Fallen Angels The Nephilim The Watchers

1st Book of Enoch


“Every visible thing in the world is put under the charge of an angel.” St Augustine


The Book of Enoch and the Nephilim

Source: https://www.ancient-code.com/the-book-of-enoch-and-the-nephilim/ 

Ever since its translation in 1800  from ancient texts discovered in Ethiopia in 1768, the Book of Enoch has created a stir in academic circles. Enoch has been proven to have existed and was mentioned before the existence of the church. Several copies of it were discovered in 1948 among the Dead Sea Scrolls. Some even believe we can trace back stories that have great similarities to Ancient Sumer.


Parts of the Book of Enoch tell the story of the evil angels who kidnapped and paired with human women, resulting in the creation of a hybrid race known throughout the secular and biblical history as the Nephilim.


The first parts of the book detail the interaction of the Fallen Angles with Mankind:


“…And Semjâzâ, who was their leader, said unto them: “I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.” And they all answered him and said: “Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.”


Then swore they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it…”


This is how the Nephilim, aka Giants, were created, as described in the book:


“…And they became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three hundred ells: Who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another’s flesh, and drink the blood…”


In the introduction to the Book of Enoch we read that: “Enoch is a just man, whose eyes were opened by God so that he saw a vision of the Holy One in the heavens, which the sons of God showed to me, and from them I heard everything, and I knew what I saw, but [these things that I saw will] not [come to pass] for this generation, but for a generation that has yet to come.”


While it only covers the first four verses of Genesis 6 (also refer to Genesis 3:15, 2 Peter 2:4-6, Jude 6-7), Enoch refers to this story in great detail. In fact, we are able to find a list with names of 18 prefect Angels –out of a total of 200— who committed the great sin.


Interestingly, this ancient text also details how these fallen angels taught mankind how to make swords and knives, shields and breastplates (metallurgy)… magic medicine, root-cuttings (medicinal and hallucinogenic use), incantations, astrology, the course of the moon, as well as how to deceive man;


“…And Azâzêl taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all coloring tinctures. And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semjâzâ taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, Armârôs the resolving of enchantments, Barâqîjâl, taught astrology, Kôkabêl the constellations, Ezêqêêl the knowledge of the clouds, Araqiêl the signs of the earth, Shamsiêl the signs of the sun, and Sariêl the course of the moon…”


“According to the Book of Enoch (Not a Canonical Text), God judged the angels for producing the Nephilim. God decreed that the fallen angels (Watchers) were to be cast into Tartarus. The Nephilim were also judged, and it was determined that their bodies were to return to the earth in peace, but their souls were doomed to wander the earth forever (as) wandering spirits…”


Enoch and The Watchers

The Real Story of Angels and Demons

By Michael Howard September 22, 2009

Source: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/alien_watchers34.htm


In 2002 the British newspaper The Sunday Telegraph reported that the Vatican had banned the veneration of those angels who do not appear in the authorized texts of the Bible. This was an attempt to counter the influence of unnamed New Age groups who were allegedly recruiting new members within the Roman Catholic Church.


In future, prayers were only to be directed to the three archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael who are mentioned in the Bible. According to the apocryphal and banned Book of Enoch these were the angelic beings responsible for binding the wicked fallen angels or Watchers who had transgressed God's law.


The news report said that the early Church had excluded the book, attributed to the Old Testament prophet and patriarch Enoch, from the authorized version of the Bible because it described these fallen angels and their activities. Who are the Watchers or fallen angels and why was the early Church and the modern Vatican so concerned about them?


Genesis 6:1-4 says:


"When men began to multiply on the face of the Earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and took them wives of all which they chose."


Traditionally the Ben Eloha or 'sons of God' numbered several hundred and they descended to Earth on Mount Harmon. Significantly this was a sacred place to both the Canaanites and the Hebrews who invaded their land. In later times shrines to the gods Baal, Zeus, Helios and Pan and the goddess Astarte were built on its slopes.

Read More Baal Bael God of Fertility Weather Tribes of Canaan click

Read More Astarte Aphrodite Goddess of Love War Sex click


These Ben Elohim or 'fallen angels' were also known as the Watchers, the Grigori and the Irin. In Jewish mythology the Grigori were originally a superior order of angels who dwelt in the highest heaven with God and resembled human beings in their appearance.


The title 'Watcher' simply means 'one who watches', 'those who watch', 'those who are awake' or 'those who do not sleep'. These titles reflect the unique relationship between the Watchers and the human race since ancient times. In the esoteric Luciferian tradition they were a special elite order of angelic beings created by God to be earthly shepherds of the first primitive humans.


It was their task to observe and watch over the emerging human species and report back on their progress. However they were confined by the divine prime directive not to interfere in human evolution. Unfortunately they decided to ignore God's command and defy his orders and become teachers to the human race, with unfortunate repercussions for both themselves and humanity.


