
The Ferryman of The Underworld






In Greek mythology, Charon or Kharon (/ˈkɛərɒn, -ən/ KAIR-on, -⁠ən; Ancient Greek: Χάρων) is a psychopomp, the ferryman of the Greek underworld. He carries the souls of those who have been given funeral rites across the rivers Acheron and Styx, which separate the worlds of the living and the dead. Archaeology confirms that, in some burials, low-value coins were placed in, on, or near the mouth of the deceased, or next to the cremation urn containing their ashes.


This has been taken to confirm that at least some aspects of Charon's mytheme are reflected in some Greek and Roman funeral practices, or else the coins function as a viaticum for the soul's journey. In Virgil's epic poem, Aeneid, the dead who could not pay the fee, and those who had received no funeral rites, had to wander the near shores of the Styx for one hundred years before they were allowed to cross the river. Charon also ferried the living mortals Heracles and Aeneas to the underworld and back again.


The name Charon is most often explained as a proper noun from χάρων (charon), a poetic form of χαρωπός (charopós) 'of keen gaze', referring either to fierce, flashing, or feverish eyes, or to eyes of a bluish-gray color. The word may be a euphemism for death. Flashing eyes may indicate the anger or irascibility of Charon as he is often characterized in literature, but the etymology is not certain.


The ancient historian Diodorus Siculus thought that the ferryman and his name had been imported from Egypt. Charon is first attested in the now fragmentary Greek epic poem Minyas, which includes a description of a descent to the underworld and possibly dates back to the 6th century BC.


Charon, Son of Night and Shadow, Ferrier of the Dead

By Kerry Sullivan Updated on November 27, 2020


In days of old, the dead were buried with a silver coin (the shiner the better) so that the souls of the faithful departed could pay the toll to the deathless demon ferryman of the underworld: Charon. Son of Darkness and Night, Charon grimly rows back and forth across the River of Woe bringing the newly dead to their eternal hereafter in Hades. The only joy in his job is the opportunity to push coinless or improperly buried souls out of his boat and into the deep below. The only break in the monotony of his task is the appearance of undead travelers such as Aeneas and Dante.

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Charon’s Parents

Born of Chaos, Nyx is the Goddess of the Night. So great and powerful was her beauty that even Zeus, King of the Gods, stood in fear of her. It is believed that Nyx stood at the creation of the universe and chanted while Adrasteia (also known as Nemesis) clashed cymbals, beat drums, and danced the heavens into their proper place. Some say Adrasteia is the daughter of Nyx alone, others say she is the daughter of both Nyx and Erebus, God of Darkness and Shadow.

Read More Nyx Goddess of The Night click


Little is known about Erebus. According to Hesiod, the ancient Greek poet, Erebus is one of the five primordial deities that existed at the dawn of the universe. The first of the five is Chaos, the sexless Void believed to have brought forth the other four primordial deities: Erebus, Nyx, Aether (Light) and Hemera (Day). As the personification of darkness, Erebus can be found in deep shadows and on moonless nights. In Greek literature, he is most explicitly described as personifying the region a soul enters immediately after they die but before they arrive at the world of the dead.

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The Ferryman

Charon was born from the union of Erebus and Nyx in a time before recorded thought, along with his siblings or half-siblings Thanatos (Death), Ker (Destruction), Moros (Destiny/Doom), Hypnos (Sleep), the Moria (Fates), and Geras (Old Age). Charon’s name is a poetic variation of charopós, which means “of keen gaze”. Most probably, this refers to the bright or feverish eyes of a person close to death. The description also reflects the cross nature of the ferryman.


For example, Dante describes him as “Charon the demon, with eyes of glowing coals” (Hollander, 53, 2000). In Virgil’s Aeneid, another famous visitor to the Underworld, Aeneas, describes the ferryman in greater detail:


“And here the dreaded ferryman guards the flood,

grisly in his squalor— Charon…

his scraggly beard a tangled mat of white, his eyes

fixed in a fiery stare, and his grimy rags hang down

from his shoulders by a knot. But all on his own

he puts his craft with a pole and hoists sail

as he ferries the dead souls in his rust-red skiff.

He’s on in years, but a god’s old age is hale and green.”

(Virgil, 192, 2006)

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Charon is frequently described as ragged, ugly, gloomy, and dirty; however, he appears in more literature than his parents or any of his siblings. One of his earliest mentions is in the Greek satirical tragedy Alcestis by Euripides: “Alkestis [Alcestis] : I see him there at the oars of his little boat in the lake, the ferryman of the dead, Kharon [Charon], with his hand upon the oar and he calls me now. ‘What keeps you? Hurry, you hold us back.’ He is urging me on in angry impatience.” (Atsma, 2016) Other Greek stories explain how it is the Moria (Fates) who are irritably summoning Charon to bring them their due.


According to ancient Greek custom, the deceased should be properly buried with a silver coin under their tongue. The departed souls would fly to Hades, sometimes accompanied by the Messenger of the Gods, Hermes. They would arrive on the far shores of the Acheron, the River of Woe. Those who were properly buried and provided coins could pay their fare across the river; those who were not buried or who had not been provided with ferry fare were forced to wander the far shores of Hades for 100 years.


