Shamash Shamseil

Sun of God

Fallen Angel

3 Books of Enoch


Shamash: Mesopotamian God Of Sun, Truth, Justice And Healing



"Shamash (the Babylonian sun god) is most likely a distorted myth based on Shamsiel." Considering the Babylonian myth of the sun god Shamash predates the Judaic myth of the angel Shamsiel, would it not be more accurate to say that Shamsiel was the distorted myth based on Shamash? Or is the article attempting to suggest the actual existence of the angel Shamsiel, on which Shamash is based? I'm pretty sure that wouldn't belong on Wikipedia.


Utu, later worshipped by the East Semitic Akkadian-speaking Babylonians as Shamash, was the ancient Mesopotamian sun god, god of justice, morality, and truth, and the twin of the Mesopotamian goddess Inanna (Ishtar in the Assyrio-Babylonian language), the Queen of Heaven.

Read More Ishtar Inanna The Queen of Heaven click


Shamash was the Sun god in the mythology of the ancient Near East. He was associated with truth, justice, and healing and was one of the most active gods in the pantheons of ancient Sumer, Babylonia, and Assyria. In Sumer, he was worshipped as god Utu. As a powerful solar deity, Shamash, whose consort was the goddess Aya, exercised the power of light over darkness and evil. In this capacity, he became known as the god of justice and equity and was the judge of both gods and men. At night, Shamash became the judge of the underworld.


Shamash was also regarded as a god who released sufferers from the grasp of the demons. The sick appealed to Shamash as the god who can be depended upon to help those who are suffering unjustly. This aspect of Shamash is vividly brought out in hymns addressed to him. In some cases, Shamash was seen as governing the entire universe and was pictured as a king on his royal throne with his staff and signet ring.


According to legend, the Babylonian king Hammurabi received his code of laws from Shamash. The Hammurabi codes are some of the earliest and most complete ancient legal codes proclaimed by the Babylonian king Hammurabi, who reigned from 1792 to 1750 BC. Shamash is depicted as overcoming darkness and death. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, he assisted in the conquest of the monster Humbaba, guardian of the deep forests of Lebanon.


Shamash was widely worshipped in the ancient near East. The chief centers of his cult were at Larsa, represented by the modern Senkerah in Sumer, and at Sippar, represented by the mounds at Abu Habba in Akkad. Temples dedicated to Shamash were also were erected in all large population centers, including Babylon, Ur, Mari, Nippur, and Nineveh.


In Canaanite tradition, the Sun god was Shemesh, the "torch of the gods," but was described as female. The worship of Shemesh/Shamash was also practiced among the Israelites, although it was forbidden by the prophets and biblical writers.


Shamash, who was the brother of goddess Ishtar is often pictured with a disk that symbolized the Sun. Like the later Apollo, he made his daily journey through the heavens, either on horseback, in a chariot, or on a boat. Together with Sin and Ishtar, Shamash formed a triad of gods that completed the even older trinity of Anu, Enlil, and Ea, representing the heavens, earth, and water, respectively. The three powers of Sin, Shamash, and Ishtar symbolized three great forces of nature: The sun, the moon, and the morning star (or love and fertility).


Book of Enoch - Enochian Legends


"Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away."


Ancient Greek writings refer to Enoch as Henoch, the Koran refers to him as the Prophet Idris.  He has been identified with Egyptian Thoth, Cadulus of the Phoenicians, Hermes of the Greeks. According to some occultists, he inspired the Kabala and the symbols of the tarot. He was the great grandfather of Noah.


Some believe he is one and the same as Anak, forebear of the Biblical Anakin Giants. Modern radical theorists speculate that the Enochian writings are proof of ancient extraterrestrial contact.  All the Bible has to say is that he was the great-grandfather of Noah, descended from Adam, and that “Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away.” Genesis 5:24.  This passage made Enoch an exalted figure of considerable fascination.


Somewhere around the 4th century CE the Enochian writings began to disappear from the scholarly realm in the West. The Book of Enoch was removed from the Bible and banned by the early church. A brief mention by a 9th century Author is the last known mention of the great works until relatively modern times. In 1773, Explorer James Bruce rediscovered it .The Book of Enoch [1st Enoch] was later translated by Richard Laurence and published in a number of successive editions


The Books of Enoch currently exists in several versions:

1st Book of Enoch (Read More Fallen Angels Nephilim Watchers click), an apocryphal book in the Ethiopic Bible it is the oldest of the three Enoch books.