Most of the information we have about the Watchers and their activities comes from the apocryphal Book of Enoch. In the orthodox Bible the prophet Enoch, from the Hebrew 'hanokh' or instructor, is a mysterious figure. In Genesis 4:16-23 he is described as the son of Cain, the "first murderer," and the first city built by his father is named after him.


Further on in Genesis 5:18-19, and several generations later, Enoch is named as the son of Jared, and it is during his lifetime that the Watchers either arrive or incarnate in human bodies. In the apocryphal Book of Jubilee, allegedly dictated by "an angel of the Lord" to Moses on Mount Sinai when he also received the Ten Commandments, it says that Enoch was,


"the first among men that are born on Earth [sic] who learn writing, knowledge and wisdom."


It says that Enoch wrote down "the signs of Heaven" (the zodiac signs) according to their months in a book. This was so human beings would know the seasons of the years in relation to the order of the months and their respective stellar and planetary influences. The indication is that Enoch received this information from extraterrestrial angelic sources, i.e. the Watchers, and therefore he was a cultural exemplar.


The Fallen Angels Instruct Humanity

Two hundred of the 'fallen angels' descended from the heavenly realm on to the summit of Mount Hermon and they were so smitten by the beauty of human women that, using their new material bodies, they had sex with them. This further incurred Yahweh's wrath and, according to the Bible, the consequence of this miscegenation between the Fallen Ones and mortals led to the creation of half-angelic, half-human offspring (Genesis 6:4). These children were called the Nefelim or Nephilim and they were the giant race that once inhabited Old Earth.


The fallen angels taught their wives and children a variety of new technological skills, magical knowledge and occult wisdom. This suggests that psychic abilities and magical powers were originally an ancient inheritance from the angelic realm given to early humans. In the Luciferian tradition this is known in spiritual and metaphorical terms as the 'witch blood', 'elven blood' or 'faery blood' that is possessed by witches and wizards.


In the Book of Enoch it says that the leader of the fallen angels was called Azazel, and he is often identified with Lucifer (the Lightbringer) or Lumiel ('the light of God'). He taught men to forge swords and make shields and breastplates (body armor).


Azazel also taught them metallurgy and how to mine from the earth and use different metals. To the women he taught the art of making bracelets, ornaments, rings and necklaces from precious metals and stones. He also showed them how to 'beautify their eyelids' with kohl and the use of cosmetic tricks to attract and seduce the opposite sex.


From these practices Enoch says there came much 'godlessness' and men and women committed fornication, were led astray and became corrupt in their ways. This was the basis for the early Church condemning the fallen angels for teaching women to make necklaces from pieces of gold and bracelets for their arms. St Paul said that women should cover their head in the synagogue (Corinthians: 11:5-6).


This was because the fallen angels were supposed to be attracted to human females with long flowing hair. The custom of women covering their hair in churches is still found in Roman Catholicism and also in the customs of Islam. The fallen angel Shemyaza, another form of Azazel, is said by Enoch to have taught humans the use of root cuttings and the magical art of enchantment; the fallen angel,


  1. Armaros taught the resolving (banishing) of enchantments

  2. Baraqijal taught astrology

  3. Kokabiel, the knowledge of the constellations (astronomy)

  4. Chazaqiel, the knowledge of the clouds and the sky (weather lore and divination)

  5. Shamsiel (Read More Shamash Shamsiel Sun of God 3 Books of Enoch click), the signs of the sun (the solar mysteries)

  6. Sariel the courses of the moon (Read More Sariel God is my Ruler click), the lunar cycles, used in horticulture and agriculture and the esoteric lunar mysteries)

  7. Penemuel instructed humans in the art of writing and reading

  8. Kashdejan taught the diagnosis and healing of diseases and the science of medicine


It is obvious from these descriptions of the teaching abilities of the Watchers that they were cultural exemplars and the bringers of civilization to the early human race. It is therefore strange that in orthodox Judeo-Christian religious texts they are misrepresented as evil corrupters of humanity. Some idea of the original exalted status and real nature of the 'sons of God' and 'the angels of the Lord' can be found hidden in the ancient annals of angelic lore.


For instance, Kokabiel is described as, "a great angelic prince who rules over the stars."  In the Sibylline Oracles, Araqiel is one of the fallen angels who guides the souls of the dead to judgment in the underworld. Shamsiel, possible originally a Babylonian sun god, was called "the prince of Paradise" because he was one of the guardian angels who watched over the gates to Eden. In this role he took Moses to see the heavenly garden and he also watched over the treasures of King David and his son Solomon the Wise.

Read More Shamash Shamsiel Sun of God 3 Books of Enoch Fallen Angel click


This reference may be to spiritual treasures rather than physical gold and jewels. In the Jewish Zohar he is named as the chief aide-de-camp to the mighty Archangel Uriel and bore his standard into battle. Sariel was an angel associated with fertility of the earth and the spring equinox (northern hemisphere) in March. He governed the martial zodiac sign of Aries the Ram and was invoked for protection against the malefic power of the Evil Eye.

