Sumerian mythology, unlike the Bible version, it was ETANA and not Nimrod, who wished to visit heaven the home of the "gods", and he succeeded with the help of an "eagle". Returning to the meaning of the titles of the seven archangels, who were the ruling council which directed the activities of the "angels". If we remove the suffix EL, then we are left with their functional title, when using the Sumerian language as our guide.


Sumerian IL, Akkadian ELI means "high, above, highness". Hungarian fel=upward, fen=above, on=upon.


MICHA, MISH or MASH (Michael)

refers to heroes/prince in ancient Sumerian, as it does in Dravidian, Ugrian, and ancient Scythian tongues. In Hungarian stories the "heroes" are often called MISKA and hero tales are also called MESHE. The heroic name refers to the military position of Michael as the guardian and protector. The symbol of the hero is a serpent in Sumerian, since it had a similar name, called MUSH.


In ancient cultures the serpent was often the symbol of rejuvenation, rebirth, healing as well as service and wisdom. That is why the earliest Mesopotamian art represented the mother goddess with a female body and a serpent-like head.


This tradition can be traced also in Scythian legends. Hungarian tradition claims that they are also a Scythian race. In the east, the dragon was also the title of heroes as well as a symbol of fertility and wisdom. For these reasons in Hungarian traditions the MISKA mug is in the shape of the upper torso of a traditional Hungarian soldier, the hussar, with the serpent on its belly.  It was drunk in celebration of heroes and in remembrance of family members, who have passed away.

Read More Michael Who is Like God Archangel click


GABR, GAVR (Gabriel)

was the female governor of Eden. If we observe that the original Latin word for governor, was "GUBERnator", then again the ancient GABR title is recognized. Like many languages the B became V or was then deleted altogether, leaving KOR to be the root word for government in Hungarian. According to Sumerian tradition, the governor of Eden was often called Nin-Ti, "lady of life" who was responsible for "genetic engineering" in our modern vernacular. She was the Baudug-Gasan "great bountiful queen" and Nin-Mah "great mother" or as the wife of lord En-Lil she was called Nin-LIL, who helped create 7 prototypes of Homo Sapiens from combining genetic material from wild primitive man and a compatible angel.


She was also called the lady of the mountain "Nin-Hursag", since Eden was supposed to be located in a mountain valley. Since in the Sumerian word Nin-Ti, "TI" also meant rib, the later Babylonian translations of the "Lady of Life" became "Lady of the Rib". It was this corruption of her name which lead in time to the Biblical Eve to be created from Adam's "rib". While other angels were prone to have work in and out of their colony, Nin-Lil's main responsibilities were in Eden. The GUB root word in Sumerian means to stand or stay, while GUBA meant to stand firm. (Hungarian Guba-szt).


Similar to her name "hursag", the Sumerian word "uru-zag" was also a synonym for kingdom/territory as is "ursag/orszag" in Hungarian. The name of Eden in Sumerian accounts was called "kar-sag". While the Sumerian word "Edin", which remained as the name of EDEN could mean several things in Sumerian, such as "edin" (uncultivated highlands, borderlands), or "e'-din" (the house of creation). The great queen goddess in the Emegir Sumerian dialect was NIN, similar to Magyar "Neni", while the "mother language" Emesu/Subar dialect called the queen "Gasan", which is the source of the Hungarian/Sabir? "Aszony", which up to the Middle Ages also meant queen.


In early Mesopotamia, east of Sumeria, the Elamites also called the queen-goddess "ASAN", which is even more like modern Hungarian. No wonder that early Hungarians called their beloved Great-Queen mother goddess Nagy-Aszony or Boldog Aszony, which in Sumerian was also called BAU or BAU-DUG GASZAN. Today all titles have lost their original meaning, just as in English. Everyone has become a Sir and a Lady, no matter how undeserving they are.

