
God is My Ruler

Fallen Angel




Sariel (Hebrew and Aramaic: שָׂרִיאֵל Śārīʾēl, "God is my Ruler"; Greek: Σαριηλ Sariēl, Coptic: ⲥⲟⲩⲣⲓⲏⲗ Souriēl; Amharic: ሰራቁያል Säraquyael, ሰረቃኤል Säräqael) is a virtue, mainly from Judaic tradition. Other possible versions of his name are Suriel, Suriyel (in some Dead Sea Scrolls translations), Seriel, Sauriel, Saraqael, Sarakiel, Suruel, Surufel, and Souriel.


In 1 Enoch (20:6), he is said to be "one of the [seven] holy angels [who watch], who is set over the spirits, who sin in the spirit". Origen identified Suriel as one of seven angels who are considered primordial powers by the Ophites. In Gnosticism, Sariel is invoked for his protective powers. He is commemorated in the calendar of the Coptic Orthodox Church on 27 Tobi in the Coptic calendar.


He is not to be confused with the fallen watcher Sahariel (Hebrew & Aramaic: שַׂהֲרִיאֵל Śahărīʾēl; "God is my moon") who bears a similar name. In 1 Enoch (8:1) he is said to have taught humans the course of the moon.


In traditional texts

The fallen watcher Sariel (Sahariel), according to the Book of Enoch, was one of the leaders of angels who lusted after the daughters of men. They descended to the summit of Mount Hermon, in the days of Jared, to acquire wives and lead men astray. Sariel specifically taught men about the course of the moon. Knibbs' translation of the names of the Book of Enoch says it was Sariel who taught humans the "course of the moon" (the Lunar Calendar).

Read More Fallen Angels 1st Book of Enoch Nephilim Watchers click

In this same book, the archangel Sariel is one of the holy angels, who is set over the spirits that sin in the spirit, and is one of the angels who look upon the bloodshed on Earth, along with Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Uriel. In the book of 2 Enoch he is listed, with the name of Samuil or Sariel, as one of the angels that brought Enoch to heaven.


The book of War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness, from the Dead Sea Scrolls, lists the name of Sariel (שריאל, "God is my Ruler") along with Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel as names to write upon the shields of soldiers in a tower during maneuvers (1QM 9,15). It is used on the shields of the third Tower (1QM 9,16).

Read More Michael Who Is Like God Archangel click

Read More Gabriel God is My Strength Archangel click

Read More Raphael God Has Healed Archangel click

Read More Uriel God is My Flame Archangel click


The angel Suriyel is briefly mentioned in the Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan as bearing Adam and Eve from the top of a high mountain to the Cave of Treasures.

"… bring what he had brought, and give it to Adam. And they did so, one by one. 6 And God commanded Suriyel and Salathiel to bear up Adam and Eve, and bring them down from the top of the high mountain, and …" - Bible. O.

T. Apocryphal books. English First Book of Adam and Eve.


In the Ladder of Jacob Sariel is dispatched by the Lord to Jacob to explain to him the meaning of the dream about the ladder. The book of Liber Juratus by Honorius of Thebes has a number of translations which lists Sariell as one of "The names of the angels of the eighth month, which is called marquesnan heshvan", and Sariel as one of "The names of the angels of the tenth month, which is called Tevet".


The month of Heshvan marquesnan would make Sariel's ruler Barfiell, or the month of Tevet would make the ruler Anael.[citation needed] The Lesser Key of Solomon lists the dukes Asteliel and Gediel as commanding Sariel by night. The book A Dictionary of Angels by Gustav Davidson and The Complete Book of Devils and Demons by Leonard Ashley list Sariel as a fallen angel. The Greek Magical Papyri represents him as a deity to be called upon in rituals using the "Souriel" variation of his name.


The University of Michigan has a section in its library collection devoted to Traditions of Magic in Late Antiquity, Protective Magic, Babylonian Demon Bowls. One clay bowl from Seleucia-on-Tigris dated to the 6th or 7th century CE lists Sariel twice:

"I wrote all of the curses upon a new bowl of clay and I sent back the curses of those who cursed Negray daughter of Denday to their masters until they release and bless in the name of Sariel the angel and Barakiel the angel and in the name of Sariel and Barakiel you release from the curses of those who curse Negray daughter of Denday as a man is freed from the house of bondage and from the house of weapons amen amen selah"

Sariel – Angel of Death



Most of what is known about Sariel, sometimes spelled Saraqael, is found in the Book of Enoch. This and other Judaic-Christian writings say Sariel is the angel of death. This is because some translations of Enoch give this angel the names Arazyal, or Araziel and Asaradel, all strongly suggesting that he also bears the name Azrael.


