Papa Ghede

Guardian of The Cemetery

The Ghede Family Clan

Vodou African



Gede, Papa



Papa Gedé is the leader of the Gedes, landlord of the cemetery, its spiritual superintendent. Some people use this name to indicate Baron Samedi Master of The Cemetery. Some consider Baron Samedi to be Papa Gedé, leader of the Gedés as he is of the Barons.


However Baron Samedi is a very distinct spirit. Once you know him, it’s hard not to recognize him. There is also another spirit called Papa Gedé who does not dress or act like the Baron but plays the shambling buffoon. (He’s not; don’t be fooled. He’s a powerful spirit wearing a guise, but the guise he consistently wears is of a socially disreputable, aggravating bumpkin.) That Papa Gedé is the leader of the Gedés. Whether he reports to Baron Samedi or not is between them. Papa Gedé adores Ezili Freda Dahomey. Sometimes she tolerates him.


If you have business in the cemetery, especially of a magical nature, it may be best to propitiate Papa Gedé. If you are planning any sort of expedition or excavation (digging for graveyard dirt; taking cemetery rocks, communing with the dead, raising the dead), it might be wise to give him a heads-up. He is the custodian of the graveyard: if you seek information regarding someone who has passed over, Papa Gedé has it.

Read More Baron Samedi Master of The Cemetery click


Mythical Ghede Clan



In Haitian Vodou, the Ghede Clan is a powerful group of Ioa/Lwa, who is celebrated on Fête Ghede, otherwise known as All Souls Day occurring on November 2nd each year. This family of psychopomps, that is spirits, deities, angels, and creatures, all accept a common responsibility, escort deceased souls from earth to the afterlife. It is commonly believed that the Ghede perform there responsibilities either listening to or dancing the “Banda.”


So what is the whole story?

It all began with two brothers, Papa Ghede and Ghede Bábáco. Both brothers were short and of a dark complexion. As it happens Papa Ghede was the first of all mortal men to die. This was particularly because of his custom to smoke cheap cigars. It was a natural death which created a new life path. Solemnly Papa Ghede was buried by his loving family with his favorite high hat.


Upon entering his new path Papa Ghede, just as loving and happy in death as he’d been in life, discovered he could read the thoughts of people. This drew him to the sick, and to the children. Being so close to death they reveled in the time they had extracting every last bit of joy they could find. Papa Ghede appreciated this revelry refusing to take a single soul from its earthly body before it’s time. As he took each soul he asked them about their lives and loves often giving them a chance to say good bye to those who they left behind. It was then Papa Ghede discovered he could also hear the thoughts of the dead.


When Ghede Bábáco died his family dressed him in his very best evening clothes and hat, for he was always very particular about his personal appearance. Awaking to see again Papa Ghede, the two brothers rejoiced. Seeing how overworked Papa Ghede was Ghede Bábáco decided then and there to help out. Dawning his sunglasses and cane Ghede Bábáco took charge over the crossroads or gateway that leads all souls to the home of the dead.


Ghede Nibo in life, this handsome man in his purple shirt and black riding coat inspired an intense magnetism that neither man nor woman was immune to. As a result of this lascivious trait, he was the first person to die by violence becoming the patron of all those who died via unnatural causes this includes: disaster, accident, misfortune, and violence.


Having died before his time Ghede Nibo feels immense compassion for those who died in unnatural ways. His kind heart is often moved by the souls he guides. For those whose bodies have yet to be found Ghede Nibo often sends his horses (or chevals) to give their voices calling to the living in hope of aiding the deceased’s recovery. He has even been known to guard the graves of those whose burial place is unknown.


Ghede Linto was only 5 feet tall and very old. Wearing his old fashioned black hat that seemed to melt into his dark chocolate brown skin, he sat around telling stories about the two brothers. All the women and many of the children loved his courtly manners. For these people, Ghede Linto would leave little gifts in knotted in their scarves. One day he warned all that a great destructive storm was coming, to any who would listen to his warning Ghede Linto told them how best to prepare.


Six months later, when Ghede Loraj brought a great storm, appearing to many who died and taking them the afterlife, Ghede Linto had already died. Fondly the docile old gentleman was remembered, prayed to and thanked by those who weathered the storm well.


Hearing this Ghede Linto walking with his cane, and wearing his glasses, performed miracles for the orphaned children ensuring they were placed in good and caring hands. Even now when Ghede Linto smells troubles coming six months ahead, he goes and offers preparation and prevention. If you listen hard and take heed he will guide you though.


Ghede Doubye had always been able to hear spirits. When she died people grieved not only for her but for the loss of her gift. All of her life Ghede Doubye had used her gift of clairvoyance to aid in the healing of family and friends who were having trouble letting go of the past, as much as, of the dead. Believing that someone was still needed to perform such tasks she gave the gift of clairvoyance. However, this failed to work the way she had intended. Some of the people she gave the gift clairvoyance too, sought to join the spirits of the dead.


Thus it was that Brave Ghede became the guardian of the cemeteries and graves. Someone had to insure that the souls of the dead remained and the souls of the living stayed out. As much as Brave Ghede loves all who show proper respect he wishes for everyone to live the life they are given. After all, you cannot live two lives at the same time. So just wait your turn to move onto the afterlife.