Read More Gabriel God is My Strength Archangel click


UR or AR (Uriel)

was the chief guardian and ruler of earth. In Sumerian accounts he was normally called EN-LIL, the chief "god" of earth and represented by the atmosphere and air. In later ages the title UR was passed on to kings, whose chief function came from their responsibilities as guardians of their territories and their people. That is why the UR name means guardian in Sumerian as well as hero and lord. In the ancient Hurrian language of northern Mesopotamia, the UR name became IUR meaning "king". The Hurrians also spoke a Ural-Altaic like agglutinative language, just as the Sumerians and the Elamites.


Similarly in ancient Egyptian UR also meant king and kings were considered by them to be of divine origin. In Hungarian the lords or kings are also known as UR, while guards are also called similarly OR. This is also similar to the Old Bulgar word "Ur-ugh", from their original Hunnish language, before they were absorbed by their Slavic subjects. Besides the title UR the name of EN-LIL is completely understandable in Hungarian, since En was a title of lords, as in the Hungarian pronoun ON today is the first person pronoun of special respect. The word LIL refers to air and breath in Sumerian as it does today in Hungarian Lel-ek, Lelk, Lehel and so on. This is a common word in the western Ural-Altaic languages.


The term LI in Sumerian however had another different meaning, which referred to life, and was symbolized by a potted plant. That is why he was the father of life and the soul/breath which animates the material body. In Hungarian "Lelek", refers to soul and "el" refers to life, while "lehel" the breath. Lel was also a name of one of the great lords, during the Hungarian settlement in the 9th century.

Read More Uriel God is My Flame Archangel click


RAPH or RAB or RAV (Raphael)

Is known as the archangel responsible with the healing arts. In ancient times the shaman was responsible with the healing arts. In Sumerian he was called TAL-TAL, which in Hungarian is TAL-TOS. His method often required communication with the spirits, who could heal the sick and remove the evil spirits from the body. The Sumerian shaman was no primitive, like many shamans in primitive societies are.


He knew and utilized hundreds of complex medicines, whose ingredients scientists are studying today from their old medicinal books. The Hungarian term REV, pronounced just like the English RAVE, means the ecstatic trance in which the shaman enters the other dimensions. In Sumerian ARA also meant the raving, howling sound made. The REV also means the "ferry" boat which crosses a river.

Read More Raphael God Has Healed Archangel click


The other dimension (heaven or hell) was often reached by crossing a symbolic river. In modern Hungarian the medical doctor is called ORV-os, which is derived from the ancient eastern word ARB-is, who were one of the seven priestly casts of the old Magian religion of the Hungarians. They were responsible with healing and were especially competent doctors. Many early Hungarian skulls have been found showing surgical marks, with the patients surviving the operation. The Hungarian name for doctor uses the RAB or ARB variation of the root-word found as part of the RAPH-ael name.



was responsible with sentencing or bringing to justice those who broke the laws. In ancient Babylonian "RAGUMU" was the suit brought against the defendant. Similarly in Hungarian "RAGA-lom" is the suit against the defendant. The "lom" is just a suffix of abstract concepts. In Sumerian the RIG word, which is the source of RAGUEL, simply meant to talk or speech, with which a case is typically presented to a council. Similarly REGE in Hungarian is a story given in speech like sing song fashion, like a saga. It is also related to the qualities of the voice (rikkan, rekedt). In old Hungarian the REGOS were the bards who sang or told stories of heroes and religion.


The council of elders, and the subject of knowledge they represented in Sumerian is called TAN, just as in Hungarian and several other Ural-Altaian languages, including even Japanese. The decision which they brought forward, based on deliberation by a judge, is called BAR in Sumerian as it is in Hungarian BIRO=judge. The word is also found in a close eastern relative of the Hungarian language, the Chuvash, as BAR. The word was also adopted into English, through the influence of the Huns. Even the remnant of the early Akkadian-Babylonian word for lawyer UGIDU is found in modern Hungarian Ugyved.



is responsible with the punishment of the guilty, the guardian of their imprisonment who isolates the criminals and "encloses" them in a penal holding area. In Sumerian the SAR word also means to enclose. Similarly SA means inner, while SAG means inside. Sar also meant 3600 in Sumerian, which was the closing of the circle and is related to the somewhat idealized period of 360 days in a year. It was the Sumerians who first divided the circle into 360 degrees.


