The Archons Family

Rulers of The Physical Realm



Gnosticism Explained


In Gnosticism, the archons (from Greek arkhon, “ruler”) were malevolent, sadistic beings who controlled the earth, as well as many of the thoughts, feelings, and actions of humans. They assisted their master, the demiurge, with the creation of the world, and continued to help him administer his oppressive rule.


According to a Gnostic text called the Reality of the Rulers, the archons “have bodies that are both female and male, and faces that are the faces of beasts.” Thus, they’re not truly male nor female, nor human nor animal. The ancients found this kind of boundary-crossing to be deeply threatening, and this description of the archons implied that they were forces of chaos, so “mixed up” as to be “the farthest that a created being could be from God.”


Despite their sometimes lacking in competence, the archons were extremely powerful beings whom the Gnostics dreaded. The Reality of the Rulers quotes Ephesians 6:12:

“Our contest is not against flesh and blood; rather, the authorities of the world and the spiritual hosts of wickedness”

To make the point that the archons were what stood between humankind and salvation. It was they whom Christ had been sent to earth to overcome. In the ancient world, the self wasn’t seen as being as autonomous as we today think of it as being.


It was a playing field where various forces intermingled and battled, ultimately giving rise to our thoughts and actions. For the Gnostics, the archons were among the most powerful and ubiquitous of these forces. They were the ones who were ultimately responsible for all of the evil thoughts and actions of humankind.


But it gets worse: since the archons had created humans in the first place, they had created humans to be extremely susceptible to their influence, and to be almost unable to resist it. Only the divine spark from Heaven, which had slipped into creation despite the archons’ intentions, gave people any kind of a chance of resisting the archons’ temptations. (Read More Yaldaboath …….


But only a few people – the Gnostics – were even aware of that divine presence within themselves, and even for them it was a tremendous ordeal to act in accordance with that presence rather than the wishes of the archons. Most people were just the puppets of the archons. Thus, the normal, default state of humans was literal demonic possession.


It’s fitting that the Gnostics identified the archons with the entities that were worshiped as pagan gods. How could you fail to worship a god that already possesses and controls you?


The number of archons varies across the Gnostic texts, but there are commonly said to be seven archons (whose identities and names vary as well). These seven corresponded to the seven planets that had been identified in antiquity, whose movements were credited with producing astrological fate. Astrological fate was the main means through which the archons controlled people’s lives.


After giving a list of the seven archons, the Secret Book of John adds, “This is the sevenfold nature of the week.” The seven archons also corresponded to the seven days of the week, which could be expected since the days of the week were already named after pagan gods and the planets to which they corresponded.


Through this string of connections, the archons also corresponded to the seven days of creation in the book of Genesis. The Gnostics interpreted the plural “us” in Genesis 1:26 – “Let us make man in our image” – as referring to the archons. (In its original historical context, that “us” almost certainly referred to the divine council in ancient polytheistic Near Eastern mythology, a concept that Judaism hadn’t fully left behind when the text that’s now the first chapter of Genesis was written.


There’s one further correspondence to note here. In ancient thinking, each planet occupied one of seven celestial “spheres” or layers of the sky. Each of the seven archons therefore ruled over his own celestial sphere. This provided the archons with a further way to inhibit people’s spiritual progress.


For the Gnostics, when someone tried to gain salvation – which they called “gnosis” and characterized as mystical insight rather than intellectual belief or moral action – his or her spirit ascended up through the celestial spheres toward Heaven. The spirit of the Gnostic made this journey both during the Gnostic’s life in moments of ecstatic enlightenment and after death to reach its final resting place.


But as the spirit ascended to each sphere, the archon who presided over that sphere would detain the spirit and ask it a series of questions. If the spirit didn’t know how to answer those questions properly – if its gnosis wasn’t yet fully realized – then the archon would be able to prevent it from ascending any higher. It would be trapped by the archons and still subject to their tyranny.


But the mature Gnostic was able to overcome all of the archons and ascend all the way to Heaven, which made him or her superior to the very creators and rulers of the world.


Precedents for Gnosticism’s Archons in Christianity

As bizarre and un-Christian as Gnosticism’s archons may seem, the concept probably came from the Gnostics’ good-faith interpretation of the scriptures and mythical traditions they shared with other Christians of the late first and early second centuries AD.