Read More Uriel God is My Flame Archangel click


Azazel - Lucifer - Lumiel

Azazel, the leader of the Watchers, as mentioned before, was identified with Lucifer or Lumiel. In the Quran it is said that Lucifer-Lumiel (Iblis) rebelled against Allah because he was told to bow down and worship the clay-born "man of earth" Adam and refused. He was forced to fight a battle in Heaven with the Archangel Mikael or Michael and his Army of the Lord. As a result Lumiel and his rebel angels were cast out of Heaven and fell down to Earth.

Read More Michael Who is Like God Archangel click


Here Lumiel became the "Lord of the World" and in Christian mythology he was falsely identified with the bogeyman Satan. However, esoterically in the Luciferian tradition, Lumiel or Lumial is not an evil satanic figure luring humankind into temptation and acts of evil as the Church represents him.


He is, "the angel of God [who] rebelled against the static, established cosmic order and set in motion the forces of change and evolution…" It is possible that Lumiel may have originated in Canaan as Shahar, the god of the morning star (Venus).


He had a twin called Shalem, who was also symbolized by the planet Venus, but as the evening star. These divine bright and dark twins represented the solar light emerging from the darkness of night at dawn and descending into it at dusk. They were the children of the goddess Asherah, and there is archaeological evidence from the Middle East that the Hebrews adopted her worship when they settled in Canaan and practiced it alongside reverence of the tribal storm god Yahweh.


Azazel is represented as a metal-smith and a fire-working sorcerer or magician. He has also been compared to the biblical first smith Tubal-Cain, a descendant of the half-human, half-angelic "first murderer" Cain. The actual name Azazel has variously been translated as 'god of victory', 'the strength of God', 'the strong god' and even 'the goat god'.


In the apocryphal Apocalypse of Abraham, he is called "the lord of heathens" suggesting he was originally a pagan god. He has also been identified with the serpent in the Edenic myth that seduced the first woman and "Mother of All Living," Eve. In a Persian text known as the Urm al-Khibab or The Primordial Book, dating from the 8th century CE, the angel Azazil or Azazel is said to have refused to acknowledge the superiority of Adam over the angels. As a result Allah expelled him and his rebel angels from the heavenly realm to live on Earth.


More generally in Islamic lore Azazel or Azrael is the angel of death and he acts as a guide for the souls of the dead. In Leviticus 16:8-10 and in the Dead Sea Scrolls a curious Hebrew ritual is recorded that features Azazel as the name for the 'scapegoat' that takes on the communal sins of Israel. It says that the high priest Aaron took two goats from the flock and cast lots (practiced divination) to choose which one would be the scapegoat and sacrificed as a "sin offering." The Scrolls say that the high priest confessed all the "impurities of the children of Israel" over the head of the Azazel goat.

Read More Azrael God Has Helped Archangel click


By this ritually symbolic act he transferred to the unfortunate animal all their guilt and sins so they could be absolved of them. The goat was then either cast out into the wilderness to die or thrown over a cliff to be dashed to pieces on the rocks below. This ancient and archetypal concept of the scapegoat sacrificed for the sins of the human race and abandoned in the wilderness is a powerful and potent motif that appears several times in biblical myths. It can be seen in the story of Cain who becomes an exiled wanderer on the Earth after being marked by God and banished "east of Eden" after killing his brother Abel.


When Jesus was 'crucified' he symbolically took on the role of the sacrificial scapegoat who dies to cleanse the sins of the human race. It is possible that the account of the ritual of the goat-god Azazel may have been an autumn equinox or harvest rite of Syrian, Hittite or Canaanite origin adopted by the Hebrews. Originally a goat would have been selected by means of a divination ritual and then offered to a desert god or demon that had to be placated by the shedding of blood.


Eventually the sacrifice was made to Yahweh as a petition to forgive the sins of his followers. Azazel was popularly believed to have a retinue of hairy he-goat demons known as the se'irim who, like the Watchers, lusted after human women. It cannot be a total coincidence that the Church imagined the Devil or Satan in the form of a hairy half-human he-goat with a massive erect phallus who had sexual intercourse with his female worshippers at the Witches Sabbath.


Shemyaza is seen by some modern Luciferians as either the emissary of Lumiel or one of his avatars (an incarnated divine being in human form). He not only fell in love with human women, but also with the Babylonian deity Ishtar, the goddess of love and war. She promised to have sex with him if he would in return reveal to her the secret name of God.


When Shemyaza told her, Ishtar used this forbidden knowledge to ascend to the stars and she reigned over the constellation of Pleiades or the Seven Sisters. While the other Watchers were rounded up by the archangels and punished by God, Shemyaza voluntarily repented his error and sentenced himself to hang upside down in the constellation of Orion the Hunter, with whom he is sometimes identified in the Luciferian tradition.