2nd Book of Enoch, also Known as the Slavonic Book of Enoch, and The Book of the Secrets of Enoch

3rd Book of Enoch (Read More Metatron 3rd Book of Enoch click), also known as the Hebrew Apocalypse of Enoch.


1st Book of Enoch

First Enoch was originally composed either in Hebrew or Aramaic, the Ethiopic version discovered in 1773 is believed to be derived from a Greek copy. A comparison of the Ethiopic text with a recently discovered Greek fragment proves that the former is in general an honest translation. Modern scholars date the origin of the 1st Book of Enoch to the first or second century BC. It is not believed to have been written by Enoch himself, but it draws on older legends or lost writings as some of its source material.


It is labeled "pseudepigrapha," meaning it is not believed to have been written by the named author, but by another, or others, under the pseudonym of the stated Author. One standard rule of dating utilized, is the assumption that if any prophesies are correct, it is assumed have been written after their occurrence.


This methodology has put the authorship of the Book of Enoch in the first or second century BC because it prophesied the existence of Patria [250 BC], as well as the reign of King Herod the Great, starting in 37 B.C.

Read More Fallen Angels The Nephilim The Watchers 1st Book of Enoch click


2nd Book of Enoch

This specific edition dates to the seventh century CE, although it is based on a much older Jewish text of the 1st Century CE which itself draws upon more ancient legends. Greek and Latin manuscripts have been found. It was first rediscovered in 1886 in the archives of the Belgrade Public Library. Enoch begins with a first-person account by Enoch of a journey through 10 heavens culminating in a meeting with God.


This is followed by a discussion about creation, and God's instructions to Enoch to return to Earth to disseminate his knowledge. These teachings are then described as taking place within a 30-day stay, at the end of which Enoch is returned to heaven and transformed into the angel Metatron. The book from this point on is in the third-person and tells stories of Methuselah, and Melchizedek among others.


3rd Book of Enoch

A Jewish writing dating probably to the 5th or 6th century CE. It may have been written by a Rabbi Ishmael [Kohen Gadol Yishmael 90-135 CE]. , a renowned scholar, a number of other scholars believe that it was written over a prolonged period of time, by many people. In any event it is of minimal Historical value as it is written way too late. 3rd Enoch describes the link between Enoch son of Jared and his transformation into the angel Metatron. 


It is largely Allegorical and is steeped in Jewish Mysticism. The primary theme of Enoch is his ascension into heaven and transformation into the angel Metatron. Known among rabbinical scholars as "Sefer Hekalot" ,this book describes Rabbi Ishmael as having visited the 7th heaven, where he meets Enoch, who explains that the earth had been corrupted by the demons/Fallen Angels Shammazai, and Azael.  The names of these demons are identical with names of the Watchers recorded in 1st Enoch as well as the Book of Giants.

Read More Metatron The Lesser Yahweh Archangel 3rd Book of Enoch click


Enoch and the Watchers

Jared - Enochs' father, credited with the authorship of   "The Lamentations of Jared" Circa 5800 B.C. describes how "Gods" came to the earth and led mankind astray. The Books Of Enoch, as well as assorted Jewish and Middle Eastern legends describe how God had sent a legion of angels to earth in order to watch over and assist man during the beginning of civilization - The Watchers.


These angels rebelled against the laws of God. Enoch goes on to say "...but they chose husbands and wives from among the humans and led greatly debauched lives, neglecting their heavenly duties..." They angered God greatly and were banished. Later becoming known as the Fallen Angels. The hybrid offspring from the mating of Watchers and Human females became known as the Nephilim.


Enoch as the Angel Metatron

The Metatron Myths are highly complex, several versions exist. Metatron seems to take on the role of the Archangel Michael [Or vice versa as Metatron preceded Michael] with Christ like powers. The nature of the stories are obviously Allegorical.


Version 1 states Metatron came into existence when God created the world, and immediately assumed his many responsibilities. This would be the primordial Metatron. Originally, in older Hebrew literature the duties assumed by Metatron were designated to "Yahoel"   this name was gradually usurped by Metatron.