This process seems to be encapsulated in the first paragraph of the Reality of the Rulers. That text begins by quoting the apostle Paul’s aforementioned statement in Ephesians 6:12: “Our contest is not against flesh and blood; rather, the authorities of the world and the spiritual hosts of wickedness.” The text then promises to inform the curious reader about the nature of these “authorities,” after which begins a description of, and commentary on, the archons’ role in the creation of the world. The entire text is essentially an exegesis (interpretation) of Paul.


Much the same can be said for the idea of the existence of the archons in and of itself, which makes it highly probable that the Gnostics received their inspiration for the idea from Paul.


In almost all of the books attributed to Paul that would later come to be included in the New Testament (something that didn’t exist in any formal capacity when Gnosticism arose), the world is said to be ruled by mysterious “powers” or “authorities.” The words used to denote these beings differ from passage to passage. They can be “principalities” (archai), “dominions” or “authorities” (exousiai), “powers” (dynameis), or “lordships” (kyriotetes). Most of these passages specify that these powers are evil, the enemies of Christ and Christians.


In some cases, these passages could simply refer to human political authorities. But in other passages, this is clearly not the case. Ephesians (3:10 and 6:12), for example, specifies that they dwell in the sky. And Colossians (2:8 and 2:20) refers to them as “elemental spirits of the universe.”


Paul never develops this doctrine directly or systematically. Instead, his letters (including the letters written by others in his name) seem to just take it for granted that the world is ruled by evil spiritual powers of some sort. Much the same can be said for some of the other texts that would later come to be included in the New Testament.


The Gospel of Matthew (4:8), the Gospel of Luke (4:6), the Gospel of John (12:31, 14:30, and 16:11) and 1 John (5:19) all say that Satan or a similar being (whom the Gnostics equated with the demiurge, the chief of the archons) is in control of the world. The Gospel of John even specifically calls this being “the archon of this world.”


The New Testament writers therefore presupposed that the world is ruled by villainous spiritual beings of one sort or another. This has long been recognized by scholars of the New Testament, who have usually attributed it to the fact that it was taken for granted back then that spiritual beings – pagan gods – controlled the elements and often directed events on earth.


Rather than deny the existence of pagan gods altogether, the New Testament authors simply demoted them to demons. They also drew from the apocalyptic Judaism out of which Christianity arose, which posited that, for obscure reasons, God had allowed Satan to gain control of the world at some point in the past.


Jews of the period and early Christians also believed that good angels in the service of God presided over the elements and various facets of life. These angels were pagan gods who, instead of being demonized, had been de-paganized and placed in the service of God. The leaders of this troop of angels were commonly said to be seven in number, with countless lesser angels under their command.


Each of these seven angels dwelt in his own celestial sphere. Even Irenaeus, a second-century Christian bishop who wrote extensively and passionately against the Gnostics, believed in this notion. Since the Gnostics believed that the creator god of the Old Testament was really the evil demiurge, it would have made perfect sense for them to demonize his seven commanding angels and identify them with the malevolent rulers of the world described by Paul.


After all, as we’ve already seen, the Gnostics explicitly identified the archons with the pagan gods whom Paul had in mind in at least some of the aforementioned passages.


As I argue in The Origins of Gnosticism, Gnosticism seems to have arisen from within Christianity rather than from outside of it. If that’s correct, then the process by which the idea of the archons came about is a particularly interesting instantiation of that wider process.

Riul Doamnei - Hypostasis of the Archons


A dirge to the lord far beyond even

Blind faith in the cult of demiurge

The dark took control on the Garden of Eden

In the arms of the sapience to urge

This chapter of men as bridge on a river

Evangelic sin fever to purge

The edge of religion dispersed the shivers

Of being at hypocrisy source

In hissing tongue to reveal

To Eve's ear snake approached

"I have the key of knowledge

and it shall be thy..."

She handed fruit forbidden

To Adam teaching first

Inversion of creation process

Madam rapture of thirst

But jealous "god" by Mother lorn

Unable to govern world

In the name of his grace exiled

All human pursuit trace

"I am God... I am the one!

My rage has to become....

Thy pain is still undone!"