Read More Ishtar Inanna The Queen of Heaven click


As we have seen, the end result of the illicit relationships between the Watchers and "the daughters of men" was, according to Judeo-Christian propaganda, the spawning of a monstrous race of warlike, blood-drinking cannibalistic giants called the Nephilim. The idea of semi-divine heroes was born from the ancient myths of unions between the Gods and mortals. The poet and writer Pindar (518-438 BCE) described the heroes of the past as "a race between Gods and men." In the Dead Sea Scrolls the terrible human-eating Nephilim are in fact described as the guardians of arcane knowledge who,


"knew all the mysteries of nature and science."


There are also oblique references to the breeding techniques they taught that suggest they instructed early humans in the domestication and rearing of animals. Additional references also hint at experiments that led to the creation of 'monsters' by the interbreeding of animals with different and unrelated species. In modern theosophical occultism there are legends about the lost continent of Atlantis that claim its scientists bred half-human, half-animal hybrids as a slave race.


In our own time scientists are experimenting with genetic research and animal cloning experiments. These unnatural experiments led to the cataclysmic disaster that destroyed Atlantis. This also relates to the destruction of the Nephilim and the early human race in the biblical Flood. Records of such an event can also be found in the mythology of ancient peoples worldwide and especially among the Babylonians in the Middle East. In fact, it is claimed that the story of Noah and the Flood in the Old Testament originated in Babylonian and Sumerian myths.


10,000 BCE and the End of the Ice Age

It is known that around 10,000 BCE there seems to have been a cultural explosion that transformed early humankind. At the end of the last Ice Age the first signs of agriculture appeared in the Middle East with a shift from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to that of settled farming. This marked the beginning of civilization in this area. As early as 9500 BCE barley, wheat and rye were being cultivated and oats, peas and lentils were being grown by our Neolithic ancestors in what is now modern Kurdistan, between Turkey and Iraq.


At the same time dogs, goats and sheep were also domesticated. Within a thousand years copper and lead smelting was being practiced in Anatolia (modern Turkey) and archaeologists believe this process was first discovered in Kurdistan, along with weaving and pottery making. The ancient Kurdish culture was also the first to develop a script and was one of the earliest literate societies in the Middle East.


The Kurds claim to be the descendants of the 'Children of the Djinn' (spirits), the offspring of a mating between the djinns and mortal women. In some parts of Kurdistan, especially among the sect of Yezedis, who worship the Melek Taus Peacock Angel (Azazel, the leader of the fallen angels), can be found tall, fair-haired people with blue eyes.

Read More Melek Taus The Peacock Angel Yazidis Tradition click


Although anthropologists believe they may be of ancient European ancestry, popular folk belief among the Kurds says they are descendants of the 'Children of the Djinn', who in ancient times brought civilization to early humankind. In general the ancient Middle East was known as 'the cradle of civilization' with the earliest city-states being founded in the Mesopotamian area (modern Iraq and Iran). The early indigenous people of the region, the Sumerians and Akkadians, developed the first written language, studied astronomy and created libraries.


The Babylonians and Assyrians followed them and in the mythology of all these races are stories of how the Gods descended to Earth and taught them the arts of civilization. In the Book of Enoch it says that when Yahweh saw the lawlessness, chaos, corruption and sexual immorality that had been caused by the interaction of the Watchers and humans he decided to intervene through the agency of the archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel. He commanded Raphael to bind Azazel hand and foot like a sacrificial goat and cast him into a deep ravine in the desert.

Read More Gabriel God is My Strength Archangel click

Read More Raphael God Has Healed Archangel click


Gabriel was sent on a divine mission to destroy, "the bastards and reprobates" and "the children of the Watchers amongst men."  The Archangel Michael, the commander of the Army of God, was sent to arrest Shemyaza and bind him "under the earth" until Judgment Day. As we have seen, the fallen angel repented his sins and sentenced himself to cosmic exile among the stars.

Read More Michael Who is Like God Archangel click


The Book of Jubilee says that the archangels bound the Watchers "in the depths of the earth" and in Judaic lore they are imprisoned in a mysterious "second Heaven." However, it is also said that some of these "mighty warriors" have a special place reserved for them in Sheol, the Jewish underworld.


Christian O'Brien has suggested 6 there is a connection between the biblical Watchers and the semi-divine, semi-mythical Tuatha De Danann (Children of the goddess Dana). This race of ancient magicians descended to Earth on the sacred hill of Tara in prehistoric Ireland. With the coming of Christianity, the Tuatha De Danann was banished into the 'hollow hills' and became the Sidhe (Shee) or 'Shining Ones', the elves and faeries of Irish folklore. There has always been a strong belief among the peasantry in Ireland that the Good People or faeries were originally the fallen angels who sided with Lucifer in the Battle of Heaven.