If Sariel is Azrael, he is one of the four angels known in Islamic writings and listed in Muslim theology as the angel of death, “forever writing in a large book and forever erasing what he writes. It is believed that what Azrael writes is the birth of man. What he erases is the name of the man at death.

Read More Azrael God Has Helped Archangel click


Sariel in Aramaic means “Command of God.” Some believe this is an archangel because, in addition to his role as a death angel, he also decides the fate of angels that stray from God’s path. He also is believed to be a healer, an angel of knowledge and one of the leaders in Heaven’s armies. Some say his name is written on the shields of one of the fighting forces.


While the Christian Bible makes no mention of Sariel, this angel is well known in the ancient text. The Book of Enoch is the best example. In this book he is identified as one of four holy archangels “of eternity and trembling.” In the Kabbalistic lore is is listed as one of seven angels of the Earth.


It was Sariel that was dispatched to explain to Jacob the meaning of his dream about the ladder. While Sariel appears as a very busy angel and a powerful servant of the Creator, there is a hint that he also has been capable of mischief in the distant past. The Book of Enoch lists Sariel as one of the leaders of the band of angels that lusted after the daughters of men. The story says they descended to the summit of Mount Hermon in the days of Jared to acquire wives and lead men astray.


The Book of Genesis also speaks of this time, but does not name the angels involved in this event. The result of this union between angels and women of the Earth were giants and “men of renown” who caused such a disruption of affairs on Earth that God sent a flood to wipe the slate clean and start everything over.


Perhaps because of Sariel’s alleged misdeeds, two students of the esoteric, Gustav Davidson, author of A Dictionary of Angels, and Leonard Ashley, The Complete Book of Devils and Demons, both list Sariel as a fallen angel.


Archangel Sariel



Archangel Sariel is the angel of death. His reputation as the angel of death is due to the fact that he fetched the soul of Moses on Mount Sinai. But he is also described as one of the fallen angels. He appears as a fallen one in two books: Gustav Davidson’s “A Dictionary Of Angels” and Leonard Ashley’s “The Complete Book Of Devils And Demons”.

Read More Fallen Angels 1st Book of Enoch Nephilim Watchers click


This Celestial Being‘s main responsibility in the Heavens is to punish those angels who violate The Divine’s sacred commands. But he also punishes the souls of sinners. As described in The Book Of Enoch. Sariel is a prince of the presence, such as Metatron. But he is also an angel of healing, such as Raphael.

Read More Raphael God Has Healed Archangel click


The Falasha Anthology describes Sariel as the trumpeter or the angel of death. But he also appears in the Talmud, the sacred Jewish texts. He inspires Moses and Rabbi Ishmael. But he appears in other sacred texts also. The Ophitic Hebdomad system depicts Archangel Sariel as one of the primary seven archangels. And he also appears in the Gnostic amulets.


The Kabbalah depicts Sariel as one of the seven archangels who rule Earth. The recently unearthed Dead Sea Scrolls also contain his name. Sariel’s name appears on the shiealds of “The Sons Of The Light”. This group of soldiers belongs to the Third Tower, from a total of four.


When you invoke Archangel Sariel, he appears in the form of an ox. Due to his description as an ox, he is linked with the skies and the celestial forms. He holds sacred knowledge about the Moon. He is also a great protector against the eyes of the evil.


According to other sources, Sariel is one of the nine angels of the summer equinox. Angel Oranir being the chief prince of the 9 powerful angels.

Read More Michael Who Is Like God Archangel click

Read More Gabriel God is My Strength Archangel click

Read More Raphael God Has Healed Archangel click

Read More Uriel God is My Flame Archangel click

Read More Azrael God Has Helped Archangel click

Dorn - Suriel

(Language is German Translated to English)


How deep is the darkness of your self?

How deadly is the pain that speaks in you?

How many more tears does your heart have to shed?

How much suffering should still flow from your veins?

The blindness of the masses drives you to the threshold,

Distorts your dream and your source of life.

You are alone in this colorless world.

Dreary, cold and there's nothing to keep you alive.

Why do your anxious attempts fail?

Why doesn't anyone help you in your endless search?

Too many times have you yelled at your hated self.