Crude proliferation through

Ramifications in dogma of tomorrow

In sorrow of stigma they wept out

A Sober extinction was laid out

"Our Father living

The vault of the skies

Bless us all together

Thy reign we declaim"

In terror of god all mortals deceiver

Apostolic succession to keep

Inquisitors raked up the desert of chosen

The cure for history sickness

Vicars of Christ as emperor whip

With rape administered forgiveness

Ignorance suggests believers

Legions indifferent driven

In sin at hypocrisy source

"Our brothers screaming

In hate from depth of the abyss

United forever

Aware the denial of the sort"

The Archons Rulers of the Physical Realm Gnostics
The Archons Rulers of the Physical Realm Gnostics

Pictures Videos Music and Additional Reading

The Archons Rulers of the Physical Realm Gnostics

Personal art work, Antonio J. Manzanedo

The Archons Rulers of the Physical Realm Gnostics

“The Torment of Saint Anthony” by Michelangelo

Composer - Justin Bell. Go To Youtube for Playlist.

Archon (Gnosticism)



Archons are, in Gnosticism and religions closely related to it, the builders of the physical universe. Among the Archontics, Ophites, Sethians and in the writings of Nag Hammadi library, the archons are rulers, each related to one of seven planets; they prevent souls from leaving the material realm.


The political connotation of their name reflects rejection of the governmental system, as flawed without chance of true salvation. In Manichaeism, the archons are the rulers of a realm within the "Kingdom of Darkness", who together make up the Prince of Darkness. In The Reality of the Rulers, the physical appearance of Archons is described as hermaphroditic, with their faces being those of beasts.



A characteristic feature of the Gnostic concept of the universe is the role played in almost all Gnostic systems by the seven world-creating archons, known as the Hebdomad (ἑβδομάς).


These Seven are in most systems semi-hostile powers, and are reckoned as the last and lowest emanations of the Godhead; below them—and frequently considered as proceeding from them—comes the world of the actually devilish powers. There are indeed certain exceptions; Basilides taught the existence of a "great archon" called Abraxas who presided over 365 archons.

Read More Abraxas Great Archon of The 365 Spheres click


Evidently from works such as the Apocryphon of John, the Ophite Diagrams, On the Origin of the World and Pistis Sophia, archons play an important role in Gnostic cosmology. Probably originally referring to the Greek daimons of the planets, in Gnosticism they became the demonic rulers of the material world, each associated with a different celestial sphere.


As rulers over the material world, they are called ἄρχοντες (archontes, "principalities", or "rulers"). As with ancient astronomy, which thought of a sphere of fixed stars, above the spheres of the seven planets, beyond the spheres of the evil archons (Hebdomad), there were the supercelestial regions which a soul must reach by gnosis to escape the dominion of the archons. This place is thought of as the abode of Sophia (Wisdom) and Barbelo, also called Ogdoad.


Naming and Associations

The Ophites accepted the existence of these seven archons (Origen, Contra Celsum, vi. 31; a nearly identical list is given in On the Origin of the World):

  • Yaldabaoth, called also Saklas who emerged later, Archon of fornication and Samael. (Read More Yaldabaoth The Demiurge Origins of The Material World click)

    • Saturn.

    • 2nd Heaven. 6th Heaven and 7th Heaven. 8th Heaven. Cast into Tartarus.

    • Feminine name: Pronoia (Forethought) Sambathas, "week".

    • Prophets: Moses, Joshua, Amos, Habakkuk.

    • From Hebrew yalda bahut, "Child of Chaos"? The outermost who created the six others, and therefore the chief ruler and Demiurge par excellence. Called "the Lion-faced", leontoeides.

  • Iao

    • Jupiter.

    • 1st Heaven.

    • Feminine name: Lordship.

    • Prophets: Samuel, Nathan, Jonah, Micah.

    • Perhaps from Yahu, YHWH, but possibly also from the magic cry iao in the Mysteries.

  • Sabaoth (Read More Sabaoth Son of The Demiurge Jehovah click)

    • Mars.

    • 6th Heaven. 7th Heaven. Above 7th Heaven. World of poverty - Sabaoth together with his son Christ.

    • Feminine name: Deity.

    • Prophets: Elijah, Joel, Zechariah.