In this article we have constantly referred to the Watchers as angelic beings with a spiritual form who incarnated in physical bodies to have sexual relations with mortal women. In recent years a considerable amount of speculative literature has been published suggesting that instead they were of earthly origin.


Popular best-selling authors such as Andrew Collins, Graham Hancock and Ian Lawson have claimed that the biblical myth of the Watchers represents memories of a primeval 'elder race' of super-humans belonging to a lost civilization who taught their technology to more primitive people. Lawson has claimed that this (unknown) ancient race may have been spiritually advanced souls who incarnated to help early humankind and were corrupted by them in the process.


Symbolism of the Myth of the Fallen Angels

What is the esoteric significance behind the myth of the fallen angels, the expulsion of Lucifer from Heaven and the Fall of Man as represented by the Garden of Eden saga? In the Bible Lucifer is often depicted in the reptilian form of a dragon or serpent and in the West this creature is symbolic of evil and the powers of chaos.


Babylonian, Hittite, Canaanite, Iranian, Egyptian, Greek, Norse...myths, all describe in various forms a struggle between a supreme father-god, representing cosmic order and harmony, and a younger rebellious god who challenges and tries to overthrow divine authority. Although these conflicts usually take place in a pre-human epoch, they are also sometimes depicted as occurring in world history and are often connected with the creation and early development of the human species and the rise of ancient civilizations.


Symbolically, Lucifer or Lumiel is known as the Lord of Light as he is the first-born of creation. He represents the active cosmic energy of the universe and has been identified with fire, light, phallic power, independent thought, consciousness, progress, liberty and independence. The founder of the modern Theosophical Society, Madame Helena Blavatsky, described the Lightbringer as,


"the spirit of intellectual enlightenment and the freedom of thought" without whose influence humanity would be "no better than animals."


In the Bible Lucifer (or Satan as he is mistakenly called) is often depicted in reptilian form as either a dragon or a serpent. In Western mythologies this creature is commonly misrepresented as a symbol of the powers of darkness, chaos and evil. In contrast, in Eastern mythology the dragon is a good omen representing fertility and good fortune. Lumiel-Lucifer is often identified with the serpent in the Edenic myth described in Genesis.


In the Luciferian tradition, the biblical serpent is regarded as the personification of knowledge, wisdom and enlightenment who liberated the first humans from the spiritual ignorance imposed on them by Yahweh. The serpent is seen as the symbol of an outside liberating force that quite literally opened the eyes of Adam and Eve to the reality of the created universe and the wonders of the material world.


The snake, serpent or dragon is an ancient mythical and archetypal image of the solar phallic power or life force that is associated with Lucifer and the explosion of light following the divine celestial event that created the universe (known by modern scientists as the Big Bang). When the first man and woman ate the forbidden fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the astral or heavenly garden, they became consciously aware.


Their first realization was that their physical 'cloaks of flesh' were naked. They rushed to cover their genitals as they had become aware of the so-called 'serpent power' or kundalini that can be raised by sexual intercourse and non-reproductive sex acts. They also ate from the Tree of Life which initiated the cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth and of human souls incarnating in physical form.


Interestingly, the anthropologist and shamanic teacher Dr. Michael Harner has described an experience he had in the jungle of the Peruvian Amazon after partaking of the hallucinogenic vine ayahuasca. He had a vision of a dragon-prowed ship with a crew of bird-headed humans. He then encountered an ancient race of reptilian entities that he believes exist within each human being in the brain stem at the base of the skull and the top of the spinal column.


These reptilian life forms told Dr. Harner they had arrived on Earth eons ago from the stars. Allegedly, they created life here so they had somewhere to hide and were the true masters of the planet. The anthropologist mentioned this to an old Indian shaman and he said he knew about these entities and called them the "Masters of the Outer Darkness."


The myth of the Watchers, the Fall of Lucifer and the Fall of Man all represent the primeval Dreamtime or 'Golden Age' of cosmic and earthy harmony and primal innocence that may have existed on the material plane or on some kind of astral or pre-material plane. It is the symbolic or actual physical destruction of this heavenly or earthly paradise, where humans and animals lived together and communicated by a universal language, which is reflected in such myths and legends. In shamanic terms it is known as the Great Separation when humans no longer knew or understood the language of the animals.


It was also a time when humans began to communicate together in different languages and this is represented by the biblical story of the Tower of Babel. The myth of the Golden Age or Paradise on Earth is closely linked with the fall of Lucifer from Heaven and the diminishing of his former status as the first-born of creation to become the Lord of the World.


On a symbolic and metaphorical level, as well as a physical one, it is also connected to the separation of humans from nature and their natural environment that is manifesting in our modern times. It was the deliberate intervention of Lucifer and the fallen angels in human evolution, rather than any defiance of cosmic authority, which ultimately lead to their fall from heavenly grace.


