Quetzalcoatl The Feathered Serpent

Venus Alchemy



Source: https://occult-world.com/quetzalcoatl/ 


Quetzalcoatl (feathered serpent, precious serpent, precious twin) In Toltec mythology, wind god. Another Quetzalcoatl was a culture hero. In his purely mythical form the god Quetzalcoatl was one of four brothers born in the 13th heaven. Of the four, one was called the black and one the red Tezcatlipoca, and the fourth was Huitzilopochtli. Tezcatlipoca (the black and red are combined) was the wisest. He knew all thoughts and could see into the future. At a certain time the four gathered together and consulted concerning creation.


The work was left to Quetzalcoatl and Huitzilopochtli. First they made fire, then half a sun, the heavens, the waters, and a great fish called Cipactli; from Cipactli’s flesh they made the solid earth. The first people were Cipactonal, a man, and Oxomuco, a woman. They had a son, but there was no wife for him to marry, so the four gods made one out of the hair taken from the head of their divine mother, Zochiquetzal. The half sun created by Quetzalcoatl and Huitzilopochtli was a poor light for the world, and the four brothers came together to find a means of adding another half to the sun. Not waiting for their decision, Tezcatlipoca transformed himself into a sun.


The other brothers then filled the world with giants, who tore up the trees with their hands. After some time Quetzalcoatl took a stick and “with a blow of it knocked Tezcatlipoca from the sky into the waters.” He then made himself the sun. Tezcatlicopa transformed himself into a tiger and emerged from the waves, attacking and devouring the giants; then, passing to the nocturnal heavens, he became the constellation of the Great Bear.


As the sun, Quetzalcoatl made the earth flourish, but Tezcatlipoca was merely biding his time. When the right moment came, Tezcatlipoca appeared in his tiger form and gave Quetzalcoatl such a blow with his paw that it hurled him from the skies. Quetzalcoatl then swept the earth with a violent tornado that destroyed all of the inhabitants except for a few “who were changed into monkeys.”


Then, when Tezcatlipoca placed Tlaloc, the rain god, as the sun in the heavens, Quetzalcoatl “poured a flood of fire upon the earth, drove Tlaloc from the sky, and placed in his stead, as sun, the goddess Chalchiutlicue, the Emerald Skirted, wife of Tlaloc.” When she ruled as sun, the earth was flooded, and all humans were drowned again except for those who were changed into fishes. As a result, “the heavens themselves fell, and the sun and stars were alike quenched.”

Read More Tezcatlipoca Prince of the Underworld The Smoking Mirror click


The two then realized that their struggle had to end, so they united “their efforts and raised again the sky, resting it on two mighty trees, the Tree of the Mirror (tezcaquahuitl) and the Beautiful Great Rose Tree (quetzalveixochitl) on which the concave heavens have ever since securely rested.” The earth still had no sun to light it, and the four brothers met again. They decided to make a sun, one that would “eat the hearts and drink the blood of victims, and there must be wars upon the earth, that these victims could be obtained for the sacrifice.”


Quetzalcoatl then built a great fire and took his son, born of his own flesh without any mother, and cast him into the flames, “whence he rose into the sky as the sun which lights the world.” Tlaloc then threw his son into the flames, creating the moon. The Quetzalcoatl of that myth is a god. Another Quetzalcoatl is a culture hero, a high priest of the city of Tula. He was the teacher of arts, the wise lawgiver, the virtuous prince, the master builder, and the merciful judge. He lived a life of fasting and prayer.


The Fall of Venus, The Underworld and The Rise of Quetzalcoatl

Source: https://astral-alchemy.com/f/the-fall-of-venus-the-underworld-and-the-rise-of-quetzalcoatl?fbclid=IwAR3ScssTRkM35PDoWSueHYk4-HyjGJXZ6jvlzxXv4JNWytjKQ1t8iwhIGTM 


On October 22nd, we have a rare superior conjunction and Cazimi of Venus taking place in the last degree of Libra, which is a first in hundreds of years. This is because the path of the Venus cycle in relation to the Earth’s orbit traces out a pentagram in the sky with each point only having taken place exclusively in specific signs; Aries, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio and Capricorn for that last hundred years.