Similarly in Hungarian ZAR means lock or enclose, while EZER also means a thousand. The old Ural-Altaic number system, unlike any others in the world, was based on 6 and 60, like Sumerian, in which the decimal places were in multiples of 6 or 60. That is why Hungarians still say "hatvany", when expressing the idea of multiplying the effectiveness of something. This word is derived from 60 (hatvan), the ancient multiplier.


There is a controversy of who or what ZARA-THUSTRA the founder of the Magian religion was and when he actually lived. Some mistakenly associate him with the early history of the Persians, who were rather latecomers to the region of present Iran/Persia. In the Bible it is the MAGI, who visited the newborn Christ child in Bethlehem, since they prophesied his coming beforehand. Indeed Christ was often called a Magian by the Jews, due to his mother's Parthian ancestry.


The earliest mention of the MAGI was as one of the six ethnic tribes of the Madja (Mede) confederacy of northern Mesopotamia, which was later conquered and absorbed by the Persians. The Magi also settled in the eastern part of the Persian Empire. The ancient and classical historians claim that Zarathustra lived long before the coming of the ancestors of the Persians around 500BC to Iran.


The early Greeks claim that he was none other that Nimrod of the Bible, or Ninurta of the Sumerians. This of course is impossible to substantiate now because of all the legends which grew up around him over time. The Biblical stories of Nimrod and Abraham, for example occurred millenniums after the flood, long after the original Nimrod supposedly ruled. According to the Babylonians 131 years after the flood, while Hungarian Chronicles state 201 years. The Hungarian number must be recalculated to compensate for the ancient 60 based system, which results in 121. Could he be the same as the archangel Sariel? Perhaps.

Read More Sariel God is My Ruler Archangel click



is the most difficult of functions to really characterize. He was supposed to be the messenger and bringer of news and information. However the root word REM is normally associated with welcome, gladness, happiness which is RU and DUG in Sumerian. RA-GABA however means courier. In English there is a wonderful parallel word to this association, since REVEL is to enjoy something but REVEAL is to disclose hidden information. Both of these words are related to REM. These also associate with the definition of Raphael discussed before. In Hungarian O-ROM is also happiness, as in ancient Persian RAMA.


However ROV and IR in Hungarian is to inscribe and write, which is important for sending messages. The same word in Sumerian is SAR and their scribes were called DUB-SAR. The bringing of tidings and good news, was a cause of celebration and good times it seems. Perhaps the following root words are also part of the name of SAR; IR=to bring, RI=traverse (Hungarian Yar), MU=a ship or vessel (Hungarian yar-MU).


The Sumerian "angels" were greatly revered before and after their disappearance and in later ages were thought to be "gods". Early Mesopotamia was populated by a host of non-semitic people like the Sumerians, Subarians, Hurrians, Kasites, Elamites and Medes who spoke similar languages. Every Sumerian city was supposedly founded by one of these "angels", who lived for many human lifetimes amongst the people.


They however did eat, drink and had children like humans and some even made serious mistakes and broke the law. That is why many old religions gave such human-like characteristics to these false "gods". The "angels" themselves however believed in only one heavenly father, who was called AN in Sumerian, and who lived in the sky or heaven, from whence they also came. However not necessarily from the highest "heaven" of AN. Perhaps this is why some of the ancient religions of the Greeks, Babylonians, Egyptians had such a multitude of "gods", who often were too human like for us to consider them to be godlike.


In Sumerian the name of the highest god was called AN. However there was another expression which often described him, as the single, one and only god, with the term Isten. (Hungarian isten) This term is often described to mean one, but was never used for mathematics. In many central Asian languages the god of heaven and sky was called TEN, or TENGRI, a word much like the Sumerian DINGIR, meaning god or angel.