The Watchers' only 'crime' was that they wanted to help the progress of their human flock. However, the refusal of Lucifer-Iblis to recognize the creation of human beings means that the Fall from heavenly grace was inevitable. In the Luciferian tradition Lumiel is promised redemption and the restoration of his former status in the cosmic plan.


This can only come to pass when the human race spiritually evolves. So it is to the benefit of Lumiel and his teaching angels to help us achieve that end. The relationship between humanity and the leader of the Fallen Ones is therefore very much a symbiotic one, as they need each other.

Read More Shamash Shamsiel Sun of God 3 Books of Enoch Fallen Angel click

Read More Ishtar Inanna The Queen of Heaven click

Fields Of The Nephilim - Prophecy


Let the fire burn

Let the fire breathe

Like a thousand suns

Into eternity



Oh-oh burn

Come on!

Bring it on!


Feel the spirit rise

Illuminate as one

Look into my eyes

Just let it come



You will burn



You're not there

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Fields of the Nephilim

Mahal Pa Rin Kita



What I see

You're not there


All I see

You're not there




Let the fire burn


What I see

The fire breathe


What I see

Oh burn.

Behemoth - The Nephilim Rising



I'm burning like a fucking fire

Mysterious Domain, Murdered Apprehension

Shemyaza, Lacifarus - glow like the Sun

in this final hour

ov Dawn ov the Dusk

I, heart ov all chthonic hearts

vulture eye, fallen one, proclaim:

this great world

is a mirror ov my small self:

striving for infinity, shall I remain?

we cannot kill the time:

it is the time that kills us

and I'm the answer on my questions

and blood ov my hopes and all prayers -

mark the sunset, the last judgment -

and my rainment... -

this is the night, just black damn'd night

as dethroned so enthroned, attracted... rejected...

in this totality is perfection ov Me in Thee

freedom ov Nature, delight ov Existence

so intoxicate me as I intoxicateth thee

slay me as I created thee

when reality is nothing more

than quantum vortex deep sleep

make it lucid dream

or hallucinate if you please

in exaltations ov All, One, None

there Is No Difference

we are the First and we are the Last

Io Pan!

[on one level ov interpretations these lyrics deal with the nephilim mythos. but there are other meanings which are more subtle and concealed between its verses, these refer to modern history and my personal experiences ov time and space. basically the idea behind this poem is that no one can easily say that some things are "above" or "below" others. who can judge this? history, human evolution, universe and existence itself is something more than a vertical line connecting human with divine. take for example Agrippa's "Three Books of Occult Philosophy": if we look closely at talismans symbolising micro- and macrocosm we will see clear similarities between them and the fact that they aren't connected vertically but more horizontally so to speak. now, everything is clear and right before our eyes..]

Russian Icon

Sakis Tolis - We The Fallen Angels (lyric video)

Synaxis of the Archangel Michael (Собор Архистратига Михаила). An Eastern Orthodox Church icon of the "Seven Archangels." From left to right: Jegudiel, Gabriel (גַּבְרִיאֵל), Selaphiel, Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Barachiel. Beneath the mandorla of Christ Emmanuel are representations of Cherubim (in blue) and Seraphim (in red).

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Read More Michael Who is Like God Archangel click

Read More Gabriel God is My Strength Archangel click

Read More Uriel God is My Flame Archangel click

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In parts of Ortiental Orthodox Christianity and Eastern Orthodox Christianity, Eight Archangels may be honoured, including Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, as well as Salathiel, Jegudiel, Barachiel and Jeremiel (in the Coptic tradition the latter four are named as Surael, Sakakael, Sarathael and Ananael). The Eight Archangels are commemorated on the Feast of the Archangels.


Surael (Read More Sariel God is My Ruler Fallen Angel click)

Sarathael (Read More Sathariel Angel of Deception Fallen Angel Lunar Mysteries click)

Read More Melek Taus The Peacock Angel Yazidis Tradition click

Read More Beelzebub Lord of the Flies Prince of Hell Fallen Angel click

Read More Astaroth Great Duke of Hell Fallen Angel click

Read More Shamash Shamsiel Sun of God 3 Books of Enoch Fallen Angel click

Read More Baal Bael God of Fertility Weather Tribes of Canaan click

Read More Qlippoth Tree of Death Hierarchy of The Arch Demons click

Read More Sebitti The Seven Gods Children of The Anunnaki The Seven Evil Spirits click

Pictures Videos Music and Addition Reading

Fallen Angels

Angels fighting against fallen angels during the War in Heaven. Illustration by Gustave Doré for John Milton's Paradise Lost (1866)

Fallen Angels

Michael casts out rebel angels. Illustration by Gustave Doré for John Milton's Paradise Lost (1866)

Fallen Angels

“4 The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them; the same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown.”

Numbers 13:32–33 (The Twelve Spies report seeing giants in Canaan)

Fallen Angels

The Christian biblical canon was not fixed until the fourth century.This task was undertaken by the Roman Church under Constantine, primarily by Augustine of Hippo. Augustine deviated from the apostles teaching and he introduced gnosticism and pagan...