Every hundred years this sequence changes slightly. Each conjunction takes place in a cycle of eight years, a little over two degrees earlier each time. The Scorpio cycle is due to change this year 2022, when the Sun/Venus conjunction takes place in Libra, initiating a new 100-year period. Over time, these points move backwards against the zodiac, completing a full revolution in approximately 1,231 years. The fact that Libra is ruled by Venus makes this a very significant part in the overall cycle.


The Venus Cycle

The Venus cycle is a very sacred cycle that holds keys to inner alchemical secrets for those who decide to engage the inner work and embrace its mysteries directly.


This cycle has been encoded in various mythologies in symbols across sky-watching cultures since ancient times. We find it described in detail in both the Sumerian and Babylonian tales of the Descent and Rebirth of Innana/Ishtar. The cycles of Venus were tracked by the ancient Maya who developed detailed calendars and even consecrated temples aligned with key points in its cycle. These ancient Mesoamericans revered Venus more than any other planetary body.


Although much of the ancient wisdom has been lost due to the burning and destruction of ancient sacred texts by the Spanish conquistadors, many myths still exist in the surviving codices and corresponding mythos associated with the Feathered Serpent (Kulukan to the Maya and Quetzalcoatl to the Aztec.)


It’s hidden in Greek and Roman myths and even in Christianity where it’s known as Lucifer and his resulting fall from grace associated with this cycle. It’s inner mysteries are also found in the East although in a different form, yet the essence of its inner alchemical teachings and the path to liberation remain the same.

Read More Fallen Angels The Nephilim Watchers 1st Book of Enoch Read More click


The lesser Venus cycle is 584 days. In this cycle we have five major parts. The greater Venus cycle is eight years and contains five of these smaller cycles. In any given eight year period, we will have both five retrograde periods during which Venus and the Sun will conjoin in an inferior conjunction, tracing out a pentagram.


In between each retrograde period, Venus and the Sun also conjoin while Venus is in direct motion and furthest from the Earth in the underworld, also tracing out a pentagram.  Over the total 8-year cycle, we will have 10 total Venus-Sun Conjunctions, five while she is retrograde (Inferior Conjunction), and five while she is direct (Superior Conjunction.) An even greater Venus cycle is to one which is synchronized with the Sun, which is 1231 years.


Sun/Venus superior conjunctions take place with Venus on the opposite side of the Sun at its furthest point to the Earth. This is halfway through the Venus Cycle, and some consider it to be the full moon aspect of Venus that comes with her journey through the underworld.


The full Venus cycle itself starts off with the inferior conjunction of Venus (which is the first point of the pentagram) during its roughly 40 day retrograde period. This takes place when Venus is the closest to the Earth directly passing in between the Sun and Earth. In a sense this is a Venus Eclipse and just like with any eclipse a major portal is opened for this period of time.


Following the inferior conjunction is the heliacal rise of Venus where she is now reborn as the Morning Star. Venus will continue on as the Morning Star for about an average of 260 days (the length of the Tzolk'in, the sacred ritualistic Maya calendar which is also associated with the gestation cycle of creating life in the womb) and with each consecutive lunar cycle that follows, there are specific conjunctions she makes with the waning moon, which are known as gates that come with specific purification ordeals and alchemical initiations.


Once Venus descends fully through the gates of the underworld, she dies. This is the part of the cycle where Venus has disappeared for a long and grueling alchemical death process where she later will become resurrected as the Evening Star at Superior conjunction during Venus Cazimi (the Full Moon phase of Venus where Venus is hidden away furthest away from Earth and is purified in the heart of the Sun). This lasts roughly 2 months and is where we find ourselves now.


After the purification and resurrection is complete, Venus will stay as the Evening Star for about another 260 days (another round of the Sacred ritual Tzolk’in) complete with its own alchemical cycle of initiatory ordeals, ascending through the respective gates, yet now with Venus conjunct the waxing moon during each consecutive lunar cycle that follows. The full initiatic process of the descent, underworldly sojourn and the following resurrection and ascent of Innana/Ishtar will be complete at the next inferior conjunction only to start again on the next phase of its process.