It is only the twins Ghede Masaka and Ghede Oussou who are allowed to walk in among both the living and dead. Like most twins, it is not always easy to tell the two apart, and they like it that way. Masaka sports a black shirt, white jacket, and headscarf; while Oussou can be seen in either a mauve or black jacket marked with contrasting crosses and either a black or mauve headscarf. Both Ghede Masaka and Ghede Oussou are grave diggers by profession, their long lanky bodies looking much like their dead family. Oussou loves his rum and always seems a bit tipsy.

Papa Ghede Guardian of The Cemetery

Damballa The Serpent God of Creation (Read More click), also spelled Damballah, Dambala, Dambalah, among other variations (Haitian Creole: Danbala), is one of the most important of all loa, spirits in Haitian Voodoo and other African diaspora religious traditions such as Obeah. He is traditionally portrayed as a great white or black serpent, originating in the city of Wedo (Whydah or Ouidah) in modern-day Benin. Damballa is said to be the Sky Father and the primordial creator of all life, or the first thing created by Gran Met. In those Vodou societies that view Damballa as the primordial creator, he created the cosmos by using his 7,000 coils to form the stars and the planets in the heavens and to shape the hills and valleys on earth


Pictures Music Video and Additional Reading

Papa Ghede Guardian of The Cemetery

Traditional Music

Papa Ghede Guardian of The Cemetery

Papa Ghede is the eternal figure in black, controlling the eternal crossroads at which everyone must someday cross over. His symbol is the cross upon a tomb. Ghede is sort of to the underworld or afterlife what Legba is to life-- he who controls access. Ghede controls access to everything in the afterlife. He is considered the good counterpart to Baron Samedi (click). If a child is dying, Papa Ghede is prayed to. And then he will protect the little ones.

Read More Baron Samedi Master of The Cemetery click

Source: Santa Muerte Going Dutch

Papa Ghede Guardian of The Cemetery

The Gede (French: Guede) are the family of lwa that represent the powers of death and fertility. Gede spirits include Gede Doub, Guede-Linto, Guede L'Orage, Guede Nibo and Guede Ti Malice. All are known for the drum rhythm and dance called the "banda". In possession, they will drink or rub themselves with a mixture of clairin (raw rum) and twenty-one scotch bonnet or goat peppers. Fèt Gede is celebrated on 2 November, All Souls' Day ("Festival of the Dead"). Boons granted by the Gede not repaid by this date will be avenged afterwards.

  • Papa Gede: is the corpse of the first man who ever died. He is recognized as a short, dark man with a high hat on his head who likes to smoke cigars and eat apples. Papa Gede is a psychopomp who waits at the crossroads to take souls into the afterlife. He is considered the good counterpart to Baron Samedi. If a child is dying, Papa Gede is prayed to. It is believed that he will not take a life before its time, and that he will protect the little ones. Papa Gede has a very crass sense of humor, a divine ability to read others' minds, and the ability to know everything that happens in the worlds of the living and the dead.

    Read More Baron Samedi Master of The Cemetery click

  • Brav Gede: is the guardian and watchman of the graveyard. He keeps the dead souls in and the living souls out. He is sometimes considered an aspect of Nibo.

  • Gede Bábáco: is Papa Guede's lesser known brother and is also a psychopomp. His role is somewhat similar to that of Papa Guede, but he doesn't have the special abilities of his brother.

  • Guede Nibo: is a psychopomp, an intermediary between the living and the dead. He was the first person to die by violence, so he is the patron of those who died by unnatural causes (disaster, accident, misadventure, or violence). He is the guardian of the graves of those who died prematurely, particularly those whose final resting place is unknown. His chevals ("horses", possessed devotees) can give voice to the dead spirits whose bodies have not been found or that have not been reclaimed from "below the waters".

  • Baron Criminel: ("Baron of Criminals") is the enforcer of the Gede. He was the first person to kill another (probably Nibo). As the first murderer, he is master of those who murder or use violence to harm others. Families of murder victims and the abused pray to him to get revenge on those who wronged them. His "horses" have an insatiable appetite and will attack people until they are offered food. If it doesn't please them or takes too long, they will bite and chew on anyone nearby (or even themselves) until they are sated. He is syncretized with St. Martin de Porres, perhaps because his feast day is November 3, the day after Fèt Gede. He is sacrificed black roosters that have been bound, doused with strong spirit, and then set alight.

  • Maman Brigitte: ("Mother Bridget") is the wife of Baron Samedi. She is syncretized with St. Brigid, perhaps because she is the protector of crosses and gravestones.


Traditional Music

Argentum - The Serpent’s Lament


Sear and black wind, pervert until you soul

expeller of wretched matter, expand the real world

funnel inspire the pains, countless dims of subconscious

the sight of ghouls around your space, did you hear the serpent's lament??

The dust impregnated into quiet wind, a maze of enchanted evening

where sunserves of Legba circle, prepare the nuptial flight

in terra demorto mundi, the men fell silent

the great snake was coming, then there was a petro rite

Wails will despise, on the river of the thorns

flow that joy of death, reveal Damballah's face

anxious for young blood, needless, pins & caves

sinuosity curse at midnight, dance of dolls

The secret of all serpents, not permite the riest

restore their hideous plasma, all spirits descends to earth

corps from exu are in serpentary, penetrate all opened tomb

the sight of ghouls around your space, did you hear the serpent's lament?

...and then they called softly: Papa Ghede...