The Fall of the Rebel Angels (Apocryphal) (c. 1250), by William de Brailes. God sits on a throne within a mandorla. The rebelling angels are depicted as falling out of heaven and into a hell, in the shape of a mouth. As they fall, the angels become demons.

Frescos depicting the fall of the rebelling angels (1760), by Christoph Anton Mayr. Saint Michael Parish Church, Innichen, South Tyrol

Fallen Angels

Fallen angels in Hell (c. 1841), by John Martin

Like Catholicism, Protestantism continues with the concept of fallen angels as spiritual entities unrelated to flesh, but it rejects the angelology established by Catholicism. Martin Luther's (1483–1546) sermons of the angels merely recount the exploits of the fallen angels, and does not deal with an angelic hierarchy. Satan and his fallen angels are responsible for some misfortune in the world, but Luther always believed that the power of the good angels exceeds those of the fallen ones.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallen_angel 

Depiction of Iblis, black-faced and without hair (top-right of the picture). He refuses to prostrate himself with the other angels.

The concept of fallen angels is debated in Islam.

Opposition to the possibility of erring angels can be attested as early as Hasan of Basra. On the other hand Abu Hanifa (d. 767), founder of the Hanafi school of jurisprudence, distinguished between obedient angels, disobedient angels and unbelievers among the angels, who in turn differ from the jinn and devils. Al-Taftazani (1322 AD –1390 AD) argued that angels might slip into error and are rebuked, like Harut and Marut but could not become unbelievers, like Iblis.

Read More Angel Maalik of Hell Fire Zabaniyah Harut and Marut click


The Quran mentions the fall of Iblis in several Surahs. Surah Al-Anbiya states that angels claiming divine honors were to be punished with hell. Further, Surah 2:102 implies that a pair of fallen angels introduces magic to humanity. However, the latter angels did not accompany Iblis. Fallen angels work in entirely different ways in the Quran and Tafsir.

According to the Isma'ilism work Umm al-Kitab, Azazil boasts about himself being superior to God until he is thrown into lower celestial spheres and ends up on earth. Iblis is often described as being chained in the lowest pit of hell (Sijjin) by various scholars, including Fakhr al-Din al-Razi (1150–1210) and commands, according to Al-Tha'alibis (961–1038 Qisas Al-Anbiya), his host of rebel angels (shayāṭīn) and the fiercest jinn (Ifrit) are from there.

Read More Ifrit Jinn Demons of Fire and Hell click

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallen_angel 
Fallen Angels

Lucifer being expelled from Heaven, depicting the "Fall of Lucifer". Illustration by Gustave Doré for John Milton's Paradise Lost (1866)

Video 14:49. Optional

The Book of Enoch is a mysterious and forbidden text that has been banned from the Bible for centuries. But what secrets does it hold about our history? This ancient manuscript, dating back to around 300 BC, holds shocking mysteries and reveals a side of our past that has been suppressed by the church. From warnings about fallen angels who have corrupted the earth to tales of debauchery, bloodshed, and sorcery, the Book of Enoch is a captivating and provocative read.

Septic Flesh-Nephilim Sons


Many years ago when none could count the time,

spheres of light fell down, a rain of mystic fire from the skies.

Thirsty angels smelled the warmth of life into this earth.

Bathed with stardust, in greatness They descended.

The Nephilim Gods.

New resources formed the blood of Their machines.

Creatures and devices were the products of Their will.

To prevail in this world of virgin wilderness,

They made some hands to carry Their sacred tasks.

Soon They felt an urge to taste forbidden pleasures.

Their flowers were erected for the daughters of Their beasts.

With awe and lust these young mutations drunk Their potions.

As bees they took Their seed in places, far and wide.

The Nephilim Sons.

Nephilim sons. Spheres of light fell down

Many years ago when none could count the time,

spheres of light fell down, a rain

The Nephilim Sons.

Nephilim sons. Spheres of light fell down.

Lucifer Fallen Angels

Pier Francesco Mazzucchelli known as Morazzone, Pentecost, oil on canvas, circa 1615 (inv. n. 414) The canvas decorated the ceiling of the Chapel of San Giovanni Battista in Palazzo dei Giureconsulti. The building and other architectural monuments located in piazza dei Mercanti housed the most important public offices in Milan.

The Fall of the Rebel Angels’ (1685) by Charles Le Brun.

Killah Priest - Gods of E.Din



He first appeared with workers and engineers

Through the Earth’s hemisphere and the Ozone layer

With angelic space gear, the Sky God

That travel in celestial pods of bright stars

The father called his children, the children came down began building

A technology brilliant, they flying stealth along the Cosmic Belt

These gods had help, but the help disagreed and went for self

That split the team of the Elohim, they came for Isis blood

The Nine wore righteous above the 24 sat on the left and the right of the judge

Carried their creation across the darkness to the Earth they set up bases

One shot a laser and left craters in their faces

They had lovers and enemies, discover the infantry

The Mother of Divinity storm like wizardry

The gods of E.din the stars there’s a meaning

Who do you believe in Angels or Demons?