In Mesoamerica, Venus is associated with the feathered serpent, called Kulkulkan to the Maya and Quetzalcoatl to the Aztecs. This feathered serpent in and of itself is a powerful symbol representing an initiatic and alchemical process and describing the ascent of consciousness.


Quetzalcoatl is said to govern the growth, the death, and the rebirth of the souls of men. Quetzalcoatl is directly connected to the rising of the kundalini – the Sanskrit term for the coiled serpent that lies asleep at the base of the spine waiting to be awakened. As one of my most cherished teachers of inner alchemy would always say, the real work of alchemy does not even begin unless the kundalini is activated first.


And contrary to popular opinion, the awakening of kundalini is quite rare. A lot of people mistake it’s activation with the mere movements of what is called “post-natal” energy in the East, associated with the acquired jing and qi (or what is commonly called prana) or with the bursts of postnatal sexual energy charges and releases. Yet these are just effects of the nervous system and energetic subtle bodies releasing obstructions in a purification process or through friction. This is not the activation of kundalini, which is a pre-celestial force (which means it is the very force of creation itself).


When the holy flame is awakened there is no doubt about it, one will know with utmost conviction. It often comes with fear, terror and trembling, with extreme openings and transformations in consciousness that often leave one questioning their sanity, feeling as if they are on the verge of some kind of psychosis. The activation of kundalini is the real secret fire of alchemy and this fire is what is needed just to accomplish the first stage of alchemy, calcination.


The full rising and ascent and the culmination of the awakening process is the kindling of this fire, the holy flame, and is much more complex than most modern day yogis are even aware of, and much of this work is hidden for a reason: because it’s to be embodied and the various unfolding processes to be experienced directly, its inner mysteries revealed only to the initiates of the real work.


In the Pyramid of Fire Codex, an ancient esoteric and secret Aztec Codex hidden for ages from the powers which would corrupt and destroy, it mentions how the later peoples who became corrupted and ignorant and full of fear and superstition misinterpreted this ancient esoteric knowledge. They misunderstood and misapplied the symbolic ritualistic practices connected with sacrificing of ones own lower egoic self and the carnal natures which were corrupted in materiality.


They turned these symbolic fires upon the altar into a degraded form and started to practice human sacrifice. This codex also describes the different powers active in the world, some of the cosmic cycles and ages that the Maya had tracked with their various calendars they developed, and it also describes the initiatic process of the ascent of the feathered serpent, Quetzalcoatl, and the rise of spiritual consciousness in the reborn spiritual man.


Quetzalcoatl and the Sexual Secrets of the Toltec Astrologers

As a fellow astrologer Bruce Scofield explains, there is another myth that is associated with Quetzalcoatl in the Toltec mythos that delves deeper into this sacred alchemical process:


While the idea of a feathered serpent has mythical origins, there was also a legendary figure of that same name. In reconstructing the elements of this legend, we must rely heavily on the words of the Spanish friars who came to Mexico after the Conquest. Although they functioned in some ways as early anthopologists, they were there to re-program the natives ( i.e. convert them to the Spanish version of reality.) Due to this bias, these primary sources are not always consistent and the legend of Quetzalcoatl is open to interpretation.


As the story goes, Quetzalcoatl was the ruler of Tollan during its golden age. Tollan, thought to be the ancient city called Tula that now lies in ruins north of Mexico City, was remembered as a place of worldly perfection. During his reign, Quetzalcoatl became increasingly immersed in his own spiritual perfection. This involved ritual bathing, praying, fasting, self-punishment, and all the other routines that go along with the priestly life. Over time, this obsession with his inner reality caused him to lose sight of what was happening in the outside world.


(This obviously speaks of Venusian self-absorption, rationalized under the banner of false light spirituality, a common theme in the world and even in new age and fad spiritual circles.)


Meanwhile, disturbing events were occurring elsewhere in the city. In an account recorded by friar Bernardino de Sahagun, a series of bizarre events occurred in Tollan that disrupted the high community standards of the kingdom. These events, some of which were shockingly sexual and others completely demoralizing, were thought to be caused by the dark god Tezcatlipoca. In one tale the dark god took the form of an ugly vendor who managed to seduce the secular King's daughter by exposing his magnificent penis to her. In this way he gained access to power and prestige as the King's son-in-law.