The best description of the meaning of ISTEN is found in the ancient book from Persia called the DAB-ISTAN (book of god), written by a people before the coming of the Persians. It talks of the perfect unity, the uncreated creator, the ONE god of the universe as being ISTEN or YSTEN. This same word was used by the Babylonians to mean ONE and only. In Sumerian ASH=one, first and TEN= creator


The chief creator of the gods was called lord of the Earth "en-ki", who was also called Daramah, which has also been translated as great stagg, but which also means creator in Hungarian as "terem-tö". His name perhaps explains the origin of the Hungarian myth of origin, called the legend of the stagg, which is often called a totemic origin myth, but may in fact be just a symbolic legend, whose story is recreated yearly as the movements of the constellation ursa major and the birth and death of the seasons. That is described in articles dealing with the Legend of the Stagg.

Read More Apkallu Saptarishis The Seven Sages Angels click

Read More Fallen Angels 1st Book of Enoch The Nephilim Watchers click

Read More Sebitti The Seven Gods Children of The Anunnaki The Seven Evil Spirits click

Pictures Videos Music and Additional Reading

The Seven Archangels

Synaxis of the Archangel Michael (Собор Архистратига Михаила). An Eastern Orthodox Church icon of the "Seven Archangels." From left to right: Jegudiel, Gabriel (גַּבְרִיאֵל), Selaphiel, Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Barachiel. Beneath the mandorla of Christ Emmanuel are representations of Cherubim (in blue) and Seraphim (in red).

Read More Michael Who is Like God Archangel click

Read More Gabriel God is My Strength Archangel click

Read More Raphael God Has Healed Archangel click

Read More Uriel God is My Flame Archangel click

Read More Azrael God Has Helped Archangel click

Read More The Seven Archangels The Anunnaki click

Read More Seraph Seraphim The Burning Ones Guardian Angels click

Read More Seraph Seraphim The Burning Ones Guardian Angels click

Read More Cherub Cherubim One Who Blesses Guardians of The Covenant click

The concept of Seven Archangels is found in some works of early Jewish literature and in Christianity.In those texts, they are referenced as the angels who serve God directly.


The Catholic Church venerates seven archangels; while in the Latin Rite only three are invoked by name (Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael) in the Eastern Rites seven are named. The Lutheran Churches and the Anglican Communion recognize three to five archangels: Michael and Gabriel, as well as Raphael, Uriel and Jerahmeel.

In parts of Ortiental Orthodox Christianity and Eastern Orthodox Christianity, Eight Archangels may be honoured, including Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, as well as Salathiel, Jegudiel, Barachiel and Jeremiel (in the Coptic tradition the latter four are named as Surael, Sakakael, Sarathael and Ananael). The Eight Archangels are commemorated on the Feast of the Archangels.

Surael (Read More Sariel God is My Ruler Fallen Angel click)

Sarathael (Read More Sathariel Angel of Deception Fallen Angel Lunar Mysteries click)
Sumerian Annunaki

In the Mesopotamian religion, the Apkallu were Seven Sages of extraordinary wisdom who came as the teachers of humanity in the antediluvian times. The term Apkallu (Akkadian) or Abgal (Sumerian) means “sage” or “wise”. Each of the Apkallu served as a counselor of one of the seven antediluvian kings. They came from the waters of Apsu, which was the “sea of freshwater” under the earth. In Mesopotamia, apsu was the term used for fresh water from underground aquifers. Lakes, rivers, springs, wells etc. were thought to draw their water from the apsu. The Apkallu were sent by the god Ea (Enki), the King of the Apsu, the protector of mankind.