Although primarily known for conveying shades to the gates of Hell , there are five rivers in the Underworld that Charon could journey: “Acheron, Cocytus (the river of lamentation), Phlegethon (the river of fire), Lethe (the river of forgetfulness), and finally, Styx (the hateful river)” (Encyclopedia of Death and Dying, 2016).


Read More Nyx Goddess of The Night click

Read More Erebus God of The Primordial Darkness click

Penumbra - Charon


On this river of silence

Fed by these sorrows

Comes with innocence

A lust for the crows

She smiles like an angel

Despite of her travel

They will catch your dream

Will be fed with your scream


She smiles like an angel

Despite of her travel

???? betrayal

And on this river of silence I’m traveling to the dark

(I’m traveling through the dark and I)

See a face in the distance that waits for me to come (that waits for me to come)

And everything around is so deep and strong

In the end when all seems to drown in the sand

Every fortress has got its defender

Each journey has got its watcher

My name is Charon

I’m an illusion

They will catch your dream

Will be fed with your scream

And on this river of silence I’m traveling to the dark

(I’m traveling through the dark and I)

See a face in the distance that waits for me to come (that waits for me to come)

And everything around is so deep and strong

In the end when all seems to drown in the sand!


All her words sound like a whisper

Anywhere she looks for her lover

How to go through death on its own

And rejoin the darkness all alone?

Then I think about myself

Ashes are falling down on me

And comes what they call emotion

I see she feels pity of me

And on this river of silence I’m traveling to the dark

(I’m traveling through the dark and I)

See a face in the distance that waits for me to come (that waits for me to come)

And everything around is so deep and strong

In the end when all seems to drown in the sand!

Pictures, Videos, Music and Additional Reading

Charon The Ferryman of The Underworld Hades

Embark on a spiritual journey with "Charon Meditation - Mysterious Atmospheric Ambient Music." Perfect for meditation and relaxation, explore the mysteries of the underworld with this haunting ambient track.

Charon The Ferryman of The Underworld Hades




According to classical Greek myth, in order to reach the afterlife in Hades, one must cross a river, the threshold between realms of life and death. Charon is the ferryman, the one who controls the passage. He’s a grim, cranky, merciless spirit. Those lacking a coin to pay for passage are left behind to find their own, painfully long, dangerous route to Hades. (Or to wander in the dark for one hundred years, whichever comes first.) Thus it was traditional to place an óbolos in the mouth of ancient Greek corpses, a coin of extremely little worth but sufficient to pay for Charon’s services. He also only accepts passengers who have received proper funeral rituals.


Charon has reasons for being cranky. Before the arrival of Lord Hades, Charon may have ruled the realm of death. He was demoted to ferryman with the ascendance of the Olympian spirits. Charon is believed to be an old Pelasgian deity, a wolf-spirit of death.


Charon the Ferryman appears in Edna St. Vincent Millay’s poem “Sappho Crosses the Dark River into Hades.”


Charon is the prototype for the ferryman to the Afterlife, now a popular entertainment and literary motif. Many consider Charon to be the prototype for the Grim Reaper, too. He sometimes appears in the form of a cloaked skeleton or cadaver. Many prefer to know absolutely nothing of Charon until his services are required. However, shamans seeking round-trip travel on his ferry may need to cultivate a relationship with the gruff old spirit.


Charon, discovered in 1978, may be Pluto’s largest moon or part of a double planet, together with Pluto (or double dwarf planet, however Pluto is characterized); Pluto’s alter ego. The diameter of Charon is just slightly over half that of Pluto.

Benediction – Charon


There's a price we all pay to Charon

A price we pay for the ride

You're damned if you do, damned if you don't

Nothing remains but emaciated pride

The urge for self destruction

Again drags you into the pit

Bristling with agony once more

A voice deep inside your head screams “FUCK IT!”


Spiralling annihilation

Descent into the abyss

A boiling, blackened violence and hatred

Some fucker's gonna pay for this!

A victimless crime of passion

Or rape of mind and soul

Or the bastard even destroys himself

Violence and drugs to fill the aching hole


The aching hole

Consume to liberate

Pour liquid fire on the pain

Years of frustration finally went

A hate so strong it's driven me insane

Anyone could be the target

And I've got time to kill...

How far salvation seems from me now

One last laugh at anyone who can feel

Video Explanation. Today we take a look at Charon, the ferryman of the underworld charged with transporting souls to Hades. Greek Mythology.

King Diamond - Charon


Welcome My Friend, My Name Is Charon

Please Take My Hand, I Know The Secret Land

Don't Be Afraid...Oh No

I'm Faceless But Don't Fear Now

I'll Take You Safe Across The River Styx

Waste No Time, Soon The Night Will Break Away

That Boy Can Wait, There's Only Room For One

Don't Be Afraid...Oh No

I'm Faceless But Don't Fear Now

I'll Take You Safe Across The River Styx

I Am Your Death

We Must Leave Now, My Boat Is Waiting

On The Other Shore Is The Land Of The Dead

Don't Be Afraid...Oh No

I'm Faceless But Don't Fear Now

I'll Take You Safe Across The River Styx

Charon The Ferryman of The Underworld Hades