Version 2 states Metatron was first a man named Enoch, who was eventually transformed into the fiery angel- Metatron.  This section deals primarily with version 2 (2nd Book of Enoch)


Metatron is mentioned 3 times in the Babylonian Talmud.  All the references relate to Metatron's enormous power and influence and how some people have confused him with God. In some writings he is called the "lesser Yahweh".

Read More Metatron The Lesser Yahweh Archangel 3rd Book of Enoch click


The Anti-Semitic medieval Author Johann Andreas Eisenmenger states that Metatron transmits the daily orders of God to the angels Gabriel and Sammael. [The Traditions of the Jews]

Read More Gabriel God is My Strength Archangel click


"This Enoch, whose flesh was turned to flame, his veins to fire, his eye-lashes to flashes of lightning, his eye-balls to flaming torches, and whom God placed on a throne next to the throne of glory, received after this heavenly transformation the name Metatron." - Gershom G. Scholem, [Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism]


Is Enoch also Anak?

There are Talmudic references that state, the Anakim were the sons of Enoch, and that Enoch and Anak are one and the same person.  Genesis, the Talmud and many transcultural texts suggest that the Nephilim. a/k/a Anakim/ or Sons of Anak resented God for destroying their ancestors, and meddled in the affairs of mankind.


Most sources indicate that the Anakim were a race of giants who traced their ancestry to Anak, the son of the Canaanite Arba, founder of Kiriath-Arba (the city later known as Hebron). The father of Enoch was Jared, not Arba, he was certainly not the founder of the City of Hebron, nor was he a Canaanite. 


There is another Enoch mentioned in Genesis 4:17, Enoch the son of Cain: “Cain lay with his wife, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch. Cain was then building a city, and he named it after his son Enoch.”


This is not the same Enoch whose birth is recorded in Genesis 5:18, Enoch the son of Jared: “When Jared had lived 162 years, he became the father of Enoch.”


Enoch the son of Jared, is the Enoch who is described in Genesis 5:24: “Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away.”


By sheer coincidence both Enoch's are associated with the Nephilim/ Anakim saga of Biblical record, on opposite sides however. Enoch the son of Jared, the one whom "walked with God" is a Human, that as per Hebrew Mythos morphed into an Angelic nature. Enoch the son of Cain, as per legendary as well as Biblical accounts was Nephilim /half breed or bred with Fallen Angels, or Nephilim, to become known as the Patriarch of the Anakim, a branch of the Nephilim.


Association of Enoch with the Sun God

Attempts to link Enoch with the ancient Solar Deities are not wholly without merit. The precise lifespan of Enoch, 365 years, corresponding to the duration of the solar year, is linked to Sumerian king Emmeduranki's association with the sun god Utu (Shamash). Emmeduranki, was summoned to the heavens by the gods Shamash and Adad, in order to learn its secrets.  Enoch was summoned to heaven by God in order to learn its secrets.


"The legend [of Enoch] begins...with the Sumerian King List. This is a list of rulers before the Flood, ... Here one of the kings, often given as the seventh (as Enoch is in his list), is called Enmeduranki or Enmeduranna. He is generally associated with the city of Sippar, which was the home of the cult of the sun god Shamash.


Moreover, in other texts this Enmeduranki was the first to be shown, by Adad and Shamash, three techniques of divination:..."These details show how the biblical portrait of Enoch may have been compiled from Enmeduranki: each is seventh in the antediluvian list; the biblical 365 preserves the affinity to the sun, rather than the sun god; walking with God (or perhaps, 'angels'?) suggests the intimacy between god(s) and man.


The final connection links not with Enmeduranki, but with a fish-man (Apkallu), with which each of the first seven kings associated and from whom they learnt all kinds of knowledge. Enmeduranki's Apkallu, called Utu'abzu, is mentioned in another cuneiform text, where he is said to have ascended to heaven.