Read More Enki God of Water Lord of The Earth click

Read More Apkallu Saptarishis The Seven Sages Angels click

Read More Apsu Abzu The Primordial Water click


Saptarshi (click): Vishvamitra (top left), Jamadagni (top middle), Gautama (top right), Vasishtha (in the middle, beardless), Kashyapa (down left), Bharadvaja (down middle, in a yogic asana, upside down), Atri (down right). Pahari, from a Bandralta-Mankot workshop; c. 1700. Government Museum and Art Gallery, Chandigarh

St. Michael and The Archangels

St. Michael and Archangels (The Seven Archangels)

Hieronymus (Jerome) Wierix Netherlandish 1570–1619

Nagas Seven Sages

In Indian legends, there are seven subterranean regions which are collectively called Patala or Naga-loka. These are the realms of the divine serpent beings called Nagas and other spirit beings called Daityas, Danavas, and Yakshas - all of whom are progenies of the Seven Sages of Vedic tradition. The Nagas are generally depicted in a part human - part serpent form, sometimes with a seven-hooded serpent canopy over their head, guarding the entrances to Hindu temples. They are believed to be wise and powerful and act as the guardians of treasures and sacred teachings.

Read More The Nagas Guardian Fallen Angels Click


Meditation Music

Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael

Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel

Gabriel is like the complex feeling of delivering bad news. It’s affecting you as much as you are affecting the people around you. There is a weight in there. It’s a dark weight, but it’s valuable. There’s a message that needs to be said, and you need to be the one to say it. This Golden Herald embodies those transmissions which are most important. Words, sounds and pictures that carry huge impact. Sometimes the results are glorious and sometimes they are terrible.

Meditation Music

Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel

Feel the embrace of fire and rejoice
You are free at last angel of flame
Let your purifying embrace take us in whole
Bring to us your pure kiss
And free the sinners from their torment-
Hail Uriel! Lord of purification and bringer of flame!

written by Peter Mohrbacher

Archangel Raphael

Raphael, Archangel Of Healing

Bark for the trees and skin for the beasts
Fingers and leaves
Roots and toes
Sticky red and white like bone

See them fold in greeting
doubled back and bulging
The blood marches forth in celebration
as feast of sin is left uneaten

Archangel Raguel
Archangel Sariel

Archangel Sariel

As the Earth tugs on the Moon, the Moon tugs back on the Earth. For each force, another will always exist in perfect opposition. The lives of men and Angels are similar. Though the power of one may be greater than the other, their existence reflects each other.

When the war started, the Angels that were uninvolved stayed clear of the wave of death that spread across the Earth. To risk one’s immortality on fighting seemed chance not worth taking. Sariel perched above it all, waiting for the wave of bloodshed to roll back. In doing so, his power receded as well. He waited patiently and watched himself waste away. He waited for his time to come, to venture out and regain his freedom amongst the stars.

Meditation Music

Archangel Remiel

Archangel Remiel

Footsteps fall upon boundless hills
Stretching one by one across the landscape
Our journey

See not the darkened slopes that present themselves today
There is Light upon the farther side
guiding us onward

The shepherd of good graces. A shining light in the distance, calling us forwards into the future. The greener pastures beyond the next hill are hard to see. Sometimes we need reassurance that things will get better. Something is coming and it’s beautiful.

Gothic Knights Guardian Angel


I ran in total darkness, wind rushing by my side

Full moon to light my way, I felt the winds of evil

Gray skies and red horizons lightning and thunder crack

Full speed ahead to nowhere soaring like an eagle

Then from the sky it came, a silvery shining blaze calling out my name

Out to the heavens I called, I need you here by my side

I've got nowhere to run or hide

We warred from hell to heaven, leaving the demons

Holding the keys to hell, his sword struck like an earthquake

The trumpet sound of glory electrified my soul, all hell has broken loose

The dragon rose before me

Fighting the world side by side, sorrow and fear start to die

Bringing me hope and strength, guardian angel's my name

I've watched over you today, I'm here to show you the way

The eyes of God are watching as men destroy the earth

All things come to an end, the words were sealed ages ago

My life has flashed before me, I've seen the millions burn

We rose above the rain like angels of the morning

Down from the sky we fell into the arms of the night

Bringing me back to life, hold fast and always be strong

He said as he rose to the sky, I'll always be by your side

Archangel, my guardian