Did man come from Earth or somewhere in the universe?

Who was here first un-pure birth – Gods of E.din?

Givin’ birth to a race of reptilians in the base of a pyramid

Escape, create apes before the Genesis

Genetics impregnate the gods Kings were beheaded

Workers were murdered, along with the seven scientists

Meaning of Orion’s Disc

Spirit Kings put Zion at risk, did the Mayans know this?

Or the Sumerians? Winter Solstice fill the Vatican with explosive

Then there was war in Heaven, the angels were spiritual weapons

Verses alien god legends all brethrens, Michael with his rifle

Anu and his disciples, wars before the Bible

Destroying stone work in a huge domed church

Catacombs out in Rome digital network – web search

Can you perceive god consorting Eve?

While Adam slept after eating from the tree of knowledge

About his colleagues and the walls in his palace

Adam never had a naval, Adam was never born

Adam the angel fell from storm, made after they form he was warned

Anu verses Set, the cube is the net if YouTube is the set

He chopped his body into thousand pieces

But the gods kept on increasin’ until they overpowered the region

Gods over E.din.

Iraqis making clay pots in Najaf on November 11, 2018. Pottery has deep roots in Iraq, where ancient civilizations turned to clay to build their homes, shape their cooking utensils, and even make their ovens. (AFP)

They were surprisingly handy during the era of Saddam Hussein, when many families struggled financially, as well as in the 1990s, when international sanctions hit Iraq

Source: https://www.arabnews.com/node/1414716/offbeat

Tawûsî Melek (Kurdish: تاوسی مەلەک, romanized: Tawûsî Melek, lit. 'Peacock Angel') is one of the central figures of the Yazidi religion. In Yazidi creation stories, before the creation of this world, God created seven Divine Beings, of whom Tawûsî Melek was appointed as the leader. God assigned all of the world's affairs to these seven Divine Beings, also often referred to as the Seven Angels or heft sirr "the Seven Mysteries"

Read More Melek Taus The Peacock Angel Yazidis Tradition click

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tawûsî_Melek

St Michael Archangel from the dominion tv series http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3079768/

The Tuatha Dé Danann (Irish: [ˈt̪ˠuə(hə) dʲeː ˈd̪ˠan̪ˠən̪ˠ], meaning "the folk of the goddess Danu"), also known by the earlier name Tuath Dé ("tribe of the gods"), are a supernatural race in Irish mythology. Many of them are thought to represent deities of pre-Christian Gaelic Ireland.


Blind Guardian - Nephilim


Be aware

There's someone else inside

Nocturnal eyes are on the prey

You should realize

It's not on you

To turn this page

Just do as I say

Something is wrong here

But I don't know what it is

Still sense there's evil on its way

It's the twist of fate again


So walk with me

When the fire comes down

Fallen angel – son of man

Find a way

A glimmer of hope

Sail away

On the river of dreams

Save the age of innocence

Find a way

Redeem our souls

Still the clouds will burst

When fire breaks open the sky

If you all laid cold

Dead in barren lands

Would you understand

This life's been more than anything

Life's a dream

A dream

A dream

But who's the dreamer

One day you'll understand

A lie

Yet, no one knows

This road

One day you'll surely understand

This road's a lie

Yet no-one knows

Release the beast

We're all condemned

This road

This road reveals the great unknown

To speak the truth

We're all condemned

This road

It is your blood on my hands

It all goes down and

There's nothing I can really do

The great divide

No bridge there's no path

I've been there over yonder

There's no ending of the road


So walk with me

When the fire comes down

Fallen angel – son of man

Find a way

A glimmer of hope

Sail away

On the river of dreams

Save the age of innocence

Find a way

Redeem our souls

When the clouds will burst

A new age begins


When the clouds will burst

Shall healing rain come

This road misleads us

You should know

This road

For aeons we have been condemned

This road

Oh, there's blood on my hand

Brother, dear

So walk with me

When hell fire breaks loose

Saving grace, old nephilim

Redeem our souls

Redeemer of souls

Come walk with us

When hellfire breaks loose

Saving grace, old nephilim

Come walk with me

When hellfire breaks loose

Saving grace

Redeem our souls

Redeemer of souls.

Oceano - Nephilim

Nephilim. Descendant of the stars, a spawn of hybrid conception. I am alive!

Fallen Angel

Paradise Lost The Rebel Angels By Dore is a painting by Gustave Dore which was uploaded on February 13th, 2019.

Philip De Vere presents Bowyer Bible print 27.3446 Jesus rejects Satan Matthew 4:10 French School on Flickr. A print from the Bowyer Bible, a grangerised copy of Macklin's Bible in Bolton Museum.