This last link remains provisional, but at all events, the writer of Genesis 5:21-24 appears to either have created Enoch as a counterpart of Enmeduranki or, equally probably, to have alluded to an already existing Jewish tradition about Enoch, already modeled on the earlier figure." - John Rogerson and Philip Davies, The Old Testament World


"The Irish vernal equinox was Aiche Baal tinne the night of Baal's fire. The sun's circuit was Bel-ain, or Bel's ring. A cycle of the sun, or an anniversary, was Aonach pronounced Enoch and it is singular that we are told that the days of Enoch were 365 years."  ... SUN-WORSHIP


Shamash and Adad

Shamash is also equated with Shamsiel, the 15th leader of the Watchers or Grigori, of 20 leaders that were in charge of the Fallen Angels. Shamsiel taught mankind the signs of the sun according to the Book of Enoch. Shamash and Adad were Sumerian gods called Anunnaki meaning “those who from Heaven to Earth came”, which in essence fortifies their relationship to the Fallen Angel’s legends.

Read More Fallen Angels The Nephilim The Watchers 1st Book of Enoch click


Adad is a storm-god. Transcultural derivatives of this name include Baal-Hadad, a Syrian god of storms and thunder, or "lord of thunder". Adad is also the Hittite God of Lightning and Thunder, another version of the Sumerian god Ishkur and the Semitic Adad.

Read More Baal Bael God of Fertility Weather Tribes of Canaan click

Read More Sebitti The Seven Gods Children of The Anunnaki The Seven Evil Spirits click

Read More Nanna Nannar Sin God of The Moon and Wisdom click

Read More Ishtar Inanna The Queen of Heaven click

Read More Chemosh The Destroyer Tribe of Moabite click

Read More Ereshkigal Queen of The Underworld Irkalla click

Read More Apkallu Saptarishis The Seven Sages Angels click

Read More The Seven Archangels The Anunnaki click

In Islamic belief, Maalik Archangel of Hell of Fire (Arabic: مالك, romanized: mālik) denotes an angel in Hell/Purgatory (Arabic: جهنم, romanized: jahannam) who administrates the Hellfire, assisted by 19 mysterious guards (Sura 74:30) known as Zabaniyya (click) (Arabic: الزبانية, romanized: az-zabānīya). In the Qur'an, Maalik is mentioned in Sura 43:77 as the chief of angels of hell. The earliest codices offer various alternative spellings of this word including malak, meaning "angel", instead of a proper name.


Read More Maalik Archangel of Hell of Fire Zabaniyah Harut and Marut click

Munkar and Nakir (Arabic: منكر ونكير) (English translation: "The Denied and The Denier") in Islamic eschatology, are angels who test the faith of the dead in their graves.

These angels are described as having solid black eyes, having a shoulder span measured in miles. Al-Suyuti described from Hadith recorded Al-Hakim al-Nishapuri and from Sunan Abu Dawood Munkar and Nakir carrying hammers "so large, that [they] cannot be moved even if whole of mankind unite to lift [them]".


Soulfly – Shamash


Shamash - ira deorum (wrath of the gods)

Shamash, the fire burning sun

supreme ruler of Akkadian

behold, Sun God, behold

I bear the fire from hell below


in nomini domini (in the name of god)

in nomini diaboli (in the name of the devil)


shamash - ira deorum

shamash - ira deorum


Shamash, the center of the soul

Agathos Daemon (good spirit)

behold, fire, behold

nothing comes from nothing ex nihilo (out of nothing)


Shamash - ira deorum

Shamash - ira deorum


Root of David - eradicate - violate the sabbath

Hammurabi code - eye for an eye

stabbing the heavens - mount Sinai

Tribe of Judah - splendor of light... retaliate

Pictures, Videos, Music and Additional Reading

Shamash Samsiel Sun of God Fallen Angel

Shamsiel (Aramaic: שִׁמשִׁיאֵל, Greek: Σεμιήλ), also spelled Samsâpêêl, Shamshel, Shashiel or Shamshiel, was the 16th Watcher of the 20 leaders of the 200 Fallen Angels  that are mentioned in an ancient work called the Book of Enoch. The name means "sun of God", which is fitting since it has been said that Shamsiel taught men the signs of the sun during the days of Jared or Yered. Shamash (the Babylonian sun god) may share some mythological basis with Shamsiel.