Eventually, Tezcatlipoca and his gang of dark gods gained access to Quetzalcoatl's spiritual palace. Using all sorts of trickery, these gods played to Quetzalcoatl's vanity by revealing his image, and his mortality, in a mirror.


Read More Tezcatlipoca Prince of the Underworld The Smoking Mirror click

(Mirrors are also associated with Venus and ruled by it).


The shock of seeing himself was overwhelming, even horrifying, and the dark gods immediately offered Quetzalcoatl a make-over, which he agreed to. (More Venus tricks - decorate it and no one will know).


Next, they offered him a way to forget his ugliness, five cups of the intoxicating beverage pulque. Now this drink makes tequila seem like water. Quetzalcoatl got smashed and began to party (obviously representing the lower aspects of Venusian indulgence through materialistic and carnal pleasures).


In his extremely intoxicated state, Quetzalcoatl actually wound up having illicit sex with his sister, Quetzalpetlatl. (Fallen Venus is a sucker for sexual immorality).


This shocking, dishonorable event ended his role as official spiritual leader. It was this fall from grace, due to his loss of control over his passions, that led to his resignation as leader and, consequently, the end of Tollan's golden age. Here the resulting fall and judgement takes place. His first act of atonement was to place himself in a stone coffin. Four days later he arose and left town.


The story continues by following Quetzalcoatl's route east from Tollan to the sea. He passed through many towns and sacred sites, leaving a trail through Mexico that is still recognizable today in the form of rock formations and place names. Finally he arrived at the seacoast where, according to Sahagun, he built a raft of serpents and sailed out to sea. According to the Anales de Cuauhtitlan, a chronical of Aztec myths, Quetzalcoatl immolated himself at the seacoast, threw himself on a burning pyre in an act of self-sacrifice (which would occur at the inferior conjunction) in the flames, transforming himself after four days into a quetzal bird who flew up into the sky to become the planet Venus.


These same themes are echoed in the Christian concept and Biblical tales that are associated with the archetype of Lucifer Fallen Angels.


In Gnostic terms, “Lucifer” is really referring to the archon associated with the planet Venus in its fallen state.


The only passages in the Bible which are connected to “Lucifer” (never by that name) is the one above in Ezekiel 28 and then in Isaiah 14:12-17 where it’s actually referring to a different king. This one describes the king of Babylon who some have identified as Nebuchadnezzar and is directly called the morning star (which is an obvious reference to the planet Venus).


If you read and understand the inner “esoteric” meanings of the verses in Ezekiel and Isaiah, one will see that the symbolism of the King of Tyre (or King of Babylon) mentioned represents the fallen egoic consciousness / (son of man) and associates him with Lucifer. This means that Lucifer exists *within* man. If any man becomes so proud and arrogant or impressed with his own skills, abilities, intelligence, power, position or love of himself, that he places himself equal to or above the Most High, he acts out this archetypal Luciferian influence. So this verse is not just referring to a king, or to some kind of fallen angel, but to the consciousness within all fallen humanity.


The archetype of this king is the same king that is described in later verses, as well as in later alchemical works and in Renaissance art depictions, the inner king who is destined to succumb to the process of nigredo, to be stripped bare of all that is unholy, to fully die and become purified down to the remaining eternal essence, in order to move on to higher stages of alchemy. There are many alchemical allegories found in the Bible —too many to explore in depth here—but I would like to highlight that the path of ascent can only be accomplished through the internal anointing process, the path of the Christ.


Through successfully passing the initatory ordeals as described in the symbolic story of the three temptations of Jesus in the wilderness, through to its full culmination, it leads one to become purified in the alchemical waters of life, anointed and baptized in the flames of spirit, to be reborn and resurrected later as a Christed one. This is the true inner meanings of the verses in the Book of Revelation that connect Christ directly with the morning star.


“And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father. And I will give him the morning star.” (Revelation 2:26-29)


In Revelation 22:16 Christ himself is "the Bright and Morning Star." Therefore here he promises to give himself to the one that overcometh.