You gathered courage for too long to finally escape.

How deep is the darkness of your self?

How deadly is the pain that speaks in you?

How many more tears does your heart have to shed?

How much suffering should still flow from your veins?

Close your eyes and take his hand.

feel his embrace;

Give him your trust

And enter your new country with him.

Sariel   God is My Ruler

Sariel is an Angel of Judaic tradition, whose name is means "Command of God". Sariel helps determine the fate of angels that stray from God. A healer and an angel of knowledge, Sariel is also considered an Angel of Death and was a leader in Heaven's army.


Sathariel (Read More Sathariel Angel of Deception Fallen Angel Lunar Mysteries click) (Hebrew: סתריאל, Ancient Greek: Σαθιήλ, romanized: Sathiḗl) is described in the Book of Enoch as the 17th Watcher of the 20 leaders of the 200 fallen angels. Michael Knibb believes the name to mean "Moon of God" or "Dawn of God" based on the Ge'ez copies of the Book of Enoch.

Read More 1st Book of Enoch Fallen Angels Nephilim Watchers click


Pictures Videos Music and Additional Reading

Sariel God is my Ruler Fallen Angel

(Music fast pace) The End of Time will be announced by the Fallen Angels..

Composed by Nick Phoenix.

Sariel God is my Ruler Fallen Angel


My body wanes and is distorted.
Smoke moves all around me (troublesome clouds), 
and it's as if I cease to exist.

I blink in and out of time and wonder if I can still be seen,
when the light-of-seeing is denied even to me.

Do you still whisper at dusk, or cry out for me at midnight? 
Do you still reach to pull yourself up into my light...?
Or do you ebb as I wane? 

As if in response to my tired calls, 
a wave crashes, 
sounding out the end and beginning of dreaming. 

Then a song pours out over the ocean, 
pulling me close and scattering my light,
little as it is.

I pull myself deeper into the hood of night,
feeling your fingers pulling at the edge of my mind.
I am now content to wait, 
here in the dark.





The Demon Sariel (Sarakiel, Saraqael, Saraqel, Suruquel, Suriel, Uriel, Zerachiel) is a good and Fallen Angel. In the Enochian writings, Sariel is Saraqel, not the same as Uriel. Sariel rules Aries and is one of the nine Angels who preside over the summer solstice. As a fallen angel, he teaches the course of the Moon.


In Hebrew lore, Sariel is the son of Lilith and Samael (in some accounts, Ashmodai or Asmodeus), the “Sword of Samael.” Sariel’s face flames like fire. In the middle of the night of Yom Kippur, the prayers and acts of sages and elders can call him forth. Sariel appears reluctantly, flying through the air with 130 warriors, all of whom have flaming faces. Sariel gives enlightenment to all who call him forth. A scribe, Pifiron, carries all the secrets of the firmament that have been sealed by Sariel. These secrets are revealed to the elders.

Read More Samael Poison of God Fallen Angel click

Read More Lilith Mother of All Demons Queen of The Night click


In the War of the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness (also known as the Triumph of God), one of the Qumran texts, Sariel is one of the four leaders of the forces of good. The human warriors are given exact instructions on who is to fight where, with weapons described carefully. There are four subdivisions (towers), and each is to have the name of their archangel inscribed on their shield. Sariel is on the third tower.

Video: In Kabbalistic thought, Sariel is one of seven angels who are primordial powers. Within Gnosticism, Sariel was invoked for protective powers. In the Book of Enoch, Sariel was the leader of angels who gazed upon men's beautiful daughters. In the days of Jared, they focused their descent on the summit of Mount Hermon, intending to acquire wives and lead men astray. Sariel was an Angel of the Moon, the specifics of which he taught to man.

Channel: Ancient Mystery Documentaries by A.Christie

Sariel God is my Ruler Fallen Angel


As the Earth tugs on the Moon, the Moon tugs back on the Earth. For each force, another will always exist in perfect opposition. The lives of men and Angels are similar. Though the power of one may be greater than the other, their existence reflects each other.

When the war started, the Angels that were uninvolved stayed clear of the wave of death that spread across the Earth. To risk one’s immortality on fighting seemed chance not worth taking. Sariel perched above it all, waiting for the wave of bloodshed to roll back. In doing so, his power receded as well. He waited patiently and watched himself waste away. He waited for his time to come, to venture out and regain his freedom amongst the stars.