Shamsiel is said to lead 365 legions of lesser angels in the Zohar and it is said that he was assigned by God to guard the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve were expelled; comparable to cherubim. There is apparently some disagreement in sources as to whether Shamsiel is a fallen angel; he is still regarded as the ruler of the 4th Heaven.

Read More Fallen Angels The Nephilim Watchers 1st Book of Enoch click


Erragal/Shamash/2012 CD Review

Erragal are a band from Baghdad, Irag that plays an ambient form of Sumerian Occult Black Metal with more of a focus on the dark ambient side and this is a review of their self released 2012 album "Shamash".

Shamash Samsiel Sun of God Fallen Angel

Representation of Shamash from the Tablet of Shamash (c. 888 – 855 BC), showing him sitting on his throne dispensing justice while clutching a rod-and-ring symbol.


Fired clay statue of a seated god, probably Shamash. From Ur, Iraq. Old-Babylonian period, 2000-1750 BCE. British Museum.


Idris Instructing his Children, Double page from the manuscript of Qisas al-Anbiya by Ishaq ibn Ibrahim al-Nishapuri. Iran (probably Qazvin), 1570-80. Chester Beatty Library

Idris (Arabic: إدريس, romanized: ʾIdrīs) is an ancient prophet mentioned in the Quran, who Muslims believe was the third prophet after Seth. He is the second prophet mentioned in the Quran. Islamic tradition has unanimously identified Idris with the biblical Enoch, although many Muslim scholars of the classical and medieval periods also held that Idris and Hermes Trismegistus were the same person.


He is described in the Quran as "trustworthy" and "patient" and the Quran also says that he was "exalted to a high station". Because of this and other parallels, traditionally Idris has been identified with the biblical Enoch, and Islamic tradition usually places Idris in the early Generations of Adam, and considers him one of the oldest prophets mentioned in the Quran, placing him between Adam and Noah. Idris' unique status inspired many future traditions and stories surrounding him in Islamic folklore.






Utu (also known as Shamash, Samas, and Babbar) is the Sumerian god of the sun and divine justice. He is the son of the moon god Nanna and the fertility goddess Ningal in the Sumerian tradition but was known as Shamash (Samas) to the Akkadians who claimed Anu or Enlil as his father.

Read More Nanna Nannar Sin God of The Moon and Wisdom click

Read More Ningal

Read More Enlil God of Air Storm King of The Gods click


In the Sumerian tradition, he is the twin brother of Inanna (goddess of war, love, and sexuality) and brother of Ereshkigal (Queen of the Dead), and Ishkur (also known as Adad, god of storms). He is one of the most important deities in the Mesopotamian pantheon and is attested to in the earliest Sumerian writings c. 3500 BCE, though seemingly after the appearance of Nanna.

Read More Ereshkigal Queen of The Underworld Irkalla click

Read More Adad

Shamash, the Great Lord of Light. Shamash god of the sun was one of the most popular deities of the Babylonian and Assyrian pantheon. First mentioned in the reign of E-Anna-Tum, or about 4200 b.c.

Shamash is called the son of Sin, the moon-god, which perhaps has reference to the fact that the solar calendar succeeded the lunar in Babylonia the same can be found in practically all civilizations of advancement.

The inscriptions give due prominence to his status as a great lord of light, and in them he is called the ‘illuminator of the regions,’ ‘lord of living creatures,’ ‘gracious one of the lands,’ and so forth. He is supposed to throw open the gates of the morning and raise his head over the horizon, lighting up the heaven and earth with his beams.

The knowledge of justice and injustice and the virtue of righteousness was attributed to him, and he was regarded as a judge between good and evil, for as the light of the sun penetrates everywhere, and nothing can be hidden from its beams, it is not strange that it should stand as the symbol for justice.

Shamash appears at the head of the inscription which bears the laws of Hammurabi, and here he stands as the symbol for justice. The towns at which he was principally worshiped were Sippar and Larsa, where his sanctuary was known as E-Babbara, or the ‘shining house.’

Larsa was probably the older of the two centers, but from the times of Sargon, Sippar became the more important, and in the days of Hammurabi ranked immediately after Babylon.

According to Sumerian mythology, Shamash helped protect Dumuzid when the galla demons tried to drag him to the Underworld and he appeared to the hero Ziusudra after the Great Flood. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Shamash helps Gilgamesh defeat the ogre Humbaba.