Read More Mictlantecuhtli God of The Underworld click

Read More Mictecacihuatl Goddess of The Underworld click

Read More Fallen Angels The Nephilim Watchers 1st Book of Enoch Read More click

Quetzalcoatl The Feathered Serpent Venus Alchemy

Abdiel - The Lengend of The Quetzalcoatl

(Language is Spanish translated to English)


feathered will come down

as a human he will guide us

and the gods will look

How can they not control us?


He ceased to be a God

Truth granted us

free by understanding

with the feathers of he embraced

to all creation

reason dominated in the towns

Earth and mind cultivated

and in us he always trusted

he no longer felt dignified

when in a trap he fell



he promised to return

to the people of him to save

to be slaves of tyrants

he will hug us again

and will grant us of his divine understanding


In Indian legends, there are seven subterranean regions which are collectively called Patala or Naga-loka. These are the realms of the divine serpent beings called Nagas - and other spirit beings called Daityas, Danavas, and Yakshas - all of whom are progenies of the Seven Sages of Vedic tradition. The Nagas (click) are generally depicted in a part human - part serpent form, sometimes with a seven-hooded serpent canopy over their head, guarding the entrances to Hindu temples. They are believed to be wise and powerful and act as the guardians of treasures and sacred teachings.

Read More The Nagas Guardians Fallen Angels click


Nagaraja is the title given to the king of the nagas. Narratives of these beings hold cultural significance in the mythological traditions of many South Asian and Southeast Asian cultures, and within Hinduism and Buddhism. Communities such as the Nagavanshi Kshatriyas and Eelamese claim descent from this race.


Pictures Videos Music and Additional Reading

Quetzalcoatl The Feathered Serpent   Venus Alchemy
Quetzalcoatl The Feathered Serpent Venus Alchemy

Quetzalcoatl is a deity in Aztec culture and literature. Among the Aztecs, he was related to wind, Venus, Sun, merchants, arts, crafts, knowledge, and learning. He was also the patron god of the Aztec priesthood. He was one of several important gods in the Aztec pantheon, along with the gods Tlaloc, Tezcatlipoca and Huitzilopochtli. Two other gods represented by the planet Venus are Tlaloc (ally and the god of rain) and Xolotl (psychopomp and its twin).

Read More Tezcatlipoca Prince of the Underworld The Smoking Mirror click

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quetzalcoatl

Quetzalcoatl · Derek Fiechter & Brandon Fiechter. Music

Quetzalcoatl The Feathered Serpent Venus Alchemy

Quetzalcoatl as depicted in the Codex Telleriano-Remensis. The earliest known iconographic depiction of the deity appears on Stela 19 at the Olmec site of La Venta. Dated to around 900 BC, it depicts a serpent rising up behind a person probably engaged in a shamanic ritual.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quetzalcoatl

THE FLYING OF QUETZALCÓATL is a theme inspired in the aztec civilization, the Gaels, an epic musical journey through the ancient lifestyle, culture and myths from this brave warriors.

Quetzalcoatl The Feathered Serpent Venus Alchemy

Aztec Ouroboros Eating Its Own Tail

Source: https://www.amazon.com/Aztec-Ouroboros-Blank-Notebook-Journal/dp/1074334760
Quetzalcoatl The Feathered Serpent Venus Alchemy

Pentagram or Petals of Venus?

When plotted geocentrically – from an Earth-centered perspective – there is a highly noticeable rhythm in the motion of Venus. After eight years, it returns to the same place in our sky on about the same date. This is known as the eight-year cycle of Venus, and stems from the fact that 13 Venusian orbits (13 x 224.8 days) very nearly equals eight Earth years. As a matter of fact, the cycle was known to, and of great interest to, ancient peoples such as the Maya. Today, many know it as the pentagram or petals of Venus.

The word pentagram – or five-sided figure – is because, over the eight years, each phenomenon – each relative position of Earth, Venus, and the sun – occurs five times. Then, over the next eight years, they repeat five times almost identically.

For Venus, the tight inward loops on the diagram above and animation below are the planet’s inferior conjunctions, in which Venus passes between us and the sun. And the wide swings are centered on the superior conjunctions, when Venus passes around the far side of the sun from us. So the general pattern is (as Anthony Barreiro commented): a lovely five-petalled rose.