      • Pistis Sophia supported Sabbaoth in his rebellion against his father, so she established the kingdom for Sabbaoth over everyone that he might dwell above the twelve gods of chaos receiving great authority against all the forces of chaos. Hence, his name is derived from Sabbath, which corresponds to the 7th Heaven of rest that he rules indicating either rest from his struggle or as the one who will not rest on his father's creation but change it. The Old Testament phrase Yahweh sabaoth or 'Jehovah of Armies' was thought a proper name, hence Jupiter Sabbas or Sabazios.

  • Adonaios

    • The Sun.

    • Feminine name: Kingship.

    • Prophets: Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel.

    • From the Hebrew term for "the Lord", used of God; Adonis of the Syrians representing the Winter sun in the cosmic tragedy of Tammuz. In the Mandaean system Adonaios represents the Sun.

  • Astaphanos, or Astaphaios

    • Venus.

    • 6th Heaven which is Sophia, a name of the female aspect of the lowest Heaven. 8th Heaven - possibly Ogdoad or Pleroma together with Christ. 4th Heaven. 9th Heaven - Abortion.

    • Feminine name: Sophia.

    • Prophets: Esdras, Zephaniah.

    • Astraphaios is beyond doubt the planet Venus, as there are gnostic gems with a female figure and the legend ASTAPHE, which name is also used in magic spells as the name of a goddess.[citation needed]

  • Elaios, or Ailoaios, or sometimes Ailoein, or Adonaeus

    • 5th Heaven or 6th Heaven.

    • Mercury.

    • Feminine name: Jealousy.

    • Prophets: Tobias, Haggai.

    • From Elohim, God (El).

  • Horaios

    • The Moon.

    • Feminine name: Wealth.

    • Prophets: Michaiah, Nahum.

    • From Jaroah? or "light"? or Horus?

  • Seth

    • 3rd Heaven.

  • David

    • 4th Heaven.

On the Origin of the World

In the Nag Hammadi text On the Origin of the World, the Seven Powers of the Heavens of Chaos are:

The Archons Rulers of the Physical Realm Gnostics

Enfold Darkness - Adversary Omnipotent (Full Album)

Track 12: Summoning the Archons 53:23


Where dreams are made flesh

In the place where truth reigns free

The depths within thee illumed -

There is no heaven for your kind

Thogh the Narcil scribe otherwise

Despite the corrupt master's hand

It is He who reveals the master plan -

All of man must die

And were it not for the king

My deliverance

Unto thee would not be

Yet with the eyes to see

Our cause

Would serve an imperfect God

Any semblance of hope for the

Restoration of the Sali'un way

Has gone

My purpose shall be in service of

The Fallen One

Gather the legions before me - hear me speak!

We shall rend the veil between the worlds

And invoke the reign of a new high king

The love for my fellows has been swept away

By the cold winds of shadow

Darkness is here to stay

All hope is lost

For man - irredeemed

Into the abyss I scream

I become thee, immortal, undying

I reached up as The Chalice descended, it was shapely and beautiful but unlike any material that had been seen.

It was brilliant, of every tint, and was never still, but flowed to and fro in rich tides

Which flashed out explosions of every color. I drank, and felt a witching ecstasy as of Heaven stealing through me.

And in that moment, I was transformed into the very essence of the fallen.

I have become Im'maud'hi - The Destroyer.

I raised the Dagger of Names, chanting "Amnu Na'ak Beru - Na'ak Ba'ran," sacrificing the Apprentice

His blood flowed into the Chalice as the last covenant was made complete.

Obhi ne iluhet ano bra'ak fal lejora

Ano na'ak ti et

The Archons stepped forth

Shepet - to rule the skies, to soar above the wretched masses

Teom - to rule the land, to drive them to submission

Athios - to rule the seas, to swallow them whole

Bethiet - to rule their hearts and minds, in service to I

And with the artifacts in hand, the path for my return to the earth is made known.

From each corner of the land, the legions shout

"Praise Be - Im'maud'hi - The Destroyer"

And it is we who will reign between worlds

Our goal in sight, and our actions unfurl

"Ik'thran'ithul is no longer of any use to me.

Step into the world and establish your reign as king.

And with thee enthroned, I am bound to the plane.

To reverse the lies of Pistis, to end all matter, shall be my claim"

"It is thee who shall be the final piece -

thy mortality dissipates

as you become the key to open the gate

and it was within thee all along

Weep not, rejoice, for you shall be remembered through the ages in song"