Utu, later worshiped in ancient Mesopotamia by East Semitic peoples as Shamash around 3,000 BC.

Created and Narrated

by A.Christie (Ancient Mystery)

The Confusion of Tongues by Gustave Doré, a woodcut depicting the Biblical Tower of Babel, one of the central features of Jared's narrative


The Book of Mormon Jared has the same name as the biblical patriarch Jared (Hebrew: יֶרֶד Yéreḏ, in pausa יָרֶד‎ Yā́reḏ, "to descend"), in the Book of Genesis, who was the sixth in the ten pre-flood generations between Adam and Noah; he was the son of Mahalaleel and the father of Enoch, and lived 962 years (Genesis 5:18).


The biblical text in the Book of Jubilees implicitly etymologizes the name as derived from the root YRD "descend", because in his days "the angels of the Lord descended to earth". Alternative suggestions for the name's etymology include words for "rose" and for "servant".


The biblical Jared was a sixth-generation descendant of Adam and Eve. His primary history is recounted in Genesis 5:18–20, thus within the timeline of the Book of Mormon, he would have been antediluvian and an ancestor of the Jared of Ether.


Bahro d'Shamash is Syriac-Aramaic for 'Light of Shamash'. Shamash is the ancient Mesopotamian and northern Levantine sun god. The track represents a musical rendering of a scene where a group of priests in a temple of Shamash somewhere in ancient Aram or Mesopotamia are spiritually entranced - at dawn performing a sun-rise ritual.


With the scent of incense, inscribed temple columns, and the view of a vast desert, they gradually witness the ascension of Shamash to the sky announcing a new day -- the sunrise. The inspiration behind this track was a personal acknowledgment of the omnipotent sun - it does not only give us light, but affects the mind, the spiritual and physical flow of energies, agriculture, the solar system, and everything - thus the whole concept behind the track leads to 'Light of the Sun'.

"Abohotho" is the Syriac-Aramaic word for "Ancestors".

Shamash Samsiel Sun of God Fallen Angel

Melechesh - Illumination: The Face of Shamash


Wings from letters

Carry me beyond the white

Here I am standing

Burning winds fill my lungs

My eyes are open

My palm is read

Prophets propel me, propel me to the zone

They enter my mind, LIGHT!

These are Sumer's chosen ones

Angst from enlightenment

Face of the Sun will guide me

Shamash, carry me beyond the white

This is the will of fate

Dead trees are you

Position the fingers forward (whispers)

Dark Ambient

In another early Gilgamesh narrative, Gilgamesh, Enkidu and the Netherworld, Utu is first referenced by Inanna, who asks Gilgamesh to help her with getting rid of creatures infesting a tree she planted on the bank of the Euphrates. She states that Utu refused to intervene. The reasoning behind his decision is not explained. Later, when Enkidu is confined in the underworld, Gilgamesh petitions Enki for help.

Read More Ishtar Inanna The Queen of Heaven click

Read More Enki God of Water Lord of The Earth click

Read More Enlil God of Air Storm King of The Gods click


The latter tells Utu to bring Enkidu's shade with him when he rises, which lets the heroes temporarily reunite. A retelling of this episode is also known from the final tablet of the "Standard Babylonian" Epic of Gilgamesh, which has no direct connection to the rest of this version of the story. An old erroneous view was that the god acting on Ea's (Enki's) command in this version is Nergal rather than Shamash Sun of God Lord of Light.

Read More Nergal King of the Raging Sun God of the Underworld click


Dark Ambient

The claim is that there existed a culture of Sumerians and lineage of 8 kings for over 240,000 years, based on a list of kings written by the Sumerians.


First, the list used in the article above (and for another article linked in this group with the same claim) is dated to the Intermediate Bronze Age (roughly 2100 – 1550 BCE). This tablet is actually referred to as a cuneiform prism though it has rectangular sides and reflects what is commonly referred to as the antediluvian set of kings–eight in all–as having a reign of 241,200 years.


There are other kings lists that reflect differences. WB 62, for instance, lists ten antediluvian kings for 456,000 years. The Berossus tablet lists a different ten kings but for 432,000 years.

Shamash Samiel Sun of God Fallen Angel