Junius - Stargazers & Gravediggers


I've waited to face the world on a stage

My time is now... I answer to Sariel

The Order attacks at will, there's blood to spill

Wage war!

Lay down your life, to the night sky

They're waiting for just one world

They're digging my grave, while I stare away

As the starlit sky... I answer to Sariel

They hold me under the ground, as I'm screaming out

Please help me through this time...

Please give me one more sign

How can you deny?

When I gave my life!

All of my life, I've waited to rise

They hold my heart, for sacrifice

So I call out to...

Falasha Anthology: Translated from Ethiopic Sources (Yale Judaica Series) Paperback – 4 Sept. 2009

""Falasha Anthology is the first English translation of specimens of Old testament texts and prayers which are representative of Falasha religious literature. . . . Leslau's book points scholars of Falasha social history toward the analysis of oral literature and documentary materials, notably Ethiopic manuscripts, as a method for reconstructing past political events and the nature of structural transformations of Falasha society.""-William A. Shack, Reviews in Anthropology


Sariel · Enn Meditation Chant [Also Suriel, Suriyel, Arazyal, Seriel, Sauriel, Saraqael, Asaradel, Samuil, Sarakiel, Suruel, Surufel, Sourial]

Magick audio of Lord Sariel´s enn, 108 repetitions.

Sariel sigil.

Enn: Sariel Zabrasora.

Names: Sariel, Suriel, Suriyel, Arazyal, Seriel, Sauriel, Saraqael, Asaradel, Samuil, Sarakiel, Suruel, Surufel, Sourial

Zodiac Attributions: Leo, Aries, Cancer

Attributed Fixed Behenian Stars: Alphecca (Secondary), Deneb Algedi (Primary), Algorab (Tertiary)

Compass: Southwest

Planetary Attributions: the Black Moon, Earth, Mercury, Saturn, Pluto

*Sariel is attributed to the planet Nibiru

Elemental Attributions: Fire (Tertiary), Air (Secondary), Azoth (Primary)

Colors: Grey, Rainbow, Transparent, Black, Pink

Sacred Numbers: 15, 94, 321, 942, 87, 18

Qliphothic Attributions: Gamaliel, Thaumiel

Aspects & Atavisms: Bull, Gargoyle, Sea Monster, Half-Human Half-Serpent, Tentacle, Dragon

While accounts of the Watchers list Sariel as one of the leaders of the Watchers, specifically the Watcher who taught humanity the course of the moon, other seemingly contradictory descriptions of the spirit exist throughout apocryphal and magickal literature– you can find the various names of Sariel amongst various demonological and angelological hierarchies (this is unfortunately very common– Abaddon is a similar case).

Demonolatry Basics by Infernus presents a medieval demonological hierarchy of unknown origin wherein Sariel is referred to as the “Prince of the Moon.” The Complete Book of Demonolatry Magic presents Sariel (under the name Seriel) as a demon of nature. In Liber Azerate, Sariel, Sorath, and Alfpunias are incorrectly described as being the same intelligence.

My personal gnosis is that Sariel is a mixture of a demon, a Watcher, and a nature spirit, and that he is part of Aeshugar (i.e., what I call the Infernal Divine).

You may or may not be aware that I have recently described Gaubni as a Watcher who dwells in the Void. Sariel is also a Watcher who dwells in the Void, and he and Gaubni are homies.

The name Sariel is alternatively translated as “Prince of God,” “God’s Prince,” and “Ministry of God.” The monikers of Sariel which I have channeled include the “Black Spirit of Knowledge and Wisdom,” “the Dark Spirit of All Things Powerful,” “the King of the Wizards of the Nightside,” “the Great Watcher Who Presides Over Power and Flame,” and “the Green Wizard of the Nocturnal Glade” (Note: “the Nocturnal Glade” is a name for the Void).

Sariel is a warrior, a patron of draconic sorcery, and a specialist in the magick of Tohu who can initiate the sorceress through the current of the Void. He is very much an initiator figure, and the currents he can initiate the witch through are numerous.

Other specialties of Sariel include lunar magick, protection, nocturnal magick, menstrual sorcery, and warriorhood. When it comes to money magick, Sariel prefers supporting business endeavors, but can bring about fast cash as well. He is very private regarding his personal life.

Source: V.K. Jehannum

Chant and All purposed sigil channeled by V.K. Jehannum

Sariel God is my Ruler Fallen Angel
Sariel God is my Ruler Fallen Angel

The Final Judgement