So the tight loops are the stamens of the rose, and the wide swings are the petals.

Source: https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/five-petals-of-venus/
Quetzalcoatl The Feathered Serpent Venus Alchemy

Look down on the plane of the Solar System from above the Earth. Track the Earth so it always appears directly below you, but don't turn along with it. With the passage of each year, you will see the Sun go around the Earth. As the Sun goes around the Earth 8 times, Venus goes around the Sun 13 times, and traces out the pretty curve shown here.

It's called the pentagram of Venus, because it has 5 'lobes' where Venus makes its closest approach to Earth. At each closest approach, Venus move backwards compared to its usual motion across the sky: this is called retrograde motion.

Actually, what I just said is only approximately true. The Earth orbits the Sun once every


days. Venus orbits the Sun once every


days. So, Venus orbits the Sun in

224.701 / 365.256 ≈ 0.615187

Earth years. And here's the cool coincidence:

8/13 ≈ 0.615385

That's pretty close! So in 8 Earth years, Venus goes around the Sun almost 13 times. Actually, it goes around 13.004 times.

During this 8-year cycle, Venus gets as close as possible to the Earth about

13 -- 8 = 5

times. And each time it does, Venus moves to a new lobe of the pentagram of Venus! This new lobe is

8 -- 5 = 3

Quetzalcoatl Music Heavy Bass

Quetzalcoatl The Feathered Serpent Venus Alchemy
Quetzalcoatl The Feathered Serpent Venus Alchemy

Arcana Opera - A. W. - Quetzalcoatl feat. Herian Da Re

(Language is Italian Translated to English)


You were the fire of winter, the ancient spring of eternity

You were two white wings vague astonishment of darkness

You were the black rose in your garden among the wisteria

You were the eighth sacred serpent divinity house.

You were the non-return you appear to me in a dream with pleasure

You were soft light you nail me mercilessly at dawn

You were shadow and mystery the magic circle the spirit

You were a key and hidden secret seal of Atlantis.

Phantom that you caress me pierce the eyes take me away

I come from another sun that was mortally wounded to get you.

Son of another moon with the vision of lighting you up.

You were the fire of winter, the ancient source of eternity

You were two white wings vague astonishment of darkness

You were shadow and mystery the magic circle the spirit

You were a key and secret secret seal of Atlantis

Phantom that you caress me pierce the eyes take me away

I come from another sun that was mortally wounded to get you.

Son of another moon with the vision of lighting you up.

Ignis natura renovatur integra

Ignis natura renovatur integra

Ignis natura renovatur integra

Sahaja maituna, heloim, Quetzalcoatl

Quetzalcoatl The Feathered Serpent Venus Alchemy
Quetzalcoatl The Feathered Serpent Venus Alchemy

Azaghal - Quetzalcoatl

(Language is Finnish Translated to English)


Under the empty sky

To the deserted beach of Alkumere

Only dust moves above the ruins

Only the darkness breathes

The circle has closed

I'll go back to the beginning

Where the gods are born

Where the primal storms forever rage

Smoking mirror, feather snake

Blow your wind over the burning ruins

Bone Collector, Destroyer

Raise me from the ashes, rebuild me

The elements beckon

Fire, water, air and earth

One bone shard at a time

With its icy fire, it heats up

From the mud of the earth, from the memory of life

Of pain and longing

Anger carried by the wind

He shapes a person in his image

Damballa The Serpent God of Creation (Read More click), also spelled Damballah, Dambala, Dambalah, among other variations (Haitian Creole: Danbala), is one of the most important of all loa, spirits in Haitian Voodoo and other African diaspora religious traditions such as Obeah. He is traditionally portrayed as a great white or black serpent, originating in the city of Wedo (Whydah or Ouidah) in modern-day Benin.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damballa
Quetzalcoatl The Feathered Serpent Venus Alchemy

Mladen Kalinic - The Feathered Serpent

"The sands gleam emerald
Our bodies elongate to equine form
We blended the horizon line

Quetzalcoatl stands before me
Serpent in feathers
Glows like the spectrum all together."

(Excerpt from Navarro by Max Avarez)

Source: https://mladenkalinic.bandcamp.com/track/the-feathered-serpent